Lines Matching refs:s
1 # Replace extension with the name of your extension's .rb file
4 do |s|
6 s.version = ModularScale::VERSION
7 = ModularScale::DATE
11 = "modular-scale"
12 s.rubyforge_project = "modular-scale"
14 s.description = %q{A generalized Compass extension to build off of}
16 s.summary = %q{An easy to use system for writing and managing media queries.}
17 # The names of the author(s) of the extension.
19 s.authors = ["First Last"]
20 # The email address(es) of the author(s)
22 = [""]
24 s.homepage = ""
31 s.files = [""]
34 s.files += [""]
36 s.license = "MIT"
38 s.files = [""]
41 s.files += Dir.glob("lib/**/*.*")
44 s.files += Dir.glob("stylesheets/**/*.*")
47 s.files += Dir.glob("templates/**/*.*")
51 s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 1.3.6"
52 s.rubygems_version = %q{1.3.6}
58 # user's system when installing your gem.
59 s.add_dependency("compass", [">= 0.12.0"])