Lines Matching refs:xxx
33 # utilizing user-defined functions of the form @{xxx({n})}
66 # bug fix: {xxx}.xxx = syntax immediately following "for ( ) {...}" causes compilation error
101 # bug fix: isosurface xxx lcaocartoon ... does not always honor xxx as isosurface name
144 # bug fix: select xxx when xxx is an array fails to do lookup of defined values
204 # bug fix: compiler error for {xxx}.yy = n \n {xxx}.yy = n
232 # new feature: draw ID xxx SYMOP [n or "-x,y,z"] [optional {atom or position}]
260 # new feature: select structureID="xxx" selects structures by alphanumeric id such as "S1" or "H3"
322 # new feature: write "xxx.X3D"
522 # bug fix: select(x;{xxx};...) or for(x;{xxx};...) when {xxx} is empty returns incorrect result
580 # new feature: print {xxx}.label.all("xxxx") -- forces array even if only one atom (like "{xxx}.lab…
582 # bug fix: xxx.all was not forcing array when only one value
747 # new feature: {*}.label = xxx and {*}.label("%[label]") and select label="xxx"
830 #{*}.xxx = y
915 # new feature: {xxx}.spacefill = n
916 # new feature: {xxx}.radius = n (same)
917 # new feature: print {xxx}.ionic ionic radius
918 # new feature: print {xxx}.covalent covalent radius
1121 # bug fix: load file:/// (file:/// with file in root path) causes unrecoverable exception
1142 # load "xxx.gamess" filter "!EIGEN" # to only load NBOs; by default ALL MOs are loaded.
1167 # new feature: Spartan zip directories containing directory xxx.spardir can be read
1196 # new feature: draw ID xxx FRAME {center} {quaternion}
1438 # new feature: load xxx.gamess FILTER "natural,optimized"
1439 # new feature: load xxx.gamess FILTER "!natural,!initial"
1442 # bug fix: app -j "xxx" option not properly implemented
1505 # bug fix: .xxx broken for Jmol 11.7.11
1507 # new feature: #xxx comments act as targets for goto as well as MESSAGE commands
1508 # bug fix: goto xxx with trailing white space fails to find xxx
1510 # bug fix: two //xxx comments in a row breaks script
1591 # {atomno=3}.atomType = "xxx"
1592 # {atomno=3}.atomName = "xxx"
1593 # new feature: select within("atomName", "xxx,yyy")
1594 # new feature: select within("atomType", "xxx,yyy")
1721 # bug fix: load "/xxx" with unsigned remote applet loads local file instead of remote root directory
1779 # new feature: signed applet/application load ?xxx uses load dialog
1790 # bug fix: xxx.split()[3].replace does not do selection first
1799 # bug fix/new feature: HIDE/DiSPLAY/DELETE/COLOR $*xxx* extended to ECHO
1808 # bug fix: getProperty("atominfo",{atom expression}) not working for "atominfo[0].xxx
1896 # new feature: HIDE $xxx
1897 # new feature: DISPLAY $xxx
1898 # new feature: DELETE $xxx
1983 # -- setting "background echo xxx" then specifies the color
1995 # new feature: wildcard at beginning for draw/pmesh/isosurface/etc. *xxx on/off/delete allowed
2058 # new feature: $"xxx" quotations or $@{...} allows variable definition of object id reference
2320 # new feature: set PICKLABEL "xxx" -- allows customized pick reports
2494 # Atom: xxx Group: xxx Chain: xxx Model: xxx Coordinates: x y z
2526 # (11.4 does {x,y,z}, then $xxx, then {atomExpression}, then @{{atoms}.split()})
2527 # new feature: draw .... ">xxx" first character of title ">" forces title to
2541 # new feature: [draw|pmesh|isosurface] xxx* [on|off|delete]
2542 # -- turns on, turns off, or deletes all objects of the type starting with "xxx"
2959 # bug fix: Parser: "3xxx" read as 3 instead of 0; "3.5xxx" read as 3.5 instead of NaN
2970 # bug fix: Parser: "3xxx" read as 3 instead of 0; "3.5xxx" read as 3.5 instead of NaN
3505 # new feature: script "|xxx.spt"
3594 # new feature: load n # where n is the desired file, starting with 1
3997 # where xxx is the site identifier and n is the site number.
4050 # bug fix: write
4161 # bug fix within(chain,xxx) not working
5022 # select xxx
5058 # adds LOAD xxx::myfile xxx indicating file type xyz, mol, etc.
5142 # to atoms, as in "load xxx.cif {1 1 1}", to also apply symmetry