/plugin/wrap/ |
H A D | example.txt | 23 A lowercase **%%<wrap>%%** (or alternatively **%%<inline>%%** or **%%<span>%%**) creates a **''span''** and should be used for **"small"** containers, **inside** paragraphs, lists, tables, etc. 26 <wrap classes #id width :language>"small" content</wrap> 39 if the according wrap isn't floated as well. 41 A shorthand of uppercase **%%<WRAP />%%** and lowercase **%%<wrap />%%** are available if the container is empty or unnecessary. 53 <wrap classes #id /> 88 * **''left''** will let you float your wrap on the left 89 * **''right''** will let the wrap float right 90 * **''center''** will position the wrap in the horizontal center of the page 101 ^''em''|''20em''|makes sense if you like your wrap containe [all...] |
/plugin/wpre/ |
H A D | style.css | 3 white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ 4 white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ 5 white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */ 6 white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */ 7 word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */
/plugin/jquery-syntax/jquery-syntax/base/ |
H A D | jquery.syntax.layout.list.css | 11 white-space: pre-wrap; 13 white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; 15 white-space: -o-pre-wrap; 17 word-wrap: break-word; 37 white-space: pre-wrap; 39 white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; 41 white-space: -o-pre-wrap; 43 word-wrap: break-word;
H A D | jquery.syntax.layout.table.css | 14 white-space: pre-wrap; 16 white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; 18 white-space: -o-pre-wrap; 20 word-wrap: break-word;
/plugin/newpagetemplate/ |
H A D | cli.php | 14 $config = $this->colors->wrap('config', 'cyan'); 15 $pg = $this->colors->wrap('page', 'cyan'); 16 $ini = $this->colors->wrap('ini', 'cyan'); 17 $browser = $this->colors->wrap('browser', 'cyan'); 18 $cmdLine = $this->colors->wrap('cmdLine', 'cyan'); 19 $browser = $this->colors->wrap('browser', 'cyan'); 20 $nosave = $this->colors->wrap('true', 'cyan'); 21 $false = $this->colors->wrap('false', 'cyan'); 22 $existing = $this->colors->wrap('existing', 'cyan');
/plugin/wrap/syntax/ |
H A D | span.php | 70 $wrap = $this->loadHelper('wrap'); 71 $attr = $wrap->buildAttributes($data); 86 $wrap = plugin_load('helper', 'wrap'); 87 array_push ($type_stack, $wrap->renderODTElementOpen($renderer, 'span', $data)); 92 $wrap = plugin_load('helper', 'wrap'); 93 $wrap->renderODTElementClose ($renderer, $element);
H A D | div.php | 94 // add a section edit right at the beginning of the wrap output 97 // add a section edit for the end of the wrap output. This prevents the renderer 98 // from closing the last section edit so the next section button after the wrap syntax will 99 // include the whole wrap syntax 103 $wrap = $this->loadHelper('wrap'); 104 $attr = $wrap->buildAttributes($data, 'plugin_wrap'); 120 $wrap = plugin_load('helper', 'wrap'); 121 array_push ($type_stack, $wrap [all...] |
/plugin/syntaxhighlightjs/static/css/ |
H A D | hljs.min.css | 1 …wrap{background:0 0;padding:0}.dokuwiki .hljs-wrap code{padding:12px 18px}.dokuwiki .hljs-wrap .ce…
/plugin/jplayer/vendor/kriswallsmith/assetic/src/Assetic/Filter/ |
H A D | UglifyJs2Filter.php | 33 private $wrap; variable in Assetic\\Filter\\UglifyJs2Filter 67 public function setWrap($wrap) argument 69 $this->wrap = $wrap; 113 if ($this->wrap) { 114 $pb->add('--wrap')->add($this->wrap);
/plugin/wrapadd/ |
H A D | README.md | 3 Requires: [WRAP-Plugin](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:wrap) 10 Origin: https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:wrap:extensions 26 Adds a simple border to any wrap container. 38 Origin: https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:wrap:extensions
/plugin/s5reloaded/ui/thesis/ |
