Lines Matching defs:message

84     $message = $this->getConf('formIntroMessage');
85 if ( $message == 'default' ) $message = $this->getLang('formIntroMessage');
86 if ($message) echo p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions($message),$info);
109 ###Preparation of the message renderer
138 ### Clear the message renderer
260 function _msg( $message, $type=null, $force=false ) {
261 ### _msg : display message using the debugLvl value
262 # $message : mixed :
265 # $message[0] : string : key for $this->getLang() function
266 # $message[1] : string : additional information
268 # * -1 : error message
269 # * 0 : normal message
270 # * 1 : info message
271 # if type == null, the first 3 char of the key define the message type
275 # $force : boolean : force displaying the message without checking debugLvl
277 # * true -> display a normal message
278 # * false -> display an error message
280 if ( is_array( $message ) ) {
281 $output = $message[0];
283 $output = $message;
304 if ( $this->debug > 3 ) echo '<p>message : '.$message.' |output : '.$output.' |val : '.$val.' |err : '.$err.'</p>';
306 // Debug = 0 => No message
309 // Debug < 3 => Only error message; If it s not an error message, message return true;
311 // Otherwise display the message
312 $content = $output.' : '.$this->getLang( $output ).( is_array( $message ) ? ' : '.$message[1] : '' );
316 // If error message, return false
387 # Display some error message if something wrong in the delete process (might delete the file manually)
392 // use @ to catch the system error message
413 # _msg info report ( debugLvl >= 2 ) display message about active plugin
452 // If not allowed to upload, display a message.