init('tagging', __DIR__ . '/db/'); $db->create_function('CLEANTAG', array($this, 'cleanTag'), 1); $db->create_function('GROUP_SORT', function ($group, $newDelimiter) { $ex = array_filter(explode(',', $group)); sort($ex); return implode($newDelimiter, $ex); }, 2); $db->create_function('GET_NS', 'getNS', 1); return $db; } /** * Return the user to use for accessing tags * * Handles the singleuser mode by returning 'auto' as user. Returnes false when no user is logged in. * * @return bool|string */ public function getUser() { if (!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { return false; } if ($this->getConf('singleusermode')) { return 'auto'; } return $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; } /** * If plugin elasticsearch is installed, inform it that we have just made changes * to some data relevant to a page. The page should be re-indexed. * * @param string $id */ public function updateElasticState($id) { /** @var \helper_plugin_elasticsearch_plugins $elasticHelper */ $elasticHelper = plugin_load('helper', 'elasticsearch_plugins'); if ($elasticHelper) { $elasticHelper->updateRefreshState($id); } } /** * Canonicalizes the tag to its lower case nospace form * * @param $tag * * @return string */ public function cleanTag($tag) { $tag = str_replace(array(' ', '-', '_', '#'), '', $tag); $tag = utf8_strtolower($tag); return $tag; } /** * Canonicalizes the namespace, remove the first colon and add glob * * @param $namespace * * @return string */ public function globNamespace($namespace) { return cleanId($namespace) . '*'; } /** * Create or Update tags of a page * * Uses the translation plugin to store the language of a page (if available) * * @param string $id The page ID * @param string $user * @param array $tags * * @return bool|SQLiteResult */ public function replaceTags($id, $user, $tags) { global $conf; /** @var helper_plugin_translation $trans */ $trans = plugin_load('helper', 'translation'); if ($trans) { $lang = $trans->realLC($trans->getLangPart($id)); } else { $lang = $conf['lang']; } $db = $this->getDB(); $db->query('BEGIN TRANSACTION'); $queries = array(array('DELETE FROM taggings WHERE pid = ? AND tagger = ?', $id, $user)); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $queries[] = array('INSERT INTO taggings (pid, tagger, tag, lang) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)', $id, $user, $tag, $lang); } foreach ($queries as $query) { if (!call_user_func_array(array($db, 'query'), $query)) { $db->query('ROLLBACK TRANSACTION'); return false; } } return $db->query('COMMIT TRANSACTION'); } /** * Get a list of Tags or Pages matching search criteria * * @param array $filter What to search for array('field' => 'searchterm') * @param string $type What field to return 'tag'|'pid' * @param int $limit Limit to this many results, 0 for all * * @return array associative array in form of value => count */ public function findItems($filter, $type, $limit = 0) { global $INPUT; /** @var helper_plugin_tagging_querybuilder $queryBuilder */ $queryBuilder = new \helper_plugin_tagging_querybuilder(); $queryBuilder->setField($type); $queryBuilder->setLimit($limit); $queryBuilder->setTags($this->extractFromQuery($filter)); if (isset($filter['ns'])) $queryBuilder->includeNS($filter['ns']); if (isset($filter['notns'])) $queryBuilder->excludeNS($filter['notns']); if (isset($filter['tagger'])) $queryBuilder->setTagger($filter['tagger']); if (isset($filter['pid'])) $queryBuilder->setPid($filter['pid']); return $this->queryDb($queryBuilder->getQuery()); } /** * Constructs the URL to search for a tag * * @param string $tag * @param string $ns * * @return string */ public function getTagSearchURL($tag, $ns = '') { $ret = '?do=search&sf=1&q=' . rawurlencode('#' . $this->cleanTag($tag)); if ($ns) { $ret .