Lines Matching refs:menu

171 # bug fix: context menu View... broken when boundbox or unitcell are on
176 # bug fix: getProperty("menu") does not work until a menu has been called up by user
177 # bug fix: menu item for style does not respect bondMode
192 # bug fix: "zapped" file does not clear menu
201 # bug fix: file save from menu does not pull up dialog
230 # new feature: popup menu gives Symmetry operation display option
262 # code: Jmol embedded in applications can use Jmol menu and Jmol console directly (needs testing)
472 # new feature: drag/drop and file menu-open scripts directly into editor, from where they can be ch…
1127 # bug fix: autoBond option in Preference menu was not writing to properties file in $HOME/.jmol
1318 # bug fix: user menu ...Text menus not translated
1320 # bug fix: menu save ?.spt
1519 # menu: "Minimize" GT
1754 # bug fix: save image button/menu interface broken in 11.6.RC15
1772 # new feature: load menu items for signed applet
1773 # new feature: save menu items for signed applet
1774 # bug fix: applet -- setting a jmolScript callback prevents menu updates
1775 # new feature: minimize menu item
1824 # translation: menu items in console
1960 # bug fix: workaround for Java 1.6.0_10 diallowing popup menu
1962 # console has a menubar menu item "Jmol" that is the pop-up menu.
1963 # new feature: applet console has "help" menu item, which includes several hundred items.
2395 # bug fix: carbohydrate popup menu script incorrect
2399 # new feature: getproperty menu current
2436 # bug fix: popup menu had stereo reversed
2442 # new feature: frank appears RED in signed applet, and popup about menu identifies the applet as si…
2520 # bug fix: application -- "make crystal..." menu item does nothing -- removed
2570 # new feature: (popup menu) Biomolecules submenu added within title menu
2936 # bug fix: popup menu selection of groups and symmetry operations does not work
2938 # menu: internationalization of "Monomer" and "Shapely"
2960 # application menu: Write state moved to main export menu; Export PDF to image writing
2971 # application menu: Write state moved to main export menu; Export PDF to image writing
3076 # bug fix: menu reports too many chains
3077 # new feature: menu includes all standard color scheme options
3087 # bug fix: menu select element missing SELECT command
3326 # bug fix: quick fix for disabling popup menu under Java 7 where permissions are not granted
3791 # bug fix: overly long titles now again substringed in the popup menu.
4101 # bug fix: menu for UNITCELL
4493 # new feature: fully customizable popup menu -- see file jmol.mnu
4495 # load menu jmol.mnu
4503 # new feature: show menu
4504 # new feature: getProperty menu
4506 # These deliver the current menu (as translated) in jmol.mnu format
4512 # new feature: fully customizable popup menu -- see file jmol.mnu
4514 # load menu jmol.mnu
4749 # bug fix: popup menu set picking label not working
4776 # TODO: frame menu
4854 # bug fix for inappropriate pre-JVM12 menu items not disabled
4862 # bug fix for app not writing state from File...Export menu (app)
4898 # bug fix for multiple frames displayed does not show Select...Elements menu
4941 # bug fix for PDB files not supplying information about residues for the popup menu.
4961 # fixes popup menu to better deal with multiple file context
5014 # bug fixes -- draw state, menu not updating, language submenu
5040 # full support for switching languages, including a new "language" menu item