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Searched +full:style +full:. +full:local +full:. +full:ini (Results 1 – 25 of 157) sorted by last modified time


H A Dsvg.php5 if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../');
6 require_once(DOKU_INC . 'inc/init.php');
70 * Add new style definition
73 addStyle($style) global() argument
H A Dstyle.ini1 ; Please see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php
2 ; for limitations of the ini format used here
5 ; a local conf/tpl/<template-folder-name>/style.ini fil
H A Dtemplate.php6 * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
7 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
27 * default template if the custom version doesn't exist.
32 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
38 if (@is_readable(DOKU_INC . 'lib/tpl/' . $conf['template'] . '/' .
H A DStyleUtils.php8 * Reads and applies the template's style.ini settings
18 /** @var array default replacements to be merged with custom style configs */
32 * StyleUtils constructor.
35 * @param bool $reinit whether static style conf should be reinitialized
49 * Load style ini contents
51 * Loads and merges style.in
H A Dcommon.php6 * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
7 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
26 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
40 * This works just like explode(), but will always return the wanted number of elements.
42 * filled up with the $default value. If the input string contains more elements, the last
60 * This is similar to empty() but will return false for "0".
63 * with a NULL value without warning.
87 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.or
H A Dinit.php30 $preload = fullpath(__DIR__) . '/preload.php';
34 if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC', fullpath(__DIR__ . '/../') . '/');
37 if (!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN', DOKU_INC . 'lib/plugins/');
40 if (!defined('DOKU_CONF')) define('DOKU_CONF', DOKU_INC . 'conf/');
43 if (!defined('DOKU_E_LEVEL') && file_exists(DOKU_CONF . 'report_e_all')) {
67 // always include 'inc/config_cascade.ph
226 $local = $conf['lang']; global() variable
H A Dconfig_cascade.php7 * DokuWiki directory hierarchy. It can be overriden in inc/preload.php
13 'default' => [DOKU_CONF . 'dokuwiki.php'],
14 'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'local.php'],
15 'protected' => [DOKU_CONF . 'local
H A Dmedia.php6 * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
7 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
31 * their CSS tags except pagenames won't be links.
33 * @author Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
41 echo '<h1>' . $lang['reference'] . ' <code>' . hs
H A Dstyle.ini1 ; Please see http://php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php
2 ; for limitations of the ini format used here
5 ; a local conf/tpl/<template-folder-name>/style.ini file to prevent losing
6 ; any changes after an upgrade.
H A Dextension.php6 * @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
7 * @author Michael Hamann <michael@content-space.de>
40 * helper_plugin_extension_extension constructor.
44 $this->tpllib = dirname(tpl_incdir()) . '/';
68 * Set the name of the extension this instance shall represents, triggers loading the local and remote data
71 * @return bool If some (local or remote) data was found
123 return file_exists($this->getInstallDir() . '/.gi
H A Dsyntax.txt3 [[doku>DokuWiki]] supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains all possible syntax you may use when editing the pages. Simply have a look at the source of this page by pressing "Edit this page". If you want to try something, just use the [[playground:playground|playground]] page. The simpler markup is easily accessible via [[doku>toolbar|quickbuttons]], too.
7 DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic//, __underlined__ and ''monospaced'' texts. Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** all these.
9 DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic//, __underlined__ and ''monospaced'' texts.
10 Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** all these.
12 You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too.
H A Dadmin.php9 * @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
10 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
41 $run = 'run' . ucfirst($run);
46 * Render HTML output, e.g. helpful text and a form
53 echo '<div id="plugin__styling" class="' . $class . '">';
54 echo '<h1>' .
H A Dautoit.php3 * autoit.php
7 * Release Version:
10 * AutoIt: v3.3.14.2
13 * AutoIt language file for GeSHi.
17 * Release (2014/01/03) by guinness
18 * - Added: Split directives so as to point to their specific URL.
19 * - Fixed: #EndRegion not highlighting correctly.
20 * - Fixed: AutoItWrapper directives and settings were incorrectly highlighting.
21 * - Fixed: Highlighting of hex values and complex math values.
