* @license GPLv2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) */ namespace dokuwiki\template\mikio; use Doku_Event; use dokuwiki\Menu\PageMenu; use dokuwiki\Menu\SiteMenu; use dokuwiki\Menu\UserMenu; use ParensParser; use simple_html_dom; if (defined('DOKU_INC') === false) { die(); } require_once('icons/icons.php'); require_once('inc/simple_html_dom.php'); require_once('inc/parens-parser.php'); class Template { /** * @var string Template directory path from local FS. */ public $tplDir = ''; /** * @var string Template directory path from web. */ public $baseDir = ''; /** * @var array Array of Javascript files to include in footer. */ public $footerScript = []; /** * @var string Notifications from included pages. */ private $includedPageNotifications = ''; /** * Class constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->tplDir = tpl_incdir(); $this->baseDir = tpl_basedir(); $this->registerHooks(); } /** * Returns the instance of the class * * @return Template class instance */ public static function getInstance(): Template { static $instance = null; if (empty($instance) === true) { $instance = new Template(); } return $instance; } /** * Register the themes hooks into Dokuwiki * * @return void */ private function registerHooks() { global $EVENT_HANDLER; $events_dispatcher = [ 'TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT' => 'metaheadersHandler' ]; foreach ($events_dispatcher as $event => $method) { $EVENT_HANDLER->register_hook($event, 'BEFORE', $this, $method); } } /** * Meta handler hook for DokuWiki * * @param Doku_Event $event DokuWiki Event. * @return void * @noinspection PhpUnused */ public function metaHeadersHandler(Doku_Event $event) { global $MIKIO_ICONS; global $conf; global $MIKIO_TEMPLATE; $MIKIO_TEMPLATE = '123'; $this->includePage('theme', false); $stylesheets = []; $scripts = []; if (empty($this->getConf('customTheme')) === false) { if (file_exists($this->tplDir . 'themes/' . $this->getConf('customTheme') . '/style.less') === true) { $stylesheets[] = $this->baseDir . 'themes/' . $this->getConf('customTheme') . '/style.less'; } else { if (file_exists($this->tplDir . 'themes/' . $this->getConf('customTheme') . '/style.css') === true) { $stylesheets[] = $this->baseDir . 'themes/' . $this->getConf('customTheme') . '/style.css'; } } if (file_exists($this->tplDir . 'themes/' . $this->getConf('customTheme') . '/script.js') === true) { $scripts[] = $this->baseDir . 'themes/' . $this->getConf('customTheme') . '/script.js'; } } if (is_array($MIKIO_ICONS) === true && empty($this->getConf('iconTag', 'icon')) === false) { $icons = []; foreach ($MIKIO_ICONS as $icon) { if (isset($icon['name']) === true && isset($icon['css']) === true && isset($icon['insert']) === true) { $icons[] = $icon; if (empty($icon['css']) === false) { if (strpos($icon['css'], '//') === false) { $stylesheets[] = $this->baseDir . 'icons/' . $icon['css']; } else { $stylesheets[] = $icon['css']; } } } } $MIKIO_ICONS = $icons; } else { $MIKIO_ICONS = []; } $scripts[] = $this->baseDir . 'assets/mikio-typeahead.js'; $scripts[] = $this->baseDir . 'assets/mikio.js'; if ($this->getConf('useLESS') === true) { $stylesheets[] = $this->baseDir . 'assets/mikio.less'; } else { $stylesheets[] = $this->baseDir . 'assets/mikio.css'; } /* MikioPlugin Support */ if (plugin_load('action', 'mikioplugin') !== null) { if ($this->getConf('useLESS') === true) { $stylesheets[] = $this->baseDir . 'assets/mikioplugin.less'; } else { $stylesheets[] = $this->baseDir . 'assets/mikioplugin.css'; } } $set = []; foreach ($stylesheets as $style) { if (in_array($style, $set) === false) { if (strcasecmp(substr($style, -5), '.less') === 0 && $this->getConf('useLESS') === true) { $style = $this->baseDir . 'css.php?css=' . str_replace($this->baseDir, '', $style); } array_unshift($event->data['link'], [ 'type' => 'text/css', 'rel' => 'stylesheet', 'href' => $style ]); } $set[] = $style; } $set = []; foreach ($scripts as $script) { if (in_array($script, $set) === false) { $script_params = [ 'type' => 'text/javascript', '_data' => '', 'src' => $script ]; // equal to or greator than hogfather if ($this->dwVersionNumber() >= 20200729 || $this->dwVersionNumber() == 0) { // greator than hogfather - defer always on if ($this->dwVersionNumber() >= 20200729 || $this->dwVersionNumber() == 0) { $script_params += ['defer' => 'defer']; } else { // hogfather - defer always on unless $conf['defer_js'] is false if (array_key_exists('defer_js', $conf) === false || $conf['defer_js'] === true) { $script_params += ['defer' => 'defer']; } } } $event->data['script'][] = $script_params; }//end if $set[] = $script; }//end foreach } /** * Print or return the footer metadata * * @param boolean $print Print the data to buffer. * @return string HTML footer meta data */ public function includeFooterMeta(bool $print = true): string { $html = ''; if (count($this->footerScript) > 0) { $html .= ''; } if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } // phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting.FunctionComment.TypeHintMissing /** * Retreive and parse theme configuration options * * @param string $key The configuration key to retreive. * @param mixed $default If key doesn't exist, return this value. * @return mixed parsed value of configuration */ public function getConf(string $key, $default = false) { $value = tpl_getConf($key, $default); $data = [ ['keys' => ['navbarDWMenuType'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['both', 'icons', 'text'] ], ['keys' => ['navbarDWMenuCombine'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['combine', 'seperate', 'dropdown'] ], ['keys' => ['navbarPosLeft', 'navbarPosMiddle', 'navbarPosRight'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['none', 'custom', 'search', 'dokuwiki'], 'default' => [ 'navbarPosLeft' => 'none', 'navbarPosMiddle' => 'search', 'navbarPosRight' => 'dokuwiki' ] ], ['keys' => ['navbarItemShowCreate', 'navbarItemShowShow', 'navbarItemShowRevs', 'navbarItemShowBacklink', 'navbarItemShowRecent', 'navbarItemShowMedia', 'navbarItemShowIndex', 'navbarItemShowProfile', 'navbarItemShowAdmin' ], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['always', 'logged in', 'logged out', 'never'] ], ['keys' => ['navbarItemShowLogin', 'navbarItemShowLogout'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['always', 'never'] ], ['keys' => ['searchButton'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['icon', 'text'] ], ['keys' => ['breadcrumbPosition', 'youareherePosition'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['top', 'hero', 'page', 'none'] ], ['keys' => ['youarehereHome'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['page title', 'home', 'icon', 'none'] ], ['keys' => ['sidebarLeftRow1', 'sidebarLeftRow2', 'sidebarLeftRow3', 'sidebarLeftRow4'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['none', 'logged in user', 'search', 'content', 'tags'], 'default' => [ 'sidebarLeftRow1' => 'logged in user', 'sidebarLeftRow2' => 'search', 'sidebarLeftRow3' => 'content' ] ], ['keys' => ['pageToolsFloating', 'pageToolsFooter'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['always', 'none', 'page editors'] ], ['keys' => ['pageToolsShowCreate', 'pageToolsShowEdit', 'pageToolsShowRevs', 'pageToolsShowBacklink', 'pageToolsShowTop' ], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['always', 'logged in', 'logged out', 'never'] ], ['keys' => ['showNotifications'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['admin', 'always', 'none', '', 'never'] ], ['keys' => ['licenseType'], 'type' => 'choice', 'values' => ['badge', 'button', 