URL: http://www.monperrus.net/martin/bibtexbrowser/
Questions & Bug Reports: https://github.com/monperrus/bibtexbrowser/issues
(C) 2012-2020 Github contributors
(C) 2006-2020 Martin Monperrus
(C) 2014 Markus Jochim
(C) 2013 Matthieu Guillaumin
(C) 2005-2006 The University of Texas at El Paso / Joel Garcia, Leonardo Ruiz, and Yoonsik Cheon
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
// it is be possible to include( 'bibtexbrowser.php' ); several times in the same script
// added on Wednesday, June 01 2011, bug found by Carlos Bras
if (!defined('BIBTEXBROWSER')) {
// this if block ends at the very end of this file, after all class and function declarations.
// support for configuration
// set with bibtexbrowser_configure, get with config_value
// you may have bibtexbrowser_configure('foo', 'bar') in bibtexbrowser.local.php
function bibtexbrowser_configure($key, $value) {
if (!defined($key)) { define($key, $value); } // for backward compatibility
function bibtexbrowser_configuration($key) {
if (isset($CONFIGURATION[$key])) {return $CONFIGURATION[$key];}
if (defined($key)) {return constant($key);}
throw new Exception('no such configuration parameter: '.$key);
function c($key) { // shortcut
return bibtexbrowser_configuration($key);
// *************** CONFIGURATION
// I recommend to put your changes in bibtexbrowser.local.php
// it will help you to upgrade the script with a new version
// the changes that require existing bibtexbrowser symbols should be in bibtexbrowser.after.php (included at the end of this file)
// per bibtex file configuration
// the encoding of your bibtex file
// the encoding of the HTML output
// print a warning if deprecated variable is used
if (defined('ENCODING')) {
// number of bib items per page
// we use the same parameter 'num' as Google
// bibtexbrowser uses a small piece of Javascript to improve the user experience
// see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_enhancement
// if you don't like it, you can be disable it by adding in bibtexbrowser.local.php
@define('BIBLIOGRAPHYSTYLE','DefaultBibliographyStyle');// this is the name of a function
@define('BIBLIOGRAPHYSECTIONS','DefaultBibliographySections');// this is the name of a function
@define('BIBLIOGRAPHYTITLE','DefaultBibliographyTitle');// this is the name of a function
// shall we load MathJax to render math in $…$ in HTML?
@define('MATHJAX_URI', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.1/config/TeX-AMS_HTML.js?V=2.7.1');
// the default jquery URI
@define('JQUERY_URI', '//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.4.min.js');
// can we load bibtex files on external servers?
// the default view in {SimpleDisplay,AcademicDisplay,RSSDisplay,BibtexDisplay}
// the default template
// the target frame of menu links
@define('BIBTEXBROWSER_MENU_TARGET','main'); // might be define('BIBTEXBROWSER_MENU_TARGET','_self'); in bibtexbrowser.local.php
@define('ABBRV_TYPE','index');// may be year/x-abbrv/key/none/index/keys-index
// are robots allowed to crawl and index bibtexbrowser generated pages?
//the default view in the "main" (right hand side) frame
@define('BIBTEXBROWSER_DEFAULT_FRAME','year=latest'); // year=latest,all and all valid bibtexbrowser queries
// Wrapper to use when we are included by another script
// Main class to use
@define('BIBTEXBROWSER_MAIN', 'Dispatcher');
// default order functions
// Contract Returns < 0 if str1 is less than str2; > 0 if str1 is greater than str2, and 0 if they are equal.
// can be @define('ORDER_FUNCTION','compare_bib_entry_by_title');
// can be @define('ORDER_FUNCTION','compare_bib_entry_by_bibtex_order');
// only displaying the n newest entries
// BIBTEXBROWSER_LINK_STYLE defines which function to use to display the links of a bibtex entry
@define('BIBTEXBROWSER_LINK_STYLE','bib2links_default'); // can be 'nothing' (a function that does nothing)
// do we add [bibtex] links ?
// do we add [pdf] links ?
// if the file extention is not .pdf, the field name (pdf, url, or file) is used instead
// do we add [doi] links ?
// do we add [gsid] links (Google Scholar)?
// should pdf, doi, url, gsid links be opened in a new window?
@define('BIBTEXBROWSER_LINKS_TARGET','_self');// can be _blank (new window), _top (with frames)
// should authors be linked to [none/homepage/resultpage]
// none: nothing
// their homepage if defined as @strings
// their publication lists according to this bibtex
// BIBTEXBROWSER_LAYOUT defines the HTML rendering layout of the produced HTML
// may be table/list/ordered_list/definition/none (for
, ,
, nothing resp.).
// for list/ordered_list, the abbrevations are not taken into account (see ABBRV_TYPE)
// for ordered_list, the index is given by HTML directly (in increasing order)
// should the original bibtex be displayed or a reconstructed one with filtering
// values: original/reconstructed
// warning, with reconstructed, the latex markup for accents/diacritics is lost
// a list of fields that will not be shown in the bibtex view if BIBTEXBROWSER_BIBTEX_VIEW=reconstructed
// should Latex macros be executed (e.g. \'e -> é
// Which is the first html level that should be used in embedded mode?
// should we cache the parsed bibtex file?
// ref: https://github.com/monperrus/bibtexbrowser/issues/128
// how to print authors names?
// default => as in the bibtex file
// USE_COMMA_AS_NAME_SEPARATOR_IN_OUTPUT = true => "Meyer, Herbert"
// USE_INITIALS_FOR_NAMES = true => "Meyer H"
// USE_FIRST_THEN_LAST => Herbert Meyer
@define('USE_COMMA_AS_NAME_SEPARATOR_IN_OUTPUT',false);// output authors in a comma separated form, e.g. "Meyer, H"?
@define('USE_INITIALS_FOR_NAMES',false); // use only initials for all first names?
@define('USE_FIRST_THEN_LAST',false); // put first names before last names?
@define('FORCE_NAMELIST_SEPARATOR', ''); // if non-empty, use this to separate multiple names regardless of USE_COMMA_AS_NAME_SEPARATOR_IN_OUTPUT
@define('LAST_AUTHOR_SEPARATOR',' and ');
@define('USE_OXFORD_COMMA',false); // adds an additional separator in addition to LAST_AUTHOR_SEPARATOR if there are more than two authors
@define('TYPES_SIZE',10); // number of entry types per table
@define('YEAR_SIZE',20); // number of years per table
@define('AUTHORS_SIZE',30); // number of authors per table
@define('TAGS_SIZE',30); // number of keywords per table
@define('Q_YEAR', 'year');
@define('Q_YEAR_PAGE', 'year_page');
@define('Q_YEAR_INPRESS', 'in press');
@define('Q_YEAR_ACCEPTED', 'accepted');
@define('Q_YEAR_SUBMITTED', 'submitted');
@define('Q_FILE', 'bib');
@define('Q_AUTHOR', 'author');
@define('Q_AUTHOR_PAGE', 'author_page');
@define('Q_TAG', 'keywords');
@define('Q_TAG_PAGE', 'keywords_page');
@define('Q_TYPE', 'type');// used for queries
@define('Q_TYPE_PAGE', 'type_page');
@define('Q_ALL', 'all');
@define('Q_ENTRY', 'entry');
@define('Q_KEY', 'key');
@define('Q_KEYS', 'keys'); // filter entries using a url-encoded, JSON-encoded array of bibtex keys
@define('Q_SEARCH', 'search');
@define('Q_EXCLUDE', 'exclude');
@define('Q_RESULT', 'result');
@define('Q_ACADEMIC', 'academic');
@define('Q_DB', 'bibdb');
@define('Q_LATEST', 'latest');
@define('Q_RANGE', 'range');
@define('AUTHOR', 'author');
@define('EDITOR', 'editor');
@define('SCHOOL', 'school');
@define('TITLE', 'title');
@define('BOOKTITLE', 'booktitle');
@define('YEAR', 'year');
@define('METADATA_COINS',true); // see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COinS
@define('METADATA_GS',false); // metadata google scholar, see http://www.monperrus.net/martin/accurate+bibliographic+metadata+and+google+scholar
@define('METADATA_DC',true); // see http://dublincore.org/
@define('METADATA_OPENGRAPH',true); // see http://ogp.me/
@define('METADATA_EPRINTS',false); // see https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Category:EPrints_Metadata_Fields
// define sort order for special values in 'year' field
// highest number is sorted first
// don't exceed 0 though, since the values are added to PHP_INT_MAX
@define('ORDER_YEAR_INPRESS', 0);
@define('ORDER_YEAR_ACCEPTED', 1);
// in embedded mode, we still need a URL for displaying bibtex entries alone
// this is usually resolved to bibtexbrowser.php
// but can be overridden in bibtexbrowser.local.php
// for instance with @define('BIBTEXBROWSER_URL',''); // links to the current page with ?
// Specify the location of the cache file for servers that need temporary files written in a specific location
// Specify the location of the bib file for servers that need do not allow slashes in URLs,
// where the bib file and bibtexbrowser.php are in different directories.
// *************** END CONFIGURATION
define('Q_INNER_AUTHOR', '_author');// internally used for representing the author
define('Q_INNER_TYPE', 'x-bibtex-type');// used for representing the type of the bibtex entry internally
@define('Q_INNER_KEYS_INDEX', '_keys-index');// used for storing indices in $_GET[Q_KEYS] array
define('Q_NAME', 'name');// used to allow for exact last name matches in multisearch
define('Q_AUTHOR_NAME', 'author_name');// used to allow for exact last name matches in multisearch
define('Q_EDITOR_NAME', 'editor_name');// used to allow for exact last name matches in multisearch
// for clean search engine links
// we disable url rewriting
// ... and hope that your php configuration will accept one of these
function nothing() {}
function config_value($key) {
if (isset($CONFIGURATION[$key])) { return $CONFIGURATION[$key]; }
if (defined($key)) { return constant($key); }
die('no such configuration: '.$key);
/** parses $_GET[Q_FILE] and puts the result (an object of type BibDataBase) in $_GET[Q_DB].
See also zetDB().
function setDB() {
list($db, $parsed, $updated, $saved) = _zetDB(@$_GET[Q_FILE]);
$_GET[Q_DB] = $db;
return $updated;
/** parses the $bibtex_filenames (usually semi-column separated) and returns an object of type BibDataBase.
See also setDB()
function zetDB($bibtex_filenames) {
list($db, $parsed, $updated, $saved) = _zetDB($bibtex_filenames);
return $db;
/** @nodoc */
function default_message() {
if (config_value('BIBTEXBROWSER_NO_DEFAULT')==true) { return; }
Congratulations! bibtexbrowser is correctly installed!
Now you have to pass the name of the bibtex file as parameter (e.g. bibtexbrowser.php?bib=mybib.php)
You may browse:
'.$bibfile.' ';
echo "
/** returns the target of links */
function get_target() {
return " target=\"".c('BIBTEXBROWSER_LINKS_TARGET')."\"";
else return "";
/** @nodoc */
function _zetDB($bibtex_filenames) {
$db = null;
// default bib file, if no file is specified in the query string.
if (!isset($bibtex_filenames) || $bibtex_filenames == "") {
// first does the bibfiles exist:
// $bibtex_filenames can be urlencoded for instance if they contain slashes
// so we decode it
$bibtex_filenames = urldecode($bibtex_filenames);
// ---------------------------- HANDLING unexistent files
foreach(explode(MULTIPLE_BIB_SEPARATOR, $bibtex_filenames) as $bib) {
// get file extension to only allow .bib files
$ext = pathinfo($bib, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// this is a security protection
if (BIBTEXBROWSER_LOCAL_BIB_ONLY && (!file_exists(DATA_DIR.$bib) || strcasecmp($ext, 'bib') != 0)) {
// to automate dectection of faulty links with tools such as webcheck
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not found');
// escape $bib to prevent XSS
$escapedBib = htmlEntities($bib, ENT_QUOTES);
die('the bib file '.$escapedBib.' does not exist !');
} // end for each
// ---------------------------- HANDLING HTTP If-modified-since
// testing with $ curl -v --header "If-Modified-Since: Fri, 23 Oct 2010 19:22:47 GMT" "... bibtexbrowser.php?key=wasylkowski07&bib=..%252Fstrings.bib%253B..%252Fentries.bib"
// and $ curl -v --header "If-Modified-Since: Fri, 23 Oct 2000 19:22:47 GMT" "... bibtexbrowser.php?key=wasylkowski07&bib=..%252Fstrings.bib%253B..%252Fentries.bib"
// save bandwidth and server cpu
// (imagine the number of requests from search engine bots...)
