[Gag] * @author José Torrecilla * @version 0.11beta */ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if (!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN', DOKU_INC . 'lib/plugins/'); class action_plugin_odtplus2dw extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin { /** * Registers a callback function for a given event */ function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) { // File Parser hook $controller->register_hook('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'BEFORE', $this, '_parser', array()); // Display form hook before the wiki page (on top); Maybe create a param to display the form after the page $controller->register_hook('TPL_ACT_RENDER', 'BEFORE', $this, '_render', array()); $controller->register_hook('TEMPLATE_PAGETOOLS_DISPLAY', 'BEFORE', $this, 'addbutton', array()); //Add MENU_ITEMS_ASSEMBLY $controller->register_hook('MENU_ITEMS_ASSEMBLY', 'AFTER', $this, 'addsvgbutton', array()); } /** * Add 'import'-button to menu * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param mixed $param not defined */ public function addsvgbutton(&$event, $param) { global $conf; if($event->data['view'] == 'page') { array_push($event->data['items'],new \dokuwiki\plugin\odtplus2dw\MenuItem()); } } /** * Add 'import'-button to pagetools * * @param Doku_Event $event * @param mixed $param not defined */ public function addbutton(&$event, $param) { global $ID, $REV, $conf; if($this->getConf('showimportbutton') && $event->data['view'] == 'main') { $params = array('do' => 'odtplus2dw'); if($REV) { $params['rev'] = $REV; } $event->data['items'] = array_slice($event->data['items'], 0, -1, true) + array('import_file' => '
  • ' .'' .''.$this->getLang('import_button').'' .'' .'
  • ') + array_slice($event->data['items'], -1, 1, true); } } function _render(&$event, $param) { ### _render : displays the upload form in the pages according to authorized action # INPUT : it's a dokuwiki event function # OUTPUT : void # DISPLAY : upload form global $ID, $lang; // Check if the current action is in the action allow table if ( strpos( $this->getConf('formDisplayRule'), $event->data) === false ) return; // Check if the page exists if ( page_exists( $ID ) && $event->data != "odtplus2dw" ) return; if ( page_exists( $ID ) ) echo p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions( $this->getLang( 'formPageExistMessage' ) ), $info ); // Check auth user can edit this page if ( auth_quickaclcheck( $ID ) < AUTH_EDIT ) return; // If all check is ok, display the form $message = $this->getConf('formIntroMessage'); if ( $message == 'default' ) $message = $this->getLang('formIntroMessage'); if ($message) echo p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions($message),$info); // FIXME create the form with dokuwiki method ? echo '
    '; if ( $event->data == 'odtplus2dw' ) $event->preventDefault(); } function _parser(&$event, $param) { ### _parser : check if a file migth be uploaded, then call the odtplus2dw converter # INPUT : it's a dokuwiki event function # OUTPUT : void // Check action is odt2dw if ( $event->data != 'odtplus2dw' ) return; ###Preparation of the message renderer //Set the debug lvl $this->debug = $this->getConf( 'debugLvl' ); //If used, open the logFile if ( $this->debug >= 2 ) { $this->logFile = $this->getConf( 'logFile' ); if ( isset( $this->logFile ) ) if ( file_exists( dirname( $this->logFile ) ) || mkdir( dirname( $this->logFile ) ) ) { if ( ! ( $this->logFileHandle = @fopen( $this->logFile, 'a' ) ) ) unset( $this->logFileHandle, $this->logFile ); } else unset( $this->logFile ); if ( ! isset( $this->logFileHandle ) ) $this->_msg( 'er_logFile' ); } ### // Check upload file defined $retour = false; if ( $_FILES['userFile'] ) { // If parse work, change action to defined one in conf/local.php file $retour = $this->_odtplus2dw(); # Delete temp file $this->_purge_env(); } //if the file is correctly parsed, change the action to the action defined in the conf //otherwise the action stay odt2dw -> the display form hook will be call by render trigger if ( $retour === true ) { $event->data = $this->getConf('parserPostDisplay'); } else { $event->preventDefault(); } ### Clear the message renderer // Close the log file if used if ( isset( $this->logFileHandle ) ) @fclose( $this->logFileHandle ); ### } function _odtplus2dw() { ### _odtplus2dw : Translate a supported file into dokuwiki syntax # OUTPUT : # * true -> process successfully finished # * false -> something wrong; using _msg to display what's wrong global $ID, $conf; //Table