Lines Matching +full:title +(+path:plugin +path:pycode) -(+path:plugin +path:pycode +path:lang)
129 // get user option for title
131 $re = "/(-title)(\s*)(=)(\s*)(\'|\")(.*)(\'|\")/";
146 $re = "/(\s*-nums.*|\s*-title.*|\s*-docstr.*)/";
204 * ["usr_title"] => (str) -title = "<new-title>"
212 * <src-url> [f <name-function> [<name-class>] [-nums] [-title]]
213 * <src-url> [l <name-lines> [-nums] [-title]]
239 $title = $data["usr_title"];
296 …>_print_code($renderer, $src_url, $code_loc, $lang, $range, $flag, $name, $subname, $nums, $title);
314 …>_print_code($renderer, $src_url, $code_loc, $lang, $range, $flag, $name, $subname, $nums, $title);
377 * @param (str) $title if specified, it is the new user's title for the
381 $name = null, $subname = null, $nums = null, $title = null) { argument
391 // make the title for the code
392 if ($title === null) {
393 $title = $this->getConf("title");
394 if ($title != "none") {
395 if ($title == "file ⋅ class ⋅ def ⋅ #:#") {
398 elseif ($title == "src-url ⋅ class ⋅ def ⋅ #:#") {
420 $title = "$src" . "$class" . "$def" . "$lns";
424 if ($title == "") {
425 $title = "none";
433 if ($title != "none") {
451 if ($title != "none") {
454 $renderer->doc .= "<dt><img class='code_pycode' src='" . $icon . "'>$title</dt>";
462 if ($title != "none") {