$bib_is_unmodified = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ;
foreach(explode(MULTIPLE_BIB_SEPARATOR, $bibtex_filenames) as $bib) {
$bib_is_unmodified =
&& (strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])>filemtime($bib));
} // end for each
if ( $bib_is_unmodified && !headers_sent()) {
header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
$updated = false;
if (config_value('BIBTEXBROWSER_USE_CACHE')==true) {
// ---------------------------- HANDLING caching of compiled bibtex files
// for sake of performance, once the bibtex file is parsed
// we try to save a "compiled" in a txt file
$compiledbib = CACHE_DIR.'bibtexbrowser_'.md5($bibtex_filenames).'.dat';
// do we have a compiled version ?
if (is_file($compiledbib)
&& is_readable($compiledbib)
&& filesize($compiledbib)>0
) {
$f = fopen($compiledbib,'r+'); // some Unix seem to consider flock as a writing operation
//we use a lock to avoid that a call to bibbtexbrowser made while we write the object loads an incorrect object
if (flock($f,LOCK_EX)) {
$s = filesize($compiledbib);
$ser = fread($f,$s);
$db = @unserialize($ser);
} else { die('could not get the lock'); }
// basic test
// do we have an correct version of the file
if (!is_a($db,'BibDataBase')) {
if (BIBTEXBROWSER_DEBUG) { die('$db not a BibDataBase. please reload.'); }
} else {$parse=true;}
// we don't have a compiled version
if ($parse) {
//echo '';
// then parsing the file
$db = createBibDataBase();
foreach(explode(MULTIPLE_BIB_SEPARATOR, $bibtex_filenames) as $bib) {
// now we may update the database
if (!file_exists($compiledbib)) {
$updated = true; // limit case
} else foreach(explode(MULTIPLE_BIB_SEPARATOR, $bibtex_filenames) as $bib) {
// is it up to date ? wrt to the bib file and the script
// then upgrading with a new version of bibtexbrowser triggers a new compilation of the bib file
if (filemtime($bib)>filemtime($compiledbib) || filemtime(__FILE__)>filemtime($compiledbib)) {
// echo "updating ".$bib;
$updated = true;
// echo var_export($parse);
// echo var_export($updated);
$saved = false;
// are we able to save the compiled version ?
// note that the compiled version is saved in the current working directory
if ( ($parse || $updated ) && is_writable($compiledbib)) {
// we use 'a' because the file is not locked between fopen and flock
$f = fopen($compiledbib,'a');
//we use a lock to avoid that a call to bibbtexbrowser made while we write the object loads an incorrect object
if (flock($f,LOCK_EX)) {
// echo '';
$saved = true;
} else { die('could not get the lock'); }
} // end saving the cached verions
//else echo '';
return array($db, $parse, $updated, $saved);
} // end function setDB
// internationalization
if (!function_exists('__')){
function __($msg) {
if (isset($BIBTEXBROWSER_LANG[$msg])) {
return $msg;
// factories
// may be overridden in bibtexbrowser.local.php
if (!function_exists('createBibDataBase')) {
/** factory method for openness @nodoc */
function createBibDataBase() { $x = new BibDataBase(); return $x;}
if (!function_exists('createBibEntry')) {
/** factory method for openness @nodoc */
function createBibEntry() { $x = new BibEntry(); return $x;}
if (!function_exists('createBibDBBuilder')) {
/** factory method for openness @nodoc */
function createBibDBBuilder() { $x = new BibDBBuilder(); return $x;}
if (!function_exists('createBasicDisplay')) {
/** factory method for openness @nodoc */
function createBasicDisplay() { $x = new SimpleDisplay(); return $x;}
if (!function_exists('createBibEntryDisplay')) {
/** factory method for openness @nodoc */
function createBibEntryDisplay() { $x = new BibEntryDisplay(); return $x;}
if (!function_exists('createMenuManager')) {
/** factory method for openness @nodoc */
function createMenuManager() { $x = new MenuManager(); return $x;}
/** is a generic parser of bibtex files.
$delegate = new XMLPrettyPrinter();// or another delegate such as BibDBBuilder
$parser = new StateBasedBibtexParser($delegate);
- It has no dependencies, it can be used outside of bibtexbrowser
- The delegate is expected to have some methods, see classes BibDBBuilder and XMLPrettyPrinter
class StateBasedBibtexParser {
var $delegate;
function __construct($delegate) {
$this->delegate = $delegate;
function parse($handle) {
if (gettype($handle) == 'string') { throw new Exception('oops'); }
$delegate = $this->delegate;
// metastate
$isinentry = false;
// if you encounter this error "Allowed memory size of xxxxx bytes exhausted"
// then decrease the size of the temp buffer below
while (!feof($handle)) {
//foreach(str_split($sread) as $s) {
for ( $i=0; $i < strlen( $sread ); $i++) { $s=$sread[$i];
if ($isinentry) $entrysource.=$s;
if ($state==NOTHING) {
// this is the beginning of an entry
if ($s=='@') {
$state = GETTYPE;
$isinentry = true;
else if ($state==GETTYPE) {
// this is the beginning of a key
if ($s=='{') {
$state = GETKEY;
else $entrytype=$entrytype.$s;
else if ($state==GETKEY) {
// now we get the value
if ($s=='=') {
$state = GETVALUE;
// oups we only have the key :-) anyway
else if ($s=='}') {
$state = NOTHING;$isinentry = false;$delegate->endEntry($entrysource);
// OK now we look for values
else if ($s==',') {
else { $entrykey=$entrykey.$s; }
// we just got a =, we can now receive the value, but we don't now whether the value
// is delimited by curly brackets, double quotes or nothing
else if ($state==GETVALUE) {
// the value is delimited by double quotes
if ($s=='"') {
// the value is delimited by curly brackets
else if ($s=='{') {
// the end of the key and no value found: it is the bibtex key e.g. \cite{Descartes1637}
else if ($s==',') {
$state = GETKEY;
$entryvalue=''; // resetting the value buffer
// this is the end of the value AND of the entry
else if ($s=='}') {
$state = NOTHING;
$isinentry = false;$delegate->endEntry($entrysource);
$entryvalue=''; // resetting the value buffer
else if ($s==' ' || $s=="\t" || $s=="\n" || $s=="\r" ) {
// blank characters are not taken into account when values are not in quotes or curly brackets
else {
/* GETVALUEDELIMITEDBYCURLYBRACKETS* handle entries delimited by curly brackets and the possible nested curly brackets */
if ($s=='\\') {
else if ($s=='{') {
else if ($s=='}') { // end entry
$state = GETVALUE;
else {
// handle anti-slashed brackets
// in first level of curly bracket
if ($s=='\\') {
else if ($s=='{') {
else if ($s=='}') {
else {
// handle anti-slashed brackets
// in second level of curly bracket
if ($s=='\\') {
else if ($s=='{') {
else if ($s=='}') {
else { $entryvalue=$entryvalue.$s;}
// handle anti-slashed brackets
// in third level of curly bracket
if ($s=='\\') {
else if ($s=='}') {
else { $entryvalue=$entryvalue.$s;}
// handle anti-slashed brackets
/* handles entries delimited by double quotes */
if ($s=='\\') {
else if ($s=='"') {
$state = GETVALUE;
else { $entryvalue=$entryvalue.$s;}
// handle anti-double quotes
} // end for
} // end while
//$d = $this->delegate;print_r($d);
} // end function
} // end class
/** a default empty implementation of a delegate for StateBasedBibtexParser */
class ParserDelegate {
function beginFile() {}
function endFile() {}
function setEntryField($finalkey,$entryvalue) {}
function setEntryType($entrytype) {}
function setEntryKey($entrykey) {}
function beginEntry() {}
function endEntry($entrysource) {}
/** called for each sub parts of type {part} of a field value
* for now, only CURLYTOP and CURLYONE events
function entryValuePart($key, $value, $type) {}
} // end class ParserDelegate
/** is a possible delegate for StateBasedBibParser.
see snippet of [[#StateBasedBibParser]]
class XMLPrettyPrinter extends ParserDelegate {
function beginFile() {
header('Content-type: text/xml;');
print '';
print '';
function endFile() {
print '';
function setEntryField($finalkey,$entryvalue) {
print "\n".$finalkey."\n".$entryvalue."\n\n";
function setEntryType($entrytype) {
print ''.$entrytype.'';
function setEntryKey($entrykey) {
print ''.$entrykey.'';
function beginEntry() {
print "\n";
function endEntry($entrysource) {
print "\n";
} // end class XMLPrettyPrinter
/** represents @string{k=v} */
class StringEntry {
public $filename;
public $name;
public $value;
function __construct($k, $v, $filename) {
function toString() {
return '@string{'.$this->name.'={'.$this->value.'}}';
} // end class StringEntry
/** builds arrays of BibEntry objects from a bibtex file.
$empty_array = array();
$db = new BibDBBuilder(); // see also factory method createBibDBBuilder
$db->build('bibacid-utf8.bib'); // parses bib file
print_r($db->builtdb);// an associated array key -> BibEntry objects
print_r($db->stringdb);// an associated array key -> strings representing @string
method build can be used several times, bibtex entries are accumulated in the builder
class BibDBBuilder extends ParserDelegate {
/** A hashtable from keys to bib entries (BibEntry). */
var $builtdb = array();
/** A hashtable of constant strings */
var $stringdb = array();
var $filename;
var $currentEntry;
function build($bibfilename, $handle = NULL) {
$this->filename = $bibfilename;
if ($handle == NULL) {
$handle = fopen(DATA_DIR.$bibfilename, "r");
if (!$handle) die ('cannot open '.$bibfilename);
$parser = new StateBasedBibtexParser($this);
function getBuiltDb() {
return $this->builtdb;
function beginFile() {
function endFile() {
// resolving crossrefs
// we are careful with PHP 4 semantics
foreach (array_keys($this->builtdb) as $key) {
$bib = $this->builtdb[$key];
if ($bib->hasField('crossref')) {
if (isset($this->builtdb[$bib->getField('crossref')])) {
$crossrefEntry = $this->builtdb[$bib->getField('crossref')];
$bib->crossref = $crossrefEntry;
foreach($crossrefEntry->getFields() as $k => $v) {
// copying the fields of the cross ref
// only if they don't exist yet
if (!$bib->hasField($k)) {
function setEntryField($fieldkey,$entryvalue) {
// support for Bibtex concatenation
// see http://newton.ex.ac.uk/tex/pack/bibtex/btxdoc/node3.html
// (?$v) {
// spaces are allowed when using # and they are not taken into account
// however # is not itself replaced by a space
// warning: @strings are not case sensitive
// see http://newton.ex.ac.uk/tex/pack/bibtex/btxdoc/node3.html
if (isset($this->stringdb[$stringKey]))
// this field will be formated later by xtrim and latex2html
// we keep a trace of this replacement
// so as to produce correct bibtex snippets
function setEntryType($entrytype) {
function setEntryKey($entrykey) {
//echo "new entry:".$entrykey."\n";
function beginEntry() {
$this->currentEntry = createBibEntry();
function endEntry($entrysource) {
// we add a timestamp
// we add a key if there is no key
if (!$this->currentEntry->hasField(Q_KEY) && $this->currentEntry->getType()!='string') {
// we set the fulltext
$this->currentEntry->text = $entrysource;
// we format the author names in a special field
// to enable search
if ($this->currentEntry->hasField('author')) {
foreach($this->currentEntry->getCanonicalAuthors() as $author) {
$homepage_key = $this->currentEntry->getHomePageKey($author);
if (isset($this->stringdb[$homepage_key])) {
$this->currentEntry->homepages[$homepage_key] = $this->stringdb[$homepage_key]->value;
// ignoring jabref comments
if (($this->currentEntry->getType()=='comment')) {
/* do nothing for jabref comments */
// we add it to the string database
else if ($this->currentEntry->getType()=='string') {
foreach($this->currentEntry->fields as $k => $v) {
$k!=Q_INNER_TYPE and $this->stringdb[$k] = new StringEntry($k,$v,$this->filename);
// we add it to the database
else {
$this->builtdb[$this->currentEntry->getKey()] = $this->currentEntry;
} // end class BibDBBuilder
/** is an extended version of the trim function, removes linebreaks, tabs, etc.
function xtrim($line) {
$line = trim($line);
// we remove the unneeded line breaks
// this is *required* to correctly split author lists into names
// 2010-06-30
// bug found by Thomas
// windows new line is **\r\n"** and not the other way around!!
// according to php.net: Proncess \r\n's first so they aren't converted twice
$line = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t"), ' ', $line);
// remove superfluous spaces e.g. John+++Bar
$line = preg_replace('/ {2,}/',' ', $line);
return $line;
/** encapsulates the conversion of a single latex chars to the corresponding HTML entity.
It expects a **lower-case** char.
function char2html($line,$latexmodifier,$char,$entitiyfragment) {
$line = char2html_case_sensitive($line,$latexmodifier,strtoupper($char),$entitiyfragment);
return char2html_case_sensitive($line,$latexmodifier,strtolower($char),$entitiyfragment);
function char2html_case_sensitive($line,$latexmodifier,$char,$entitiyfragment) {
$line = preg_replace('/\\{?\\\\'.preg_quote($latexmodifier,'/').' ?\\{?'.$char.'\\}?/','&'.$char.''.$entitiyfragment.';', $line);
return $line;
/** converts latex chars to HTML entities.
