3if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../').'/');
7function startsWith($haystack, $needle)
9    return !strncmp($haystack, $needle, strlen($needle));
11	$result="";
12	$cmd = $_GET['cmd'];
13	$room = str_replace(array(' ','.','/',':'),array('','','-','-'),$_GET['room']); // need to clean this. remove spaces, remove dots , change slashes to underlines
14	$filename = DOKU_INC.'data/chats/log_'.$room.'.txt';
15	switch( $cmd ){
16	case 'send':// got a message from user
17		$msg = str_replace( array("\r","\n"), '\r', trim($_GET['msg']) );
18		if( strlen($msg) > 0 ) {
19			// here is where you check for special commands
20			$newmsgline = "";
21			if( startsWith($msg,"/" )) {
22				if( startsWith( $msg, "/me ") ) {
23					$newmsgline = ".\t&laquo;".htmlspecialchars($_GET['user'])." ".htmlspecialchars( substr( $msg , 4) )."&raquo;\n";
24				} elseif ( startsWith( $msg, "/time") ){
25					$newmsgline = ".\t&laquo;Current server time is ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." [".date_default_timezone_get()."]&raquo;\n";
26				} elseif ( startsWith( $msg, "/flip") ){
27					$coin = array("heads","tails");
28					$newmsgline = ".\t&laquo;".htmlspecialchars($_GET['user'])." flips a coin. It is ".$coin[rand(0,1)]."&raquo;\n";
29				} elseif ( startsWith( $msg, "/roll") ){
30					$dicesides = intval(substr( $msg , 6 ));
31					if( $dicesides < 2 ) { $dicesides = 100; }
32					$newmsgline = ".\t&laquo;".htmlspecialchars($_GET['user'])." rolls a ".rand(1,$dicesides)." out of ".$dicesides."&raquo;\n";
33				} else {
34					$result = "Commands:<br>";
35					$result .= "/me action - emote an action. (/me smiles)<br>";
36					$result .= "/time - display server time.<br>";
37					$result .= "/flip - user flips a coin.<br>";
38					$result .= "/roll # - user rolls a # sided dice (defaults 100).<br>";
39				}
40			} else {
41				// store the user and message in tab separated text columns. prevent HTML injection
42				$newmsgline = htmlspecialchars($_GET['user'])."\t".htmlspecialchars($msg)."\n";
43			}
44			if( $newmsgline != "" ) {
45				$fh = fopen($filename,'a+');
46				fwrite( $fh , $newmsgline );
47				fclose($fh );
48			}
49			break;
50		} else {
51			$result = "";
52			break;
53		}
54	case 'update': // give us lines after previous count, and the new count
55		$linecount = 0;
56		$result = "";
57		$startline = $_GET['start'];
58		$fh = @fopen( $filename, "r" );
59		if( $fh ) {
60			while(!feof($fh)){
61				$line = fgets($fh);
62				if( $linecount >= $startline ) $result .=  $line;
63				$linecount++;
64			}
65			fclose($fh);
66			if( $startline > $linecount ) {
67				// file was reset, start the client at the beginning
68				$linecount = 0;
69			}
70		}
71		$result .= (string)($linecount-1); // last line in response is the new current count
72		break;
73	case 'entered': // someone entered the chat room.
74		$newmsgline = ".\t".htmlspecialchars($_GET['user'])." entered the chat.\n";
75		$fh = fopen($filename,'a+');
76		fwrite( $fh , $newmsgline );
77		fclose($fh );
78		break;
79	case 'exited': // someone left the chat room.
80		$newmsgline = ".\t".htmlspecialchars($_GET['user'])." left the chat.\n";
81		$fh = fopen($filename,'a+');
82		fwrite( $fh , $newmsgline );
83		fclose($fh );
84		break;
86	default: break;
87	}
89echo $result;