Lines Matching refs:fix

14 - soap_base: fix code that overwrites user-supplied attributes in serialize_val
28 - soap_transport_http: fix setCredentials and add TODO comments in sendHTTPS about what to change i…
48 - soap_transport_http: fix use of $headers instead of $this->incoming_headers in getResponse
70 - soap_parser: fix parsing of elements with no XSD type specified
74 - soap_parser: fix code generating warning (thanks Torsten)
77 - soap_parser: fix another line of code generating a warning (thanks Torsten)
91 - wsdl, soapclient: fix some PHP notices from previous update
172 - wsdl: fix a bug in which data type of complexType elements were ignored in serialization
179 - soap_server: fix default SOAPAction created in register method
182 - nusoapmime: fix comments
199 - soap_server: fix parameter order in fault method (always used as faultcode, faultstring)
205 - soap_parser: fix document and responseHeaders so they are the correct XML text (as documented)
206 - soap_transport_http: fix read from persistent connection
237 - wsdl: fix WSDL generation when there is no encodingStyle
250 - wsdl: fix serialization of soapval without a type
274 - soap_server: fix a bug when call_user_func_array() is used
278 - xmlschema: fix serialization of definition of simple types
318 - wsdl: fix serialization of attributes for complexType that is an extension
330 - nusoap_base: fix a bug in which attributes were sometimes not serialized with a value
345 - soap_transport_http: fix client certificates (thanks Doug Anarino and Eryan Eriobowo)
358 - soap_transport_http: fix check for server request for digest authentication (thanks Mark Spavin)
360 - wsdl: fix documentation page popup of one method after another (thanks Owen)
386 - nusoap_base: fix version, which should have been 0.7.0 since 2005-03-04
391 - soap_fault: fix serialization of detail
433 - soap_server: fix a bug parsing headers from _SERVER and HTTP_SERVER_VARS (thanks Bert Catsburg)
463 - wsdl: fix bug in addComplexType (thanks Maarten Meijer)
471 - nusoap_base: fix serialization of a soapval when its value is a soapval
472 - soapval: fix serialization of a soapval when its value is a soapval
475 - nusoapclient: fix getProxy that was broken in last revision
503 - xmlschema: fix simpleType serialization
534 - soap_transport_http: fix digest authentication broken in previous revision
562 - nusoap_xmlschema: fix serialization of simpleType restriction (thanks Rizwan Tejpar)