Lines Matching refs:was

11 # bug fix: bfactor min/max was ignoring first atom
12 # bug fix: within molecule was using undocumented "visible"
133 # bug fix: A function starting with "_" originally was considered
135 # Then, in 11.7.45, this was switched. Unfortunately,
300 # new feature: print getProperty("FileInfo","REMARK300") //was PdbInfo
415 # bug fix: draw ARC was using radius, not diameter, for scale
486 # bug fix: 2 pixels off in y for labels. Don't know why I thought that was necessary in…
582 # bug fix: xxx.all was not forcing array when only one value
912 # code: artificial size limitations in spacefill, halo, star, dots was not
987 # bug fix: quaternion straightness not following quaternionFrame type (was using testflag3)
1127 # bug fix: autoBond option in Preference menu was not writing to properties file in $HOME/.jmol
1135 # bug fix: reading multiple files from a ZIP file collection, Jmol was forcing autobond
1177 # code: first attempt at Gaussian WFN file reading was unsuccessful.
1285 # new feature: set dragSelected (was "set picking dragSelected")
1734 # bug fix: set xxxCallback "" does not clear callback ("none" was required unnecessarily)
1892 # so as to be consistent with other objects. (OFF was not deleting these)
1895 # bug fix: structure helix|sheet|turn|none {atomExpression} was undocumented and had state issues
1996 # bug fix: in draw pointGroup -- height of cylinder was too small
2036 # bug fix: was reading server path for local path from history in Webexport
2131 # bug fix: Popin.png in WebExport replaced, was too large, causing dialog box to default to too big…
2313 # bug fix: connect "_1" was inadvertently dropped in 11.5.26.
2318 # bug fix: quaternion calculation using published algorithms was giving inverted quaternions
2507 # -- was necessary for Protein Explorer javascript callbacks
2516 # bug fix: scaling of VECTOR was from center, not origin
2592 # bug fix: modelLoader was assigning too much array space for chains
2657 # bug fix: isosurface ELLIPSOID was disabled
3043 # bug fix: undocumented .vdw atom property was equivalent to .valence
3360 # new feature: trajectory command no longer necessary -- deprecated (was in 11.2)
3730 # The following statement was allowed:
3822 # (was introduced in 11.3.29, but not fully articulated)
4323 # bug fix: write PNG default was 0 compression. -q flag was OK for setting 0-9
4362 # because x was only saved as a string, not an array
4722 # bug fix: isosurface interior cavity was not setting meshdata surfaceSet null
4745 # bug fix: set spin X was case-selective
5218 # was not being recorded properly
5219 # move: with slab or zoom was doing integer math
5220 # GhemicalMMReader -- was incorrectly assigning aromatic to bond type 4 via fall-through of switch
5234 # and title (usually the command that was given that created this isosurface)
5244 # This was a needed change to prevent unwanted multiple isosurfaces.
5249 # That was necessary only because it was easy to mistakenly make multiple