Lines Matching refs:script

47 # bug fix: older format %{...} not recognized by script compiler
125 # bug fix: setting perspective model stops animation in state script
143 # bug fix: jmol -ionxs with a script that includes measurement tries to update a nonexistant measur…
211 # bug fix: script lines 1-3 not functional
349 # bug fix: draw OFF in state script is not selective
463 # script editor behaving properly except for a nasty SWING bug that will
469 # TODO script editor -- search? argh... I knew this would be a can of worms...
470 # script editor -- undo/redo works (CTRL-Z, then SHIFT-CTRL-Z or CTRL-Y)
475 # that load scripts into a "script editor" and allow stepping through
489 # script, do anything you want -- even within functions -- change variables,
565 # just outputs messages from the print commands in that script
1064 # print script("show spacegroup all").split().find("Hall symbol:").find("primitive","v")
1073 # print script("show spacegroup all").split().find("Hall symbol:")
1155 # bug fix -- animation/spin while script is rendering can cause Exception
1281 # new feature: typing into applet executed as script commands
1342 # bug fix: 11.7.15 does not run script after loadInline applet parameter
1346 # can be overridden in a script by user defining the function "exitJmol"
1349 # new feature: application -J --jmolscript1 Jmol script BEFORE -s
1350 # new feature: application -j --jmolscript2 Jmol script AFTER -s not accepting values
1402 # bug fix: set debugscript and set loglevel do not act in script immediately
1404 # new feature: Jmol.js jmolScriptWaitOutput(script) returns all messages that would
1422 # function mySyncCallback(app, script, appletName) {
1423 # ...[modify script here]...
1437 # new feature: set errorCallback -- cannot be a Jmol script!
1441 # bug fix: script error messages not updating when language changed (coding)
1509 # bug fix: goto with a # comment in the script prior to the target line fails
1510 # bug fix: two //xxx comments in a row breaks script
1550 # bug fix: function definitions occurring before prior script commands are executed.
1647 # new feature: (Application) command line option -j --jmolscript "script commands"
1857 # new feature: script APPLET appletName "some script"
1863 # new feature: x = script("some script", "appletName")
1868 # x = script("print getProperty(\"modelInfo.modelCount\")","B")
1872 # x = script("show orientation moveto","jmolApplet2")
1876 # xList = script("print getProperty(\"appletInfo.fullName\").split(\"__\")[1] + \":\" + script(\"s…
2006 # including x = script("write pointGroup")
2083 # bug fix: Removed stray semicolons from header script comments in webexport templates. They
2314 # bug fix: state script fails to save data for atoms created using the quaternion command
2395 # bug fix: carbohydrate popup menu script incorrect
2396 # new feature: "load" of Jmol state scripts works same as "script" command
2397 # (file recognized as SPT type and read as a script instead)
2398 # bug fix: Jmol Embedded scripts containing script comments /* */
2431 # bug fix: echos with active script and a model designation
2443 # code: better handling of twin script manager threads
2460 # contain both load/script commands or the load() function
2469 # "file loaded" callback (but see set LoadStructCallback), if a script contains
2487 # bug fix: better reporting of script commands and comments
2495 # -- script <exiting>
2496 # -- Chime script completed.
2771 # bug fix: (applet) script termination callback should not be sent to message queue
2772 # bug fix: hover appears when a load script leaves an atom very close to (0,0) in the window
3102 # bug fix: labels not scaling properly when in script with file load
3145 # registry.get(AppletNames[0]).script("background white")
3241 # monster script in run directory tests scripts now uses
3370 # sync ON; set syncMouse false; set syncScript true Sends script commands only
3371 # sync ON; set syncMouse true; set syncScript true Sends both mouse events and script commands
3404 # applet.loadInlineString(String model, String script, boolean isAppend)
3408 # applet.loadInlineArray(String[] model_or_models, String script, boolean isAppend)
3505 # new feature: script "|xxx.spt"
3902 # bug fix: webexport scriptbutton template had erroneous script names.
3965 # POV-Ray embeds Jmol script
3990 # script INLINE "select " + site_list[2]
4162 # bug fix for() as first command in script or line
4197 # VERSION full script flow control support:
4289 # var x = script("draw line"+ id + " {atomno=" + a + "} {atomno=" + b + "}")
4335 # also "exitJmol" typed into the script window for the application does that.
4604 # list = script("show colorscheme \"low\"")[15][0].split(" ")
4638 # bug fix: script window using swing thread start not from event queue
5171 # adds script: option for callbacks set from within Jmol. That is, callbacks
5175 # set pickcallback "script: script doCallback.spt"
5182 # adds echo script to defined state
5194 # a = script("some script command")
5865 # script xxxx.spt # this is the full state load
5884 …lows for scripting during pause or interrupt of running script using ! as first character of script