'none'] ], ['keys' => ['navbarUseTitleIcon'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['navbarUseTitleText'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['navbarUseTaglineText'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['navbarShowSub'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['heroTitle'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['heroImagePropagation'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['breadcrumbPrefix'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['breadcrumbSep'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['youareherePrefix'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['youarehereSep'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['sidebarShowLeft'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['sidebarShowRight'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['tocFull'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['footerSearch'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['licenseImageOnly'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['includePageUseACL'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['includePagePropagate'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['youarehereHideHome'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['tagsConsolidate'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['footerInPage'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['sidebarMobileDefaultCollapse'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['sidebarAlwaysShowLeft'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['sidebarAlwaysShowRight'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['searchUseTypeahead'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['showLightDark'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['autoLightDark'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['youarehereShowLast'], 'type' => 'int'], ['keys' => ['iconTag'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['customTheme'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['navbarCustomMenuText'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['breadcrumbPrefixText'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['breadcrumbSepText'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['youareherePrefixText'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['youarehereSepText'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['footerPageInfoText'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['footerCustomMenuText'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['brandURLGuest'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['brandURLUser'], 'type' => 'string'], ['keys' => ['useLESS'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['stickyTopHeader'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['stickyNavbar'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['stickyHeader'], 'type' => 'bool'], ['keys' => ['stickyLeftSidebar'], 'type' => 'bool'], ]; foreach ($data as $row) { // does not check case.... if (in_array($key, $row['keys']) === true) { if (array_key_exists('type', $row) === true) { switch ($row['type']) { case 'bool': return (bool) $value; case 'int': return (int) $value; case 'string': return $value; }//end switch }//end if if (in_array($value, $row['values']) === true) { return $value; } if (array_key_exists('default', $row) === true) { if (is_array($row['default']) === true) { if (array_key_exists($key, $row['default']) === true) { return $row['default'][$key]; } } else { return $row['default']; } } return reset($row['values']); }//end if }//end foreach return $value; } // phpcs:enable /** * Check if a page exist in directory or namespace * * @param string $page Page/namespace to search. * @return boolean if page exists */ public function pageExists(string $page): bool { ob_start(); tpl_includeFile($page . '.html'); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (empty($html) === false) { return true; } $useACL = $this->getConf('includePageUseACL'); $propagate = $this->getConf('includePagePropagate'); if ($propagate === true) { if (page_findnearest($page, $useACL) !== false) { return true; } } elseif ($useACL === true && auth_quickaclcheck($page) !== AUTH_NONE) { return true; } return false; } /** * Print or return page from directory or namespace * * @param string $page Page/namespace to include. * @param boolean $print Print content. * @param boolean $parse Parse content before printing/returning. * @param string $classWrapper Wrap page in a div with class. * @return string contents of page found */ public function includePage(string $page, bool $print = true, bool $parse = true, string $classWrapper = ''): string { ob_start(); tpl_includeFile($page . '.html'); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (empty($html) === true) { $useACL = $this->getConf('includePageUseACL'); $propagate = $this->getConf('includePagePropagate'); ob_start(); $html = tpl_include_page($page, false, $propagate, $useACL); $this->includedPageNotifications .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } if (empty($html) === false && $parse === true) { $html = $this->parseContent($html); } if (empty($classWrapper) === false && empty($html) === false) { $html = '
' . $html . '
'; } if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Print or return logged-in user information * * @param boolean $print Print content. * @return string user information */ public function includeLoggedIn(bool $print = true): string { $html = ''; if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) === false) { $html .= '
'; ob_start(); tpl_userinfo(); $html .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $html .= '
'; } if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Print or return DokuWiki Menu * * @param boolean $print Print content. * @return string contents of the menu */ public function includeDWMenu(bool $print = true): string { global $lang; global $USERINFO; $loggedIn = (is_array($USERINFO) === true && count($USERINFO) > 0); $html = ''; if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Create a nav element from a string. |; * * @param string $str String to generate nav. * @return string nav elements generated */ public function stringToNav(string $str) { $html = ''; if (empty($str) === false) { $items = explode(';', $str); if (count($items) > 0) { $html .= '<ul class="mikio-nav">'; foreach ($items as $item) { $parts = explode('|', $item); if ($parts > 1) { $html .= '<li class="mikio-nav-item"><a class="mikio-nav-link" href="' . strip_tags($this->getLink(trim($parts[0]))) . '">' . strip_tags(trim($parts[1])) . '</a></li>'; } } $html .= '</ul>'; } } return $html; } /** * print or return the main navbar * * @param boolean $print Print the navbar. * @param boolean $showSub Include the sub navbar. * @return string generated content */ public function includeNavbar(bool $print = true, bool $showSub = false) { global $conf, $USERINFO; $homeUrl = wl(); if (plugin_isdisabled('showpageafterlogin') === false) { $p = plugin_load('action', 'showpageafterlogin'); if (empty($p) === false) { if (is_array($USERINFO) === true && count($USERINFO) > 0) { $homeUrl = wl($p->getConf('page_after_login')); } } } else { if (is_array($USERINFO) === true && count($USERINFO) > 0) { $url = $this->getConf('brandURLUser'); if (strlen($url) > 0) { $homeUrl = $url; } } else { $url = $this->getConf('brandURLGuest'); if (strlen($url) > 0) { $homeUrl = $url; } } } $html = ''; $html .= '<nav class="mikio-navbar' . (($this->getConf('stickyNavbar') === true) ? ' mikio-sticky' : '') . '">'; $html .= '<div class="mikio-container">'; $html .= '<a class="mikio-navbar-brand" href="' . $homeUrl . '" accesskey="h" title="Home [h]">'; if ($this->getConf('navbarUseTitleIcon') === true || $this->getConf('navbarUseTitleText') === true) { // Brand image if ($this->getConf('navbarUseTitleIcon') === true) { $logo = $this->getMediaFile('logo', false); if (empty($logo) === false) { $width = $this->getConf('navbarTitleIconWidth'); $height = $this->getConf('navbarTitleIconHeight'); $styles = ''; if (strlen($width) > 0 || strlen($height) > 0) { if (ctype_digit($width) === true) { $styles .= 'max-width:' . intval($width) . 