(I still look for a comprehensive translation table from late chars to html, better than [[http://isdc.unige.ch/Newsletter/help.html]])
function latex2html($line, $do_clean_extra_bracket=true) {
$line = preg_replace('/([^\\\\])~/','\\1 ', $line);
$line = str_replace(array('---', '--'), array('—', '–'), $line);
$line = str_replace(array('``', "''"), array('"', '"'), $line);
// performance increases with this test
// bug found by Serge Barral: what happens if we have curly braces only (typically to ensure case in Latex)
// added && strpos($line,'{')===false
if (strpos($line,'\\')===false && strpos($line,'{')===false) return $line;
// handling uppercase
// echo preg_replace_callback('!\b[a-z]!', 'upper', strtolower($str));
if (!function_exists("strtolowercallback")) {
function strtolowercallback($array) {
return strtolower($array[1]);
if (!function_exists("strtouppercallback")) {
function strtouppercallback($array) {
return strtoupper($array[1]);
$line = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\uppercase\{(.*)\}/U',"strtouppercallback", $line);
$line = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\lowercase\{(.*)\}/U',"strtolowercallback", $line);
$maths = array();
$index = 0;
// first we escape the math env
preg_match_all('/\$.*?\$/', $line, $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as $k) {
$maths[] = $k;
$line = str_replace($k, '__MATH'.$index.'__', $line);
// we should better replace this before the others
// in order not to mix with the HTML entities coming after (just in case)
$line = str_replace('\\&','&', $line);
$line = str_replace('\_','_',$line);
$line = str_replace('\%','%',$line);
// handling \url{....}
// often used in howpublished for @misc
$line = preg_replace('/\\\\url\{(.*)\}/U','\\1', $line);
// Friday, April 01 2011
// added support for accented i
// for instance \`\i
// see http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Accents
// " the letters "i" and "j" require special treatment when they are given accents because it is often desirable to replace the dot with the accent. For this purpose, the commands \i and \j can be used to produce dotless letters."
$line = preg_replace('/\\\\([ij])/i','\\1', $line);
$line = char2html($line,"'",'a',"acute");
$line = char2html($line,"'",'c',"acute");
$line = char2html($line,"'",'e',"acute");
$line = char2html($line,"'",'i',"acute");
$line = char2html($line,"'",'o',"acute");
$line = char2html($line,"'",'u',"acute");
$line = char2html($line,"'",'y',"acute");
$line = char2html($line,"'",'n',"acute");
$line = char2html($line,'`','a',"grave");
$line = char2html($line,'`','e',"grave");
$line = char2html($line,'`','i',"grave");
$line = char2html($line,'`','o',"grave");
$line = char2html($line,'`','u',"grave");
$line = char2html($line,'~','a',"tilde");
$line = char2html($line,'~','n',"tilde");
$line = char2html($line,'~','o',"tilde");
$line = char2html($line,'"','a',"uml");
$line = char2html($line,'"','e',"uml");
$line = char2html($line,'"','i',"uml");
$line = char2html($line,'"','o',"uml");
$line = char2html($line,'"','u',"uml");
$line = char2html($line,'"','y',"uml");
$line = char2html($line,'"','s',"zlig");
$line = char2html($line,'^','a',"circ");
$line = char2html($line,'^','e',"circ");
$line = char2html($line,'^','i',"circ");
$line = char2html($line,'^','o',"circ");
$line = char2html($line,'^','u',"circ");
$line = char2html($line,'r','a',"ring");
$line = char2html($line,'c','c',"cedil");
$line = char2html($line,'c','s',"cedil");
$line = char2html($line,'v','s',"caron");
$line = str_replace('\\ae','æ', $line);
$line = str_replace('\\ss','ß', $line);
$line = str_replace('\\o','ø', $line);
$line = str_replace('\\O','Ø', $line);
$line = str_replace('\\aa','å', $line);
$line = str_replace('\\AA','Å', $line);
$line = str_replace('\\l','ł',$line);
$line = str_replace('\\L','Ł',$line);
$line = str_replace('\\k{a}','ą',$line);
$line = str_replace('\\\'{c}','ć',$line);
$line = str_replace('\\v{c}','č',$line);
$line = str_replace('\\v{C}','Č',$line);
// handling \textsuperscript{....} FAILS if there still are nested {}
$line = preg_replace('/\\\\textsuperscript\{(.*)\}/U','\\1', $line);
// handling \textsubscript{....} FAILS if there still are nested {}
$line = preg_replace('/\\\\textsubscript\{(.*)\}/U','\\1', $line);
if ($do_clean_extra_bracket) {
// clean extra tex curly brackets, usually used for preserving capitals
// must come before the final math replacement
$line = str_replace('}','',$line);
$line = str_replace('{','',$line);
// we restore the math env
for($i = 0; $i < count($maths); $i++) {
$line = str_replace('__MATH'.$i.'__', $maths[$i], $line);
return $line;
/** encodes strings for Z3988 URLs. Note that & are encoded as %26 and not as &. */
function s3988($s) {
if ($s == null) return '';
// first remove the HTML entities (e.g. é) then urlencode them
return urlencode($s);
see BibEntry->formatAuthor($author)
function formatAuthor() {
die('Sorry, this function does not exist anymore, however, you can simply use $bibentry->formatAuthor($author) instead.');
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** represents a bibliographic entry.
- BibEntry are usually obtained with getEntryByKey or multisearch
class BibEntry {
/** The fields (fieldName -> value) of this bib entry with Latex macros interpreted and encoded in the desired character set . */
var $fields = array();
/** The raw fields (fieldName -> value) of this bib entry. */
var $raw_fields = array();
/** The constants @STRINGS referred to by this entry */
var $constants = array();
/** The homepages of authors if any */
var $homepages = array();
/** The crossref entry if there is one */
var $crossref;
/** The verbatim copy (i.e., whole text) of this bib entry. */
var $text = '';
/** A timestamp to trace when entries have been created */
var $timestamp;
/** The name of the file containing this entry */
var $filename;
/** The short name of the entry (parameterized by ABBRV_TYPE) */
var $abbrv;
/** The index in a list of publications (e.g. [1] Foo */
var $index = '';
/** The location in the original bibtex file (set by addEntry) */
var $order = -1;
/** returns a debug string representation */
function __toString() {
return $this->getType()." ".$this->getKey();
/** Creates an empty new bib entry. Each bib entry is assigned a unique
* identification number. */
function __construct() {
/** Sets the name of the file containing this entry */
function setFile($filename) {
$this->filename = $filename;
return $this;
/** Adds timestamp to this object */
function timestamp() {
$this->timestamp = time();
/** Returns the timestamp of this object */
function getTimestamp() {
return $this->timestamp;
/** Returns the type of this bib entry (always lowercase). */
function getType() {
// strtolower is important to be case-insensitive
return strtolower($this->getField(Q_INNER_TYPE));
/** Sets the key of this bib entry. */
function setKey($value) {
// Slashes are not allowed in keys because they don't play well with web servers
// if url-rewriting is used
function transformValue($value) {
// trim space
$value = xtrim($value);
// transform Latex markup to HTML entities (easier than a one to one mapping to each character)
// HTML entity is an intermediate format
$value = latex2html($value);
// transform to the target output encoding
$value = html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES|ENT_XHTML, OUTPUT_ENCODING);
return $value;
/** removes a field from this bibtex entry */
function removeField($name) {
$name = strtolower($name);
/** Sets a field of this bib entry. */
function setField($name, $value) {
$name = strtolower($name);
$this->raw_fields[$name] = $value;
// fields that should not be transformed
// we assume that "comment" is never latex code
// but instead could contain HTML code (with links using the character "~" for example)
// so "comment" is not transformed too
if ($name!='url' && $name!='comment'
&& !preg_match('/^hp_/',$name) // homepage links should not be transformed with latex2html
) {
$value = $this->transformValue($value);
// 4. transform existing encoded character in the new format
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && OUTPUT_ENCODING != BIBTEX_INPUT_ENCODING) {
$value = mb_convert_encoding($value, OUTPUT_ENCODING, BIBTEX_INPUT_ENCODING);
} else {
//echo "xx".$value."xx\n";
$this->fields[$name] = $value;
function clean_top_curly($value) {
$value = preg_replace('/^\{/','', $value);
$value = preg_replace('/\}$/','', $value);
return $value;
/** Sets a type of this bib entry. */
function setType($value) {
// 2009-10-25 added trim
// to support space e.g. "@article {"
// as generated by ams.org
// thanks to Jacob Kellner
$this->fields[Q_INNER_TYPE] = trim($value);
function setIndex($index) { $this->index = $index; }
/** Tries to build a good URL for this entry. The URL should be absolute (better for the generated RSS) */
function getURL() {
return $f($this);
// echo $this->filename;
// echo $this->getKey();
return BIBTEXBROWSER_URL.'?'.createQueryString(array(Q_KEY=>$this->getKey(), Q_FILE=>$this->filename));
/** @see bib2links(), kept for backward compatibility */
function bib2links() {
return bib2links($this);
/** Read the bibtex field $bibfield and return a link with icon (if $iconurl is given) or text
* e.g. given the bibtex entry: @article{myarticle, pdf={myarticle.pdf}},
* $bibtexentry->getLink('pdf') creates a link to myarticle.pdf using the text '[pdf]'.
* $bibtexentry->getLink('pdf','pdficon.png') returns <a href="myarticle.pdf"><img src="pdficon.png"/></a>
* if you want a label that is different from the bibtex field, add a third parameter.
function getLink($bibfield,$iconurl=NULL,$altlabel=NULL) {
$show = true;
if ($altlabel==NULL) { $altlabel=$bibfield; }
$str = $this->getIconOrTxt($altlabel,$iconurl);
if ($this->hasField($bibfield)) {
return ''.$str.'';
return '';
/** returns a "[bib]" link */
function getBibLink($iconurl=NULL) {
$bibstr = $this->getIconOrTxt('bibtex',$iconurl);
$href = 'href="'.$this->getURL().'"';
// we add biburl and title to be able to retrieve this important information
// using Xpath expressions on the XHTML source
$link = 'getKey()."\" {$href}>$bibstr";
return $link;
/** kept for backward compatibility */
function getPdfLink($iconurl = NULL, $label = NULL) {
return $this->getUrlLink($iconurl);
/** returns a "[pdf]" link for the entry, if possible.
Tries to get the target URL from the 'pdf' field first, then from 'url' or 'file'.
Performs a sanity check that the file extension is 'pdf' or 'ps' and uses that as link label.
Otherwise (and if no explicit $label is set) the field name is used instead.
function getUrlLink($iconurl = NULL) {
if ($this->hasField('pdf')) {
return $this->getAndRenameLink('pdf', $iconurl);
if ($this->hasField('url')) {
return $this->getAndRenameLink('url', $iconurl);
// Adding link to PDF file exported by Zotero
// ref: https://github.com/monperrus/bibtexbrowser/pull/14
if ($this->hasField('file')) {
return $this->getAndRenameLink('file', $iconurl);
return "";
/** See description of 'getUrlLink'
function getAndRenameLink($bibfield, $iconurl=NULL) {
$extension = strtolower(pathinfo(parse_url($this->getField($bibfield),PHP_URL_PATH),PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
switch ($extension) {
// overriding the label if it's a known extension
case 'html': return $this->getLink($bibfield, $iconurl, 'html'); break;
case 'pdf': return $this->getLink($bibfield, $iconurl, 'pdf'); break;
case 'ps': return $this->getLink($bibfield, $iconurl, 'ps'); break;
return $this->getLink($bibfield, $iconurl, $bibfield);
/** DOI are a special kind of links, where the url depends on the doi */
function getDoiLink($iconurl=NULL) {
$str = $this->getIconOrTxt('doi',$iconurl);
if ($this->hasField('doi')) {
return ''.$str.'';
return '';
/** GS (Google Scholar) are a special kind of links, where the url depends on the google scholar id */
function getGSLink($iconurl=NULL) {
$str = $this->getIconOrTxt('citations',$iconurl);
if ($this->hasField('gsid')) {
return ' '.$str.'';
return '';
/** replace [$ext] with an icon whose url is defined in a string
* e.g. getIconOrTxt('pdf') will print '[pdf]'
* or getIconOrTxt('pdf','http://link/to/icon.png') will use the icon linked by the url, or print '[pdf']
* if the url does not point to a valid file (using the "alt" property of the "img" html tag)
function getIconOrTxt($txt,$iconurl=NULL) {
if ( $iconurl==NULL ) {
} else {
return $str;
/** Reruns the abstract */
function getAbstract() {
if ($this->hasField('abstract')) return $this->getField('abstract');
else return '';
* Returns the last name of an author name.
function getLastName($author){
list($firstname, $lastname) = splitFullName($author);
return $lastname;
* Returns the first name of an author name.
function getFirstName($author){
list($firstname, $lastname) = splitFullName($author);
return $firstname;
/** Has this entry the given field? */
function hasField($name) {
return isset($this->fields[strtolower($name)]);
/** Returns the authors of this entry. If "author" is not given,
* return a string 'Unknown'. */
function getAuthor() {
if (array_key_exists(AUTHOR, $this->fields)) {
return $this->getFormattedAuthorsString();
// 2010-03-02: commented the following, it results in misleading author lists
// issue found by Alan P. Sexton
//if (array_key_exists(EDITOR, $this->fields)) {
// return $this->fields[EDITOR];
return 'Unknown';
/** Returns the key of this entry */
function getKey() {
return $this->getField(Q_KEY);
/** Returns the title of this entry? */
function getTitle() {
return $this->getField('title');
/** Returns the publisher of this entry
* It encodes a specific logic
* */
function getPublisher() {
// citation_publisher
if ($this->hasField("publisher")) {
return $this->getField("publisher");
if ($this->getType()=="phdthesis") {
return $this->getField(SCHOOL);
if ($this->getType()=="mastersthesis") {
return $this->getField(SCHOOL);
if ($this->getType()=="bachelorsthesis") {
return $this->getField(SCHOOL);
if ($this->getType()=="techreport") {
return $this->getField("institution");
// then we don't know
return '';
/** Returns the authors of this entry as an array (split by " and ") */
function getRawAuthors() {
return $this->split_names(Q_AUTHOR);
// Previously called split_authors. Made generic to allow call on editors as well.
function split_names($key) {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->raw_fields)) return array();
// Sometimes authors/editors are split by line breaks followed by whitespace in bib files.
