/plugin/combo/ComboStrap/Meta/Field/ |
H A D | Aliases.php | 40 * @return Alias[]|null 52 $alias = Alias::create($this->getResource(), $aliasMeta->getValue()); 73 * return Alias[] 89 LogUtility::msg("The path of the alias should not be empty to create a path", Alias::CANONICAL); 98 $aliases[] = Alias::create($this->getResource(), $path) 103 LogUtility::msg("The value of the alias array should not be empty as it's the alias path", Alias::CANONICAL); 107 LogUtility::error("The alias element ($path) is not a string", Alias::CANONICAL); 110 $aliases[] = Alias::create($this->getResource(), $path); 118 * @param Alias[] $aliases 156 * @return Alias[] [all...] |
H A D | Alias.php | 13 class Alias class 27 * Alias constructor. 68 static function create(ResourceCombo $page, WikiPath $alias): Alias 70 return new Alias($page, $alias); 74 function setType(string $type): Alias 78 LogUtility::msg("Bad Alias Type. The alias type value ($type) for the alias path ({$this->getPath()}) of the page ({$pageAnchor})"); 88 return "Alias: ($this->page) to ($this->path)";
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Directory/Resource/ |
H A D | GroupsAliases.php | 20 use Google\Service\Directory\Alias; alias 52 * @param Alias $postBody 54 * @return Alias 56 public function insert($groupKey, Alias $postBody, $optParams = []) 60 return $this->call('insert', [$params], Alias::class);
H A D | UsersAliases.php | 20 use Google\Service\Directory\Alias; alias 53 * @param Alias $postBody 55 * @return Alias 57 public function insert($userKey, Alias $postBody, $optParams = []) 61 return $this->call('insert', [$params], Alias::class);
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Directory/ |
H A D | Alias.php | 20 class Alias extends \Google\Model class 116 class_alias(Alias::class, 'Google_Service_Directory_Alias');
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/ |
H A D | YtsAnchorAlias.yml | 2 test: Simple Alias Example 20 test: Alias of a Mapping
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/ |
H A D | Status.php | 8 use Elasticsearch\Endpoints\Indices\Alias\Get;
H A D | Index.php | 22 use Elasticsearch\Endpoints\Indices\Alias; 129 // Get first entry as if index is an Alias, the name of the mapping is the real name and not alias name 646 $endpoint = \class_exists(DeleteAlias::class) ? new DeleteAlias() : new Alias\Delete(); 664 $endpoint = \class_exists(GetAlias::class) ? new GetAlias() : new Alias\Get(); 19 use Elasticsearch\Endpoints\Indices\Alias; global() alias
/plugin/codeprettify/code-prettify/src/ |
H A D | lang-vb.js | 51 [PR['PR_KEYWORD'], /^(?:AddHandler|AddressOf|Alias|And|AndAlso|Ansi|As|Assembly|Auto|Boolean|ByRef|Byte|ByVal|Call|Case|Catch|CBool|CByte|CChar|CDate|CDbl|CDec|Char|CInt|Class|CLng|CObj|Const|CShort|CSng|CStr|CType|Date|Decimal|Declare|Default|Delegate|Dim|DirectCast|Do|Double|Each|Else|ElseIf|End|EndIf|Enum|Erase|Error|Event|Exit|Finally|For|Friend|Function|Get|GetType|GoSub|GoTo|Handles|If|Implements|Imports|In|Inherits|Integer|Interface|Is|Let|Lib|Like|Long|Loop|Me|Mod|Module|MustInherit|MustOverride|MyBase|MyClass|Namespace|New|Next|Not|NotInheritable|NotOverridable|Object|On|Option|Optional|Or|OrElse|Overloads|Overridable|Overrides|ParamArray|Preserve|Private|Property|Protected|Public|RaiseEvent|ReadOnly|ReDim|RemoveHandler|Resume|Return|Select|Set|Shadows|Shared|Short|Single|Static|Step|Stop|String|Structure|Sub|SyncLock|Then|Throw|To|Try|TypeOf|Unicode|Until|Variant|Wend|When|While|With|WithEvents|WriteOnly|Xor|EndIf|GoSub|Let|Variant|Wend)\b/i, null],
/plugin/combo/ComboStrap/ |
H A D | MarkupPath.php | 11 use ComboStrap\Meta\Field\Alias; alias 1378 * @return Alias 1382 function addAndGetAlias($aliasPath, string $aliasType = AliasType::REDIRECT): Alias 1391 * @return Alias[] 1736 function getBuildAlias(): ?Alias
/plugin/codemirror/dist/modes/ |
H A D | powershell.min.js.map | 1 …Alias|Clixml|Console|Counter|Csv|FormatData|ModuleMember|PSSession)/,\n /ForEach-Object/,\n …
H A D | powershell.min.js | 1 …Alias|Clixml|Console|Counter|Csv|FormatData|ModuleMember|PSSession)/,/ForEach-Object/,/Format-(Cus…
/plugin/combo/ |
H A D | deleted.files | 249 ComboStrap/Alias.php
/plugin/dirtylittlehelper/mermaid/editor/docs/ |
H A D | 67.67.js.map | 1 …,\n keywords: [\n 'AddHandler',\n 'AddressOf',\n 'Alias',\n 'And',\…
H A D | bundle.js.map | 1 …Alias\nexports.hex = rgba_1.default;\nvar rgba_2 = require(\"./rgba\"); // Alias\nexports.rgb = rg…
/plugin/csv/_test/ |
H A D | avengers.csv | 1 URL,Name/Alias,Appearances,Current?,Gender,Probationary Introl,Full/Reserve Avengers Intro,Year,Yea… 103 http://marvel.wikia.com/Vision_(Jonas)_(Earth-616)#,Alias: Jonas,121,NO,MALE,,6-Feb,2006,9,Full,YES…
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/docs/build/Elasticsearch/Namespaces/ |
H A D | IndicesNamespace.asciidoc | 1003 Alias function to getAlias()
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/math/extensions/a11y/ |
H A D | mathjax-sre.js | 656 …tion(){sre.BaseRuleStore.call(this);this.initializer=[];this.parseMethods.Alias=goog.bind(this.def…
/plugin/syntaxhighlighter4/dist/ |
H A D | syntaxhighlighter.js.map | 1 …xp;\n\nfunction Brush() {\n var keywords = 'AddHandler AddressOf AndAlso Alias And Ansi As Assemb…
/plugin/dirtylittlehelper/script/ |
H A D | mermaid.min.js.map | 1 …Alias\nexports.hex = rgba_1.default;\nvar rgba_2 = require(\"./rgba\"); // Alias\nexports.rgb = rg…