/plugin/maintenance/ |
H A D | admin.php | 84 msg($msg, -1); 90 msg($msg, -1); 98 msg($msg, -1); 102 msg($msg, 1); 106 msg($msg, -1); 116 msg($msg, -1); 120 msg($msg, 1); 124 msg($msg, -1); 133 msg($msg, -1); 144 msg($msg, 1); [all …]
/plugin/fedauth/classes/ |
H A D | fa_base.class.php | 97 * @param string $msg localized string id 102 function error($msg, $params=null) { argument 109 * @param string $msg localized string id 114 function success($msg, $params=null) { argument 126 function warn($msg, $params=null) { argument 138 function info($msg, $params=null) { argument 152 function _status($msg, $code, $params) { argument 153 $msg = $this->manager->getLang($msg); 156 $msg = str_replace($key, $val, $msg); 165 function msg($data) { function in fa_base [all …]
/plugin/freechat/phpfreechat/src/commands/ |
H A D | debug.class.php | 14 $msg = ""; 15 $msg .= var_export($u, true); 16 $msg = str_replace("\n","",addslashes(nl2br($msg))); 17 $xml_reponse->script("pfc.handleResponse('".$this->name."', 'ok', '".$msg."');"); 22 $msg = ""; 23 $msg .= var_export($c, true); 24 $msg = str_replace("\n","",addslashes(nl2br($msg))); 25 $xml_reponse->script("pfc.handleResponse('".$this->name."', 'ok', '".$msg."');"); 29 $msg = ""; 30 $msg .= var_export($_SERVER, true); [all …]
H A D | banlist.class.php | 23 $msg = ""; 24 $msg .= "<p>"._pfc("The banished user list is:")."</p>"; 27 $msg .= "<ul>"; 31 $msg .= "<li style=\"margin-left:50px\">".$n."</li>"; 33 $msg .= "</ul>"; 37 $msg .= "<p>("._pfc("Empty").")</p>"; 39 $msg .= "<p>"._pfc("'/unban {nickname}' will unban the user identified by {nickname}")."</p>"; 40 $msg .= "<p>"._pfc("'/unban all' will unban all the users on this channel")."</p>"; 42 $xml_reponse->script("pfc.handleResponse('".$this->name."', 'ok', '".addslashes($msg)."');");
/plugin/stylingpages/ |
H A D | action.php | 62 msg('Invalid pattern <code>' . hsc($pattern) . '</code>', -1); 115 $msg = $this->getLang('deleting_file'); 116 $msg = str_replace('$1', $file, $msg); 117 msg($msg); 131 $msg = $this->getLang('replacing_file'); 132 $msg = str_replace('$1', $file, $msg); 133 msg($msg); 135 $msg = $this->getLang('creating_file'); 136 $msg = str_replace('$1', $file, $msg); 137 msg($msg);
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/WEB-INF/lib/ |
H A D | slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar | ... )
org.slf4j.event.Level level
String msg
Object[] args
Throwable throwable
private void recordEvent ( ... |
/plugin/icalevents/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/Reports/ |
H A D | Notifysend.php | 161 if ($msg === null) { 166 $this->notifyErrors($msg); 188 $msg = ''; 190 $msg .= 'Checked '.$totalFiles.' files'.PHP_EOL; 192 $msg .= $this->_lastCheckedFile.PHP_EOL; 196 $msg .= $totalWarnings.' warnings'.PHP_EOL; 200 $msg .= $totalErrors.' errors'.PHP_EOL; 203 return $msg; 227 * @param string $msg Message to display. 231 protected function notifyErrors($msg) argument [all …]
/plugin/ajaxedit/ |
H A D | helper.php | 29 * @param string $msg 36 'msg' => $msg, 135 $msg = ''; 138 $msg = 'ERROR_LOCK:tbd'; 141 $msg = ob_get_clean(); 144 $msg = 'ERROR_SECTOC:tbd'; 147 $msg = p_locale_xhtml('denied'); 151 $msg = 'ERROR_READ:tbd'; 159 $msg = 'tbd'; 162 $msg = 'Undefined Failure'; [all …]
/plugin/xcom/scripts/ |
H A D | xcom_save.php | 27 $this->msg('nopage'); 38 $err .= $this->msg('nolocal',1); 48 $err .= $this->msg('noremote',1); 51 $err .= $this->msg('chkauth',1); 56 $this->msg('success'); 67 function msg($which, $ret=false, $nl="\n") { function in xcom_save 102 $this->msg('reqmedia'); 213 else $this->msg('msave',false," $id\n"); 229 $this->msg('logoff'); 237 else $this->msg('nologoff'); [all …]
/plugin/components/lib/ |
H A D | ajax.php | 31 protected function error($code, $msg='') { argument 32 if (function_exists('http_response_code') && !$msg) { 36 if (!$msg) { 38 case 200: $msg = 'OK'; break; 39 case 400: $msg = 'Bad request'; break; 40 case 401: $msg = 'Unauthorized'; break; 41 case 403: $msg = 'Forbidden'; break; 42 case 404: $msg = 'Not Found'; break; 43 case 416: $msg = 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable'; break; 44 default: $code = 200; $msg = "OK"; break; [all …]
