Lines Matching refs:when

34 # bug fix: polyhedra colors not deleted when polyhedra deleted
48 # bug fix: long scripts in setEcho being chopped when saved in state
67 # bug fix: draw: when only some models are visible, does not properly assign models to drawn object
78 # bug fix: code - viewer.getDisplayModelIndex() not used properly when background model is present
79 # bug fix: rear mesh lines not visible on isosurface when surface also drawn
80 # bug fix: Export uses incorrect width/height parameters when size is not window size
140 # "_...." functions as not generally declared when writing
144 # bug fix: select xxx when xxx is an array fails to do lookup of defined values
171 # bug fix: context menu View... broken when boundbox or unitcell are on
242 # The IMAGE option instructs Jmol to add its state to the JPG image, so when it is
284 # bug fix: (application) delaying saveChooser load makes startup MUCH faster when loading a file
305 # bug fix: zap x.y when have measures to draw objects causes exception
317 # bug fix: compiler error when integer typed instead of command
321 # bug fix: DRAW CIRCLE size may not be correct when restored from state
331 # -- slightly irregular trace when very small diameter
346 # bug fix: spacegroup reading when center of molecule is not in unit cell can cause bonding errors
399 # bug fix: spacegroup "-- [--]" displayed when load command option SPACEGROUP is used
409 # bug fix: WRITE MO does not work when no current MO is present
522 # bug fix: select(x;{xxx};...) or for(x;{xxx};...) when {xxx} is empty returns incorrect result
577 # does not exist when nBytesMax == 0, so is a simple test for "Local File Exists"
582 # bug fix: xxx.all was not forcing array when only one value
671 # new feature: set useMinimizationThread T/F nec. to be FALSE when running minimizations in script…
756 # note that an outer set of {} is required when setting a property
866 # yes I yes ionic radius used for bonding (<b>i</b>onic radius when a formal charge is defined)
1086 # bug fix: possible exception when writing large image with translucency due to caught memory overf…
1092 # bug fix: calculate hbonds can fail when group does not have O or OXT atoms
1120 # bug fix: applet console not closed when web page destroyed
1136 # even when bonds were defined
1238 # bug fix: isosurface TRIANGLES not turning off when isosurface cleared
1255 # bug fix: Spartan reader reads MOs improperly when only a partials set of MOs is included in the f…
1333 # bug fix: vibrationperiod set to 0 if vibration off when state saved
1366 # and returned as byte[] (when fileName = null, os = null)
1428 # new feature: when errorCallback or scriptCallback is enabled, messages are translated
1431 # bug fix: translation not disabled when messageCallback is present
1441 # bug fix: script error messages not updating when language changed (coding)
1473 # bug fix: select {*.ca} (phi < select(y; {*.ca}; y.resno = _x.resno + 1).phi) fails when atomExpre…
1585 # bug fix: text antialiasing of near-black text looks very bad when antialiased
1764 # bug fix: CML reader failst to load primitive lattice parameters when no symmetry
1812 # bug fix: draw pointgroup when principalPlane == null
1814 …ameter jmolSetCallback("maximumSize", nnn) -- sets maximum size of applet when resizing to this va…
2035 # bug fix: vibration thread not closing down for applet destroy when applet is off-screen
2071 # bug fix: queue thread termination when applets are off screen
2126 # bug fix: ramachandran for systems including nucleic acids when quaternionFrame = 'n'
2503 # set pdbGetHeader TRUE # to get the header when loading (for Protein Explorer)
2537 # -- bypasses inter-group bonding check when creating polymers
2772 # bug fix: hover appears when a load script leaves an atom very close to (0,0) in the window
3040 # bug fix: save/restore of atom data incorrect when user has set propertyAtomNumberField or propert…
3102 # bug fix: labels not scaling properly when in script with file load
3103 # bug fix: labels not appearing in contrast when given same color as background
3114 # when syncCallback is set to a JavaScript function name, that function
3162 # bug fix: color isosurface when isosurface is an lcaoCartoon only colors one lobe
3274 # bug fix: frame 1.2 when file 1 only has one model displaying all files
3285 # bug fix: background color off when not white and ends in "FF"
3315 # bug fix: select */4 when "4" is inappropriate returns all instead of none
3317 # bug fix: applets not self-destroying when window containing them close
3318 # bug fix: rotate commands not sent to other applets when set syncScript if OFF
3390 # bug fix: XOR returning OR when not a bitset
3400 # this involves the fact that Safari will deliver null pointer when it
3676 # bug fix: POVRAY and other buttons aren't enabled when there are no atoms but instead draw objects…
3677 # bug fix: new label fonts not loaded when labels resized
3932 # bug fix: 0-diameter atoms displayed as single pixels when perspectiveDepth = false
4092 # bug fix: unitcell missing some lines when axes turned off
4343 # bug fix: drawn arrows scale improperly when zooming; arrow heads off-kilter
4788 # bug fix: mo opaque causing "invalid argument" when no MOs
4915 # bug fix for symop=nijk selecting base atoms when not appropriate
4940 # bug fix for select symop=3555 not giving proper atoms when load "" {444 666 0}
4942 # bug fix in frame range 1.0 when file 1 has only one model.
4948 # bug fix for opaque triangles missing one pixel on right side when translucent objects are present.
5141 # When set TRUE, this flag instructs Jmol when applying symmetry
5143 # to the bonds indicated in the file. The flag is useful when
5423 # mean something special when set, like "bondmode"
5605 # Note that when more than one atom is involved in a set,