'px;'; } elseif (preg_match('/^\d+(px|rem|em|%)$/', $width) === 1) { $styles .= 'max-width:' . $width . ';'; } elseif (strcasecmp($width, 'none') === 0) { $styles .= 'max-width:none;'; } if (ctype_digit($height) === true) { $styles .= 'max-height:' . intval($height) . 'px;'; } elseif (preg_match('/^\d+(px|rem|em|%)$/', $height) === 1) { $styles .= 'max-height:' . $height . ';'; } elseif (strcasecmp($height, 'none') === 0) { $styles .= 'max-height:none;'; } if (strlen($styles) > 0) { $styles = ' style="' . $styles . '"'; } }//end if $html .= '<img src="' . $logo . '" class="mikio-navbar-brand-image"' . $styles . '>'; }//end if }//end if // Brand title if ($this->getConf('navbarUseTitleText') === true) { $html .= '<div class="mikio-navbar-brand-title">'; $html .= '<h1 class="mikio-navbar-brand-title-text">' . $conf['title'] . '</h1>'; if ($this->getConf('navbarUseTaglineText') === true) { $html .= '<p class="claim mikio-navbar-brand-title-tagline">' . $conf['tagline'] . '</p>'; } $html .= '</div>'; } }//end if $html .= '</a>'; $html .= '<div class="mikio-navbar-toggle"><span class="icon"></span></div>'; // Menus $html .= '<div class="mikio-navbar-collapse">'; $menus = [$this->getConf('navbarPosLeft', 'none'), $this->getConf('navbarPosMiddle', 'none'), $this->getConf('navbarPosRight', 'none') ]; foreach ($menus as $menuType) { switch ($menuType) { case 'custom': $html .= $this->stringToNav($this->getConf('navbarCustomMenuText', '')); break; case 'search': $html .= '<div class="mikio-nav-item">'; $html .= $this->includeSearch(false); $html .= '</div>'; break; case 'dokuwiki': $html .= $this->includeDWMenu(false); break; } } $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</nav>'; // Sub Navbar if ($showSub === true) { $sub = $this->includePage('submenu', false); if (empty($sub) === false) { $html .= '<nav class="mikio-navbar mikio-sub-navbar">' . $sub . '</nav>'; } } if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Is there a sidebar * * @param string $prefix Sidebar prefix to use when searching. * @return boolean if sidebar exists */ public function sidebarExists(string $prefix = '') { global $conf; if (strcasecmp($prefix, 'left') === 0) { $prefix = ''; } return $this->pageExists($conf['sidebar' . $prefix]); } /** * Print or return the sidebar content * * @param string $prefix Sidebar prefix to use when searching. * @param boolean $print Print the generated content to the output buffer. * @param boolean $parse Parse the content. * @return string generated content */ public function includeSidebar(string $prefix = '', bool $print = true, bool $parse = true) { global $conf, $ID; $html = ''; $confPrefix = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', ucwords($prefix)); $prefix = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', strtolower($prefix)); if (empty($confPrefix) === true) { $confPrefix = 'Left'; } if (strcasecmp($prefix, 'left') === 0) { $prefix = ''; } $sidebarPage = empty($conf[$prefix . 'sidebar']) === true ? $prefix . 'sidebar' : $conf[$prefix . 'sidebar']; if ( $this->getConf('sidebarShow' . $confPrefix) === true && page_findnearest($sidebarPage) !== false && p_get_metadata($ID, 'nosidebar', false) === null ) { $content = $this->includePage($sidebarPage . 'header', false); if (empty($content) === false) { $html .= '<div class="mikio-sidebar-header">' . $content . '</div>'; } if (empty($prefix) === true) { $rows = [$this->getConf('sidebarLeftRow1'), $this->getConf('sidebarLeftRow2'), $this->getConf('sidebarLeftRow3'), $this->getConf('sidebarLeftRow4') ]; foreach ($rows as $row) { switch ($row) { case 'search': $html .= $this->includeSearch(false); break; case 'logged in user': $html .= $this->includeLoggedIn(false); break; case 'content': $content = $this->includePage($sidebarPage, false); if (empty($content) === false) { $html .= '<div class="mikio-sidebar-content">' . $content . '</div>'; } break; case 'tags': $html .= '<div class="mikio-tags"></div>'; } } } else { $content = $this->includePage($sidebarPage, false); if (empty($content) === false) { $html .= '<div class="mikio-sidebar-content">' . $content . '</div>'; } }//end if $content = $this->includePage($sidebarPage . 'footer', false); if (empty($content) === false) { $html .= '<div class="mikio-sidebar-footer">' . $content . '</div>'; } }//end if if (empty($html) === true) { if (empty($prefix) === true && $this->getConf('sidebarAlwaysShowLeft') === true) { $html = ' '; } if ($this->getConf('sidebarAlwaysShow' . ucfirst($prefix)) === true) { $html = ' '; } } if (empty($html) === false) { $sidebarClasses = [ 'mikio-sidebar', 'mikio-sidebar-' . (empty($prefix) === true ? 'left' : $prefix) ]; $collapseClasses = ['mikio-sidebar-collapse']; if(empty($prefix) === true && $this->getConf('stickyLeftSidebar') === true) { $collapseClasses[] = 'mikio-sidebar-sticky'; } $html = '<aside class="' . implode(' ', $sidebarClasses) . '"><a class="mikio-sidebar-toggle' . ($this->getConf('sidebarMobileDefaultCollapse') === true ? ' closed' : '') . '" href="#">' . tpl_getLang('sidebar-title') . ' <span class="icon"></span></a><div class="' . implode(' ', $collapseClasses) . '">' . $html . '</div></aside>'; } if ($parse === true) { $html = $this->includeIcons($html); } if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Print or return the page tools content * * @param boolean $print Print the generated content to the output buffer. * @param boolean $includeId Include the dw__pagetools id in the element. * @return string generated content */ public function includePageTools(bool $print = true, bool $includeId = false) { global $USERINFO; $loggedIn = (is_array($USERINFO) === true && count($USERINFO) > 0); $html = ''; $html .= '<nav' . ($includeId === true ? ' id="dw__pagetools"' : '') . ' class="hidden-print dw__pagetools">'; $html .= '<ul class="tools">'; $items = (new PageMenu())->getItems(); foreach ($items as $item) { $classes = []; $classes[] = $item->getType(); $attr = $item->getLinkAttributes(); if (empty($attr['class']) === false) { $classes = array_merge($classes, explode(' ', $attr['class'])); } $classes = array_unique($classes); $title = isset($attr['title']) && $attr['title'] !== 0 ? $attr['title'] : $item->getTitle(); $showItem = $this->getConf('pageToolsShow' . ucfirst($item->getType()), 'always'); if ( $showItem !== false && (strcasecmp($showItem, 'always') === 0 || (strcasecmp($showItem, 'logged in') === 0 && $loggedIn === true) || (strcasecmp($showItem, 'logged out') === 0 && $loggedIn === true)) ) { $html .= '<li class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '">'; $html .= '<a href="' . $item->getLink() . '" class="' . $item->getType() . '" title="' . $title . '"' . (isset($attr['accesskey']) && $attr['accesskey'] !== '' ? ' accesskey="' . $attr['accesskey'] . '"' : '') . '><div class="icon">' . inlineSVG($item->getSvg()) . '</div><span class="a11y">' . $item->getLabel() . '</span></a>'; $html .= '</li>'; } }//end foreach $html .= '</ul>'; $html .= '</nav>'; if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Print or return the search bar * * @param boolean $print Print content. * @return string contents of the search bar */ public function includeSearch(bool $print = true) { global $lang, $ID, $ACT, $QUERY; $html = ''; $html .= '<form class="mikio-search search" action="' . wl() . '" accept-charset="utf-8" method="get" role="search">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="search">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $ID . '">'; $html .= '<input name="q" '; if ($this->getConf('searchUseTypeahead') === true) { $html .= 'class="search_typeahead" '; } $html .= 'autocomplete="off" type="search" placeholder="' . $lang['btn_search'] . '" value="' . ((strcasecmp($ACT, 'search') === 0) ? htmlspecialchars($QUERY) : '') . '" accesskey="f" title="[F]" />'; $html .= '<button type="submit" title="' . $lang['btn_search'] . '">'; if (strcasecmp($this->getConf('searchButton'), 'icon') === 0) { $html .