/plugin/simplechat/ |
H A D | ajax.php | 17 $msg = str_replace( array("\r","\n"), '\r', trim($_GET['msg']) ); variable 18 if( strlen($msg) > 0 ) { 21 if( startsWith($msg,"/" )) { 22 if( startsWith( $msg, "/me ") ) { 23 …$newmsgline = ".\t«".htmlspecialchars($_GET['user'])." ".htmlspecialchars( substr( $msg , 4)… 24 } elseif ( startsWith( $msg, "/time") ){ 26 } elseif ( startsWith( $msg, "/flip") ){ 29 } elseif ( startsWith( $msg, "/roll") ){ 30 $dicesides = intval(substr( $msg , 6 )); 42 $newmsgline = htmlspecialchars($_GET['user'])."\t".htmlspecialchars($msg)."\n";
/plugin/move/helper/ |
H A D | op.php | 35 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('notexist'), $src), -1); 39 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('norights'), $src), -1); 48 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('filelocked'), $src), -1); 54 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('notchanged'), $src), -1); 60 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('exists'), $src, $dst), -1); 66 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('notargetperms'), $dst), -1); 83 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('medianotexist'), $src), -1); 87 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('nomediarights'), $src), -1); 93 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('medianotchanged'), $src), -1); 99 msg(sprint [all...] |
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/js/diagramly/ |
H A D | P2PCollab.js | 26 var msg = JSON.stringify({from: myClientId, id: messageId, type: type, 32 socket.emit('message', msg); 37 p2pClients[p2pId].send(msg); 59 function processMsg(msg) argument 61 msg = JSON.parse(msg); 64 if (clientLastMsgId[msg.from] >= msg.id) return; 66 clientLastMsgId[msg.from] = msg.id; 67 var username = msg.username? msg.username : 'Anonymous'; 68 var userId = msg.userId; 95 var msgData = msg.data; [all …]
/plugin/autogallery/ |
H A D | action.php | 59 msg("First time initialisation 1/3: created Namespache wiki"); 65 msg("First time initialisation 2/3: created (sub-)namespache wiki:bilder"); 71 msg(str_replace("/","\\",dirname(wikiFN("wiki:bilder:dummy"))."\\index.txt")); 72 msg("First time initialisation 3/3: Created base-index for your future galleries"); 94 msg("made an own NS for gallery!", 1); 104 msg("made a Sub-NS for images of gallery!", 1); 122 …msg("made gallery file. Please Upload your images to: " . "wiki:bilder:" . $tstamp . ":" . $tstamp… 137 msg("Link to new gallery created in wiki:bilder:index",1); 146 … msg("Deleted content of this actual file...otherwise it would not be editable in future!",-1);
/plugin/oauth/ |
H A D | helper.php | 116 $msg = $e->getMessage(); 119 $trans = $this->getLang($msg); 125 $msg = $trans; 128 msg('OAuth: ' . $friendly . ' ' . hsc($msg), -1); 130 $msg = get_class($e) . ' at ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine() . '<br>'; 131 $msg .= hsc($e->getTraceAsString()); 132 msg("<pre>$msg</pre>", -1);
/plugin/drawio/ |
H A D | script.js | 110 var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data); 112 if (msg.event == 'init') 159 else if (msg.event == 'export') 162 if(msg.format == 'xmlpng') 164 imgData = msg.data ; 169 else if (msg.format == 'svg') 172 imgData = atob(msg.data.substring(msg.data.indexOf(',') + 1)); 196 content: msg.data, 217 else if (msg.event == 'autosave') 233 else if (msg.event == 'save') [all …]
/plugin/autogroup/ |
H A D | action.php | 85 $msg = $this->getLang('nosupport'); 86 msg($msg, -1); 87 dbglog($msg); 144 $msg = sprintf($this->getLang('update_ok'), $user, implode(',',$in), implode(',',$out)); 145 dbglog($msg); 164 $msg = $this->getLang('nosupport'); 165 msg($msg, -1); 166 dbglog($msg);
/plugin/authradius/ |
