Lines Matching +full:admin +full:delete +(+path:plugin +path:tagging) -(+path:plugin +path:tagging +path:lang)

127         $queries = array(array('DELETE FROM taggings WHERE pid = ? AND tagger = ?', $id, $user));
345 . $this->getLang('toggle admin mode')
444 msg($this->getLang("admin enter tag names"), -1);
490 // finally delete the renamed tags
492 $deleteQuery = 'DELETE FROM taggings';
503 msg($this->getLang("admin renamed"), 1);
509 * Rename or delete a tag for all users
529 return array(true, $this->getLang('admin tag does not exists'));
534 'DELETE FROM taggings WHERE pid = ? AND CLEANTAG(tag) = ?',
548 return array(false, $this->getLang('admin renamed'));
571 // non-admins can delete only their own tags
581 $deleteQuery = 'DELETE ' . $queryBody;
584 msg(sprintf($this->getLang("admin deleted"), count($tags), $numAffectedPages), 1);
588 * Delete taggings of nonexistent pages
593 $query = 'DELETE FROM "taggings"
710 array('value' => $this->getLang('admin tag'), 'sort_by' => 'tid'),
711 array('value' => $this->getLang('admin occurrence'), 'sort_by' => 'count')
717 ['value' => $this->getLang('admin namespaces'), 'sort_by' => 'ns']
722 array('value' => $this->getLang('admin taggers'), 'sort_by' => 'taggers'),
723 array('value' => $this->getLang('admin actions'), 'sort_by' => false)
737 // required in admin mode
779 $title = $this->getLang('admin sort ascending');
783 $title = $this->getLang('admin sort descending');
857 'tagging[actions][delete][' . $taginfo['tid'] . ']',
858 inlineSVG(__DIR__ . '/images/delete.svg'))
860 ->attr('data-action', 'delete')
882 return '<p><strong>' . $this->getLang('admin no invalid') . '</strong></p>';
886 $form->setHiddenField('do', 'admin');
888 $form->addButton('cmd[clean]', $this->getLang('admin clean'));
894 $this->getLang('admin nonexistent page') .
896 $this->getLang('admin tags') .