// In this case we need to replace these with a normal space.
$raw = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', @$this->raw_fields[$key]);
$array = preg_split('/ and( |$)/ims', $raw);
$res = array();
// we merge the remaining ones
for ($i=0; $i < count($array)-1; $i++) {
if (strpos( latex2html($array[$i],false), '{') !== FALSE && strpos(latex2html($array[$i+1],false),'}') !== FALSE) {
$res[] = $this->clean_top_curly(trim($array[$i])." and ".trim($array[$i+1]));
$i = $i + 1;
} else {
$res[] = trim($array[$i]);
$res[] = trim($array[count($array)-1]);
return $res;
* Returns the formated author name w.r.t to the user preference
function formatAuthor($author){
$author = $this->transformValue($author);
if (bibtexbrowser_configuration('USE_COMMA_AS_NAME_SEPARATOR_IN_OUTPUT')) {
return $this->formatAuthorCommaSeparated($author);
if (bibtexbrowser_configuration('USE_INITIALS_FOR_NAMES')) {
return $this->formatAuthorInitials($author);
if (bibtexbrowser_configuration('USE_FIRST_THEN_LAST')) {
return $this->formatAuthorCanonical($author);
return $author;
* Returns the formated author name as "FirstName LastName".
function formatAuthorCanonical($author){
list($firstname, $lastname) = splitFullName($author);
if ($firstname!='') return $firstname.' '.$lastname;
else return $lastname;
* Returns the formated author name as "LastName, FirstName".
function formatAuthorCommaSeparated($author){
list($firstname, $lastname) = splitFullName($author);
if ($firstname!='') return $lastname.', '.$firstname;
else return $lastname;
* Returns the formated author name as "LastName Initials".
* e.g. for Vancouver-style used by PubMed.
function formatAuthorInitials($author){
list($firstname, $lastname) = splitFullName($author);
if ($firstname!='') return $lastname.' '.preg_replace("/(\p{Lu})\w*[- ]*/Su","$1", $firstname);
else return $lastname;
/** @deprecated */
function formattedAuthors() { return $this->getFormattedAuthorsString(); }
/** @deprecated */
function getFormattedAuthors() { return $this->getFormattedAuthorsArray(); }
/** @deprecated */
function getFormattedAuthorsImproved() { return $this->getFormattedAuthorsString(); }
/** Returns the authors as an array of strings (one string per author).
function getFormattedAuthorsArray() {
$array_authors = array();
// first we use formatAuthor
foreach ($this->getRawAuthors() as $author) {
foreach ($array_authors as $k => $author) {
foreach ($array_authors as $k => $author) {
return $array_authors;
/** Adds to getFormattedAuthors() the home page links and returns a string (not an array). Is configured with BIBTEXBROWSER_AUTHOR_LINKS and USE_COMMA_AS_NAME_SEPARATOR_IN_OUTPUT.
function getFormattedAuthorsString() {
return $this->implodeAuthors($this->getFormattedAuthorsArray());
function implodeAuthors($authors) {
if (count($authors)==0) return '';
if (count($authors)==1) return $authors[0];
$result = '';
if (bibtexbrowser_configuration('USE_COMMA_AS_NAME_SEPARATOR_IN_OUTPUT')) {$sep = '; ';} else {$sep = ', ';}
for ($i=0;$i2) {
$lastAuthorSeperator = $sep.$lastAuthorSeperator;
$lastAuthorSeperator = preg_replace("/ {2,}/", " ", $lastAuthorSeperator); // get rid of double spaces
$result .= $authors[count($authors)-2].$lastAuthorSeperator.$authors[count($authors)-1];
return $result;
/** adds a link to the author page */
function addAuthorPageLink($author) {
$link = makeHref(array(Q_AUTHOR => $author));
return "$author";
/** Returns the authors of this entry as an array in a canonical form */
function getCanonicalAuthors() {
$authors = array();
foreach ($this->getRawAuthors() as $author) {
return $authors;
/** Returns the authors of this entry as an array in a comma-separated form
* Mostly used to create meta tags (eg
function getArrayOfCommaSeparatedAuthors() {
$authors = array();
foreach ($this->getRawAuthors() as $author) {
$author = $this->transformValue($author);
return $authors;
* Returns a compacted string form of author names by throwing away
* all author names except for the first one and appending ", et al."
function getCompactedAuthors(){
$authors = $this->getRawAuthors();
$etal = count($authors) > 1 ? ', et al.' : '';
return $this->formatAuthor($authors[0]) . $etal;
function getHomePageKey($author) {
return strtolower('hp_'.preg_replace('/ /', '', $this->formatAuthorCanonical(latex2html($author))));
/** add the link to the homepage if it is defined in a string
* e.g. @string{hp_MartinMonperrus="http://www.monperrus.net/martin"}
* The string is a concatenation of firstname, lastname, prefixed by hp_
* Warning: by convention @string are case sensitive so please be keep the same case as author names
* @thanks Eric Bodden for the idea
function addHomepageLink($author) {
// hp as home page
// accents are normally handled
// e.g. @STRING{hp_Jean-MarcJézéquel="http://www.irisa.fr/prive/jezequel/"}
$homepage = $this->getHomePageKey($author);
if (isset($this->homepages[$homepage]))
return $author;
/** Returns the editors of this entry as an arry */
function getEditors() {
$editors = array();
foreach (preg_split('/ and /i', $this->getField(EDITOR)) as $editor) {
return $editors;
/** Returns the editors of this entry as an array (split by " and ") */
function getRawEditors() {
return $this->split_names(EDITOR);
/** Returns the editors of this entry as an arry */
function getFormattedEditors() {
$editors = array();
foreach ($this->getEditors() as $editor) {
if (bibtexbrowser_configuration('USE_COMMA_AS_NAME_SEPARATOR_IN_OUTPUT')) {$sep = '; ';} else {$sep = ', ';}
return implode($sep, $editors).', '.(count($editors)>1?'eds.':'ed.');
/** Returns the year of this entry? */
function getYear() {
return __(strtolower($this->getYearRaw()));
function getYearRaw() {
$r = $this->getField('year');
if ($r == null) return '';
return $r;
/** returns the array of keywords */
function getKeywords() {
return preg_split('/[,;\\/]/', $this->getField("keywords"));
/** Returns the value of the given field? */
function getField($name) {
// 2010-06-07: profiling showed that this is very costly
// hence returning the value directly
//if ($this->hasField($name))
// {return $this->fields[strtolower($name)];}
//else return 'missing '.$name;
return @$this->fields[strtolower($name)];
/** Returns the fields */
function getFields() {
return $this->fields;
/** Returns the raw, undecorated abbreviation depending on ABBRV_TYPE. */
function getRawAbbrv() {
if (c('ABBRV_TYPE') == 'index') return $this->index;
if (c('ABBRV_TYPE') == 'none') return '';
if (c('ABBRV_TYPE') == 'key') return $this->getKey();
if (c('ABBRV_TYPE') == 'year') return $this->getYear();
if (c('ABBRV_TYPE') == 'x-abbrv') {
if ($this->hasField('x-abbrv')) {return $this->getField('x-abbrv');}
return $this->abbrv;
if (c('ABBRV_TYPE') == 'keys-index') {
if (isset($_GET[Q_INNER_KEYS_INDEX])) {return $_GET[Q_INNER_KEYS_INDEX][$this->getKey()]; }
return '';
// otherwise it is a user-defined function in bibtexbrowser.local.php
$f = c('ABBRV_TYPE');
return $f($this);
/** Returns the abbreviation, etc [1] if ABBRV_TYPE='index'. */
function getAbbrv() {
$abbrv = $this->getRawAbbrv();
if ( c('ABBRV_TYPE') != 'none' ) {
$abbrv = '['.$abbrv.']';
return $abbrv;
/** Sets the abbreviation (e.g. [OOPSLA] or [1]) */
function setAbbrv($abbrv) {
//if (!is_string($abbrv)) { throw new Exception('Illegal argument'); }
$this->abbrv = $abbrv;
return $this;
/** Returns the verbatim text of this bib entry. */
function getText() {
if (c('BIBTEXBROWSER_BIBTEX_VIEW') == 'original') {
return $this->text;
if (c('BIBTEXBROWSER_BIBTEX_VIEW') == 'reconstructed') {
$result = '@'.$this->getType().'{'.$this->getKey().",\n";
foreach ($this->raw_fields as $k=>$v) {
if ( !preg_match('/^('.c('BIBTEXBROWSER_BIBTEX_VIEW_FILTEREDOUT').')$/i', $k)
&& !preg_match('/^(key|'.Q_INNER_AUTHOR.'|'.Q_INNER_TYPE.')$/i', $k) )
$result .= ' '.$k.' = {'.$v.'},'."\n";
$result .= "}\n";
return $result;
throw new Exception('incorrect value of BIBTEXBROWSER_BIBTEX_VIEW: '+BIBTEXBROWSER_BIBTEX_VIEW);
/** Returns true if this bib entry contains the given phrase (PREG regexp)
* in the given field. if $field is null, all fields are considered.
* Note that this method is NOT case sensitive */
function hasPhrase($phrase, $field = null) {
// we have to search in the formatted fields and not in the raw entry
// i.e. all latex markups are not considered for searches
if (!$field) {
return preg_match('/'.$phrase.'/i',$this->getConstants().' '.join(" ",$this->getFields()));
//return stripos($this->getText(), $phrase) !== false;
if ($this->hasField($field) && (preg_match('/'.$phrase.'/i',$this->getField($field)) ) ) {
//if ($this->hasField($field) && (stripos($this->getField($field), $phrase) !== false) ) {
return true;
return false;
/** Outputs HTML line according to layout */
function toHTML($wrapped=false) {
$result = '';
if ($wrapped) {
switch(BIBTEXBROWSER_LAYOUT) { // open row
case 'list':
$result .= '
case 'ordered_list':
$result .= '
case 'table':
$result .= '
case 'definition':
$result .= '
if (c('ABBRV_TYPE')=='none') { die ('Cannot define an empty term!'); }
case 'none':
$result .= $this->anchor();
switch(BIBTEXBROWSER_LAYOUT) { // close bibref and open bibitem
case 'table':
$result .= $this->getAbbrv().'
case 'definition':
$result .= $this->getAbbrv().'
// may be overridden using configuration value of BIBLIOGRAPHYSTYLE
$result .= bib2html($this);
// may be overridden using configuration value of BIBTEXBROWSER_LINK_STYLE
$result .= ' '.bib2links($this);
if ($wrapped) {
switch(BIBTEXBROWSER_LAYOUT) { // close row
case 'list':
$result .= ''."\n";
case 'ordered_list':
$result .= ''."\n";
case 'table':
$result .= '
case 'definition':
$result .= '
case 'none':
return $result;
/** Outputs an coins URL: see http://ocoins.info/cobg.html
* Used by Zotero, mendeley, etc.
function toCoins() {
if (c('METADATA_COINS') == false) {
$type = $this->getType();
if ($type=="book") {
} else if ($type=="inproceedings") {
// zotero does not support with this proceeding and conference
// they give the wrong title
} else if ($type=="incollection" ) {
} else if ($type=="article") {
} else { // techreport, phdthesis
// referent
if ($this->hasField('url')) {
} else if ($this->hasField('doi')) {
// referrer, the id of a collection of objects
// see also http://www.openurl.info/registry/docs/pdf/info-sid.pdf
foreach ($this->getFormattedAuthorsArray() as $au) $url_parts[]='rft.au='.s3988($au);
return '';
/** Returns an anchor for this entry. */
function anchor() {
return '';
* rebuild the set of constants used if any as a string
function getConstants() {
foreach ($this->constants as $k=>$v) {
return $result;
* Displays a
text of the given bib entry.