H A Dcss.php6 * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
7 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
15 if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC', __DIR__ . '/../../');
19 require_once(DOKU_INC . 'in
H A Dstyle.ini1 ; Please see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php
2 ; for limitations of the ini format used here
5 ; a local conf/tpl/<template-folder-name>/style.ini fil
H A Dprism.js1 /* PrismJS 1.29.0
2 https://prismjs.com/download.html#themes=prism&languages=markup+css+clike+javascript+abap+abnf+actionscript+ada+antlr4+apacheconf+apl+applescript+aql+arduino+arff+asciidoc+aspnet+asm6502+autohotkey+autoit+bash+basic+batch+bbcode+bison+bnf+brainfuck+brightscript+bro+c+csharp+cpp+cil+clojure+cmake+coffeescript+csp+crystal+css-extras+d+dart+diff+django+dns-zone-file+docker+ebnf+eiffel+ejs+elixir+elm+etlua+erb+erlang+fsharp+fortran+gml+gedcom+go+graphql+groovy+haml+handlebars+haskell+haxe+hcl+http+hpkp+hsts+ichigojam+icon+inform7+ini+io+j+java+javadoc+javadoclike+javastacktrace+jolie+jq+jsdoc+js-extras+json+json5+jsonp+js-templates+julia+keyman+kotlin+latex+latte+less+lilypond+liquid+lisp+livescript+lolcode+lua+makefile+markdown+markup-templating+matlab+mel+mizar+monkey+moonscript+n1ql+n4js+nand2tetris-hdl+nasm+neon+nginx+nim+nix+objectivec+pascal+perl+php+phpdoc+php-extras+plsql+powershell+processing+prolog+properties+protobuf+pug+puppet+pure+python+q+qml+qore+r+jsx+tsx+reason+regex+renpy+rest+rip+roboconf+robotframework+ruby+rust+sas+sass+scss+scala+scheme+shell-session+smalltalk+smarty+solidity+soy+sparql+splunk-spl+sqf+sql+stylus+swift+t4-templating+t4-cs+t4-vb+tap+tcl+tt2+textile+toml+turtle+twig+typescript+vala+vbnet+velocity+verilog+vhdl+vim+visual-basic+wasm+wiki+xeora+xojo+xquery+yaml+zig&plugins=show-language+remove-initial-line-feed+previewers+toolbar+copy-to-clipboard+download-button */
3 var _self="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof WorkerGlobalScope&&self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope?self:{},Prism=function(e){var n=/(?:^|\s)lang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)(?=\s|$)/i,t=0,r={},a={manual:e.Prism&&e.Prism.manual,disableWorkerMessageHandler:e.Prism&&e.Prism.disableWorkerMessageHandle
78 Prism.languages.ini={comment:{pattern:/(^[ \f\t\v]*)[#;][^\n\r]*/m,lookbehind:!0},section:{pattern:/(^[ \f\t\v]*)\[[^\n\r\]]*\]?/m,lookbehind:!0,inside:{"section-n global() class in Prism.languages
H A Dstyle.ini1 ; Please see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php
2 ; for limitations of the ini format used here
5 ; a local conf/tpl/<template-folder-name>/style.ini fil
H A Dencoder.json1 {"!": 0, "\"": 1, "#": 2, "$": 3, "%": 4, "&": 5, "'": 6, "(": 7, ")": 8, "*": 9, "+": 10, ",": 11, "-": 12, ".": 13, "/": 14, "0": 15, "1": 16, "2": 17, "3": 18, "4": 19, "5": 20, "6": 21, "7": 22, "8": 23, "9": 24, ":": 25, ";": 26, "<": 27, "=": 28, ">": 29, "?": 30, "@": 31, "A": 32, "B": 33, "C": 34, "D": 35, "E": 36, "F": 37, "G": 38, "H": 39, "I": 40, "J": 41, "K": 42, "L": 43, "M": 44, "N": 45, "O": 46, "P": 47, "Q": 48, "R": 49, "S": 50, "T": 51, "U": 52, "V": 53, "W": 54, "X": 55, "Y": 56, "Z": 57, "[": 58, "\\": 59, "]": 60, "^": 61, "_": 62, "`": 63, "a": 64, "b": 65, "c": 66, "d": 67, "e": 68, "f": 69, "g": 70, "h": 71, "i": 72, "j": 73, "k": 74, "l": 75, "m": 76, "n": 77, "o": 78, "p": 79, "q": 80, "r": 81, "s": 82, "t": 83, "u": 84, "v": 85, "w": 86, "x": 87, "y": 88, "z": 89, "{": 90, "|": 91, "}": 92, "~": 93, "\u00a1": 94, "\u00a2": 95, "\u00a3": 96, "\u00a4": 97, "\u00a5": 98, "\u00a6": 99, "\u00a7": 100, "\u00a8": 101, "\u00a9": 102, "\u00aa": 103, "\u00ab": 104, "\u00ac": 105, "\u00ae": 106, "\u00af": 107, "\u00b0": 108, "\u00b1": 109, "\u00b2": 110, "\u00b3": 