use to convert urn to url -> without this, xslProc won't parse correctly //Table corrigeant les attributs de la racine du fichier content.xml : urn -> url $this->conversion = array( "xmlns:office" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/office", "xmlns:style" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/style", "xmlns:text" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/text", "xmlns:table" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/table", "xmlns:draw" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/drawing", "xmlns:fo" => "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format", "xmlns:xlink" => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "xmlns:dc" => "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", "xmlns:meta" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/meta", "xmlns:number" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/datastyle", "xmlns:svg" => "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "xmlns:chart" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/chart", "xmlns:dr3d" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/dr3d", "xmlns:math" => "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", "xmlns:form" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/form", "xmlns:script" => "http://openoffice.org/2000/script", "xmlns:config" => "http://openoffice.org/2001/config", "xmlns:ooo" => "http://openoffice.org/2004/office", "xmlns:ooow" => "http://openoffice.org/2004/writer", "xmlns:oooc" => "http://openoffice.org/2004/calc", "xmlns:dom" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events", "xmlns:xforms" => "http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms", "xmlns:xsd" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "xmlns:xsi" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "xmlns:rpt" => "http://openoffice.org/2005/report", "xmlns:of" => "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:of:1.2", "xmlns:xhtml" => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "xmlns:grddl" => "http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view#", "xmlns:tableooo" => "http://openoffice.org/2009/table", "xmlns:css3t" => "http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-text/" ); // urn wont be/need to convert -- keep for further odt file version // "xmlns:field" => "urn:openoffice:names:experimental:ooo-ms-interop:xmlns:field:1.0", //"xmlns:formx" => "urn:openoffice:names:experimental:ooxml-odf-interop:xmlns:form:1.0", // CONSTANT : Content file extract from the odt file $this->xmlFile = "content.xml"; ### Check parameter ### // Page receive content if ( ! $this->pageName = $ID ) return $this->_msg('er_id'); $this->nsName = getNS($this->pageName); // Check right to change the page if ( page_exists($ID) ) { if ( auth_quickaclcheck($ID) < AUTH_EDIT ) return $this->_msg('er_acl_edit'); } else { if ( auth_quickaclcheck($ID) < AUTH_CREATE ) return $this->_msg('er_acl_create'); } // Check the file uploaded if ( ! $this->_checkUploadFile() ) return $this->_msg('er_checkUploadResult'); // Check the xslFile if ( ! $this->getConf( 'parserXslFile' ) ) return $this->_msg('er_xslFile_notset'); $this->xslFile = DOKU_PLUGIN.'odtplus2dw/'.$this->getConf('parserXslFile'); if ( ! file_exists($this->xslFile) ) return $this->_msg('er_xslFile_exists'); if ( ! is_file($this->xslFile) ) return $this->_msg('er_xslFile_isfile'); // Class Control if ( ! class_exists( "XSLTProcessor" ) ) return $this->_msg('er_class_xsltProcessor'); if ( ! class_exists( "ZipArchive" ) ) return $this->_msg('er_class_zipArchive'); if ( ! class_exists( "DOMDocument" ) ) return $this->_msg('er_class_domDocument'); // Create instance of needed class $this->XSLT = new XSLTProcessor; $this->ZIP = new ZipArchive; $this->XSL = new DOMDocument; $this->XML = new DOMDocument; // Load the xslFile if ( ! ($this->XSL->load( $this->xslFile ) ) ) return $this->_msg('er_loadXsl'); // Build the xsl processor if ( ! $this->_set_xsltProcessor() ) return $this->_msg('er_xsltProc'); // Extract content file from odt file if ( ! $this->_unzip( $this->xmlFile ) ) return $this->_msg('er_file_unzip'); // Load the xmlFile if ( ! $this->XML->load($this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->xmlFile) ) return $this->_msg('er_loadXml'); if ( ! $this->racine = $this->XML->getElementsByTagName('document-content')->item(0) ) return $this->_msg('er_invalidRoot'); // Correction for urn bug foreach ( $this->conversion as $attr => $value ) if ( $this->racine->hasAttribute($attr) ) $this->racine->setAttributeNS( "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", $attr, $value ); // Transformation du fichier XML $this->result = '====== '.basename($this->odtFileName,'.odt').' ====== '; if ( $this->getConf('parserLinkToOriginalFile') && auth_quickaclcheck($ID) >= AUTH_UPLOAD ) $this->result .