* URLs are replaced by HTML links.
function toEntryUnformatted() {
$result = "";
$result .= '
'; // pre is nice when it is embedded with no CSS available
$entry = htmlspecialchars($this->getFullText(),ENT_NOQUOTES|ENT_XHTML, OUTPUT_ENCODING);
// Fields that should be hyperlinks
// the order matters
$hyperlinks = array('url' => '%O', 'file' => '%O', 'pdf' => '%O', 'doi' => 'https://doi.org/%O', 'gsid' => 'https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=%O');
$vals = array();
foreach ($hyperlinks as $field => $url) {
if ($this->hasField($field)) {
$href = str_replace('%O', $this->getField($field), $url);
// this is not a parsing but a simple replacement
$entry = str_replace($this->getField($field), '___'.$field.'___', $entry);
$vals[$field] = $href;
foreach ($vals as $field => $href) {
if ($this->hasField($field)) {
// this is not a parsing but a simple replacement
$entry = str_replace('___'.$field.'___', ''.$this->getField($field).'', $entry);
$result .= $entry;
$result .= '
return $result;
* Gets the raw text of the entry (crossref + strings + entry)
function getFullText() {
$s = '';
// adding the crossref if necessary
if ($this->crossref!=null) { $s .= $this->crossref->getFullText()."\n";}
return $s;
/** returns the first and last page of the entry as an array ([0]->first, [2]->last) */
function getPages() {
return $matches;
/** returns in the citation file format, tailored for github */
function toCFF() {
$result = "";
$result .= "cff-version: 1.2.0"."\n";
$result .= "# CITATION.cff created with https://github.com/monperrus/bibtexbrowser/"."\n";
$result .= "preferred-citation:"."\n";
$result .= " title: \"".$this->getTitle()."\""."\n";
if ($this->hasField("doi")) {
$result .= " doi: \"".$this->getField("doi")."\""."\n";
if ($this->hasField("year")) {
$result .= " year: \"".$this->getField("year")."\""."\n";
if ($this->hasField("journal")) {
$result .= " type: article\n";
$result .= " journal: \"".$this->getField("journal")."\""."\n";
if ($this->hasField("booktitle")) {
$result .= " type: conference-paper\n";
$result .= " conference: \"".$this->getField("booktitle")."\""."\n";
$result .= " authors:"."\n";
foreach ($this->getFormattedAuthorsArray() as $author) {
$split = splitFullName($author);
$result .= " - family-names: ".$split[1]."\n";
$result .= " given-names: ".$split[0]."\n";
return $result;
} // end class BibEntry
class RawBibEntry extends BibEntry {
function setField($name, $value) {
/** returns an HTML tag depending on BIBTEXBROWSER_LAYOUT e.g.
function get_HTML_tag_for_layout() {
switch(BIBTEXBROWSER_LAYOUT) { /* switch for different layouts */
case 'list':
case 'ordered_list':
case 'table':
$tag = 'table';
case 'definition':
$tag = 'div';
return $tag;
/** returns a collection of links for the given bibtex entry
* e.g. [bibtex] [doi][pdf]
function bib2links_default($bibentry) {
$links = array();
$link = $bibentry->getBibLink();
if ($link != '') { $links[] = $link; };
$link = $bibentry->getUrlLink();
if ($link != '') { $links[] = $link; };
$link = $bibentry->getDoiLink();
if ($link != '') { $links[] = $link; };
$link = $bibentry->getGSLink();
if ($link != '') { $links[] = $link; };
return ''.implode(" ",$links).'';
/** prints the header of a layouted HTML, depending on BIBTEXBROWSER_LAYOUT e.g.
function print_header_layout() {
if (BIBTEXBROWSER_LAYOUT == 'list') return;
echo '<' . get_HTML_tag_for_layout() . ' class="result">'."\n";
/** prints the footer of a layouted HTML, depending on BIBTEXBROWSER_LAYOUT e.g.
function print_footer_layout() {
echo '' . get_HTML_tag_for_layout() . '>';
/** this function encapsulates the user-defined name for bib to HTML*/
function bib2html($bibentry) {
$function = bibtexbrowser_configuration('BIBLIOGRAPHYSTYLE');
return $function($bibentry);
/** this function encapsulates the user-defined name for bib2links */
function bib2links($bibentry) {
return $function($bibentry);
/** encapsulates the user-defined sections. @nodoc */
function _DefaultBibliographySections() {
return $function();
/** encapsulates the user-defined sections. @nodoc */
function _DefaultBibliographyTitle($query) {
return $function($query);
function DefaultBibliographyTitle($query) {
$result = 'Publications in '.$_GET[Q_FILE];
if (isset($query['all'])) {
if (count($query)>0) {
$result .= ' - '.query2title($query);
return $result;
/** compares two instances of BibEntry by modification time
function compare_bib_entry_by_mtime($a, $b)
return -($a->getTimestamp()-$b->getTimestamp());
/** compares two instances of BibEntry by order in Bibtex file
function compare_bib_entry_by_bibtex_order($a, $b)
return $a->order-$b->order;
/** compares two instances of BibEntry by year
function compare_bib_entry_by_year($a, $b)
$yearA = (int) $a->getYear(); // 0 if no year
$yearB = (int) $b->getYear();
if ($yearA === 0) {
switch (strtolower($a->getYearRaw())) {
if ($yearB === 0) {
switch (strtolower($b->getYearRaw())) {
if ($yearA === $yearB)
return 0;
else if ($yearA < $yearB)
return -1;
return 1;
/** compares two instances of BibEntry by title
function compare_bib_entry_by_title($a, $b)
return strcmp($a->getTitle(),$b->getTitle());
/** compares two instances of BibEntry by undecorated Abbrv
function compare_bib_entry_by_raw_abbrv($a, $b)
return strcmp($a->getRawAbbrv(),$b->getRawAbbrv());
/** compares two instances of BibEntry by author or editor
function compare_bib_entry_by_name($a, $b)
if ($a->hasField(AUTHOR))
$namesA = $a->getAuthor();
else if ($a->hasField(EDITOR))
$namesA = $a->getField(EDITOR);
$namesA = __('No author');
if ($b->hasField(AUTHOR))
$namesB = $b->getAuthor();
else if ($b->hasField(EDITOR))
$namesB = $b->getField(EDITOR);
$namesB = __('No author');
return strcmp($namesA, $namesB);
/** compares two instances of BibEntry by month
* @author Jan Geldmacher
function compare_bib_entry_by_month($a, $b)
// this was the old behavior
// return strcmp($a->getKey(),$b->getKey());
//bibkey which is used for sorting
$sort_key = 'month';
//desired order of values
$sort_order_values = array('jan','january','feb','february','mar','march','apr','april','may','jun','june','jul','july','aug','august','sep','september','oct','october','nov','november','dec','december');
//order: 1=as specified in $sort_order_values or -1=reversed
//first check if the search key exists
if (!array_key_exists($sort_key,$a->fields) && !array_key_exists($sort_key,$b->fields)) {
//neither a nor b have the key -> we compare the keys
elseif (!array_key_exists($sort_key,$a->fields)) {
//only b has the field -> b is greater
elseif (!array_key_exists($sort_key,$b->fields)) {
//only a has the key -> a is greater
else {
//both have the key, sort using the order given in $sort_order_values
$val_a = array_search(strtolower($a->fields[$sort_key]), $sort_order_values);
$val_b = array_search(strtolower($b->fields[$sort_key]), $sort_order_values);
if (($val_a === FALSE && $val_b === FALSE) || ($val_a === $val_b)) {
//neither a nor b are in the search array or a=b -> both are equal
elseif (($val_a === FALSE) || ($val_a < $val_b)) {
//a is not in the search array or a b is greater
elseif (($val_b === FALSE) || (($val_a > $val_b))){
//b is not in the search array or a>b -> a is greater
return $retval;
/** is the default sectioning for AcademicDisplay (books, articles, proceedings, etc. ) */
function DefaultBibliographySections() {
// Books
'query' => array(Q_TYPE=>'book|proceedings'),
'title' => __('Books')
// Book chapters
'query' => array(Q_TYPE=>'incollection|inbook'),
'title' => __('Book Chapters')
// Journal / Bookchapters
'query' => array(Q_TYPE=>'article'),
'title' => __('Refereed Articles')
// conference papers
'query' => array(Q_TYPE=>'inproceedings|conference',Q_EXCLUDE=>'workshop'),
'title' => __('Refereed Conference Papers')
// workshop papers
'query' => array(Q_TYPE=>'inproceedings',Q_SEARCH=>'workshop'),
'title' => __('Refereed Workshop Papers')
// misc and thesis
'query' => array(Q_TYPE=>'misc|phdthesis|mastersthesis|bachelorsthesis|techreport'),
'title' => __('Other Publications')
/** transforms a $bibentry into an HTML string.
It is called by function bib2html if the user did not choose a specific style
the default usable CSS styles are
.bibtitle { font-weight:bold; }
.bibbooktitle { font-style:italic; }
.bibauthor { }
.bibpublisher { }
See http://schema.org/ScholarlyArticle for the metadata
function DefaultBibliographyStyle($bibentry) {
$title = $bibentry->getTitle();
$type = $bibentry->getType();
// later on, all values of $entry will be joined by a comma
// title
// usually in bold: .bibtitle { font-weight:bold; }
$title = ''.$title.'';
if ($bibentry->hasField('url')) $title = ' '.$title.'';
$coreInfo = $title;
// adding author info
if ($bibentry->hasField('author')) {
$coreInfo .= ' (';
$authors = array();
foreach ($bibentry->getFormattedAuthorsArray() as $a) {
$coreInfo .= $bibentry->implodeAuthors($authors);
$coreInfo .= ')';
// core info usually contains title + author
$entry[] = $coreInfo;
// now the book title
$booktitle = '';
if ($type=="inproceedings") {
$booktitle = __('In').' '.''.$bibentry->getField(BOOKTITLE).''; }
if ($type=="incollection") {
$booktitle = __('Chapter in').' '.''.$bibentry->getField(BOOKTITLE).'';}
if ($type=="inbook") {
$booktitle = __('Chapter in').' '.$bibentry->getField('chapter');}
if ($type=="article") {
$booktitle = __('In').' '.''.$bibentry->getField("journal").'';}
//// we may add the editor names to the booktitle
if ($bibentry->hasField(EDITOR)) {
$editor = $bibentry->getFormattedEditors();
if ($editor!='') $booktitle .=' ('.$editor.')';
// end editor section
// is the booktitle available
if ($booktitle!='') {
$entry[] = ''.$booktitle.'';
if ($type=="phdthesis") {
$publisher = __('PhD thesis').', '.$bibentry->getField(SCHOOL);
if ($type=="mastersthesis") {
$publisher = __('Master\'s thesis').', '.$bibentry->getField(SCHOOL);
if ($type=="bachelorsthesis") {
$publisher = __('Bachelor\'s thesis').', '.$bibentry->getField(SCHOOL);
if ($type=="techreport") {
$publisher = __('Technical report');
if ($bibentry->hasField("number")) {
$publisher .= ' '.$bibentry->getField("number");
$publisher .= ', '.$bibentry->getField("institution");
if ($bibentry->hasField("publisher")) {
$publisher = $bibentry->getField("publisher");
if ($type=="misc") {
$publisher = $bibentry->getField('howpublished');
if ($publisher!='') $entry[] = ''.$publisher.'';
if ($bibentry->hasField('volume')) $entry[] = __('volume').' '.$bibentry->getField("volume");
if ($bibentry->hasField(YEAR)) $entry[] = ''.$bibentry->getYear().'';
$result = implode(", ",$entry).'.';
// add the Coin URL
$result .= $bibentry->toCoins();
return ''.$result.'';
/** is the Bibtexbrowser style contributed by Janos Tapolcai. It looks like the IEEE transaction style.
Add the following line in "bibtexbrowser.local.php"
function VancouverBibliographyStyle($bibentry) {
$title = $bibentry->getTitle();
$type = $bibentry->getType();
// author
if ($bibentry->hasField('author')) {
$entry[] = $bibentry->getFormattedAuthorsString().'. ';
// Ensure punctuation mark at title's end
if (strlen(rtrim($title))>0 && strpos(":.;,?!", substr(rtrim($title), -1)) > 0) {
$title = $title . ' ';
} else {
$title = $title . '. ';
if ($bibentry->hasField('url')) {
$title = ' '.$title.'';
$entry[] = $title;
$booktitle = '';
//// ******* EDITOR
if ($bibentry->hasField(EDITOR)) {
$editor = $bibentry->getFormattedEditors() . ' ';
if (($type=="misc") && $bibentry->hasField("note")) {
$booktitle = $editor;
$booktitle = $bibentry->getField("note");
} else if ($type=="inproceedings") {
$booktitle = 'In: ' . $editor . $bibentry->getField(BOOKTITLE);
} else if ($type=="incollection") {
$booktitle = 'Chapter in ';
if ($editor!='') $booktitle .= $editor;
$booktitle .= $bibentry->getField(BOOKTITLE);
} else if ($type=="article") {
$booktitle = $bibentry->getField("journal");
if ($booktitle!='') {
$entry[] = $booktitle . '. ';
if ($type=="phdthesis") {
$publisher = 'PhD thesis, '.$bibentry->getField(SCHOOL);
} else if ($type=="mastersthesis") {
$publisher = 'Master\'s thesis, '.$bibentry->getField(SCHOOL);
} else if ($type=="techreport") {
$publisher = 'Technical report, '.$bibentry->getField("institution");
if ($bibentry->hasField("publisher")) {
$publisher = $bibentry->getField("publisher");
if ($publisher!='') {
if ($bibentry->hasField('address')) {
$entry[] = $bibentry->getField("address").': ';
$entry[] = $publisher . "; ";
if ($bibentry->hasField(YEAR)) $entry[] = $bibentry->getYear();
if ($bibentry->hasField('volume')) $entry[] = ";".$bibentry->getField("volume");
if ($bibentry->hasField('number')) $entry[] = '('.$bibentry->getField("number").')';
if ($bibentry->hasField('pages')) $entry[] = str_replace("--", "-", ":".$bibentry->getField("pages"));
$result = implode($entry).'.';
// some comments (e.g. acceptance rate)?
if ($bibentry->hasField('comment')) {
$result .= " (".$bibentry->getField("comment").")";
// add the Coin URL
$result .= "\n".$bibentry->toCoins();
return $result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** orders two BibEntry as defined by ORDER_FUNCTION
* (by default compares two instances of BibEntry by year and then month)
function compare_bib_entries($bib1, $bib2) {
$cmp = $f1($bib1, $bib2);
if ($cmp ==0) {
$cmp = $f2($bib1, $bib2);
return $cmp;
/** creates a query string given an array of parameter, with all specifities of bibtexbrowser_ (such as adding the bibtex file name &bib=foo.bib
function createQueryString($array_param) {
// then a simple transformation and implode
foreach ($array_param as $key => $val) {
// the inverse transformation should also be implemented into query2title
if($key == Q_INNER_AUTHOR) { $key = Q_AUTHOR; }
if($key == Q_INNER_TYPE) { $key = Q_TYPE; }
if($key == Q_KEYS) { $val = urlencode(json_encode($val)); }
if($key == Q_INNER_KEYS_INDEX) {continue;}
$array_param[$key]=$key .'='. urlencode($val);
// adding the bibtex file name is not already there
if (isset($_GET[Q_FILE]) && !isset($array_param[Q_FILE])) {
// first we add the name of the bib file
$array_param[Q_FILE] = Q_FILE .'='. urlencode($_GET[Q_FILE]);
return implode("&",$array_param);
/** returns a href string of the form: href="?bib=testing.bib&search=JML.