111, "\u00b4": 112, "\u00b5": 113, "\u00b6": 114, "\u00b7": 115, "\u00b8": 116, "\u00b9": 117, "\u00ba": 118, "\u00bb": 119, "\u00bc": 120, "\u00bd": 121, "\u00be": 122, "\u00bf": 123, "\u00c0": 124, "\u00c1": 125, "\u00c2": 126, "\u00c3": 127, "\u00c4": 128, "\u00c5": 129, "\u00c6": 130, "\u00c7": 131, "\u00c8": 132, "\u00c9": 133, "\u00ca": 134, "\u00cb": 135, "\u00cc": 136, "\u00cd": 137, "\u00ce": 138, "\u00cf": 139, "\u00d0": 140, "\u00d1": 141, "\u00d2": 142, "\u00d3": 143, "\u00d4": 144, "\u00d5": 145, "\u00d6": 146, "\u00d7": 147, "\u00d8": 148, "\u00d9": 149, "\u00da": 150, "\u00db": 151, "\u00dc": 152, "\u00dd": 153, "\u00de": 154, "\u00df": 155, "\u00e0": 156, "\u00e1": 157, "\u00e2": 158, "\u00e3": 159, "\u00e4": 160, "\u00e5": 161, "\u00e6": 162, "\u00e7": 163, "\u00e8": 164, "\u00e9": 165, "\u00ea": 166, "\u00eb": 167, "\u00ec": 168, "\u00ed": 169, "\u00ee": 170, "\u00ef": 171, "\u00f0": 172, "\u00f1": 173, "\u00f2": 174, "\u00f3": 175, "\u00f4": 176, "\u00f5": 177, "\u00f6": 178, "\u00f7": 179, "\u00f8": 180, "\u00f9": 181, "\u00fa": 182, "\u00fb": 183, "\u00fc": 184, "\u00fd": 185, "\u00fe": 186, "\u00ff": 187, "\u0100": 188, "\u0101": 189, "\u0102": 190, "\u0103": 191, "\u0104": 192, "\u0105": 193, "\u0106": 194, "\u0107": 195, "\u0108": 196, "\u0109": 197, "\u010a": 198, "\u010b": 199, "\u010c": 200, "\u010d": 201, "\u010e": 202, "\u010f": 203, "\u0110": 204, "\u0111": 205, "\u0112": 206, "\u0113": 207, "\u0114": 208, "\u0115": 209, "\u0116": 210, "\u0117": 211, "\u0118": 212, "\u0119": 213, "\u011a": 214, "\u011b": 215, "\u011c": 216, "\u011d": 217, "\u011e": 218, "\u011f": 219, "\u0120": 220, "\u0121": 221, "\u0122": 222, "\u0123": 223, "\u0124": 224, "\u0125": 225, "\u0126": 226, "\u0127": 227, "\u0128": 228, "\u0129": 229, "\u012a": 230, "\u012b": 231, "\u012c": 232, "\u012d": 233, "\u012e": 234, "\u012f": 235, "\u0130": 236, "\u0131": 237, "\u0132": 238, "\u0133": 239, "\u0134": 240, "\u0135": 241, "\u0136": 242, "\u0137": 243, "\u0138": 244, "\u0139": 245, "\u013a": 246, "\u013b": 247, "\u013c": 248, "\u013d": 249, "\u013e": 250, "\u013f": 251, "\u0140": 252, "\u0141": 253, "\u0142": 254, "\u0143": 255, "\u0120t": 256, "\u0120a": 257, "he": 258, "in": 259, "re": 260, "on": 261, "\u0120the": 262, "er": 263, "\u0120s": 264, "at": 265, "\u0120w": 266, "\u0120o": 267, "en": 268, "\u0120c": 269, "it": 270, "is": 271, "an": 272, "or": 273, "es": 274, "\u0120b": 275, "ed": 276, "\u0120f": 277, "ing": 278, "\u0120p": 279, "ou": 280, "\u0120an": 281, "al": 282, "ar": 283, "\u0120to": 284, "\u0120m": 285, "\u0120of": 286, "\u0120in": 287, "\u0120d": 288, "\u0120h": 289, "\u0120and": 290, "ic": 291, "as": 292, "le": 293, "\u0120th": 294, "ion": 295, "om": 296, "ll": 297, "ent": 298, "\u0120n": 299, "\u0120l": 300, "st": 301, "\u0120re": 302, "ve": 303, "\u0120e": 304, "ro": 305, "ly": 306, "\u0120be": 307, "\u0120g": 308, "\u0120T": 309, "ct": 310, "\u0120S": 311, "id": 312, "ot": 313, "\u0120I": 314, "ut": 315, "et": 316, "\u0120A": 317, "\u0120is": 318, "\u0120on": 319, "im": 320, "am": 321, "ow": 322, "ay": 323, "ad": 324, "se": 325, "\u0120that": 326, "\u0120C": 327, "ig": 328, "\u0120for": 329, "ac": 330, "\u0120y": 331, "ver": 332, "ur": 333, "\u0120u": 334, "ld": 335, "\u0120st": 336, "\u0120M": 337, "'s": 338, "\u0120he": 339, "\u0120it": 340, "ation": 341, "ith": 342, "ir": 343, "ce": 344, "\u0120you": 345, "il": 346, "\u0120B": 347, "\u0120wh": 348, "ol": 349, "\u0120P": 350, "\u0120with": 351, "\u01201": 352, "ter": 353, "ch": 354, "\u0120as": 355, "\u0120we": 356, "\u0120(": 357, "nd": 358, "ill": 359, "\u0120D": 360, "if": 361, "\u01202": 362, "ag": 363, "ers": 364, "ke": 365, "\u0120\"": 366, "\u0120H": 367, "em": 368, "\u0120con": 369, "\u0120W": 370, "\u0120R": 371, "her": 372, "\u0120was": 373, "\u0120r": 374, "od": 375, "\u0120F": 376, "ul": 377, "ate": 378, "\u0120at": 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"ike": 522, "\u0120so": 523, "ime": 524, "per": 525, ".