= $this->mikioInlineIcon('search'); } else { $html .= $lang['btn_search']; } $html .= '</button>'; $html .= '</form>'; if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Print or return content * * @param boolean $print Print content. * @return string contents */ public function includeContent(bool $print = true) { ob_start(); tpl_content(false); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $html = $this->includeIcons($html); $html = $this->parseContent($html); $html .= '<div style="clear:both"></div>'; if ($this->getConf('heroTitle') === false) { $html = '<div class="mikio-tags"></div>' . $html; } $html = '<div class="mikio-article-content">' . $html . '</div>'; if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } private function custom_tpl_pageinfo($ret = false) { global $conf; global $lang; global $INFO; global $ID; // return if we are not allowed to view the page if (!auth_quickaclcheck($ID)) { return false; } if ($INFO['exists']) { $file = $INFO['filepath']; if (!$conf['fullpath']) { if ($INFO['rev']) { $file = str_replace($conf['olddir'] . '/', '', $file); } else { $file = str_replace($conf['datadir'] . '/', '', $file); } } $file = utf8_decodeFN($file); $date = dformat($INFO['lastmod']); $string = $this->getConf('footerPageInfoText', ''); // replace lang items $string = preg_replace_callback('/%([^%]+)%/', function ($matches) use ($lang) { return isset($lang[$matches[1]]) ? $lang[$matches[1]] : ''; }, $string); $options = [ 'file' => '<bdi>' . $file . '</bdi>', 'date' => $date, 'user' => $INFO['editor'] ? '<bdi>' . editorinfo($INFO['editor']) . '</bdi>' : $lang['external_edit'] ]; if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { $options['loggedin'] = true; } if ($INFO['locked']) { $options['locked'] = '<bdi>' . editorinfo($INFO['locked']) . '</bdi>'; } $parser = new ParensParser(); $result = $parser->parse($string); $parserIterate = function ($arr, $func) use ($options) { $str = ''; foreach ($arr as $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $str .= $func($value, $func); } else { if (preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z]+)=(.*)/', $value, $matches)) { $key = strtolower($matches[1]); // Extract the key (a-zA-Z part) if (isset($options[$key])) { $str .= $matches[2]; } else { return $str; } } else { $str .= $value; } } }//end foreach return $str; }; $string = $parserIterate($result, $parserIterate); $string = preg_replace_callback('/{([^}]+)}/', function ($matches) use ($options) { $key = strtolower($matches[1]); return isset($options[$key]) ? $options[$key] : ''; }, $string); if ($ret) { return $string; } else { echo $string; return true; } }//end if return false; } /** * Print or return footer * * @param boolean $print Print footer. * @return string HTML string containing footer */ public function includeFooter(bool $print = true) { global $ACT; $html = ''; $html .= '<footer class="mikio-footer">'; $html .= '<div class="doc">' . $this->custom_tpl_pageinfo(true) . '</div>'; $html .= $this->includePage('footer', false); $html .= $this->stringToNav($this->getConf('footerCustomMenuText')); if ($this->getConf('footerSearch') === true) { $html .= '<div class="mikio-footer-search">'; $html .= $this->includeSearch(false); $html .= '</div>'; } $showPageTools = $this->getConf('pageToolsFooter'); if ( strcasecmp($ACT, 'show') === 0 && (strcasecmp($showPageTools, 'always') === 0 || $this->userCanEdit() === true && strcasecmp($showPageTools, 'page editors') === 0) ) { $html .= $this->includePageTools(false); } $meta['licenseType'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => ['none', 'badge', 'button']]; $meta['licenseImageOnly'] = ['onoff']; $licenseType = $this->getConf('licenseType'); if ($licenseType !== 'none') { $html .= tpl_license($licenseType, $this->getConf('licenseImageOnly'), true, true); } $html .= '</footer>'; if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Print or return breadcrumb trail * * @param boolean $print Print out trail. * @param boolean $parse Parse trail before printing. * @return string HTML string containing breadcrumbs */ public function includeBreadcrumbs(bool $print = true, bool $parse = true) { global $conf, $ID, $lang, $ACT; if ( $this->getConf('breadcrumbHideHome') === true && strcasecmp($ID, 'start') === 0 && strcasecmp($ACT, 'show') === 0 || strcasecmp($ACT, 'showtag') === 0 || $conf['breadcrumbs'] === 0 ) { return ''; } $html = '<div class="mikio-breadcrumbs">'; $html .= '<div class="mikio-container">'; if (strcasecmp($ACT, 'show') === 0) { if ($conf['breadcrumbs'] !== 0) { if ($this->getConf('breadcrumbPrefix') === false && $this->getConf('breadcrumbSep') === false) { ob_start(); tpl_breadcrumbs(); $html .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $sep = '•'; $prefix = $lang['breadcrumb']; if ($this->getConf('breadcrumbSep') === true) { $sep = $this->getConf('breadcrumbSepText'); $img = $this->getMediaFile('breadcrumb-sep', false); if ($img !== false) { $sep = '<img src="' . $img . '">'; } } if ($this->getConf('breadcrumbPrefix') === true) { $prefix = $this->getConf('breadcrumbPrefixText'); $img = $this->getMediaFile('breadcrumb-prefix', false); if ($img !== false) { $prefix = '<img src="' . $img . '">'; } } $crumbs = breadcrumbs(); $html .= '<ul>'; if (empty($prefix) === false) { $html .= '<li class="prefix">' . $prefix . '</li>'; } $last = count($crumbs); $i = 0; foreach ($crumbs as $id => $name) { $i++; if ($i !== 1) { $html .= '<li class="sep">' . $sep . '</li>'; } $html .= '<li' . ($i === $last ? ' class="curid"' : '') . '>'; $html .= tpl_pagelink($id, null, true); $html .= '</li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; }//end if }//end if }//end if $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; if ($parse === true) { $html = $this->includeIcons($html); } if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Print or return you are here trail * * @param boolean $print Print out trail. * @param boolean $parse Parse trail before printing. * @return string HTML string containing breadcrumbs */ public function includeYouAreHere(bool $print = true, bool $parse = true) { global $conf, $ID, $lang, $ACT; if ( $this->getConf('youarehereHideHome') === true && strcasecmp($ID, 'start') === 0 && strcasecmp($ACT, 'show') === 0 || strcasecmp($ACT, 'showtag') === 0 || $conf['youarehere'] === 0 ) { return ''; } $html = '<div class="mikio-youarehere">'; $html .= '<div class="mikio-container">'; if (strcasecmp($ACT, 'show') === 0) { if ($conf['youarehere'] !== 0) { if ($this->getConf('youareherePrefix') === false && $this->getConf('youarehereSep') === false) { $html .= '<div class="mikio-bcdw">'; ob_start(); tpl_youarehere(); $html .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $html .= '</div>'; } else { $sep = ' » '; $prefix = $lang['youarehere']; if ($this->getConf('youarehereSep') === true) { $sep = $this->getConf('youarehereSepText'); $img = $this->getMediaFile('youarehere-sep', false); if ($img !== false) { $sep = '<img src="' . $img . '">'; } } if ($this->getConf('youareherePrefix') === true) { $prefix = $this->getConf('youareherePrefixText'); $img = $this->getMediaFile('youarehere-prefix', false); if ($img !== false) { $prefix = '<img src="' . $img . '">'; } } $html .= '<ul>'; if (empty($prefix) === false) { $html .= '<li class="prefix">' . $prefix . '</li>'; } $html .= '<li>' . tpl_pagelink(':' . $conf['start'], null, true) . '</li>'; $parts = explode(':', $ID); $count = count($parts); $part = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < ($count - 1); $i++) { $part .= $parts[$i] . ':'; $page = $part; if ($page === $conf['start']) { continue; } $html .= '<li class="sep">' . $sep . '</li>'; $html .= '<li>' . tpl_pagelink($page, null, true) . '</li>'; } $exists = false; resolve_pageid('', $page, $exists); if ((isset($page) === true && $page === $part . $parts[$i]) === false) { $page = $part . $parts[$i]; if ($page !