Lines Matching refs:values

144 # bug fix: select xxx when xxx is an array fails to do lookup of defined values
369 # new feature: array1.add("sep", array2) adds a new column of values separated by sep, for example:
476 # scripts (and changing values during the pauses) - preliminary only
671 …eMinimizationThread T/F nec. to be FALSE when running minimizations in scripts that require values
771 # produces a list of values
773 # new feature: .add() sums up values
880 …ribing the orientation of the residue. This quantity will have different values depending upon the…
913 # consistent with setting those values using {xx}.radius (for example)
1119 # bug fix: rotate quaternion with NaN values not ignored
1229 # new feature: hover displays isosurface values for contour plots and planar plots
1350 # new feature: application -j --jmolscript2 Jmol script AFTER -s not accepting values
1514 # bug fix: straightness absolute value -- values 0 (not straight) to 1 (straight)
1609 # code: Eval load conversion of param[] values to htParams entries
2046 # bug fix: extra values in measure reporting, and wrong format
2248 # returning component values:
2312 # bug fix: color of NaN float values changed from "center of color scheme" to GRAY
2757 # allows setting isosurface Z values using a block of data (ni rows by nj columns)
2759 # allows setting isosurface values using a block of x y z data, all points for which should be
3020 # spacefill 30%User # percent of User-defined values (or CURRENT if not defined)
3118 # zoom sliders and such can accurately portray their values
4143 # critical bug fix for functions not returning values
4586 # values can be determined. This would be used for making
4596 # delivers "colorscheme = " followed by a string of color values.
4602 # setting an array variable to the color values:
4608 # based on a list of color values:
5087 # of the function with an array of f[nX][nY] data values:
5877 # and it will AUTOMATICALLY update with new values as you select different atoms.