Based on createQueryString.
function makeHref($query = NULL) {
return 'href="'.bibtexbrowser_configuration('BIBTEXBROWSER_URL').'?'. createQueryString($query) .'"';
/** returns the splitted name of an author name as an array. The argument is assumed to be
"FirstName LastName" or "LastName, FirstName".
function splitFullName($author){
$author = trim($author);
// the author is unsplittable, treat it as lastname
if (strpos($author, '}') !== false) {
$lastname = preg_replace(['/\{/', '/\}/'], '', $author);
$firstname = '';
// the author format is "Joe Dupont"
else if (strpos($author,',')===false) {
$parts=explode(' ', $author);
// get the last name
$lastname = array_pop($parts);
$firstname = implode(" ", $parts);
// the author format is "Dupont, J."
else {
$parts=explode(',', $author);
// get the last name
$lastname = str_replace(',','',array_shift($parts));
$firstname = implode(" ", $parts);
return array(trim($firstname), trim($lastname));
/** outputs an horizontal year-based menu
include( 'bibtexbrowser.php' );
new IndependentYearMenu($_GET[Q_DB]);
class IndependentYearMenu {
function __construct($db) {
$yearIndex = $db->yearIndex();
echo '
Year: ';
$formatedYearIndex = array();
$formatedYearIndex[] = ''.*')).'>All';
foreach($yearIndex as $year) {
$formatedYearIndex[] = '$year)).'>'.$year.'';
// by default the separator is a |
echo implode('|',$formatedYearIndex);
echo '
if (!function_exists('poweredby')) {
/** Returns the powered by part. @nodoc */
function poweredby() {
$poweredby = "\n".'
return $poweredby;
if (!function_exists('bibtexbrowser_top_banner')) {
function bibtexbrowser_top_banner() {
return '';
/** ^^adds a touch of AJAX in bibtexbrowser to display bibtex entries inline.
It uses the HIJAX design pattern: the Javascript code fetches the normal bibtex HTML page
and extracts the bibtex.
In other terms, URLs and content are left perfectly optimized for crawlers
Note how beautiful is this piece of code thanks to JQuery.^^
function javascript() {
// we use jquery with the official content delivery URLs
// Microsoft and Google also provide jquery with their content delivery networks
$db = zetDB('bibacid-utf8.bib');
$menu = new MenuManager();
$menu->year_size=100;// should display all years :)
class MenuManager {
/** The bibliographic database, an instance of class BibDataBase. */
var $db;
var $type_size = TYPES_SIZE;
var $year_size = YEAR_SIZE;
var $author_size = AUTHORS_SIZE;
var $tag_size = TAGS_SIZE;
function __construct() {
/** sets the database that is used to create the menu */
function setDB($db) {
$this->db =$db;
return $this;
function getTitle() {
return '';
function metadata() {
return array(array('robots','noindex'));
/** function called back by HTMLTemplate */
function display() {
echo $this->searchView().' ';
echo $this->venueVC().' ';
echo $this->yearVC().' ';
echo $this->authorVC().' ';
echo $this->tagVC().' ';
echo $this->typeVC().' ';
/** Displays the title in a table. */
function titleView() {
Generated from
db->getTypes() as $type) {
$types[$type] = __($type);
$types['.*'] = __('all types');;
// retreive or calculate page number to display
if (isset($_GET[Q_TYPE_PAGE])) {
$page = $_GET[Q_TYPE_PAGE];
else $page = 1;
$this->displayMenu('Types', $types, $page, $this->type_size, Q_TYPE_PAGE, Q_INNER_TYPE);
/** Displays and controls the venues. */
function venueVC() {
// retrieve authors list to display
$data = $this->db->venueIndex();
$this->displayMenu('Venues', $data, 1, 100000, Q_SEARCH,
/** Displays and controls the authors menu in a table. */
function authorVC() {
// retrieve authors list to display
$authors = $this->db->authorIndex();
// determine the authors page to display
if (isset($_GET[Q_AUTHOR_PAGE])) {
$page = $_GET[Q_AUTHOR_PAGE];
else $page = 1;
$this->displayMenu('Authors', $authors, $page, $this->author_size, Q_AUTHOR_PAGE,
/** Displays and controls the tag menu in a table. */
function tagVC() {
// retrieve authors list to display
$tags = $this->db->tagIndex();
// determine the authors page to display
if (isset($_GET[Q_TAG_PAGE])) {
$page = $_GET[Q_TAG_PAGE];
} else $page = 1;
if (count($tags)>0) $this->displayMenu('Keywords', $tags, $page, $this->tag_size, Q_TAG_PAGE,
/** Displays and controls the tag menu in a table. */
function yearVC() {
// retrieve authors list to display
$years = $this->db->yearIndex();
// determine the authors page to display
if (isset($_GET[Q_YEAR_PAGE])) {
$page = $_GET[Q_YEAR_PAGE];
else $page = 1;
$this->displayMenu('Years', $years, $page, $this->year_size, Q_YEAR_PAGE,
/** Displays the main contents . */
function mainVC() {
/** Displays a list menu in a table.
* $title: title of the menu (string)
* $list: list of menu items (string)
* $page: page number to display (number)
* $pageSize: size of each page
* $pageKey: URL query name to send the page number to the server
* $targetKey: URL query name to send the target of the menu item
function displayMenu($title, $list, $page, $pageSize, $pageKey,
$targetKey) {
$numEntries = count($list);
$startIndex = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
$endIndex = $startIndex + $pageSize;
class NewEntriesDisplay {
var $n=5;
var $db;
function setDB($bibdatabase) {
$this->db = $bibdatabase;
function setN($n) {$this->n = $n;return $this;}
/** sets the entries to be shown */
function setEntries($entries) {
$this->db = createBibDataBase();
$this->db->bibdb = $entries;
/** Displays a set of bibtex entries in an HTML table */
function display() {
$array = $this->db->getLatestEntries($this->n);
$delegate = createBasicDisplay();
/** displays the entries by year in reverse chronological order.
$db = zetDB('bibacid-utf8.bib');
$d = new YearDisplay();
class YearDisplay {
/** is an array of strings representing years */
var $yearIndex;
function setDB($bibdatabase) {
/** creates a YearDisplay */
function setOptions($options) {}
function getTitle() {return '';}
/** sets the entries to be shown */
function setEntries($entries) {
$this->entries = $entries;
$db= createBibDataBase();
$db->bibdb = $entries;
$this->yearIndex = $db->yearIndex();
/** Displays a set of bibtex entries in an HTML table */
function display() {
$delegate = createBasicDisplay();
$index = count($this->entries);
foreach($this->yearIndex as $year) {
$x = array();
foreach($this->entries as $e) {
if ($e->getYear() == $year) {
$x[] = $e;
if (count($x)>0) {
echo '
$index = $index - count($x);
/** displays the summary information of all bib entries.
$db = zetDB('bibacid-utf8.bib');
$d = new SimpleDisplay();
class SimpleDisplay {
var $headerCSS = 'sheader';
var $options = array();
var $entries = array();
function __construct($db = NULL, $query = array()) {
if ($db == NULL) return;
function incHeadingLevel ($by=1) {
$this->headingLevel += $by;
function decHeadingLevel ($by=1) {
$this->headingLevel -= $by;
function setDB($bibdatabase) {
function metadata() {
return array(array('robots','noindex'));
} else {
return array();
/** sets the entries to be shown */
function setEntries($entries) {
$this->entries = array_values($entries);
function indexUp() {
foreach ($this->entries as $bib) {
} // end foreach
return $this->entries;
function newest($entries) {
return array_slice($entries,0,BIBTEXBROWSER_NEWEST);
function indexDown() {
foreach ($this->entries as $bib) {
} // end foreach
return $this->entries;
function setQuery($query) {
$this->query = $query;
function getTitle() {
return _DefaultBibliographyTitle($this->query);
function setIndices() {
function setIndicesInIncreasingOrderChangingEveryYear() {
$pred = NULL;
foreach ($this->entries as $bib) {
if ($this->changeSection($pred, $bib)) {
$pred = $bib;
} // end foreach
function setIndicesInDecreasingOrder() {
$count = count($this->entries);
foreach ($this->entries as $bib) {
// by default, index are in decreasing order
// so that when you add a publicaton recent , the indices of preceding publications don't change
} // end foreach
/** Displays a set of bibtex entries in an HTML table */
function display() {
usort($this->entries, 'compare_bib_entries');
// now that the entries are sorted, setting the index of entries
// this function can be overloaded
if ($this->options) {
foreach($this->options as $fname=>$opt) {
echo 'Style: '.bibtexbrowser_configuration('BIBLIOGRAPHYSTYLE').' ';
echo 'Order: '.ORDER_FUNCTION.' ';
echo 'Abbrv: '.c('ABBRV_TYPE').' ';
echo 'Options: '.@implode(',',$this->options).' ';
// if ($this->headingLevel == BIBTEXBROWSER_HTMLHEADINGLEVEL) {
// echo "\n".'';
// if (count($this->entries) == 1) {
// echo count ($this->entries).' '.__('result');
// } else if (count($this->entries) != 0) {
// echo count ($this->entries).' '.__('results');
// }
// echo "\n";
// }
$pred = NULL;
foreach ($this->entries as $bib) {
if ($this->changeSection($pred, $bib)) {
echo $this->sectionHeader($bib, $pred);
echo $bib->toHTML(true);
$pred = $bib;
} // end foreach
} // end function
function changeSection($pred, $bib) {
// for the first one we output the header
if ($pred == NULL) { return true; }
return $f($pred, $bib) != 0;
function sectionHeader($bib, $pred) {
case 'table':
return '
case 'definition':
return '
case 'list':
$string = '';
if ($pred) $string .= "\n";
if ($bib->hasField(YEAR))
$year = $bib->getYear();
$year = __('No date');
return $string.'headingLevel.'>'.$year."headingLevel.">\n
return '';
} // end class
/** returns an HTTP 404 and displays en error message. */
function nonExistentBibEntryError() {
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not found');
Sorry, this bib entry does not exist.Back to bibtexbrowser
'.__('Sorry, no results for this query').'';
/** displays the publication records sorted by publication types (as configured by constant BIBLIOGRAPHYSECTIONS).
$db = zetDB('bibacid-utf8.bib');
$d = new AcademicDisplay();
class AcademicDisplay {
public $db;
public $entries;
public $title;
function getTitle() { return $this->title; }
function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; return $this; }
function setDB($bibdatabase) {
/** sets the entries to be shown */
function setEntries($entries) {
$this->entries = $entries;
/** transforms a query to HTML
* $ query is an array (e.g. array(Q_YEAR=>'2005'))
* $title is a string, the title of the section
function search2html($query, $title) {
$entries = $this->db->multisearch($query);
if (count($entries)>0) {
echo "\n".'
foreach ($sections as $section) {
echo "\n";
echo "";
echo $section['title']." (".$section['count'].")";
echo "\n",
/** displays a single bib entry.
$db = zetDB('bibacid-utf8.bib');
$dis = new BibEntryDisplay($db->getEntryByKey('classical'));
- the top-level header (usually <H1>) must be done by the caller.
- this view is optimized for Google Scholar
class BibEntryDisplay {
/** the bib entry to display */
var $bib;
function __construct($bib=null) {
$this->bib = $bib;
function setEntries($entries) {
$this->bib = $entries[0];
//$this->title = $this->bib->getTitle().' (bibtex)'.$this->bib->getUrlLink();
/** returns the title */
function getTitle() {
return $this->bib->getTitle().' (bibtex)';
/** 2011/10/02: new display, inspired from Tom Zimmermann's home page */
function displayOnSteroids() {
$subtitle = '
by '.$this->bib->getFormattedAuthorsString().'
$abstract = '';
if ($this->bib->hasField('abstract')) {
$abstract = '
return $subtitle.$abstract.$download.$reference.$bibtex.$this->bib->toCoins();
function display() {
// we encapsulate everything so that the output of display() is still valid XHTML
echo '
// old display
function display_old() {
return $this->bib->toCoins().$this->bib->toEntryUnformatted();
/** Returns a dictionary of metadata. If the same metadata appears multiple times, it is concatenated with ";"
function metadata_dict() {
$result = array();
foreach($this->metadata() as $v) {
if (!in_array($v[0], $result)) {
$result[$v[0]] = $v[1];
} else {
$result[$v[0]] .= ';'.$v[1];
return $result;
/** Returns an array containing the metadata for Google Scholar
* array (array('citation_title', 'foo'), ....)
