Lines Matching refs:properties

9 # code: model properties atomCount, bondCount should be private
705 # bug fix: isosurface efvet reader not displaying data properties as colors
787 # bug fix: various tweaks of atom properties business.
795 # new feature: consistent set of atom properties now accessible via:
815 # The full set of atom properties can be checked this way:
905 # code: extensive rewrite of Eval in terms of getting and setting atom properties
907 # new feature: consistent set of atom properties now accessible via:
1127 # bug fix: autoBond option in Preference menu was not writing to properties file in $HOME/.jmol
2413 # new feature: full math on individual atom properties using
3218 # bug fix: restore of state does not reset user-defined atom properties
3341 # bug fix: draw ... nofill mesh properties not processed
3379 # bug fix: isosurface map of properties lost in 11.3.54
3606 # vast speed up of smoothed isosurface map properties
3668 # If the atom set is not given, those properties default to {visible}
3715 # bug fix: select statement comparisons of negative decimal properties to "-1" (not "-1.0") causes …
3821 # new feature: set atom properties using an array instead of a DATA statement:
3830 # new feature: set atom properties from space-separated string:
4063 # new feature: settable atom properties (preliminary):
4075 # new feature: set atom properties using {xxxx}.x =
4082 # new feature: set atom properties using an array instead of a DATA statement:
4539 # new feature: expanded color command for properties
5359 # allows comparison of user-defined atom properties in SELECT:
5377 # introduces user-definable atom properties that can be used
5387 # allows isosurface mapping of general atom properties:
5818 # The special atom properties %D1 and %D2 give sequential numbers for the