\"": 526, "ber": 527, "iz": 528, "act": 529, "\u0120one": 530, "\u0120said": 531, "\u0120-": 532, "are": 533, "\u0120your": 534, "cc": 535, "\u0120Th": 536, "\u0120cl": 537, "ep": 538, "ake": 539, "able": 540, "ip": 541, "\u0120cont": 542, "\u0120which": 543, "ia": 544, "\u0120im": 545, "\u0120about": 546, "\u0120were": 547, "very": 548, "ub": 549, "\u0120had": 550, "\u0120en": 551, "\u0120comp": 552, ",\"": 553, "\u0120In": 554, "\u0120un": 555, "\u0120ag": 556, "ire": 557, "ace": 558, "au": 559, "ary": 560, "\u0120would": 561, "ass": 562, "ry": 563, "\u0120\u00e2\u0122": 564, "cl": 565, "ook": 566, "ere": 567, "so": 568, "\u0120V": 569, "ign": 570, "ib": 571, "\u0120off": 572, "\u0120te": 573, "ven": 574, "\u0120Y": 575, "ile": 576, "ose": 577, "ite": 578, "orm": 579, "\u0120201": 580, "\u0120res": 581, "\u0120man": 582, "\u0120per": 583, "\u0120other": 584, "ord": 585, "ult": 586, "\u0120been": 587, "\u0120like": 588, "ase": 589, "ance": 590, "ks": 591, "ays": 592, "own": 593, "ence": 594, "\u0120dis": 595, "ction": 596, "\u0120any": 597, "\u0120app": 598, "\u0120sp": 599, "int": 600, "ress": 601, "ations": 602, "ail": 603, "\u01204": 604, "ical": 605, "\u0120them": 606, "\u0120her": 607, "ount": 608, "\u0120Ch": 609, "\u0120ar": 610, "\u0120if": 611, "\u0120there": 612, "\u0120pe": 613, "\u0120year": 614, "av": 615, "\u0120my": 616, "\u0120some": 617, "\u0120when": 618, "ough": 619, "ach": 620, "\u0120than": 621, "ru": 622, "ond": 623, "ick": 624, "\u0120over": 625, "vel": 626, "\u0120qu": 627, "\u010a\u010a": 628, "\u0120sc": 629, "reat": 630, "ree": 631, "\u0120It": 632, "ound": 633, "port": 634, "\u0120also": 635, "\u0120part": 636, "fter": 637, "\u0120kn": 638, "\u0120bec": 639, "\u0120time": 640, "ens": 641, "\u01205": 642, "ople": 643, "\u0120what": 644, "\u0120no": 645, "du": 646, "mer": 647, "ang": 648, "\u0120new": 649, "----": 650, "\u0120get": 651, "ory": 652, "ition": 653, "ings": 654, 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H A Dstyle.ini1 ; Please see http://php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php
2 ; for limitations of the ini format used here
5 ; a local conf/tpl/<template-folder-name>/style.ini file to prevent losing
6 ; any changes after an upgrade.
H A Dstyle.ini1 ; Please see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php
2 ; for limitations of the ini format used here
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2 ; for limitations of the ini format used here
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25 * * conf/dokuwiki.php
26 * * conf/local.php
27 * * conf/local.protected.php
28 * * conf/tpl/strap/style.in
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2 ; for limitations of the ini format used here
5 ; a local conf/tpl/<template-folder-name>/style.ini file to prevent losing
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23 ../dokuwiki/css/_fileuploader.css = screen
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2 ; for limitations of the ini format used here
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11 ; defines for which output media the style should be loaded. Currently
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25 ../dokuwiki/css/_links.css = screen
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2 ; for limitations of the ini format used here
5 ; a local conf/tpl/<template-folder-name>/style.ini file to prevent losing
11 ; defines for which output media the style should be loaded. Currently
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