# Replace extension with the name of your extension's .rb file require './lib/modular-scale' Gem::Specification.new do |s| # Release Specific Information s.version = ModularScale::VERSION s.date = ModularScale::DATE # Gem Details # Replace "modular-scale" with the name of your extension s.name = "modular-scale" s.rubyforge_project = "modular-scale" # Description of your extension s.description = %q{A generalized Compass extension to build off of} # A summary of your Compass extension. Should be different than Description s.summary = %q{An easy to use system for writing and managing media queries.} # The names of the author(s) of the extension. # If more than one author, comma separate inside of the brackets s.authors = ["First Last"] # The email address(es) of the author(s) # If more than one author, comma separate inside of the brackets s.email = ["firstlast@extension.com"] # URL of the extension s.homepage = "http://extension.com" # Gem Files # These are the files to be included in your Compass extension. # Uncomment those that you use. # README file s.files = ["readme.md"] # CHANGELOG s.files += ["changelog.md"] s.license = "MIT" s.files = ["license.md"] # Library Files s.files += Dir.glob("lib/**/*.*") # Sass Files s.files += Dir.glob("stylesheets/**/*.*") # Template Files s.files += Dir.glob("templates/**/*.*") # Gem Bookkeeping # Versions of Ruby and Rubygems you require s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 1.3.6" s.rubygems_version = %q{1.3.6} # Gems Dependencies # Gem names and versions that are required for your Compass extension. # These are Gem dependencies, not Compass dependencies. Including gems # here will make sure the relevant gem and version are installed on the # user's system when installing your gem. s.add_dependency("compass", [">= 0.12.0"]) end