H A D | wrap.css | 208 white-space: pre-wrap; 209 word-wrap: break-word;/* for IE < 8 */ 210 /* white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; for FF < 3 */ 290 div.wrap_info { background-image: url(../../../wrap/images/note/48/info.png); } 291 span.wrap_info { background-image: url(../../../wrap/images/note/16/info.png); } 305 div.wrap_tip { background-image: url(../../../wrap/images/note/48/tip.png); } 306 span.wrap_tip { background-image: url(../../../wrap/images/note/16/tip.png); } 310 div.wrap_help { background-image: url(../../../wrap/images/note/48/help.png); } 311 span.wrap_help { background-image: url(../../../wrap/images/note/16/help.png); } 315 div.wrap_todo { background-image: url(../../../wrap/images/note/48/todo.png); } [all …]
/plugin/mediatooltip/ |
H A D | style.css | 15 overflow-wrap: break-word; 20 word-wrap: break-word; 21 overflow-wrap: break-word;
/plugin/menu/ |
H A D | style.css | 4 flex-wrap:wrap; 65 flex-wrap:wrap;
/plugin/blogtng/ |
H A D | script.js | 47 preview_attach: function(obj, wrap, previewid) { argument 49 if(!wrap) return; 52 blogtng.preview(wrap,previewid); 64 preview: function(wrap,previewid) { argument 69 if(!wrap) return false; 73 wrap.appendChild(preview);
/plugin/upgrade/vendor/splitbrain/php-cli/src/ |
H A D | Options.php | 377 $text .= $this->colors->wrap('USAGE:', Colors::C_BROWN); 383 $text .= $this->colors->wrap(' ' . $command, Colors::C_PURPLE); 388 $text .= ' ' . $this->colors->wrap('<OPTIONS>', Colors::C_GREEN); 392 $text .= ' ' . $this->colors->wrap('<COMMAND> ...', Colors::C_PURPLE); 396 $out = $this->colors->wrap('<' . $arg['name'] . '>', Colors::C_CYAN); 418 $text .= $this->colors->wrap('OPTIONS:', Colors::C_BROWN); 449 $text .= $this->colors->wrap('ARGUMENTS:', Colors::C_BROWN); 466 $text .= $this->colors->wrap('COMMANDS:', Colors::C_BROWN);
/plugin/pureldap/vendor/freedsx/ldap/src/FreeDSx/Ldap/Protocol/Queue/MessageWrapper/ |
H A D | SaslMessageWrapper.php | 24 * Used to wrap / unwrap SASL messages in the queue. 49 public function wrap(string $message): string 51 $data = $this->securityLayer->wrap($message, $this->context); 53 return SaslBuffer::wrap($data); 48 public function wrap(string $message): string global() function in FreeDSx\\Ldap\\Protocol\\Queue\\MessageWrapper\\SaslMessageWrapper
/plugin/markdownextra/lib/meltdown/js/ |
H A D | jquery.meltdown.js | 313 function addToolTip(wrap) { argument 316 preview = wrap.find('.meltdown_control-preview'); 370 var defaults, opts, thees, wrap, previewWrap, preview, bar, controls; 376 thees.wrap('<div class="' + name + '_wrap" />'); 378 wrap = thees.parent(); 379 …previewWrap = wrap.children(':eq(0)').children(':eq(0)'); /* wrapper for the preview area, but not… 381 bar = wrap.children(':eq(1)'); 387 wrap.width(thees.outerWidth()); 396 addToolTip(wrap);
/plugin/autoindex/ |
H A D | style.less | 3 flex-wrap: wrap;
/plugin/pdftools/ |
H A D | README.md | 11 * Additional wrap-containers and some additional syntax for formatting 48 ## Additional wrap containers 50 If you have the wrap-plugin installed, you can use these addition classes: 73 <wrap bigtext>Text scaled to 115%</wrap> 75 <wrap smalltext>Text scaled to 90%</wrap>
/plugin/glossary/lang/en/ |
H A D | pageTemplate.txt | 1 <wrap tip right>New proposition? \\ Share yours **@@PROPOSITIONPAGE@@** !</wrap>
/plugin/ckgdoku/ckeditor/plugins/wrap/dialogs/ |
H A D | wrap.js | 3 var installed_lang =editor.lang.wrap; 46 label: editor.lang.wrap.boxes_title||'Box types:', 56 label: editor.lang.wrap.specials_title || 'Special types and Styles', 65 label: editor.lang.wrap.content || 'Content (optional):',
/plugin/glossary/lang/fr/ |
H A D | pageTemplate.txt | 1 <wrap tip right>Une idée d'expression ? \\ Partagez-la par un **@@PROPOSITIONPAGE@@** !</wrap>
/plugin/wysiwyg/fckeditor/_samples/ |
H A D | sample.css | 47 white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ 48 white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ 49 word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */
/plugin/vimeo/ |
H A D | style.less | 4 flex-wrap: wrap;
/plugin/oauth/ |
H A D | style.less | 3 flex-wrap: wrap;