= rawurlencode(' @' . $ns); } return $ret; } /** * Calculates the size levels for the given list of clouds * * Automatically determines sensible tresholds * * @param array $tags list of tags => count * @param int $levels * * @return mixed */ public function cloudData($tags, $levels = 10) { $min = min($tags); $max = max($tags); // calculate tresholds $tresholds = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $levels; $i++) { $tresholds[$i] = pow($max - $min + 1, $i / $levels) + $min - 1; } // assign weights foreach ($tags as $tag => $cnt) { foreach ($tresholds as $tresh => $val) { if ($cnt <= $val) { $tags[$tag] = $tresh; break; } $tags[$tag] = $levels; } } return $tags; } /** * Display a tag cloud * * @param array $tags list of tags => count * @param string $type 'tag' * @param Callable $func The function to print the link (gets tag and ns) * @param bool $wrap wrap cloud in UL tags? * @param bool $return returnn HTML instead of printing? * @param string $ns Add this namespace to search links * * @return string */ public function html_cloud($tags, $type, $func, $wrap = true, $return = false, $ns = '') { global $INFO; $hidden_str = $this->getConf('hiddenprefix'); $hidden_len = strlen($hidden_str); $ret = ''; if ($wrap) { $ret .= ''; } if ($return) { return $ret; } echo $ret; return ''; } /** * Display a List of Page Links * * @param array $pids list of pids => count * @return string */ public function html_page_list($pids) { $ret = '
'; $ret .= ''; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= '
'; return $ret; } /** * Get the link to a search for the given tag * * @param string $tag search for this tag * @param string $ns limit search to this namespace * * @return string */ protected function linkToSearch($tag, $ns = '') { return '' . $tag . ''; } /** * Display the Tags for the current page and prepare the tag editing form * * @param bool $print Should the HTML be printed or returned? * * @return string */ public function tpl_tags($print = true) { global $INFO; global $lang; $filter = array('pid' => $INFO['id']); if ($this->getConf('singleusermode')) { $filter['tagger'] = 'auto'; } $tags = $this->findItems($filter, 'tag'); $ret = ''; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $this->html_cloud($tags, 'tag', array($this, 'linkToSearch'), true, true); if ($this->getUser() && $INFO['writable']) { $lang['btn_tagging_edit'] = $lang['btn_secedit']; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= html_btn('tagging_edit', $INFO['id'], '', array()); if (auth_isadmin()) { $ret .= ''; } $ret .= '
'; $form = new dokuwiki\Form\Form(); $form->id('tagging__edit'); $form->setHiddenField('tagging[id]', $INFO['id']); $form->setHiddenField('call', 'plugin_tagging_save'); $tags = $this->findItems(array( 'pid' => $INFO['id'], 'tagger' => $this->getUser(), ), 'tag'); $form->addTextarea('tagging[tags]') ->val(implode(', ', array_keys($tags))) ->addClass('edit') ->attr('rows', 4); $form->addButton('', $lang['btn_save'])->id('tagging__edit_save'); $form->addButton('', $lang['btn_cancel'])->id('tagging__edit_cancel'); $ret .= $form->toHTML(); } $ret .= '
'; if ($print) { echo $ret; } return $ret; } /** * @param string $namespace empty for entire wiki * * @param string $order_by * @param bool $desc * @param array $filters * @return array */ public function getAllTags($namespace = '', $order_by = 'tid', $desc = false, $filters = []) { $order_fields = array('pid', 'tid', 'taggers', 'ns', 'count'); if (!in_array($order_by, $order_fields)) { msg('cannot sort by ' . $order_by . ' field does not exists', -1); $order_by = 'tag'; } list($having, $params) = $this->getFilterSql($filters); $db = $this->getDB(); $query = 'SELECT "pid", CLEANTAG("tag") AS "tid", GROUP_SORT(GROUP_CONCAT("tagger"), \', \') AS "taggers", GROUP_SORT(GROUP_CONCAT(GET_NS("pid")), \', \') AS "ns", GROUP_SORT(GROUP_CONCAT("pid"), \', \') AS "pids", COUNT(*) AS "count" FROM "taggings" WHERE "pid" GLOB ? AND GETACCESSLEVEL(pid) >= ' . AUTH_READ . ' GROUP BY "tid"'; $query .= $having; $query .= 'ORDER BY ' . $order_by; if ($desc) { $query .