== $conf['start']) { $html .= '<li class="sep">' . $sep . '</li>'; $html .= '<li>' . tpl_pagelink($page, null, true) . '</li>'; } } $html .= '</ul>'; }//end if }//end if $showLast = $this->getConf('youarehereShowLast'); if ($showLast !== 0) { preg_match_all('/(<li[^>]*>.+?<\/li>)/', $html, $matches); if (count($matches) > 0 && count($matches[0]) > (($showLast * 2) + 2)) { $count = count($matches[0]); $list = ''; // Show Home $list .= $matches[0][0] . $matches[0][1]; $list .= '<li>...</li>'; for ($i = ($count - ($showLast * 2)); $i <= $count; $i++) { $list .= $matches[0][$i]; } $html = preg_replace('/<ul>.*<\/ul>/', '<ul>' . $list . '</ul>', $html); } } switch ($this->getConf('youarehereHome')) { case 'none': $html = preg_replace('/<li[^>]*>.+?<\/li>/', '', $html, 2); break; case 'home': $html = preg_replace('/(<a[^>]*>)(.+?)(<\/a>)/', '$1' . tpl_getlang('home') . '$3', $html, 1); break; case 'icon': $html = preg_replace('/(<a[^>]*>)(.+?)(<\/a>)/', '$1' . $this->mikioInlineIcon('home') . '$3', $html, 1); break; } } else { $html .= '≪ '; if (isset($_GET['page']) === true) { $html .= '<a href="' . wl($ID, ['do' => $ACT]) . '">Back</a>   /   '; } $html .= '<a href="' . wl($ID) . '">View Page</a>'; }//end if $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; if ($parse === true) { $html = $this->includeIcons($html); } if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Get Page Title * * @return string page title */ public function parsePageTitle() { global $ID; $title = p_get_first_heading($ID); if (strlen($title) <= 0) { $title = tpl_pagetitle(null, true); } $title = $this->includeIcons($title); return $title; } /** * Print or return hero block * * @param boolean $print Print content. * @return string contents of hero */ public function includeHero(bool $print = true) { $html = ''; if ($this->getConf('heroTitle') === true) { $html .= '<div class="mikio-hero">'; $html .= '<div class="mikio-container">'; $html .= '<div class="mikio-hero-text">'; if (strcasecmp($this->getConf('youareherePosition'), 'hero') === 0) { $html .= $this->includeYouAreHere(false); } if (strcasecmp($this->getConf('breadcrumbPosition'), 'hero') === 0) { $html .= $this->includeBreadcrumbs(false); } $html .= '<h1 class="mikio-hero-title">'; $html .= $this->parsePageTitle(); // No idea why this requires a blank space afterward to work? $html .= '</h1>'; $html .= '<h2 class="mikio-hero-subtitle"></h2>'; $html .= '</div>'; $hero_image = $this->getMediaFile('hero', true, $this->getConf('heroImagePropagation', true)); $hero_image_resize_class = ''; if (empty($hero_image) === false) { $hero_image = ' style="background-image:url(\'' . $hero_image . '\');"'; $hero_image_resize_class = ' mikio-hero-image-resize'; } $html .= '<div class="mikio-hero-image' . $hero_image_resize_class . '"' . $hero_image . '><div class="mikio-tags"></div></div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; }//end if if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Print or return out TOC * * @param boolean $print Print TOC. * @param boolean $parse Parse icons. * @return string contents of TOC */ public function includeTOC(bool $print = true, bool $parse = true) { $html = ''; $tocHtml = tpl_toc(true); if (empty($tocHtml) === false) { $tocHtml = preg_replace( '/(<h3.+?toggle.+?>)(.+?)<\/h3>/', '$1' . $this->mikioInlineIcon('hamburger', 'hamburger') . '$2' . $this->mikioInlineIcon('down-arrow', 'down-arrow') . '</h3>', $tocHtml ); $tocHtml = preg_replace('/<li.*><div.*><a.*><\/a><\/div><\/li>\s*/', '', $tocHtml); $tocHtml = preg_replace('/<ul.*>\s*<\/ul>\s*/', '', $tocHtml); $html .= '<div class="mikio-toc">'; $html .= $tocHtml; $html .= '</div>'; } if ($parse === true) { $html = $this->includeIcons($html); } if ($print === true) { echo $html; } return $html; } /** * Parse the string and replace icon elements with included icon libraries * * @param string $str Content to parse. * @return string parsed string */ public function includeIcons(string $str) { global $ACT, $MIKIO_ICONS; $iconTag = $this->getConf('iconTag', 'icon'); if (empty($iconTag) === true) { return $str; } if ( in_array($ACT, ['show', 'showtag', 'revisions', 'index', 'preview']) === true || strcasecmp($ACT, 'admin') === 0 && count($MIKIO_ICONS) > 0 ) { $content = $str; $preview = null; if (strcasecmp($ACT, 'preview') === 0) { $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html->stripRNAttrValues = false; $html->load($str, true, false); $preview = $html->find('div.preview'); if (is_array($preview) === true && count($preview) > 0) { $content = $preview[0]->innertext; } } $page_regex = '/(.*)/'; if (stripos($str, '<pre') !== false) { $page_regex = '/<(?!pre|\/).*?>(.*)[^<]*/'; } $content = preg_replace_callback($page_regex, function ($icons) { $iconTag = $this->getConf('iconTag', 'icon'); return preg_replace_callback( '/<' . $iconTag . ' ([\w\- #]*)>(?=[^>]*(<|$))/', function ($matches) { global $MIKIO_ICONS; $s = $matches[0]; if (count($MIKIO_ICONS) > 0) { $icon = $MIKIO_ICONS[0]; if (count($matches) > 1) { $e = explode(' ', $matches[1]); if (count($e) > 1) { foreach ($MIKIO_ICONS as $iconItem) { if (strcasecmp($iconItem['name'], $e[0]) === 0) { $icon = $iconItem; $s = $icon['insert']; for ($i = 1; $i < 9; $i++) { if (count($e) < $i || empty($e[$i]) === true) { if (isset($icon['$' . $i]) === true) { $s = str_replace('$' . $i, $icon['$' . $i], $s); } } else { $s = str_replace('$' . $i, $e[$i], $s); } } $dir = ''; if (isset($icon['dir']) === true) { $dir = $this->baseDir . 'icons/' . $icon['dir'] . '/'; } $s = str_replace('$0', $dir, $s); break; }//end if }//end foreach } else { $s = str_replace('$1', $matches[1], $icon['insert']); }//end if }//end if }//end if $s = preg_replace('/(class=")(.*)"/', '$1mikio-icon $2"', $s, -1, $count); if ($count === 0) { $s = preg_replace('/(<\w* )/', '$1class="mikio-icon" ', $s); } return $s; }, $icons[0] ); }, $content); if (strcasecmp($ACT, 'preview') === 0) { if (is_array($preview) === true && count($preview) > 0) { $preview[0]->innertext = $content; } $str = $html->save(); $html->clear(); unset($html); } else { $str = $content; } }//end if return $str; } /** * Parse HTML for theme * * @param string $content HTML content to parse. * @return string Parsed content */ public function parseContent(string $content) { global $INPUT, $ACT; // Add Mikio Section titles if (strcasecmp($INPUT->str('page'), 'config') === 0) { $admin_sections = [ // Section Insert Before Icon 'navbar' => ['navbarUseTitleIcon', ''], 'search' => ['searchButton', ''], 'hero' => ['heroTitle', ''], 'tags' => ['tagsConsolidate', ''], 'breadcrumb' => ['breadcrumbHideHome', ''], 'youarehere' => ['youarehereHideHome', ''], 'sidebar' => ['sidebarShowLeft', ''], 'toc' => ['tocFull', ''], 'pagetools' => ['pageToolsFloating', ''], 'footer' => ['footerPageInfoText', ''], 'license' => ['licenseType', ''], 'acl' => ['includePageUseACL', ''], 'sticky' => ['stickyTopHeader', ''], ]; foreach ($admin_sections as $section => $items) { $search = $items[0]; $icon = $items[1]; $content = preg_replace( '/<tr(.*)>\s*<td class="label">\s*<span class="outkey">(tpl»mikio»' . $search . ')<\/span>/', '<tr$1><td class="mikio-config-table-header" colspan="2">' . $this->mikioInlineIcon($icon) . tpl_getLang('config_' . $section) . '</td></tr><tr class="default"><td class="label"><span class="outkey">tpl»mikio»' . $search . '</span>', $content ); } } elseif (strcasecmp($INPUT->str('page'), 'styling') === 0) { $mikioPluginMissing = true; /* Hide plugin fields if not installed */ if (plugin_load('action', 'mikioplugin') !