= '{{'.$this->userFileName.'|'.$this->getLang('parserOriginalFile').'}} '; ### Parameters have been checked successfully ### // Set specific time out to parse the odt file into dw syntax set_time_limit( $this->getConf('parserCoreTimeOut') ); // Parse the content - This is the CORE if ( ! $tmp = html_entity_decode($this->XSLT->transformToDoc( $this->XML )->saveHTML(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') ) return $this->_msg('er_transform'); $this->result .= $tmp; // Set the time out to default set_time_limit(30); // Extract and store image files from odt file to Dokuwiki mediaManager $this->_parse_image(); // Store the result if ( ! $this->_apply_result() ) return $this->_msg('er_apply'); return true; } function _msg( $message, $type=null, $force=false ) { ### _msg : display message using the debugLvl value # $message : mixed : # * string : key for $this->getLang() function # * array : # $message[0] : string : key for $this->getLang() function # $message[1] : string : additional information # $type : integer : (check the dokuwiki msg function) # * -1 : error message # * 0 : normal message # * 1 : info message # if type == null, the first 3 char of the key define the message type # * er_ : -1 # * ok_ : 1 # * otherwise : 0 # $force : boolean : force displaying the message without checking debugLvl # OUTPUT : # * true -> display a normal message # * false -> display an error message # DISPLAY : call dokuwiki msg function if ( is_array( $message ) ) { $output = $message[0]; } else { $output = $message; } // If output is empty, crash with error display; if ( ! $output ) die( $this->getLang( 'er_msg_nomessage' ) ); if ( is_null( $type ) ) { $val = substr( $output, 0, strpos( $output, '_' )+1 ); switch ($val) { case 'er_' : $err = -1; break; case 'ok_' : $err = 1; break; default : $err = 0; } } else { if ( $type < -1 || $type > 1 ) return false; $err = $type; } // Dev debugging mode; manually set to 4; this dirtily display some informations if ( $this->debug > 3 ) echo '

    message : '.$message.' |output : '.$output.' |val : '.$val.' |err : '.$err.'

    '; // Debug = 0 => No message if ( !$force && $this->debug == 0 ) return ( $err == -1 ? false : true ); // Debug < 3 => Only error message; If it s not an error message, message return true; if ( !$force && $err != -1 && $this->debug < 3 ) return true; // Otherwise display the message $content = $output.' : '.$this->getLang( $output ).( is_array( $message ) ? ' : '.$message[1] : '' ); msg( 'odtplus2dw : '.$content, $err ); if ( isset( $this->logFileHandle ) ) fwrite( $this->logFileHandle, date(DATE_ATOM).':'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].':'.$content.' ' ); // If error message, return false if ( $err == -1 ) return false; // Otherwise return true; return true; } function _checkUploadFile() { ### _checkUploadFile : group all process about the uploadFile, like uploadStatus, file format, move it in a working directory, etc. ### # OUTPUT : # * true -> process successfully # * false -> something wrong; using _msg to display what's wrong // Check a file will be upload if ( ! $_FILES['userFile'] ) return $this->_msg('er_file_miss'); // Check the file status if ( $_FILES['userFile']['error'] > 0 ) return $this->_msg( array( 'er_file_upload', $_FILES['userFile']['error'] ) ); // Check the file has an authorized mimetype if ( $this->getConf( 'parserMimeTypeAuthorized' ) != "" && strpos( $this->getConf( 'parserMimeTypeAuthorized' ), $_FILES['userFile']['type'] ) === false ) return $this->_msg( array( 'er_file_format', $_FILES['userFile']['type'] ) ); // Create an unique temp work dir name while ( file_exists( $this->uploadDir = $this->getConf( 'parserUploadDir' ).rand( 10000, 100000 ) ) ) {}; // Create the directory if ( ! mkdir( $this->uploadDir, 0777, true ) ) return $this->_msg( 'er_file_tmpDir' ); // Chmod. Maybe not required, but we keep it beacause using soffice sometimes is not easy... chmod( $this->uploadDir, 0777 ); // Move the upload file into the work directory $this->userFileName = $_FILES['userFile']['name']; $this->userFile = $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->userFileName; if ( ! move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['userFile']['tmp_name'], $this->userFile ) ) return $this->_msg('er_file_getFromDownload'); // Pandoc/SOffice support: Set odtFile/odtFileName to be the same as userFile/userFileName. // Will change later if neccesary $this->odtFileName = substr($this->userFileName, 0); $this->odtFile = substr($this->userFile, 0); // Add Pandoc support if ( $this->getConf( 'parserMimeTypePandoc' ) != "" && strpos( $this->getConf( 'parserMimeTypePandoc' ), $_FILES['userFile']['type'] ) !