* @see http://scholar.google.com/intl/en/scholar/inclusion.html
* @see http://www.monperrus.net/martin/accurate+bibliographic+metadata+and+google+scholar
* */
function metadata() {
$result[] = array('robots','noindex');
if (c('METADATA_GS')) {
$result = $this->metadata_google_scholar($result);
} // end Google Scholar
// a fallback to essential dublin core
if (c('METADATA_DC')) {
$result = $this->metadata_dublin_core($result);
$result = $this->metadata_opengraph($result);
$result = $this->metadata_eprints($result);
return $result;
} // end function metadata
function metadata_opengraph($result) {
// Facebook metadata
// see http://ogp.me
// https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/
$result[] = array('og:type','article');
$result[] = array('og:title',$this->bib->getTitle());
foreach($this->bib->getRawAuthors() as $author) {
// opengraph requires a URL as author value
$result[] = array('og:author',"http://".@$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?bib='.urlencode($this->bib->filename).'&author='.urlencode($author));
$result[] = array('og:published_time',$this->bib->getYear());
return $result;
} // end function metadata_opengraph
function metadata_dublin_core($result) {
// Dublin Core should not be used for bibliographic metadata
// according to several sources
// * Google Scholar: "Use Dublin Core tags (e.g., DC.title) as a last resort - they work poorly for journal papers"
// * http://reprog.wordpress.com/2010/09/03/bibliographic-data-part-2-dublin-cores-dirty-little-secret/
// however it seems that Google Scholar needs at least DC.Title to trigger referencing
// reference documentation: http://dublincore.org/documents/dc-citation-guidelines/
$result[] = array('DC.Title',$this->bib->getTitle());
foreach($this->bib->getArrayOfCommaSeparatedAuthors() as $author) {
$result[] = array('DC.Creator',$author);
$result[] = array('DC.Issued',$this->bib->getYear());
return $result;
function metadata_google_scholar($result) {
// the description may mix with the Google Scholar tags
// we remove it
// $result[] = array('description',trim(strip_tags(str_replace('"','',bib2html($this->bib)))));
$result[] = array('citation_title',$this->bib->getTitle());
$authors = $this->bib->getArrayOfCommaSeparatedAuthors();
$result[] = array('citation_authors',implode("; ",$authors));
foreach($authors as $author) {
$result[] = array('citation_author',$author);
// the date
$result[] = array('citation_publication_date',$this->bib->getYear());
$result[] = array('citation_date',$this->bib->getYear());
$result[] = array('citation_year',$this->bib->getYear());
if ($this->bib->hasField("publisher")) {
$result[] = array('citation_publisher',$this->bib->getPublisher());
if ($this->bib->getType()=="article") { // journal article
$result[] = array('citation_journal_title',$this->bib->getField("journal"));
$result[] = array('citation_volume',$this->bib->getField("volume"));
if ($this->bib->hasField("number")) {
// in bibtex, the issue number is usually in a field "number"
$result[] = array('citation_issue',$this->bib->getField("number"));
if ($this->bib->hasField("issue")) {
$result[] = array('citation_issue',$this->bib->getField("issue"));
if ($this->bib->hasField("issn")) {
$result[] = array('citation_issue',$this->bib->getField("issn"));
if ($this->bib->getType()=="inproceedings" || $this->bib->getType()=="conference") {
$result[] = array('citation_conference_title',$this->bib->getField(BOOKTITLE));
$result[] = array('citation_conference',$this->bib->getField(BOOKTITLE));
if ($this->bib->getType()=="phdthesis"
|| $this->bib->getType()=="mastersthesis"
|| $this->bib->getType()=="bachelorsthesis"
$result[] = array('citation_dissertation_institution',$this->bib->getField('school'));
if ($this->bib->getType()=="techreport"
&& $this->bib->hasField("number")
$result[] = array('citation_technical_report_number',$this->bib->getField('number'));
if ($this->bib->getType()=="techreport"
&& $this->bib->hasField("institution")
$result[] = array('citation_technical_report_institution',$this->bib->getField('institution'));
// generic
if ($this->bib->hasField("doi")) {
$result[] = array('citation_doi',$this->bib->getField("doi"));
if ($this->bib->hasField('url')) {
$result[] = array('citation_pdf_url',$this->bib->getField('url'));
if ($this->bib->hasField("pages")) {
$pages = $this->bib->getPages();
if (count($pages)==2) {
$result[] = array('citation_firstpage',$pages[0]);
$result[] = array('citation_lastpage',$pages[1]);
return $result;
function metadata_eprints($result) {
// --------------------------------- BEGIN METADATA EPRINTS
// and now adding eprints metadata
// why adding eprints metadata?
// because eprints is a well known bibliographic software and several crawlers/desktop software
// use their metadata
// unfortunately, the metadata is even less documented than Google Scholar citation_
// reference documentation: the eprints source code (./perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Export/Simple.pm)
// examples: conference paper: http://tubiblio.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/44344/
// journal paper: http://tubiblio.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/44344/
$result[] = array('eprints.title',$this->bib->getTitle());
$authors = $this->bib->getArrayOfCommaSeparatedAuthors();
foreach($authors as $author) {
$result[] = array('eprints.creators_name',$author);
$result[] = array('eprints.date',$this->bib->getYear());
if ($this->bib->hasField("publisher")) {
$result[] = array('eprints.publisher',$this->bib->getPublisher());
if ($this->bib->getType()=="article") { // journal article
$result[] = array('eprints.type','article');
$result[] = array('eprints.publication',$this->bib->getField("journal"));
$result[] = array('eprints.volume',$this->bib->getField("volume"));
if ($this->bib->hasField("issue")) {
$result[] = array('eprints.number',$this->bib->getField("issue"));}
if ($this->bib->getType()=="inproceedings" || $this->bib->getType()=="conference") {
$result[] = array('eprints.type','proceeding');
$result[] = array('eprints.book_title',$this->bib->getField(BOOKTITLE));
if ($this->bib->getType()=="phdthesis"
|| $this->bib->getType()=="mastersthesis"
|| $this->bib->getType()=="bachelorsthesis"
$result[] = array('eprints.type','thesis');
$result[] = array('eprints.institution',$this->bib->getField('school'));
if ($this->bib->getType()=="techreport")
$result[] = array('eprints.type','monograph');
if ($this->bib->hasField("number")) {
$result[] = array('eprints.number',$this->bib->getField('number'));
if ($this->bib->hasField("institution")) {
$result[] = array('eprints.institution',$this->bib->getField('institution'));
// generic
if ($this->bib->hasField("doi")) {
$result[] = array('eprints.id_number',$this->bib->getField("doi"));
if ($this->bib->hasField('url')) {
$result[] = array('eprints.official_url',$this->bib->getField('url'));
// --------------------------------- END METADATA EPRINTS
return $result;
} // end method metatada_eprints;
} // end class BibEntryDisplay
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** represents a bibliographic database that contains a set of bibliographic entries.
$db = new BibDataBase();
$query = array('author'=>'martin', 'year'=>2008);
foreach ($db->multisearch($query) as $bibentry) { echo $bibentry->getTitle(); }
class BibDataBase {
/** A hash table from keys (e.g. Goody1994) to bib entries (BibEntry instances). */
var $bibdb;
/** A hashtable of constant strings */
var $stringdb;
/** A list of file names */
var $from_files;
/** Creates a new database by parsing bib entries from the given
* file. (backward compatibility) */
function load($filename) {
$this->from_files[] = $filename;
/** Updates a database (replaces the new bibtex entries by the most recent ones) */
function update($filename) {
$this->from_files[] = $filename;
$this->update_internal($filename, NULL);
/** returns true if this file is already loaded in this BibDataBase object */
function is_already_loaded($filename) {
return in_array($filename, $this->from_files);
/** See update */
function update_internal($resource_name, $resource) {
$empty_array = array();
$db = createBibDBBuilder();
$db->build($resource_name, $resource);
$this->stringdb = array_merge($this->stringdb, $db->stringdb);
$result = $db->builtdb;
foreach ($result as $b) {
// new entries:
if (!isset($this->bibdb[$b->getKey()])) {
//echo 'adding... ';
// update entry
else if (isset($this->bibdb[$b->getKey()]) && ($b->toHTML() !== $this->bibdb[$b->getKey()]->toHTML())) {
//echo 'replacing... ';
$this->bibdb[$b->getKey()] = $b;
// some entries have been removed
foreach ($this->bibdb as $e) {
if (!isset($result[$e->getKey()])
&& $e->filename==$resource_name // bug reported by Thomas on Dec 4 2012
) {
//echo 'deleting... ';
// some @string have been removed
foreach ($this->stringdb as $k=>$e) {
if (!isset($db->stringdb[$k])
&& $e->filename==$resource_name ) {
//echo 'deleting... ';
/** Creates a new empty database */
function __construct() {
$this->bibdb = array();
$this->stringdb = array();
/** Returns the $n latest modified bibtex entries/ */
function getLatestEntries($n) {
$array = $this->bibdb; // array passed by value
uasort($array, $order);
$result = array_slice($array,0,$n);
return $result;
/** Returns all entries as an array. Each entry is an instance of
* class BibEntry. */
function getEntries() {
return $this->bibdb;
/** tests wheter the database contains a bib entry with $key */
function contains($key) {
return isset($this->bibdb[$key]);
/** Returns all entries categorized by types. The returned value is
* a hashtable from types to arrays of bib entries.
function getEntriesByTypes() {
$result = array();
foreach ($this->bibdb as $b) {
$result[$b->getType()][] = $b;
return $result;
/** Returns an array containing all the bib types (strings). */
function getTypes() {
$result = array();
foreach ($this->bibdb as $b) {
$result[$b->getType()] = 1;
$result = array_keys($result);
return $result;
/** Generates and returns an array consisting of all authors.
* The returned array is a hash table with keys
* and values .
function authorIndex(){
$tmp = array();
foreach ($this->bibdb as $bib) {
foreach($bib->getFormattedAuthorsArray() as $a){
$a = strip_tags($a);
//we use an array because several authors can have the same lastname
foreach ($tmp as $k=>$v) {
return $result;
function venueIndex(){
$tmp = array();
foreach ($this->bibdb as $bib) {
if ($bib->getType()=="article") {
if ($bib->getType()=="inproceedings") {
foreach ($tmp as $k=>$v) {
return $result;
/** Generates and returns an array consisting of all tags.
function tagIndex(){
$result = array();
foreach ($this->bibdb as $bib) {
if (!$bib->hasField("keywords")) continue;
$tags = $bib->getKeywords();
foreach($tags as $a){
$ta = trim($a);
$result[$ta] = $ta;
return $result;
/** Generates and returns an array consisting of all years.
function yearIndex(){
$result = array();
foreach ($this->bibdb as $bib) {
if (!$bib->hasField("year")) continue;
$year = strtolower($bib->getYearRaw());
$yearInt = (int) $year;
// Allow for ordering of non-string values ('in press' etc.)
switch ($year) {
case (string) $yearInt: // Sorry for this hacky type-casting
$key = $year;
$result[$key] = $year;
return $result;
/** Given its key, return the bib entry. */
function getEntryByKey($key) {
return $this->bibdb[$key];
/** Adds a new bib entry to the database. */
function addEntry($entry) {
if (!$entry->hasField('key')) {
throw new Exception('error: a bibliographic entry must have a key '.$entry->getText());
// we keep its insertion order
$entry->order = count($this->bibdb);
$this->bibdb[$entry->getKey()] = $entry;
* Returns an array containing all bib entries matching the given
* type.
function searchType($type){
$result = array();
foreach($this->bibdb as $bib) {
if($bib->getType() == $type)
$result[] = $bib;
return $result;
/** Returns an array of bib entries (BibEntry) that satisfy the query
* $query is an hash with entry type as key and searched fragment as value
function multisearch($query) {
if (count($query)<1) {return array();}
if (isset($query[Q_ALL])) return array_values($this->bibdb);
$result = array();
foreach ($this->bibdb as $bib) {
$entryisselected = true;
foreach ($query as $field => $fragment) {
$field = strtolower($field);
if ($field==Q_SEARCH) {
// we search in the whole bib entry
if (!$bib->hasPhrase($fragment)) {
$entryisselected = false;
else if ($field==Q_EXCLUDE) {
if ($bib->hasPhrase($fragment)) {
$entryisselected = false;
else if ($field==Q_TYPE || $field==Q_INNER_TYPE) {
// types are always exact search
// remarks Ken
// type:"book" should only select book (and not inbook, book, bookchapter)
// this was before in Dispatch:type()
// moved here so that it is also used by AcademicDisplay:search2html()
if (!$bib->hasPhrase('^('.$fragment.')$', Q_INNER_TYPE)) {
$entryisselected = false;
else if ($field==Q_NAME || $field==Q_AUTHOR_NAME || $field==Q_EDITOR_NAME) {
// Names require exact matching per name. Although a preg_match over the entire author field is possible,
// it's inconvenient and often results in unwanted matches if not done careful. Instead, use
// 'name'=>'(M. Monperrus|Monperrus, M.)' to exact match the name of an author or editor, use
// 'author_name' to match the name of an author, and use 'editor_name' to match the name of an editor.