== null) { $mikioPluginMissing = false; } $style_headers = [ ['title' => 'Base', 'starts_with' => '__text_'], ['title' => 'Code', 'starts_with' => '__code_'], ['title' => 'Controls', 'starts_with' => '__control_'], ['title' => 'Header', 'starts_with' => '__topheader_'], ['title' => 'Navbar', 'starts_with' => '__navbar_'], ['title' => 'Sub Navbar', 'starts_with' => '__subnavbar_'], ['title' => 'Tags', 'starts_with' => '__tag_background_color_'], ['title' => 'Breadcrumbs', 'starts_with' => '__breadcrumb_'], ['title' => 'Hero', 'starts_with' => '__hero_'], ['title' => 'Sidebar', 'starts_with' => '__sidebar_'], ['title' => 'Content', 'starts_with' => '__content_'], ['title' => 'TOC', 'starts_with' => '__toc_'], ['title' => 'Page Tools', 'starts_with' => '__pagetools_'], ['title' => 'Footer', 'starts_with' => '__footer_'], ['title' => 'Table', 'starts_with' => '__table_'], ['title' => 'Dropdown', 'starts_with' => '__dropdown_'], ['title' => 'Section Edit', 'starts_with' => '__section_edit_'], ['title' => 'Tree', 'starts_with' => '__tree_'], ['title' => 'Tabs', 'starts_with' => '__tab_'], ['title' => 'Mikio Plugin', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_', 'heading' => 'h2', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Primary Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_primary_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Secondary Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_secondary_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Success Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_success_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Danger Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_danger_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Warning Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_warning_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Info Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_info_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Light Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_light_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Dark Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_dark_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Link Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_link_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Carousel', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_carousel_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Steps', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_steps_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Tabgroup', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_tabgroup_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Tooltip', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_tooltip_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Dark Mode', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_', 'heading' => 'h2'], ['title' => 'Base', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_text_'], ['title' => 'Code', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_code_'], ['title' => 'Controls', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_control_'], ['title' => 'Header', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_topheader_'], ['title' => 'Navbar', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_navbar_'], ['title' => 'Sub Navbar', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_subnavbar_'], ['title' => 'Tags', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_tag_background_color_'], ['title' => 'Breadcrumbs', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_breadcrumb_'], ['title' => 'Hero', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_hero_'], ['title' => 'Sidebar', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_sidebar_'], ['title' => 'Content', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_content_'], ['title' => 'TOC', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_toc_'], ['title' => 'Page Tools', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_pagetools_'], ['title' => 'Footer', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_footer_'], ['title' => 'Table', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_table_'], ['title' => 'Dropdown', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_dropdown_'], ['title' => 'Section Edit', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_section_edit_'], ['title' => 'Tree', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_tree_'], ['title' => 'Tabs', 'starts_with' => '__darkmode_tab_'], ['title' => 'Mikio Plugin (Dark mode)', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_', 'heading' => 'h2', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Primary Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_primary_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Secondary Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_secondary_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Success Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_success_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Danger Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_danger_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Warning Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_warning_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Info Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_info_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Light Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_light_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Dark Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_dark_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Link Colours', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_link_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Carousel', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_carousel_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Steps', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_steps_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ['title' => 'Tabgroup', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_tabgroup_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing ], ['title' => 'Tooltip', 'starts_with' => '__plugin_darkmode_tooltip_', 'hidden' => $mikioPluginMissing], ]; foreach ($style_headers as $header) { if (array_key_exists('heading', $header) === false) { $header['heading'] = 'h3'; } if (array_key_exists('hidden', $header) === false) { $header['hidden'] = false; } $content = preg_replace( '/(<tr>\s*<td>\s*<label for="tpl__' . $header['starts_with'] . '.+?<\/tr>)/s', '</tbody></table><' . $header['heading'] . ' style="display:' . ($header['hidden'] === true ? 'none' : 'block') . '">' . $header['title'] . '</' . $header['heading'] . '> <table style="display:' . ($header['hidden'] === true ? 'none' : 'table') . '"><tbody>$1', $content, 1 ); } $content = preg_replace_callback('/<input type="color"[^>]*>/', function ($match) { // Get the ID of the <input type="color"> element preg_match('/id="([^"]*)"/', $match[0], $matches); // Replace type with text and remove the id attribute $replacement = preg_replace( ['/type="color"/', '/id="([^"]*)"/'], ['type="text" class="mikio-color-text-input"', 'for="$1"'], $match[0] ); return '<div class="mikio-color-picker">' . $replacement . $match[0] . '</div>'; }, $content); }//end if if (strcasecmp($ACT, 'admin') === 0 && isset($_GET['page']) === false) { $content = preg_replace('/(<ul.*?>.*?)<\/ul>.*?<ul.*?>(.*?<\/ul>)/s', '$1$2', $content); } // Page Revisions - Table Fix if (strpos($content, 'id="page__revisions"') !== false) { $content = preg_replace( '/(<span class="sum">\s.*<\/span>\s.*<span class="user">\s.*<\/span>)/', '<span>$1</span>', $content ); } $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html->stripRNAttrValues = false; $html->load($content, true, false); if ($html === false) { return $content; } /* Buttons */ foreach ($html->find('#config__manager button') as $node) { $c = explode(' ', $node->class); if (in_array('mikio-button', $c) === false) { $c[] = 'mikio-button'; } $node->class = implode(' ', $c); } /* Buttons - Primary */ foreach ($html->find('#config__manager [type=submit]') as $node) { $c = explode(' ', $node->class); if (in_array('mikio-primary', $c) === false) { $c[] = 'mikio-primary'; } $node->class = implode(' ', $c); } /* Hide page title if hero is enabled */ if ($this->getConf('heroTitle') === true && $ACT !