/plugin/simplechat/ |
H A D | ajax.php | 47 fclose($fh ); 59 if( $fh ) { 60 while(!feof($fh)){ 61 $line = fgets($fh); 65 fclose($fh); 75 $fh = fopen($filename,'a+'); variable 76 fwrite( $fh , $newmsgline ); 77 fclose($fh ); 81 $fh = fopen($filename,'a+'); variable 82 fwrite( $fh , $newmsgline ); [all …]
H A D | syntax.php | 99 $fh = @fopen( $filename, "r" ); 100 if( $fh ) { 101 while(!feof($fh)){ 102 $line = fgets($fh); 108 fclose($fh);
/plugin/toolbox/ |
H A D | extension.php | 13 $fh = fopen(__DIR__ . '/extension/script.js', 'w'); variable 16 fwrite($fh, "/** 30 fwrite($fh, 'var toolbox_lang = ' . json_encode($lang['js']) . ";\n"); 33 …fwrite($fh, "var toolbox_icon = '//github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-toolbox/raw/master/pix/';… 39 fwrite($fh, file_get_contents($script)); 43 fwrite($fh, "var tb = document.getElementById('toolbox__picker');"); 44 fwrite($fh, "if(!tb) initToolbar('tool__bar','wiki__text',toolbar);"); 47 fclose($fh);
/plugin/booking/ |
H A D | helper.php | 47 $fh = fopen($file, 'r'); 48 if (!$fh) return []; 52 while (($line = fgets($fh, 4096)) !== false) { 72 fclose($fh); 147 $fh = fopen($file, 'r+'); 148 if (!$fh) return false; 155 while (($line = fgets($fh, 4096)) !== false) { 161 fseek($fh, -1 * $len, SEEK_CUR); // jump back to beginning of line 162 fwrite($fh, str_pad('', $len - 1)); // write spaces instead (keep new line) 165 fclose($fh);
/plugin/svg/ |
H A D | install.php | 57 $fh = fopen( SYNTAX_PLUGIN_SVG_MEDIADIR . '.install.php', 'w' ); 58 fwrite( $fh, '<?php define("SYNTAX_PLUGIN_SVG_INSTALLED",true); ?>' ); 59 fclose( $fh ); 61 $fh = fopen( SYNTAX_PLUGIN_SVG_MEDIADIR . 'media/.htaccess', 'w' ); 62 fwrite( $fh, "order allow,deny\nallow from all\n" ); 63 fclose( $fh );
H A D | syntax.php | 155 $fh = fopen( SYNTAX_PLUGIN_SVG_MEDIADIR . 'media/' . $filename, 'w' ); 156 fwrite( $fh, $this->xml_data ); 157 fclose( $fh );
/plugin/supa/helper/ |
H A D | helper.php | 44 $fh = fopen( $filename, 'r' ); 45 $data = fread( $fh, filesize( $filename ) ); 46 fclose( $fh ); 55 $fh = fopen( $filename, "w" ); 56 fwrite( $fh, $decoded ); 57 fclose( $fh );
/plugin/siteexport/inc/ |
H A D | debug.php | 81 $fh = false; 97 $fh = @fopen($this->debugFile, "a+"); 98 if ( !$fh && !$ajaxCanLog ) { 116 if ( $fh !== false ) { 117 fwrite($fh, $log); 139 if ( $fh ) { 140 fwrite($fh, $log); 147 if ( $fh ) { 148 fclose($fh);
/plugin/dw2pdf/vendor/setasign/fpdi/src/PdfParser/Filter/ |
H A D | Flate.php | 46 $fh = fopen('php://temp', 'w+b'); 47 fwrite($fh, "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" . $oData); 48 stream_filter_append($fh, 'zlib.inflate', STREAM_FILTER_READ, ['window' => 30]); 49 fseek($fh, 0); 50 $data = stream_get_contents($fh); 51 fclose($fh);
/plugin/upgrade/vendor/splitbrain/php-archive/src/ |
H A D | Zip.php | 21 protected $fh; variable in splitbrain\\PHPArchive\\Zip 57 $this->fh = @fopen($this->file, 'rb'); 58 if (!$this->fh) { 102 @rewind($this->fh); 103 @fseek($this->fh, $centd['offset']); 150 @fseek($this->fh, $pos_entry); 153 $pos_entry = ftell($this->fh); // position of the next file in central file directory 154 fseek($this->fh, $header['offset']); // seek to beginning of file header 212 $buffer = fread($this->fh, $read_size); 275 $this->fh [all...] |
H A D | Tar.php | 22 protected $fh; variable in splitbrain\\PHPArchive\\Tar 64 $this->fh = @gzopen($this->file, 'rb'); 66 $this->fh = @bzopen($this->file, 'r'); 68 $this->fh = @fopen($this->file, 'rb'); 71 if (!$this->fh) { 237 $this->fh = 0; 246 $this->fh = @gzopen($this->file, 'wb'.$this->complevel); 248 $this->fh = @bzopen($this->file, 'w'); 250 $this->fh = @fopen($this->file, 'wb'); 253 if (!$this->fh) { [all...] |
/plugin/elwikiupgrade/ |
H A D | VerboseTarLib.class.php | 21 protected $fh; variable in VerboseTar 42 $this->fh = @gzopen($this->file, 'rb'); 44 $this->fh = @bzopen($this->file, 'r'); 46 $this->fh = @fopen($this->file, 'rb'); 220 $this->fh = 0; 330 gzclose($this->fh); 332 bzclose($this->fh); 334 fclose($this->fh); 338 $this->fh = 0; 391 return @fread($this->fh, $length); [all …]