== false ) { $this->_prepareOdtFileName(); $output = array(); // Conversion to odt file exec( 'pandoc -s -w odt -o "' . $this->odtFile . '" "' . $this->userFile . '"', $output, $return_var ); } // Add SOffice support if ( $this->getConf( 'parserMimeTypeSOffice' ) != "" && strpos( $this->getConf( 'parserMimeTypeSOffice' ), $_FILES['userFile']['type'] ) !== false ) { $this->_prepareOdtFileName(); $output = array(); // Conversion to odt file exec( 'cd ' . $this->uploadDir . ' && sudo soffice --nofirststartwizard --headless --convert-to odt:"writer8" "' . $this->userFileName . '"', $output, $return_var ); } // All upload file checking are OK return true; } function _prepareOdtFileName() { // Change original extension to ".odt" $info = pathinfo($this->userFile); $this->odtFileName = $info['filename'] . '.odt'; $this->odtFile = $this->uploadDir.'/'. $this->odtFileName; } function _purge_env() { ### _purge_env : clean the system from temporary file ### # OUTPUT : # void # Display some error message if something wrong in the delete process (might delete the file manually) // Perhaps this would not be needed if use temp dir. // No timeOut : the cleanning process wont be interrupted. set_time_limit(0); // use @ to catch the system error message // If exists, delete the download file if ( file_exists( $this->odtFile ) ) if ( ! @unlink( $this->odtFile ) ) $this->_msg( array( 'er_pg_file', $this->odtFile ) ); if ( file_exists( $this->userFile ) ) if ( ! @unlink( $this->userFile ) ) $this->_msg( array( 'er_pg_file', $this->userFile ) ); // Delete each file extracted for the uploaded file if ( $this->file_extract ) foreach ($this->file_extract as $file) if ( file_exists( $file ) ) if ( ! @unlink( $file ) ) $this->_msg( array( 'er_pg_file', $file ) ); // Delete each image than would be renamed and not moved to the wiki if ( $this->file_import ) foreach ( $this->file_import as $file ) if ( file_exists( $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath.'/'.$file ) ) if ( ! @unlink( $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath.'/'.$file ) ) $this->_msg( array( 'er_pg_file', $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath.'/'.$file ) ); // Delete the Pictures directory if ( file_exists( $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath) ) if ( ! @rmdir( $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath ) ) $this->_msg( array( 'er_pg_dir', $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath ) ); // Than delete the temporary directory if ( file_exists( $this->uploadDir ) ) if ( ! @rmdir( $this->uploadDir ) ) $this->_msg( array( 'er_pg_dir', $this->uploadDir ) ); // Set back default timeOut set_time_limit(30); } function _set_xsltProcessor(){ ### _set_xsltProcessor : set all xslt param regarding the dokuwiki plugin installed ### # OUTPUT : # * true -> process successfully # * false -> something wrong; using _msg to display what's wrong # _msg info report ( debugLvl >= 2 ) display message about active plugin // Gag : I think it s a Nasty way to check plugin - must be rewriten but i don t know how $tmp_plugin_lst = plugin_list(); if ( ! $this->XSLT->importStylesheet( $this->XSL ) ) return $this->_msg('er_xslt_invalid'); foreach ( array('numberedheadings') as $param ) if ( array_search( $param, $tmp_plugin_lst ) !== false ) { if ( ! $this->XSLT->setParameter( '', $param, '1' ) ) return $this->_msg( array( 'inf_xslt_param', $param ), -1 ); // _msg info report $this->_msg( array( 'ok_infoPlugin', $param ), 1 ); } // foreach ( array('subtable_message') as $lang_elt ) if ( ! $this->XSLT->setParameter( '', $lang_elt, $this->getLang('xsl_'.$lang_elt ) ) ) $this->_msg( array( 'inf_xslt_lang', $param ), 0 ); return true; } function _apply_result() { ### _apply_result : store the content in dokuwiki page and the attache file (img) in dokuwiki media # OUTPUT : # * true -> process successfully # * false -> something wrong; using _msg to display what's wrong global $INFO; // Save the content in data/page saveWikiText( $this->pageName, $this->result, $this->getLang( 'parserSummary' ).