== 'preview') { $pageTitle = $this->parsePageTitle(); foreach ($html->find('h1,h2,h3,h4') as $elm) { if ($elm->innertext === $pageTitle) { // $elm->innertext = ''; $elm->setAttribute('style', 'display:none'); break; } } } /* Hero subtitle */ foreach ($html->find('p') as $elm) { if (preg_match('/[~-]~hero-subtitle (.+?)~[~-]/ui', $elm->innertext, $matches) === 1) { $subtitle = $matches[1]; $this->footerScript['hero-subtitle'] = 'mikio.setHeroSubTitle(\'' . $subtitle . '\')'; $elm->innertext = preg_replace('/[~-]~hero-subtitle (.+?)~[~-]/ui', '', $elm->innertext); break; } } /* Hero image */ foreach ($html->find('p') as $elm) { $image = ''; preg_match('/[~-]~hero-image (.+?)~[~-](?!.?")/ui', $elm->innertext, $matches); if (count($matches) > 0) { preg_match('/<img.*src="(.+?)"/ui', $matches[1], $imageTagMatches); if (count($imageTagMatches) > 0) { $image = $imageTagMatches[1]; } else { preg_match('/<a.+?>(.+?)[~<]/ui', $matches[1], $imageTagMatches); if (count($imageTagMatches) > 0) { $image = $imageTagMatches[1]; } else { $image = strip_tags($matches[1]); if (stripos($image, ':') === false) { $image = str_replace(['{', '}'], '', $image); $i = stripos($image, '?'); if ($i !== false) { $image = substr($image, 0, $i); } $image = ml($image, '', true, '', false); } } } $this->footerScript['hero-image'] = 'mikio.setHeroImage(\'' . $image . '\')'; $elm->innertext = preg_replace('/[~-]~hero-image (.+?)~[~-].*/ui', '', $elm->innertext); }//end if }//end foreach /* Hero colors - ~~hero-colors [background-color] [hero-title-color] [hero-subtitle-color] [breadcrumb-text-color] [breadcrumb-hover-color] (use 'initial' for original color) */ foreach ($html->find('p') as $elm) { if (preg_match('/[~-]~hero-colors (.+?)~[~-]/ui', $elm->innertext, $matches) === 1) { $subtitle = $matches[1]; $this->footerScript['hero-colors'] = 'mikio.setHeroColor(\'' . $subtitle . '\')'; $elm->innertext = preg_replace('/[~-]~hero-colors (.+?)~[~-]/ui', '', $elm->innertext); break; } } /* Hide parts - ~~hide-parts [parts]~~ */ foreach ($html->find('p') as $elm) { if (preg_match('/[~-]~hide-parts (.+?)~[~-]/ui', $elm->innertext, $matches) === 1) { $parts = explode(' ', $matches[1]); $script = ''; foreach ($parts as $part) { if (strlen($part) > 0) { $script .= 'mikio.hidePart(\'' . $part . '\');'; } } if (strlen($script) > 0) { $this->footerScript['hide-parts'] = $script; } $elm->innertext = preg_replace('/[~-]~hide-parts (.+?)~[~-]/ui', '', $elm->innertext); break; } }//end foreach /* Page Tags (tag plugin) */ if ($this->getConf('tagsConsolidate') === true) { $tags = ''; foreach ($html->find('div.tags a') as $elm) { $tags .= $elm->outertext; } foreach ($html->find('div.tags') as $elm) { $elm->innertext = ''; $elm->setAttribute('style', 'display:none'); } if (empty($tags) === false) { $this->footerScript['tags'] = 'mikio.setTags(\'' . $tags . '\')'; } } // Configuration Manager if (strcasecmp($INPUT->str('page'), 'config') === 0) { // Additional save buttons foreach ($html->find('#config__manager') as $cm) { $saveButtons = ''; foreach ($cm->find('p') as $elm) { $saveButtons = $elm->outertext; $saveButtons = str_replace('<p>', '<p style="text-align:right">', $saveButtons); $elm->outertext = ''; } foreach ($cm->find('fieldset') as $elm) { $elm->innertext .= $saveButtons; } } } $content = $html->save(); $html->clear(); unset($html); return $content; } /** * Get DokuWiki namespace/page/URI as link * * @param string $str String to parse. * @return string parsed URI */ public function getLink(string $str) { $i = strpos($str, '://'); if ($i !== false) { return $str; } return wl($str); } /** * Check if the user can edit current namespace/page * * @return boolean user can edit */ public function userCanEdit() { global $INFO; global $ID; $wiki_file = wikiFN($ID); if (@file_exists($wiki_file) === false) { return true; } if ($INFO['isadmin'] === true || $INFO['ismanager'] === true) { return true; } // $meta_file = metaFN($ID, '.meta'); if ($INFO['meta']['user'] === false) { return true; } if ($INFO['client'] === $INFO['meta']['user']) { return true; } return false; } /** * Search for and return the uri of a media file * * @param string $image Image name to search for (without extension). * @param boolean $searchCurrentNS Search the current namespace. * @param boolean $propagate Propagate search through the namespace. * @return string URI of the found media file */ public function getMediaFile(string $image, bool $searchCurrentNS = true, bool $propagate = true) { global $INFO; $ext = ['png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'svg']; if ($searchCurrentNS === true) { $prefix[] = ':' . $INFO['namespace'] . ':'; } if ($propagate === true) { $prefix[] = ':'; $prefix[] = ':wiki:'; } $theme = $this->getConf('customTheme'); if (empty($theme) === false) { $prefix[] = 'themes/' . $theme . '/images/'; } $prefix[] = 'images/'; $search = []; foreach ($prefix as $pitem) { foreach ($ext as $eitem) { $search[] = $pitem . $image . '.' . $eitem; } } $img = ''; $url = ''; $ismedia = false; $found = false; foreach ($search as $img) { if (strcasecmp(substr($img, 0, 1), ':') === 0) { $file = mediaFN($img); $ismedia = true; } else { $file = tpl_incdir() . $img; $ismedia = false; } if (file_exists($file) === true) { $found = true; break; } } if ($found === false) { return false; } if ($ismedia === true) { $url = ml($img, '', true, '', false); } else { $url = tpl_basedir() . $img; } return $url; } /** * Print or return the page title * * @param string $page Page id or empty string for current page. * @return string generated content */ public function getPageTitle(string $page = ''): string { global $ID, $conf; $html = ''; if (empty($page) === true) { $page = $ID; } $html = p_get_first_heading($page); $html = strip_tags($html); $html = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $html); $html .= ' [' . strip_tags($conf['title']) . ']'; return trim($html); } /** * Return inline theme icon * * @param string $type Icon to retreive. * @param string $class Classname to insert. * @return string HTML icon content */ public function mikioInlineIcon(string $type, string $class = ""): string { if (is_array($class) === true) { $class = implode(' ', $class); } if (strlen($class) > 0) { $class = ' ' . $class; } switch ($type) { case 'wrench': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 -256 1792 1792" style="fill:currentColor"><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,53.152542,1217.0847)"><path d="m 384,64 q 0,26 -19,45 -19, 19 -45,19 -26,0 -45,-19 -19,-19 -19,-45 0,-26 19,-45 19,-19 45,-19 26,0 45,19 19,19 19,45 z m 644,420 -682,-682 q -37, -37 -90,-37 -52,0 -91,37 L 59,-90 Q 21,-54 21,0 21,53 59,91 L 740,772 Q 779,674 854.5,598.5 930,523 1028,484 z m 634, 435 q 0,-39 -23,-106 Q 1592,679 1474.5,595.5 1357,512 1216,512 1031,512 899.5,643.5 768,775 768,960 q 0,185 131.5,316.5 131.5,131.5 316.5,131.5 58,0 121.5,-16.5 63.5,-16.5 107.5,-46.5 16,-11 16,-28 0,-17 -16,-28 L 1152,1120 V 896 l 193, -107 q 5,3 79,48.5 74,45.5 135.5,81 61.5,35.5 70.5,35.5 15,0 23.5,-10 8.5,-10 8.5,-25 z"/></g></svg>'; case 'file': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 -256 1792 1792" style="fill:currentColor"><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,235.38983,1277.8305)" id="g2991"> <path d="M 128,0 H 1152 V 768 H 736 q -40,0 -68,28 -28,28 -28,68 v 416 H 128 V 0 z m 640,896 h 299 L 768,1195 V 896 z M 1280,768 V -32 q 0,-40 -28,-68 -28,-28 -68,-28 H 96 q -40,0 -68,28 -28,28 -28,68 v 1344 q 0,40 28,68 28,28 68,28 h 544 q 40,0 88,-20 48,-20 76,-48 l 408,-408 q 28,-28 48,-76 20,-48 20,-88 z" id="path2993" /></g></svg>'; case 'gear': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 -256 1792 