/plugin/spatialhelper/helper/ |
H A D | sitemap.php | 102 $fh = fopen(mediaFN($mediaID), 'wb'); 103 fwrite($fh, $RSSstart); 137 fwrite($fh, $entry); 142 fwrite($fh, $RSSend); 143 return fclose($fh); 198 $fh = fopen(mediaFN($mediaID), 'wb'); 199 fwrite($fh, $KMLstart); 237 fwrite($fh, $plcm); 241 fwrite($fh, $KMLend); 242 return fclose($fh); [all...] |
/plugin/freechat/phpfreechat/src/ |
H A D | pfctools.php | 300 if (!flock($fh, LOCK_SH)) { 306 $data = fread($fh, $fsize); 309 while (!feof($fh)) { 310 $data .= fread($fh, 8192); 314 fclose($fh); 334 $data = fread($fh, $fsize); 338 while (!feof($fh)) { 339 $data .= fread($fh, 8192); 342 fclose($fh); 407 if (!flock($fh, LOCK_EX)) { [all …]
/plugin/vote/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 158 $fh = fopen( $vote_log_file, 'w' ); 159 fwrite( $fh, serialize( $vote_skelton ) ); 160 fclose( $fh ); 170 $fh = fopen( $file, 'a' ); 171 fwrite( $fh, $data ); 172 fclose( $fh ); 195 $fh = fopen( $vote_log_file, 'w' ); 196 fwrite( $fh, serialize( $vote_log ) ); 197 fclose( $fh);
/plugin/dw2pdf/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/src/ |
H A D | RemoteContentFetcher.php | 113 if (!($fh = @fsockopen($prefix . $p['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout))) { 122 fwrite($fh, $getstring); 125 $s = fgets($fh, 1024); 130 while (!feof($fh)) { 131 $s = fgets($fh, 1024); 139 while (!feof($fh)) { 140 $data .= fgets($fh, 1024); 143 fclose($fh);
/plugin/freechat/phpfreechat/src/containers/ |
H A D | file.class.php | 210 $fh = fopen($leaffilename, 'r+'); 213 if (flock($fh, LOCK_EX)) 215 $leafvalue = chop(fread($fh, filesize($leaffilename))); 217 rewind($fh); 218 fwrite($fh, $leafvalue); 219 fflush($fh); 220 ftruncate($fh, ftell($fh)); 221 flock($fh, LOCK_UN); 228 fclose($fh);
/plugin/fckg/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/server-scripts/ |
H A D | spellchecker.php | 86 if( $fh = fopen( $tempfile, 'w' )) { 94 fwrite ( $fh, "%\n" ); # exit terse mode 95 fwrite ( $fh, "^$input_separator\n" ); 96 fwrite ( $fh, "!\n" ); # enter terse mode 99 fwrite( $fh, "^$value\n" ); 102 fclose( $fh );
H A D | spellchecker.pl | 54 my( $fh, $tmpfilename ) = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); 64 print $fh "\%\n"; # exit terse mode 65 print $fh "^$input_separator\n"; 66 print $fh "!\n"; # enter terse mode 69 print $fh "^$line\n";
/plugin/wysiwyg/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/server-scripts/ |
H A D | spellchecker.php | 82 if( $fh = fopen( $tempfile, 'w' )) { 86 fwrite ( $fh, "%\n" ); # exit terse mode 87 fwrite ( $fh, "^$input_separator\n" ); 88 fwrite ( $fh, "!\n" ); # enter terse mode 91 fwrite( $fh, "^$value\n" ); 94 fclose( $fh );
H A D | spellchecker.pl | 54 my( $fh, $tmpfilename ) = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); 62 print $fh "\%\n"; # exit terse mode 63 print $fh "^$input_separator\n"; 64 print $fh "!\n"; # enter terse mode 67 print $fh "^$line\n";
/plugin/nsexport/packer/ |
H A D | packer.php | 79 $fh = @fopen($filename, 'rb'); 80 while (!feof($fh)) { 81 echo fread($fh, 1024); 83 fclose($fh);
/plugin/bibtex/OSBib/ |
H A D | LOADSTYLE.php | 45 if($fh = fopen($stylesDir . '/' . $dir . "/" . $fileName, "r")) 47 preg_match("/<description>(.*)<\\/description>/i", fgets($fh), $matches); 50 fclose($fh);
/plugin/maintenance/ |
H A D | helper.php | 54 $fh = fopen($lockfile, 'wb'); 55 if (flock($fh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { 116 $fh = fopen($lockfile, 'wb'); 117 if (flock($fh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { 118 @flock($fh, LOCK_UN);
/plugin/quickstats/GEOIP/vendor/ |
H A D | check_dir.php | 10 $fh = opendir($start_dir); 11 while (($file = readdir($fh)) !== false) { 40 closedir($fh);