Lines Matching refs:page

286                 'values' => ['top', 'hero', 'page', 'none']
289 'values' => ['page title', 'home', 'icon', 'none']
302 'values' => ['always', 'none', 'page editors']
399 * Check if a page exist in directory or namespace
401 * @param string $page Page/namespace to search.
402 * @return boolean if page exists
404 public function pageExists(string $page): bool
407 tpl_includeFile($page . '.html');
419 if (page_findnearest($page, $useACL) !== false) {
422 } elseif ($useACL === true && auth_quickaclcheck($page) !== AUTH_NONE) {
431 * Print or return page from directory or namespace
433 * @param string $page Page/namespace to include.
436 * @param string $classWrapper Wrap page in a div with class.
437 * @return string contents of page found
439 public function includePage(string $page, bool $print = true, bool $parse = true, string $classWrapper = ''): string
442 tpl_includeFile($page . '.html');
451 $html = tpl_include_page($page, false, $propagate, $useACL);
990 * Print or return the page tools content
1117 // return if we are not allowed to view the page
1227 $this->userCanEdit() === true && strcasecmp($showPageTools, 'page editors') === 0)
1397 $page = $part;
1398 if ($page === $conf['start']) {
1403 $html .= '<li>' . tpl_pagelink($page, null, true) . '</li>';
1407 resolve_pageid('', $page, $exists);
1408 if ((isset($page) === true && $page === $part . $parts[$i]) === false) {
1409 $page = $part . $parts[$i];
1410 if ($page !== $conf['start']) {
1412 $html .= '<li>' . tpl_pagelink($page, null, true) . '</li>';
1453 if (isset($_GET['page']) === true) {
1474 * @return string page title
1704 if (strcasecmp($INPUT->str('page'), 'config') === 0) {
1735 } elseif (strcasecmp($INPUT->str('page'), 'styling') === 0) {
1875 if (strcasecmp($ACT, 'admin') === 0 && isset($_GET['page']) === false) {
1915 /* Hide page title if hero is enabled */
2024 if (strcasecmp($INPUT->str('page'), 'config') === 0) {
2050 * Get DokuWiki namespace/page/URI as link
2067 * Check if the user can edit current namespace/page
2164 * Print or return the page title
2166 * @param string $page Page id or empty string for current page.
2169 public function getPageTitle(string $page = ''): string
2175 if (empty($page) === true) {
2176 $page = $ID;
2179 $html = p_get_first_heading($page);