H A D | auth.php | 38 msg("Radius err: PHP radius extension not found.",-1,__LINE__,__FILE__); 58 msg("Radius err: ". radius_strerror($this->radius),-1,__LINE__,__FILE__); 74 msg("Radius err: ". radius_strerror($this->radius),-1,__LINE__,__FILE__); 91 … msg("RadiusError: RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_CHALLENGE:" . radius_strerror($this->radius)); 104 … msg("RadiusError: RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP2_RESPONSE:" . radius_strerror($this->radius)); 123 msg("Error getting attribute: %s\n", radius_strerror($this->radius)); 136 msg("Radius Error: " . radius_strerror($this->radius)); 140 msg("Radius: Challenge not supported by auth_radius.",-1); 144 msg('Radius Error: ('.$user.') ' . radius_strerror($this->radius),-1,__LINE__,__FILE__); 167 msg("Radius provided group(s) " . $this->classes[$user]);
/plugin/authsplit/ |
H A D | auth.php | 29 msg($message, $err, $line, $file); 46 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('nocfg'), $settingName), -1); 53 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('pluginload'), $pluginName), -1); 65 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('nocfg'), 'autocreate_users'), -1); 73 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('nocfg'), 'username_caseconversion'), -1); 81 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('nocfg'), 'debug'), -1); 110 $msg = 'authsplit:__construct(): '. 129 $msg .= $parts[$key].', '; 131 $msg = rtrim($msg, ', ') [all...] |
/plugin/bez/cron/ |
H A D | functions.php | 56 $msg = array(); 66 if (!isset($msg[$key])) { 67 $msg[$key] = array( 73 $msg[$key]['issues'][] = $thread; 82 if (!isset($msg[$key])) { 83 $msg[$key] = array( 91 $msg[$key]['coming_tasks'][] = $task; 93 $msg[$key]['outdated_tasks'][] = $task; 100 foreach ($msg as $user => $data) {
/plugin/combo/ComboStrap/ |
H A D | TemplateStore.php | 22 LogUtility::msg("You can't set a value with a template store"); 27 LogUtility::msg("You can't get a value with a template store"); 33 LogUtility::msg("You can't get a value with a template store"); 38 LogUtility::msg("You can't set a value with a template store"); 43 LogUtility::msg("You can't persist with a template store"); 53 LogUtility::msg("Reset: The template format is not yet implemented");
H A D | LogUtility.php | 23 * Constant for the function {@link msg()} 48 * {@link msg()} constant 79 public static function msg(string $message, int $level = self::LVL_MSG_ERROR, string $canonical = "support", \Exception $e = null) function in ComboStrap\\LogUtility 121 * @param null|string $msg - may be null always this is the default if a variable is not initialized. 126 static function log2file(?string $msg, int $logLevel = self::LVL_MSG_ERROR, $canonical = null, \Exception $e = null) argument 130 self::messageNotEmpty($msg); 132 $msg = $e->getMessage(); 142 $msg = $prefix . ' - ' . $msg; 159 fwrite($fh, date('c') . $sep . self::LVL_NAME[$logLevel] . $sep . $msg [all...] |
/plugin/diagramsnet/ |
H A D | script.js | 18 var msg = JSON.parse(evt.data); 20 if (msg.event == 'init') { 42 else if (msg.event == 'save') { 43 xmlData = msg.xml; 51 else if (msg.event == 'export') { 58 content: msg.data, 66 image.setAttribute('src', msg.data); 82 else if (msg.event == 'exit') {
/plugin/freechat/phpfreechat/src/ |
H A D | phpfreechat.class.php | 151 function FilterSmiley($msg) argument 172 $msg = ""; 175 return $msg; 182 function PreFilterMsg($msg) argument 187 $msg = utf8_substr($msg, 0, $c->max_text_len+25); 189 $msg = utf8_substr($msg, 0, $c->max_text_len); 190 $msg = phpFreeChat::FilterSpecialChar($msg); 201 return $msg; 207 function PostFilterMsg($msg) argument 211 $msg = preg_replace('/\n/i', "", $msg ); [all …]
/plugin/quicksubscribe/ |
H A D | action.php | 35 $msg = ''; 47 $msg = sprintf($this->getLang('sub_succ'), prettyprint_id($ns)); 49 $msg = sprintf($this->getLang('sub_fail'), prettyprint_id($ns)); 55 $msg = sprintf($this->getLang('unsub_succ'), prettyprint_id($ns)); 57 $msg = sprintf($this->getLang('unsub_fail'), prettyprint_id($ns)); 62 echo '<p>' . $msg . '</p>';