= ' DESC'; } array_unshift($params, $this->globNamespace($namespace)); $res = $db->query($query, $params); return $db->res2arr($res); } /** * Get all pages with tags and their tags * * @return array ['pid' => ['tag1','tag2','tag3']] */ public function getAllTagsByPage() { $query = ' SELECT pid, GROUP_CONCAT(tag) AS tags FROM taggings GROUP BY pid '; $db = $this->getDb(); $res = $db->query($query); return array_map( function ($i) { return explode(',', $i); }, array_column($db->res2arr($res), 'tags', 'pid') ); } /** * Renames a tag * * @param string $formerTagName * @param string $newTagNames */ public function renameTag($formerTagName, $newTagNames) { if (empty($formerTagName) || empty($newTagNames)) { msg($this->getLang("admin enter tag names"), -1); return; } $keepFormerTag = false; // enable splitting tags on rename $newTagNames = array_map(function ($tag) { return $this->cleanTag($tag); }, explode(',', $newTagNames)); $db = $this->getDB(); // non-admins can rename only their own tags if (!auth_isadmin()) { $queryTagger =' AND tagger = ?'; $tagger = $this->getUser(); } else { $queryTagger = ''; $tagger = ''; } $insertQuery = 'INSERT INTO taggings '; $insertQuery .= 'SELECT pid, ?, tagger, lang FROM taggings'; $where = ' WHERE CLEANTAG(tag) = ?'; $where .= ' AND GETACCESSLEVEL(pid) >= ' . AUTH_EDIT; $where .= $queryTagger; $db->query('BEGIN TRANSACTION'); // insert new tags first foreach ($newTagNames as $newTag) { if ($newTag === $this->cleanTag($formerTagName)) { $keepFormerTag = true; continue; } $params = [$newTag, $this->cleanTag($formerTagName)]; if ($tagger) array_push($params, $tagger); $res = $db->query($insertQuery . $where, $params); if ($res === false) { $db->query('ROLLBACK TRANSACTION'); return; } $db->res_close($res); } // finally delete the renamed tags if (!$keepFormerTag) { $deleteQuery = 'DELETE FROM taggings'; $params = [$this->cleanTag($formerTagName)]; if ($tagger) array_push($params, $tagger); if ($db->query($deleteQuery . $where, $params) === false) { $db->query('ROLLBACK TRANSACTION'); return; } } $db->query('COMMIT TRANSACTION'); msg($this->getLang("admin renamed"), 1); return; } /** * Rename or delete a tag for all users * * @param string $pid * @param string $formerTagName * @param string $newTagName * * @return array */ public function modifyPageTag($pid, $formerTagName, $newTagName) { $db = $this->getDb(); $res = $db->query( 'SELECT pid FROM taggings WHERE CLEANTAG(tag) = ? AND pid = ?', $this->cleanTag($formerTagName), $pid ); $check = $db->res2arr($res); if (empty($check)) { return array(true, $this->getLang('admin tag does not exists')); } if (empty($newTagName)) { $res = $db->query( 'DELETE FROM taggings WHERE pid = ? AND CLEANTAG(tag) = ?', $pid, $this->cleanTag($formerTagName) ); } else { $res = $db->query( 'UPDATE taggings SET tag = ? WHERE pid = ? AND CLEANTAG(tag) = ?', $newTagName, $pid, $this->cleanTag($formerTagName) ); } $db->res2arr($res); return array(false, $this->getLang('admin renamed')); } /** * Deletes a tag * * @param array $tags * @param string $namespace current namespace context as in getAllTags() */ public function deleteTags($tags, $namespace = '') { if (empty($tags)) { return; } $namespace = cleanId($namespace); $db = $this->getDB(); $queryBody = 'FROM taggings WHERE pid GLOB ? AND (' . implode(' OR ', array_fill(0, count($tags), 'CLEANTAG(tag) = ?')) . ')'; $args = array_map(array($this, 'cleanTag'), $tags); array_unshift($args, $this->globNamespace($namespace)); // non-admins can delete only their own tags if (!auth_isadmin()) { $queryBody .= ' AND tagger = ?'; array_push($args, $this->getUser()); } $affectedPagesQuery= 'SELECT DISTINCT pid ' . $queryBody; $resAffectedPages = $db->query($affectedPagesQuery, $args); $numAffectedPages = count($resAffectedPages->fetchAll()); $deleteQuery = 'DELETE ' . $queryBody; $db->query($deleteQuery, $args); msg(sprintf($this->getLang("admin deleted"), count($tags), $numAffectedPages), 1); } /** * Delete taggings of nonexistent pages */ public function deleteInvalidTaggings() { $db = $this->getDB(); $query = 'DELETE FROM "taggings" WHERE NOT PAGEEXISTS(pid) '; $res = $db->query($query); $db->res_close($res); } /** * Updates tags with a new page name * * @param string $oldName * @param string $newName */ public function renamePage($oldName, $newName) { $db = $this->getDB(); $db->query('UPDATE taggings SET pid = ? WHERE pid = ?', $newName, $oldName); } /** * Extracts