$names = [];
if ($field==Q_NAME || $field==Q_AUTHOR_NAME)
$names = array_merge($bib->getRawAuthors(), $names);
if ($field==Q_NAME || $field==Q_EDITOR_NAME)
$names = array_merge($bib->getRawEditors(), $names);
if (empty($names)) {
$entryisselected = false;
} else {
foreach ($names as $name) {
$entryisselected = preg_match('/^' . $fragment . '$/', trim($name));
if ($entryisselected) {
if (!$entryisselected) {
else if ($field==Q_KEYS) {
if ( ! in_array( $bib->getKey(), $query[Q_KEYS] ) ) {
$entryisselected = false;
else if ($field==Q_RANGE) {
$year = $bib->getYear();
$withinRange = false;
foreach ($query[Q_RANGE] as $elements) {
if ($elements[0] === "" && $elements[1] === "")
$withinRange = true;
else if ($elements[0] === "" && $year <= $elements[1])
$withinRange = true;
else if ($elements[1] === "" && $year >= $elements[0])
$withinRange = true;
else if ($year <= $elements[1] && $year >= $elements[0]) {
$withinRange = true;
if (!$withinRange)
$entryisselected = false;
else {
if (!$bib->hasPhrase($fragment, $field)) {
$entryisselected = false;
if ($entryisselected) {
$result[] = $bib;
return $result;
/** returns the text of all @String entries of this dabatase */
function stringEntriesText() {
$s = "";
foreach($this->stringdb as $entry) { $s.=$entry->toString()."\n"; }
return $s;
/** returns a classical textual Bibtex representation of this database */
function toBibtex() {
$s = "";
$s .= $this->stringEntriesText();
foreach($this->bibdb as $bibentry) { $s.=$bibentry->getText()."\n"; }
return $s;
} // end class
/** returns the default CSS of bibtexbrowser */
function bibtexbrowserDefaultCSS() {
/* title */
.bibtitle { font-weight:bold; }
/* author */
.bibauthor { /* nothing by default */ }
/* booktitle (e.g. proceedings title, journal name, etc )*/
.bibbooktitle { font-style:italic; }
/* publisher */
.bibpublisher { /* nothing by default */ }
/* 1st level headers, equivalent H1 */
.rheader {
color: #003366;
font-size: large;
font-weight: bold;
/* 2nd level headers, equivalent H2 */
.sheader {
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #003366;
color: #ffffff;
padding: 2px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
margin-top: 7px;
border-bottom: #ff6633 2px solid;
/* 3rd level headers, equivalent H3 */
.theader {
background-color: #995124;
color: #FFFFFF;
padding: 1px 2px 1px 2px;
.btb-nav-title {
background-color: #995124;
color: #FFFFFF;
padding: 1px 2px 1px 2px;
.menu {
font-size: x-small;
background-color: #EFDDB4;
padding: 0px;
border: 1px solid #000000;
margin: 0px;
.menu a {
text-decoration: none;
color: #003366;
.menu a:hover {
color: #ff6633;
dd {
display: inline; /* for
if BIBTEXBROWSER_LAYOUT='definition' */
.bibitem {
.bibref {
display: inline; /* for
$db = zetDB('bibacid-utf8.bib');
$dis = new BibEntryDisplay($db->getEntryByKey('classical'));
* $content: an object with methods
* $title: title of the page
function HTMLTemplate($content) {
// when we load a page with AJAX
// the HTTP header is taken into account, not the
header('Content-type: text/html; charset='.OUTPUT_ENCODING);
echo ''."\n";
getRSS()!='') echo '';
foreach($metatags as $item) {
list($name,$value) = $item;
echo ''."\n";
} // end foreach
// now the title
if (method_exists($content, 'getTitle')) {
echo ''.strip_tags($content->getTitle()).'';
// now the CSS
echo '';
" . $content->getTitle() . "";
echo poweredby();
$db = zetDB('bibacid-utf8.bib');
$dis = new SimpleDisplay($db);
function NoWrapper($content) {
echo $content->display();
/** is used to create an subset of a bibtex file.
class RSSDisplay {
var $title = 'RSS produced by bibtexbrowser';
function __construct() {
// nothing by default
function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; return $this; }
/** tries to always output a valid XML/RSS string
* based on OUTPUT_ENCODING, HTML tags, and the transformations
* that happened in latex2html */
function text2rss($desc) {
// first strip HTML tags
$desc = strip_tags($desc);
// some entities may still be here, we remove them
// we replace html entities e.g. é by nothing
// however XML entities are kept (e.g. 5)
$desc = preg_replace('/&\w+;/','',$desc);
// bullet proofing ampersand
$desc = preg_replace('/&([^#])/','&$1',$desc);
// be careful of <
$desc = str_replace('<','<',$desc);
// final test with encoding:
if (function_exists('mb_check_encoding')) { // (PHP 4 >= 4.4.3, PHP 5 >= 5.1.3)
if (!mb_check_encoding($desc,OUTPUT_ENCODING)) {
return 'encoding error: please check the content of OUTPUT_ENCODING';
return $desc;
/** sets the entries to be shown */
function setEntries($entries) {
$this->entries = $entries;
function setWrapper($x) { $x->wrapper = 'NoWrapper'; }
function display() {
header('Content-type: application/rss+xml');
echo '';
bibtexbrowser v__GITHUB__
entries as $bibentry) {
$x = new Dispatcher();
class Dispatcher {
/** this is the query */
var $query = array();
/** the displayer of selected entries. The default is set in BIBTEXBROWSER_DEFAULT_DISPLAY.
* It could also be an RSSDisplay if the rss keyword is present
var $displayer = '';
/** the wrapper of selected entries. The default is an HTML wrapper
* It could also be a NoWrapper when you include your pub list in your home page
/** The BibDataBase object */
var $db = null;
function __construct() {}
/** returns the underlying BibDataBase object */
function getDB() {
// by default set it from $_GET[Q_FILE]
// first we set the database (load from disk or parse the bibtex file)
if ($this->db == null) {
list($db, $parsed, $updated, $saved) = _zetDB($_GET[Q_FILE]);
$this->db = $db;
return $this->db;
function main() {
// are we in test mode, or libray mode
// then this file is just a library
if (isset($_GET['test']) || isset($_GET['library'])) {
// we unset in order to use the dispatcher afterwards
if (!isset($_GET[Q_FILE])) { die('$_GET[\''.Q_FILE.'\'] is not set!'); }
// is the publication list included in another page?
// strtr is used for Windows where __FILE__ contains C:\toto and SCRIPT_FILENAME contains C:/toto (bug reported by Marco)
// realpath is required if the path contains sym-linked directories (bug found by Mark Hereld)
if (strtr(realpath(__FILE__),"\\","/")!=strtr(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']),"\\","/")) $this->wrapper=BIBTEXBROWSER_EMBEDDED_WRAPPER;
// first pass, we will exit if we encounter key or menu or academic
// other wise we just create the $this->query
foreach($_GET as $keyword=>$value) {
if (method_exists($this,$keyword)) {
// if the return value is END_DISPATCH, we finish bibtexbrowser (but not the whole PHP process in case we are embedded)
if ($this->$keyword()=='END_DISPATCH') return;
// at this point, we may have a query
if (count($this->query)>0) {
// first test for inconsistent queries
if (isset($this->query[Q_ALL]) && count($this->query)>1) {
// we discard the Q_ALL, it helps in embedded mode
$selectedEntries = $this->getDB()->multisearch($this->query);
if (count($selectedEntries)==0) {
$this->displayer = 'NotFoundDisplay';
// default order
uasort($selectedEntries, 'compare_bib_entries');
$selectedEntries = array_values($selectedEntries);
//echo '
';print_r($selectedEntries);echo '
if ($this->displayer=='') {
$this->displayer = bibtexbrowser_configuration('BIBTEXBROWSER_DEFAULT_DISPLAY');
} // otherwise the query is left empty
// do we have a displayer?
if ($this->displayer!='') {
$options = array();
if (isset($_GET['dopt'])) {
$options = json_decode($_GET['dopt'],true);
// required for PHP4 to have this intermediate variable
$x = new $this->displayer();
if (method_exists($x,'setEntries')) {
if (method_exists($x,'setTitle')) {
if (method_exists($x,'setQuery')) {
// should call method display() on $x
$fun = $this->wrapper;
else {
// we send a redirection for having the frameset
// if some contents have already been sent, for instance if we are included
// this means doing nothing
if ( headers_sent() == false ) { /* to avoid sending an unnecessary frameset */
header("Location: ".$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."?frameset&bib=".$_GET[Q_FILE]);
/** clears the query string in $_GET so that bibtexbrowser can be called multiple times */
function clearQuery() {
$params= array(Q_ALL,'rss', 'astext', Q_SEARCH, Q_EXCLUDE, Q_YEAR, EDITOR, Q_TAG, Q_AUTHOR, Q_TYPE, Q_ACADEMIC, Q_KEY);
foreach($params as $p) { unset($_GET[$p]); }
function all() {
function display() {
function rss() {
function astext() {
function search() {
if (preg_match('/utf-?8/i',OUTPUT_ENCODING)) {
$_GET[Q_SEARCH] = urldecode($_GET[Q_SEARCH]);
function exclude() { $this->query[Q_EXCLUDE]=$_GET[Q_EXCLUDE]; }
function year() {
// we may want the latest
if ($_GET[Q_YEAR]=='latest') {
$years = $this->getDB()->yearIndex();
function editor() { $this->query[EDITOR]=$_GET[EDITOR]; }
function keywords() { $this->query[Q_TAG]=$_GET[Q_TAG]; }
function author() {
// Friday, October 29 2010
// changed from 'author' to '_author'
// in order to search at the same time "Joe Dupont" an "Dupont, Joe"
function type() {
$this->query[Q_TYPE]= $_GET[Q_TYPE];
* Allow the user to search for a range of dates
* The query string can comprise several elements separated by commas and
* optionally white-space.
* Each element can either be one number (a year) or two numbers
* (a range of years) separated by anything non-numerical.
function range() {
$ranges = explode(',', $_GET[Q_RANGE]);
$result = array();
$nextYear = 1 + (int) date('Y');
$nextYear2D = $nextYear % 100;
$thisCentury = $nextYear - $nextYear2D;
foreach ($ranges as $range) {
$range = trim($range);
preg_match('/([0-9]*)([^0-9]*)([0-9]*)/', $range, $matches);
// If the number is empty, leave it empty - dont put it to 0
// If the number is two-digit, assume it to be within the last century or next year
if ($matches[0] === "") {
$lower = "";
} else if ($matches[0] < 100) {
if ($matches[0] > $nextYear2D) {
$lower = $thisCentury + $matches[0] - 100;
} else {
$lower = $thisCentury + $matches[0];
} else {
$lower = $matches[0];
// If no separator to indicate a range of years was supplied,
// the upper and lower boundaries are the same.
// Otherwise, again:
// If the number is empty, leave it empty - dont put it to 0
// If the number is two-digit, assume it to be within the last century or next year
if ($matches[1] === "")
$upper = $lower;
else {
if ($matches[2] === "") {
$upper = "";
} else if ($matches[2] < 100) {
if ($matches[2] > $nextYear2D) {
$upper = $thisCentury + $matches[2] - 100;
} else {
$upper = $thisCentury + $matches[2];
} else {
$upper = $matches[2];
$result[] = array($lower, $upper);
$this->query[Q_RANGE] = $result;
function menu() {
$menu = createMenuManager();
$fun = $this->wrapper;
return 'END_DISPATCH';
/** the academic keyword in URLs switch from a year based viey to a publication type based view */
function academic() {
// backward compatibility with old GET API
// this is deprecated
// instead of academic=Martin+Monperrus
// you should use author=Martin+Monperrus&academic
// be careful of the semantics of === and !==
// 'foo bar' == true is true
// 123 == true is true (and whatever number different from 0
// 0 == true is true
// '1'!=1 is **false**
if(!isset($_GET[Q_AUTHOR]) && $_GET[Q_ACADEMIC]!==true && $_GET[Q_ACADEMIC]!=='true' && $_GET[Q_ACADEMIC]!=1 && $_GET[Q_ACADEMIC]!='') {
function key() {
$entries = array();
// case 1: this is a single key
if ($this->getDB()->contains($_GET[Q_KEY])) {
$entries[] = $this->getDB()->getEntryByKey($_GET[Q_KEY]);
if (isset($_GET['astext'])) {
$bibdisplay = new BibtexDisplay();
} else {
$bibdisplay = createBibEntryDisplay();
$fun = $this->wrapper;
return 'END_DISPATCH';
// case two: multiple keys
if (preg_match('/[|,]/',$_GET[Q_KEY])) {
} else { nonExistentBibEntryError(); }
function keys() {
// Create array from list of bibtex entries
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$_GET[Q_KEYS] = stripslashes($_GET[Q_KEYS]);
$_GET[Q_KEYS] = (array) json_decode(urldecode($_GET[Q_KEYS])); // decode and cast the object into an (associative) array
// Make the array 1-based (keeps the string keys unchanged)
// Keep a flipped version for efficient search in getRawAbbrv()
$_GET[Q_INNER_KEYS_INDEX] = array_flip($_GET[Q_KEYS]);
/** is used to remotely analyzed a situation */
function diagnosis() {
header('Content-type: text/plain');
echo "php version: ".phpversion()."\n";
echo "bibtexbrowser version: __GITHUB__\n";
echo "dir: ".decoct(fileperms(dirname(__FILE__)))."\n";
echo "bibtex file: ".decoct(fileperms($_GET[Q_FILE]))."\n";
function frameset() { ?>
You are browsing with bibtexbrowser
for ($i=2;$igetEntryByKey($arguments[$i+1]);
if (preg_match('/^--set-(.*)/',$arg,$matches)) {
} // end if (!defined('BIBTEXBROWSER'))
$class = BIBTEXBROWSER_MAIN;// extension point
$main = new $class();