Lines Matching refs:wrap

23 A lowercase **%%<wrap>%%** (or alternatively **%%<inline>%%** or **%%<span>%%**) creates a **''span''** and should be used for **"small"** containers, **inside** paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.
26 <wrap classes #id width :language>"small" content</wrap>
39 if the according wrap isn't floated as well.
41 A shorthand of uppercase **%%<WRAP />%%** and lowercase **%%<wrap />%%** are available if the container is empty or unnecessary.
53 <wrap classes #id />
88 * **''left''** will let you float your wrap on the left
89 * **''right''** will let the wrap float right
90 * **''center''** will position the wrap in the horizontal center of the page
101 ^''em''|''20em''|makes sense if you like your wrap container to grow and shrink with the font size|
107 With certain width keywords you can fit your columns automatically to fill the available horizontal space. Those columns will also react to the screen size, so will be responsive and wrap underneath each other on mobile devices.
124 :!: Attention: What is the difference between widths and width keywords and when is it best to use which? **Widths** can cause problems and will never fully add up, therefore will break the layout under some circumstances. (See [[|box model]] for a technical explanation.) So, getting widths right will need some fiddling around and testing in various browsers. **Width keywords** on the other hand fit automatically and work better on mobile devices. But the drawback is that they need an extra wrap around them and don't work properly in older browsers (IE8 and under).
130 When the ''emulatedHeadlines'' config option is enabled, every ''%%//**__text like this__**//%%'' or ''%%//**like that**//%%'' will create an "emulated headline" within a wrap. This feature is deprecated and will be removed at some point as standard headlines within wraps are supported for a while now.
270 <wrap info>info</wrap>, <wrap help>help</wrap>, <wrap alert>alert</wrap>, <wrap important>important</wrap>, <wrap tip>tip</wrap>, <wrap download>download</wrap>, <wrap todo>todo</wrap> and <wrap round box>round box</wrap> and <wrap danger>danger</wrap>, <wrap warning>warning</wrap>, <wrap caution>caution</wrap>, <wrap notice>notice</wrap>, <wrap safety>safety</wrap>.
271 <wrap info>info</wrap>, <wrap help>help</wrap>, ...
275 You can mark text as <wrap hi>highlighted</wrap>, <wrap lo>less significant</wrap> and <wrap em>especially emphasised</wrap>.
277 You can mark text as <wrap hi>highlighted</wrap>, <wrap lo>less significant</wrap> and <wrap em>especially emphasised</wrap>.
297 :!: Please note, the styling of these tabs depend on the template you are using and not on the wrap plugin. If you only see a list of links and no tabs, please make sure to add "tabs" to the ''noPrefix'' config option and that your template supports at least the 2012-01-25 "Angua" DokuWiki release.
309 You can set the width of a table via ''tablewidth'' as every table inside that wrap will always be 100% wide. This makes it possible to give tables any width by adding an additional width to the wrap (or none for 100%).
323 <wrap indent>This text will appear indented.</wrap>
325 <wrap indent>This text will appear indented.</wrap>
329 <wrap outdent>This text will appear "outdented".</wrap>
331 <wrap outdent>This text will appear "outdented".</wrap>
337 Inside this code block the words will wrap to a new line although they are all in one line.
343 Inside this code block the words will wrap to a new line although they are all in one line.
349 Here follows a spoiler: <wrap spoiler>Darth Vader is Luke's father.</wrap>
351 Here follows a spoiler: <wrap spoiler>Darth Vader is Luke's father.</wrap>
357 A link that looks like a button: <wrap button>[[wiki:Syntax]]</wrap>
359 A link that looks like a button: <wrap button>[[wiki:Syntax]]</wrap>
363 The following text is hidden: <wrap hide>John, please revise that sentence.</wrap>
365 The following text is hidden: <wrap hide>John, please revise that sentence.</wrap>
387 <wrap noprint>This text appears on the screen, but not in print.</wrap>
389 <wrap noprint>This text appears on the screen, but not in print.</wrap>
393 <wrap onlyprint>This text does not appear on the screen, but only in print.</wrap>
395 <wrap onlyprint>This text does not appear on the screen, but only in print.</wrap>
406 Inner nested box floats left and is partly <wrap em hi>__em__phasized and __hi__ghlighted with a nested <wrap notice>__notice__</wrap> inside</wrap>.
425 Inner nested box floats left and is partly <wrap em hi>__em__phasized and __hi__ghlighted with a nested <wrap notice>__notice__</wrap> inside</wrap>.
442 You can change the language and the reading direction of a wrap container by simply adding a colon followed by the language code, like this:
446 זה עברית. ((<wrap :en>This means "This is Hebrew.", at least according to [[|Google Translate]].</wrap>))
451 זה עברית. ((<wrap :en>This means "This is Hebrew.", at least according to [[|Google Translate]].</wrap>))