tags from search query * * @param array $parsedQuery * @return array */ public function extractFromQuery($parsedQuery) { $tags = []; if (isset($parsedQuery['phrases'][0])) { $tags = $parsedQuery['phrases']; } elseif (isset($parsedQuery['and'][0])) { $tags = $parsedQuery['and']; } elseif (isset($parsedQuery['tag'])) { // handle autocomplete call $tags[] = $parsedQuery['tag']; } return $tags; } /** * Search for tagged pages * * @param array $tagFiler * @return array */ public function searchPages($tagFiler) { global $INPUT; global $QUERY; $parsedQuery = ft_queryParser(new Doku_Indexer(), $QUERY); /** @var helper_plugin_tagging_querybuilder $queryBuilder */ $queryBuilder = new \helper_plugin_tagging_querybuilder(); $queryBuilder->setField('pid'); $queryBuilder->setTags($tagFiler); $queryBuilder->setLogicalAnd($INPUT->str('tagging-logic') === 'and'); if (isset($parsedQuery['ns'])) $queryBuilder->includeNS($parsedQuery['ns']); if (isset($parsedQuery['notns'])) $queryBuilder->excludeNS($parsedQuery['notns']); if (isset($parsedQuery['tagger'])) $queryBuilder->setTagger($parsedQuery['tagger']); if (isset($parsedQuery['pid'])) $queryBuilder->setPid($parsedQuery['pid']); return $this->queryDb($queryBuilder->getPages()); } /** * Syntax to allow users to manage tags on regular pages, respects ACLs * @param string $ns * @return string */ public function manageTags($ns) { global $INPUT; $this->setDefaultSort(); // initially set namespace filter to what is defined in syntax if ($ns && !$INPUT->has('tagging__filters')) { $INPUT->set('tagging__filters', ['ns' => $ns]); } return $this->html_table(); } /** * HTML list of tagged pages * * @param string $tid * @return string */ public function getPagesHtml($tid) { $html = ''; $db = $this->getDB(); $sql = 'SELECT pid from taggings where CLEANTAG(tag) = CLEANTAG(?)'; $res = $db->query($sql, $tid); $pages = $db->res2arr($res); if ($pages) { $html .= ''; } return $html; } /** * Display tag management table */ public function html_table() { global $ID, $INPUT; $headers = array( array('value' => $this->getLang('admin tag'), 'sort_by' => 'tid'), array('value' => $this->getLang('admin occurrence'), 'sort_by' => 'count') ); if (!$this->conf['hidens']) { array_push( $headers, ['value' => $this->getLang('admin namespaces'), 'sort_by' => 'ns'] ); } array_push($headers, array('value' => $this->getLang('admin taggers'), 'sort_by' => 'taggers'), array('value' => $this->getLang('admin actions'), 'sort_by' => false) ); $sort = explode(',', $this->getParam('sort')); $order_by = $sort[0]; $desc = false; if (isset($sort[1]) && $sort[1] === 'desc') { $desc = true; } $filters = $INPUT->arr('tagging__filters'); $tags = $this->getAllTags($INPUT->str('filter'), $order_by, $desc, $filters); $form = new \dokuwiki\Form\Form(); // required in admin mode $form->setHiddenField('page', 'tagging'); $form->setHiddenField('id', $ID); $form->setHiddenField('[tagging]sort', $this->getParam('sort')); /** * Actions dialog */ $form->addTagOpen('div')->id('tagging__action-dialog')->attr('style', "display:none;"); $form->addTagClose('div'); /** * Tag pages dialog */ $form->addTagOpen('div')->id('tagging__taggedpages-dialog')->attr('style', "display:none;"); $form->addTagClose('div'); /** * Tag management table */ $form->addTagOpen('table')->addClass('inline plugin_tagging'); $nscol = $this->conf['hidens'] ? '' : ''; $form->addHTML( ' ' . $nscol . ' ' ); /** * Table headers */ $form->addTagOpen('tr'); foreach ($headers as $header) { $form->addTagOpen('th'); if ($header['sort_by'] !== false) { $param = $header['sort_by']; $icon = 'arrow-both'; $title = $this->getLang('admin sort ascending'); if ($header['sort_by'] === $order_by) { if ($desc === false) { $icon = 'arrow-up'; $title = $this->getLang('admin sort descending'); $param .= ',desc'; } else { $icon = 'arrow-down'; } } $form->addButtonHTML( "tagging[sort]", $header['value'] . ' ' . inlineSVG(__DIR__ . "/images/$icon.svg")) ->addClass('plugin_tagging sort_button') ->attr('title', $title) ->val($param); } else { $form->addHTML($header['value']); } $form->addTagClose('th'); } $form->addTagClose('tr'); /** * Table filters for all sortable columns */ $form->addTagOpen('tr'); foreach ($headers as $header) { $form->addTagOpen('th'); if ($header['sort_by'] !