1792" style="fill:currentColor"><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,121.49153,1285.4237)" id="g3027"> <path d="m 1024,640 q 0,106 -75,181 -75,75 -181,75 -106,0 -181,-75 -75,-75 -75,-181 0,-106 75,-181 75,-75 181,-75 106,0 181,75 75,75 75,181 z m 512,109 V 527 q 0,-12 -8,-23 -8,-11 -20,-13 l -185,-28 q -19,-54 -39,-91 35,-50 107,-138 10,-12 10,-25 0,-13 -9,-23 -27,-37 -99,-108 -72,-71 -94,-71 -12,0 -26,9 l -138,108 q -44,-23 -91,-38 -16,-136 -29,-186 -7,-28 -36,-28 H 657 q -14,0 -24.5,8.5 Q 622,-111 621,-98 L 593,86 q -49,16 -90,37 L 362,16 Q 352,7 337,7 323,7 312,18 186,132 147,186 q -7,10 -7,23 0,12 8,23 15,21 51,66.5 36,45.5 54,70.5 -27,50 -41,99 L 29,495 Q 16,497 8,507.5 0,518 0,531 v 222 q 0,12 8,23 8,11 19,13 l 186,28 q 14,46 39,92 -40,57 -107,138 -10,12 -10,24 0,10 9,23 26,36 98.5,107.5 72.5,71.5 94.5, 71.5 13,0 26,-10 l 138,-107 q 44,23 91,38 16,136 29,186 7,28 36,28 h 222 q 14,0 24.5,-8.5 Q 914,1391 915,1378 l 28,-184 q 49,-16 90,-37 l 142,107 q 9,9 24,9 13,0 25,-10 129,-119 165,-170 7,-8 7,-22 0,-12 -8,-23 -15,-21 -51,-66.5 -36,-45.5 -54,-70.5 26,-50 41,-98 l 183,-28 q 13,-2 21,-12.5 8,-10.5 8,-23.5 z" id="path3029" /> </g></svg>'; case 'user': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 -256 1792 1792" style="fill:currentColor"><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,197.42373,1300.6102)"><path d="M 1408,131 Q 1408,11 1335,-58.5 1262,-128 1141,-128 H 267 Q 146,-128 73,-58.5 0,11 0,131 0,184 3.5,234.5 7,285 17.5,343.5 28,402 44,452 q 16,50 43,97.5 27,47.5 62,81 35,33.5 85.5,53.5 50.5,20 111.5,20 9,0 42,-21.5 33,-21.5 74.5,-48 41.5, -26.5 108,-48 Q 637,565 704,565 q 67,0 133.5,21.5 66.5,21.5 108,48 41.5,26.5 74.5,48 33,21.5 42,21.5 61,0 111.5,-20 50.5,-20 85.5,-53.5 35,-33.5 62,-81 27,-47.5 43,-97.5 16,-50 26.5,-108.5 10.5,-58.5 14,-109 Q 1408,184 1408,131 z m -320,893 Q 1088,865 975.5,752.5 863,640 704,640 545,640 432.5,752.5 320,865 320,1024 320,1183 432.5,1295.5 545,1408 704, 1408 863,1408 975.5,1295.5 1088,1183 1088,1024 z"/></g></svg>'; case 'search': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 32 32" aria-hidden="true" style="fill:currentColor"><path d="M27 24.57l-5.647-5.648a8.895 8.895 0 0 0 1.522-4.984C22.875 9.01 18.867 5 13.938 5 9.01 5 5 9.01 5 13.938c0 4.929 4.01 8.938 8.938 8.938a8.887 8.887 0 0 0 4.984-1.522L24.568 27 27 24.57zm-13.062-4.445a6.194 6.194 0 0 1-6.188-6.188 6.195 6.195 0 0 1 6.188-6.188 6.195 6.195 0 0 1 6.188 6.188 6.195 6.195 0 0 1-6.188 6.188z"/></svg>'; case 'home': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 -256 1792 1792" aria-hidden="true" style="fill:currentColor"><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,68.338983,1285.4237)" id="g3015"><path d="M 1408,544 V 64 Q 1408,38 1389,19 1370,0 1344,0 H 960 V 384 H 704 V 0 H 320 q -26,0 -45,19 -19,19 -19,45 v 480 q 0,1 0.5,3 0.5,2 0.5,3 l 575,474 575,-474 q 1,-2 1,-6 z m 223,69 -62,-74 q -8,-9 -21,-11 h -3 q -13,0 -21,7 L 832,1112 140,535 q -12,-8 -24,-7 -13,2 -21,11 l -62,74 q -8,10 -7,23.5 1,13.5 11,21.5 l 719,599 q 32,26 76,26 44,0 76,-26 l 244,-204 v 195 q 0,14 9,23 9,9 23,9 h 192 q 14,0 23,-9 9, -9 9,-23 V 840 l 219,-182 q 10,-8 11,-21.5 1,-13.5 -7,-23.5 z" id="path3017" /></g></svg>'; case 'sun': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="fill:currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M8 11a3 3 0 1 1 0-6 3 3 0 0 1 0 6zm0 1a4 4 0 1 0 0-8 4 4 0 0 0 0 8zm.5-9.5a.5.5 0 1 1-1 0 .5.5 0 0 1 1 0zm0 11a.5.5 0 1 1-1 0 .5.5 0 0 1 1 0zm5-5a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zm-11 0a.5.5 0 1 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1zm9.743-4.036a.5.5 0 1 1-.707-.707.5.5 0 0 1 .707.707zm-7.779 7.779a.5.5 0 1 1-.707-.707.5.5 0 0 1 .707.707zm7.072 0a.5.5 0 1 1 .707-.707.5.5 0 0 1-.707.707zM3.757 4.464a.5.5 0 1 1 .707-.707.5.5 0 0 1-.707.707z" /></svg>'; case 'moon': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="fill:currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M6 .278a.768.768 0 0 1 .08.858 7.208 7.208 0 0 0-.878 3.46c0 4.021 3.278 7.277 7.318 7.277.527 0 1.04-.055 1.533-.16a.787.787 0 0 1 .81.316.733.733 0 0 1-.031.893A8.349 8.349 0 0 1 8.344 16C3.734 16 0 12.286 0 7.71 0 4.266 2.114 1.312 5.124.06A.752.752 0 0 1 6 .278zM4.858 1.311A7.269 7.269 0 0 0 1.025 7.71c0 4.02 3.279 7.276 7.319 7.276a7.316 7.316 0 0 0 5.205-2.162c-.337.042-.68.063-1.029.063-4.61 0-8.343-3.714-8.343-8.29 0-1.167.242-2.278.681-3.286z" /></svg>'; case 'sunmoon': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><line x1="16" y1="3" x2="16" y2="29"/><path d="M16,23c-3.87,0-7-3.13-7-7s3.13-7,7-7"/><line x1="6.81" y1="6.81" x2="8.93" y2="8.93"/><line x1="3" y1="16" x2="6" y2="16"/><line x1="6.81" y1="25.19" x2="8.93" y2="23.07"/><path d="M16,12.55C17.2,10.43,19.48,9,22.09,9c0.16,0,0.31,0.01,0.47,0.02c-1.67,0.88-2.8,2.63-2.8,4.64c0,2.9, 2.35,5.25,5.25,5.25c1.6,0,3.03-0.72,3.99-1.85C28.48,20.43,25.59,23,22.09,23c-2.61,0-4.89-1.43-6.09-3.55"/></svg>'; case 'hamburger': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512" style="fill:currentColor"><path d="M16 132h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V76c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16C7.163 60 0 67.163 0 76v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z"/></svg>'; case 'down-arrow': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 32 32" aria-hidden="true" style="fill:currentColor"><path d="M16.003 18.626l7.081-7.081L25 13.46l-8.997 8.998-9.003-9 1.917-1.916z"/></svg>'; case 'language': return '<svg class="mikio-iicon' . $class . '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M4.545 6.714 4.11 8H3l1.862-5h1.284L8 8H6.833l-.435-1.286H4.545zm1.634-.736L5.5 3.956h-.049l-.679 2.022H6.18z"/><path d="M0 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h7a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v7a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-3H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V2zm2-1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v7a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h7a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H2zm7.138 9.995c.193.301.402.583.63.846-.748.575-1.673 1.001-2.768 1.125-.359 2.08-.844 2.886-1.494.777.665 1.739 1.165 2.93 1.472.133-.254.414-.673.629-.89-1.125-.253-2.057-.694-2.82-1.284.681-.747 1.222-1.651 1.621-2.757H14V8h-3v1.047h.765c-.318.844-.74 1.546-1.272 2.13a6.066 6.066 0 0 1-.415-.492 1.988 1.988 0 0 1-.94.31z"/> </svg>'; }//end switch return ''; } /** * Finalize theme * * @return void */ public function finalize() { } /** * Show Messages * * @return void */ public function showMessages() { global $ACT; $show = $this->getConf('showNotifications'); if ( strlen($show) === 0 || strcasecmp($show, 'always') === 0 || (strcasecmp($show, 'admin') === 0 && strcasecmp($ACT, 'admin') === 0) ) { html_msgarea(); // global $MSG, $MSG_shown; // if (isset($MSG) !== false) { // if (isset($MSG_shown) === false) { // $MSG_shown = []; // } // foreach ($MSG as $msg) { // $hash = md5($msg['msg']); // if (isset($MSG_shown[$hash]) === true) { // continue; // } // // skip double messages // if (info_msg_allowed($msg) === true) { // echo '<div class="me ' . $msg['lvl'] . '">'; // echo $msg['msg']; // echo '</div>'; // } // $MSG_shown[$hash] = true; // } // unset($GLOBALS['MSG']); // }//end if if (strlen($this->includedPageNotifications) > 0) { echo $this->includedPageNotifications; } }//end if } /** * Dokuwiki version number * * @return string the dw version date converted to integer */ public function dwVersionNumber() { if (function_exists('getVersionData') === true) { $version_data = getVersionData(); if (is_array($version_data) === true && array_key_exists('date', $version_data) === true) { $version_items = explode(' ', $version_data['date']); if (count($version_items) >= 1) { return intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', strtolower($version_items[0]))); } } } return 0; } } global $TEMPLATE; $TEMPLATE = Template::getInstance();