$this->userFileName ); if ( ! page_exists($this->pageName) ) return $this->_msg('er_apply_content'); // Check if the user could upload file (ACL : permission lvl 8) if ( auth_quickaclcheck($ID) >= AUTH_UPLOAD ) { // Import the image file in the mediaManager (data/media) $destDir = mediaFN( $this->nsName ); if ( ! ( file_exists( $destDir ) || mkdir( $destDir, 0777, true ) ) ) return $this->_msg( array( 'er_apply_dirCreate' ) ); if ( $this->file_import ) foreach ( $this->file_import as $pict ) { $destFile = mediaFN( $this->nsName.':'.$pict ); list( $ext, $mime ) = mimetype( $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath.'/'.$pict ); if ( media_upload_finish($this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath.'/'.$pict, $destFile, $this->nsName, $mime, @file_exists($destFile), 'rename' ) != $this->nsName ) return $this->_msg( array( 'er_apply_img', $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath.'/'.$pict ) ); } // Keep the original file (import the upload file in the mediaManager) $destFile = mediaFN( $this->nsName.':'.$this->userFileName ); list( $ext, $mime ) = mimetype( $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->userFileName ); if ( media_upload_finish($this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->userFileName, $destFile, $this->nsName, $mime, @file_exists($destFile), 'rename' ) != $this->nsName ) return $this->_msg( array( 'er_apply_file' ) ); } else { // If not allowed to upload, display a message. $this->_msg( 'inf_acl_upload', 0, true ); } # Refresh info about the current page (see doku.php where $INFO is initiate) - Needed for edit or preview "parserPostDisplay" option $INFO = pageinfo(); return true; } function _parse_image() { ### _parse_image : search dokuwiki img markup in $this->result than extract the img file and rename it to easier name ### # OUTPUT : # void # using _msg to display each img file wont be process successfully global $ID; $imgs = array(); if ( preg_match_all( '|{{((?:[^/}]+/)*[^/}]+)/([0-9a-zA-Z]+)(\.[a-z]+)(\?[0-9]+(?:x[0-9]+)?)?}}|', $this->result, $imgs, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) { if ( auth_quickaclcheck( $ID ) < AUTH_UPLOAD ) return $this->_msg( 'er_acl_upload' ); $this->err['ok'] = array(); foreach ( $imgs as $key => $value ) { set_time_limit(20); $this->pictpath = $value[1]; $pict = $value[2].$value[3]; $ext = $value[3]; $other = $value[4]; if ( $this->_unzip($this->pictpath.'/'.$pict) ) { # Do not overwrite existing images # Hash to see if files are identical, prevents multiple files with same content but different names in media manager $newFileHash = hash_file('sha512', $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath.'/'.$pict); $newFileName = ''; do { $newFileName = noNS($this->pageName).'_image_'.$key.$ext; $existingFile = mediaFN( $this->nsName.':'.$newFileName); $key = $key + 1; } while ( file_exists( $existingFile ) && hash_file('sha512', $existingFile) != $newFileHash ); if ( rename( $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath.'/'.$pict, $this->uploadDir.'/'.$this->pictpath.'/'.$newFileName ) ) { $this->result = str_replace( '{{'.$this->pictpath.'/'.$pict.$other.'}}' , '{{'.$newFileName.$other.'}}' , $this->result ); $this->file_import[] = $newFileName; if ( $this->debug ) $this->err['ok'][] = $pict.' : '.$newFileName; } else $this->err[$pict] = 'rename'; } else $this->err[$pict] = 'unzip'; } } if ( $this->err ) foreach ( $this->err as $key => $value ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'ok': foreach ( $value as $msg ) $this->_msg( array( 'ok_img', $msg ) ); break; default : // $value E ( rename, unzip) => er_img_rename, er_img_unzip $this->_msg( array( 'er_img_'.$value, $key ) ); } } } function _unzip( $entrie ) { ### _unzip : extract $entrie file from $this->odtFile to $this->uploadDir using $this->ZIP object instance of ZipArchive Class ### # $entrie : string : fullFileName (with the internal path in the archive) # OUTPUT : # * true -> extraction ok # * false -> something wrong; using _msg to display what's wrong if ( ! $this->ZIP ) return $this->_msg('er_unzip_object'); if ( ! file_exists( $this->odtFile ) ) return $this->_msg('er_unzip_nofile'); if ( ! ( $this->ZIP->open( $this->odtFile ) === true ) ) return $this->_msg( 'er_unzip_open' ); $res = $this->ZIP->extractTo( $this->uploadDir, $entrie ); $this->ZIP->close(); if ( ! $res ) return $this->_msg( array( 'er_unzip_error', $entrie ) ); $this->file_extract[] = $this->uploadDir.'/'.$entrie; return $this->_msg( array( 'ok_unzip', $entrie ) ); } }