== false) { $field = $header['sort_by']; $input = $form->addTextInput("tagging__filters[$field]"); $input->addClass('full-col'); } $form->addTagClose('th'); } $form->addTagClose('tr'); foreach ($tags as $taginfo) { $tagname = $taginfo['tid']; $taggers = $taginfo['taggers']; $ns = $taginfo['ns']; $pids = explode(',',$taginfo['pids']); $form->addTagOpen('tr'); $form->addHTML(''); $form->addHTML(''); $form->addHTML( hsc($tagname) . ''); $form->addHTML(''); $form->addHTML('' . $taginfo['count'] . ''); if (!$this->conf['hidens']) { $form->addHTML('' . hsc($ns) . ''); } $form->addHTML('' . hsc($taggers) . ''); /** * action buttons */ $form->addHTML(''); // check ACLs $userEdit = false; foreach ($pids as $pid) { if (auth_quickaclcheck($pid) >= AUTH_EDIT) { $userEdit = true; continue; } } if ($userEdit) { $form->addButtonHTML( 'tagging[actions][rename][' . $taginfo['tid'] . ']', inlineSVG(__DIR__ . '/images/edit.svg')) ->addClass('plugin_tagging action_button') ->attr('data-action', 'rename') ->attr('data-tid', $taginfo['tid']); $form->addButtonHTML( 'tagging[actions][delete][' . $taginfo['tid'] . ']', inlineSVG(__DIR__ . '/images/delete.svg')) ->addClass('plugin_tagging action_button') ->attr('data-action', 'delete') ->attr('data-tid', $taginfo['tid']); } $form->addHTML(''); $form->addTagClose('tr'); } $form->addTagClose('table'); return '
' . $form->toHTML() . '
'; } /** * Display tag cleaner * * @return string */ public function html_clean() { $invalid = $this->getInvalidTaggings(); if (!$invalid) { return '

' . $this->getLang('admin no invalid') . '

'; } $form = new Form(); $form->setHiddenField('do', 'admin'); $form->setHiddenField('page', $this->getPluginName()); $form->addButton('cmd[clean]', $this->getLang('admin clean')); $html = $form->toHTML(); $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; foreach ($invalid as $row) { $html .= ''; } $html .= '
' . $this->getLang('admin nonexistent page') . '' . $this->getLang('admin tags') . '
' . $row['pid'] . '' . $row['tags'] . '
'; return $html; } /** * Returns all tagging parameters from the query string * * @return mixed */ public function getParams() { global $INPUT; return $INPUT->param('tagging', []); } /** * Get a tagging parameter, empty string if not set * * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public function getParam($name) { $params = $this->getParams(); if ($params) { return $params[$name] ?: ''; } } /** * Sets a tagging parameter * * @param string $name * @param string|array $value */ public function setParam($name, $value) { global $INPUT; $params = $this->getParams(); $params = array_merge($params, [$name => $value]); $INPUT->set('tagging', $params); } /** * Default sorting by tag id */ public function setDefaultSort() { if (!$this->getParam('sort')) { $this->setParam('sort', 'tid'); } } /** * Executes the query and returns the results as array * * @param array $query * @return array */ protected function queryDb($query) { $db = $this->getDB(); if (!$db) { return []; } $res = $db->query($query[0], $query[1]); $res = $db->res2arr($res); $ret = []; foreach ($res as $row) { $ret[$row['item']] = $row['cnt']; } return $ret; } /** * Construct the HAVING part of the search query * * @param array $filters * @return array */ protected function getFilterSql($filters) { $having = ''; $parts = []; $params = []; $filters = array_filter($filters); if (!empty($filters)) { $having = ' HAVING '; foreach ($filters as $filter => $value) { $parts[] = " $filter LIKE ? "; $params[] = "%$value%"; } $having .= implode(' AND ', $parts); } return [$having, $params]; } /** * Returns taggings of nonexistent pages * * @return array */ protected function getInvalidTaggings() { $db = $this->getDB(); $query = 'SELECT "pid", GROUP_CONCAT(CLEANTAG("tag")) AS "tags" FROM "taggings" WHERE NOT PAGEEXISTS(pid) GROUP BY pid '; $res = $db->query($query); return $db->res2arr($res); } }