Lines Matching refs:z

232 # new feature: draw ID xxx SYMOP [n or "-x,y,z"] [optional {atom or position}] 
323 # new feature: [x,y,z].sum2 or {xx}.someProperty.sum2 -- sum of squares
846 # yes yes z yes atomZ Cartesian Z coordinate
900 # W yes PDB residue designator with x, y, z included: [%n]%r %x %y %z (Jmol 11.3.41)
932 # %[atomZ] %z
1026 # new feature: {x y z}.fxyz -- returns fractional from cartesian
1027 # new feature: {x y z}.uxyz -- returns unitcell from cartesian
1028 # new feature: {x y z}.ux, .uy, .uz similar to .fx, .fy, .fz
1029 # new feature: {x y z}.xyz -- returns cartesian from fractional
1030 # note that .x .y .z does NOT do this conversion. If that is
1031 # intended, you need to use {x y z}.xyz.x
1197 # draws x,y,z coordinates for the frame defined by the specified quaternion at the specified cente…
1308 # new feature: translate x|y|z x.x nm|angstroms|%
1535 # return _x.x + _x.y + _x.z
1713 # -- creates DRAW sequence to draw quaternion q as three arrows red(x), green(y), blue(z)
2152 # {x y z w} where w = cos(theta/2) and {x y z} = sin(theta/2)*unitNormal
2156 # specified axis using q % {x y z w}. w is ignored; x y z is the
2166 # new feature: q = axisAngle({x y z}, theta)
2167 # new feature: q = axisAngle(x, y, z, theta)
2169 # new feature: q = quaternion("{x y z w}")
2172 # new feature: rotate quaternion {x y z w}
2173 # new feature: rotate axisAngle {x y z theta}
2218 # point4f is {x, y, z, w} (w ignored), where {x y z} is a
2220 # Returns a point4f angle-Axis equivalent with x, y, z the normal for the quaternion
2222 # to be directed with a positive dot product between the input {x y z}
2223 # vector and the output {x y z}.
2244 # q = quaternion({x y z}, angleDegrees)
2250 # q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w
2261 # (q%3) -- q3 (z)
2267 # (q%{x y z}) -- rotational transform of a point or vector based on a quaternion
2322 # for example: set pickLabel "%n x = %x, y = %y, z = %z"
2336 # new feature: quaternion [w|x|y|z|a|r] [difference][2] [draw]
2337 # new feature: draw quaternion [w|x|y|z|a|r] [difference][2]
2338 # new feature: write quaternion [w|x|y|z|a|r] [difference][2] [draw]
2339 # and with that: write("quaternion" [,"w"|"x"|"y"|"z"|"a"|"r"][,"difference"|"difference2"][,"dra…
2345 # draws x,y,z and n vectors for a quaternion center
2425 # new feature: draw Vector [x y] or [x y %] {x' y' z'}
2494 # Atom: xxx Group: xxx Chain: xxx Model: xxx Coordinates: x y z
2526 # (11.4 does {x,y,z}, then $xxx, then {atomExpression}, then @{{atoms}.split()})
2648 # CENTER {x y z}
2739 # note that for now PDB file reading of ANISOU requires using {x y z} in load
2749 # bug fix: "....".trim("xyz") function not properly trimming ANY x,y,z
2756 # new feature: isosurface FunctionXY "data2d_xxxxx" {origin} {ni x 0 0} {nj 0 y 0} {nk 0 0 z}
2758 # new feature: isosurface FunctionXY "data2d_xyz_xxxx" {origin} {ni x 0 0} {nj 0 y 0} {nk 0 0 z}
2759 # allows setting isosurface values using a block of x y z data, all points for which should be
3191 # * float[vertexCount*3]vertices {x,y,z}
3708 # [plane definition] can be {x y z w} or any combination of
3709 # three {x y z} points, draw point references, or atom expressions
3758 # [ "draw","[drawID]",[modelIndex],[vertexIndex],[x],[y],[z] ]
4064 # .x, .y. .z, .xyz,
4365 # new feature Jmol math point(x,y,z) function
4367 # point(a,b,c) or point("{x,y,z}")
4413 # new feature: Jmol math plane(x,y,z,w) function
4415 # plane(a,b,c,d) or plane("{x,y,z,w}")
4572 # (some number).color gives a color triple as a point {x y z}
4573 # {x y z}.color gives a hexadecimal string [xRRGGBB]
4630 # new feature: lcaoCartoon rotate [x|y|z] degrees create "px"
4774 # new command: quaternion [w x y z] [derivative]
4786 # bug fix: minus-sign "fix" in 11.3.1 broke all {x -y z} notation
4873 # bug fix for inability to use x,y,z,fx,fy,fz with cartesian points
4985 # moveTo timeSec {x y z w} (atom expression) 0 [zoom factor]
4987 # moveTo timeSec {x y z w} 0 transX transY (atom expression) 0 [zoom factor]
5217 # labels: default z setting for labels (set labelFront, set labelGroup, set labelAtom)
5527 # x = "{x y z}"
5530 # x = "{x y z w}"
5735 # Points in IF, SET, and %{} can be designated using the standard {x y z}
5737 # atom expressions {1,2,3} and coordinates {x y z}, and this seems to me the
5759 # xyzFile = "" + {selected}.size + "\n\n" + {selected}.label("%a %x %y %z")
5768 # pdbAtomData = {selected and not hetero}.label("ATOM %5i %-4a%1A%3n %1c%4R%1E %8.3x%8.3y%8.3z%6…
5769 # pdbHeteroData = {selected and hetero}.label("HETATM%5i %-4a%1A%3n %1c%4R%1E %8.3x%8.3y%8.3z%6…
5773 …lected}.bonds.size)%-3+" 0 0 0\n"+{selected}.labels("%-10.4x%-10.4y%-10.4z %2e 0 0 0 0 0")…
5784 …tPropertyAsJavaObject("evaluate", '"" + {molecule=1} + "\n\n" + {molecule=1}.label("%a %x %y %z")')
5875 # echo average position= {%{(selected).x},%{(selected).y},%{(selected).z}}