Lines Matching refs:in

3 # NOTE: New features should be introduced in the trunk version 11.9.x
7 # bug fix: (not really) -- " " character in VRML export added to accomodate AutoDesk 3D MAX import …
10 # bug fix: bitsets not properly handled in model deletion
45 # bug fix: symop in biomolecule context not recsognized by label "%[symmetry]"
48 # bug fix: long scripts in setEcho being chopped when saved in state
51 # bug fix: transparent pixels in images not respected
65 # bug fix: FILTER "biomolecule ..." option broken in LOAD command.
68 # code: draw: dmesh.modelFlags not properly implemented (reset in setModelVisibility)
90 # bug fix: navigate TRACE broken in 11.7.47
103 # bug fix: Gaussian '09 reader not reading " Atom AN" properly in frequency lists
111 # bug fix: CASTEP reader not understanding unit specifier in .cell files
117 # bug fix: strand count assignment error in cif/pdb readers causes failure to load 3ovo.cif
118 # bug fix: labels offset using set picking select label not saved in state properly;
120 # bug fix: set picking select label shifting label causes jump and not saved in state reproducibly
125 # bug fix: setting perspective model stops animation in state script
135 # Then, in 11.7.45, this was switched. Unfortunately,
141 # a state or in "show functions" so that a state does not
162 # bug fix: incorrect reference to jmolStatusListener for sync callback in StateManager
185 # bug fix: isosurface not retrieving exact reference for jvxl files in state
220 # bug fix for MOReaders * NBO: --- note, "-" can be in column with " " causing tokenization failure
243 # dragged in, Jmol recognizes that and loads the state. Very cool.
250 # bug fix: polyhedra saving in state
255 # bug fix: isosurface map property can create holes in isosurface
262 # code: Jmol embedded in applications can use Jmol menu and Jmol console directly (needs testing)
269 # new feature: Jmol embedded in applications can use WRITE command to create all types of images an…
282 # * in the downloadable zip file, see docs/IntermediateFormat/IDTF Format Description.pdf
319 # bug fix: set picking spin for draw objects broken in 11.8.RC1
346 # bug fix: spacegroup reading when center of molecule is not in unit cell can cause bonding errors
349 # bug fix: draw OFF in state script is not selective
355 # bug fix: mouse-picked measurements broken in 11.8.RC1
362 # -- note, bug fixes in .RCx versions will not be fixed in 11.6
382 # CNTL UP/DN to increase/decrease speed in larger amounts
405 # bug fix: draw picking in multimodel context causes null pointer exception
432 # argh. FOR broken in 11.7.45
456 # (as in certain cif files)
464 # require recasting this in AWT instead of SWING.
486 # bug fix: 2 pixels off in y for labels. Don't know why I thought that was necessary in…
488 # new feature: [Oh, VERY COOL!] You can now pause the app anywhere in a
504 # bug fix: unmatched { in quotes in @{ } not properly treated: echo @{" testing}"}
525 # new feature: merging of label() and format() functions -- same in all respects.
565 # just outputs messages from the print commands in that script
628 # in terms of the Jmol "state" but in this version I introduce the Variable class that
665 # bug fix: setting commandOptions "" in Viewer.setAppletContext()
669 # bug fix: in certain APPEND cases, binary space partitioning forest initialization is not complete
671 # new feature: set useMinimizationThread T/F nec. to be FALSE when running minimizations in script…
741 # new feature: standard { ... ? ... : ... ) notation in Jmol math:
745 # new feature: load "@x" -- inline load of data contained in variable x.
760 # used where you would use that in Java, for instance:
862 # yes yes groupID group ID number: A unique ID for each amino acid or nucleic acid residue in a …
875 # yes yes I yes radius currently displayed radius -- in SELECT command comparisons ("select radius…
881 # yes yes strucno a unique number for each helix, sheet, or turn in a model, starting with 1.
898 # g yes group index in chain
905 # code: extensive rewrite of Eval in terms of getting and setting atom properties
911 # code: removed duplication in Eval for getBitSetProperty() and atomProperty()
912 # code: artificial size limitations in spacefill, halo, star, dots was not
990 # new feature: application flag -L --nosplash no splash screen (For Jmol in Sun Wonderland dev. 5)
991 # new feature: load XYZ ... loads just the XYZ coordinates, in sequence, based on selected atoms.
1006 # spartan smol reader broken in 11.7.37
1020 # bug fix: load {n n n} not saved in state
1039 # then {x}.uxyz will be in the range {-1,-1,-1/1} (inclusive) to {0,0,0/1} (exclusive)
1060 # "m" (without "v", returns matching phrase in string or each list element or
1061 # with "v", returns all but the matching phrase in string or on any matching list e…
1083 # bug fix: Hall lattice operation (SHELX only) could place atoms in unexpected unit cell
1084 # bug fix: unitCell normalization error could miss some atoms in multi-unit cell visualizations
1105 # new feature: application -s - reads input from (untested)
1106 # new feature: \? in atom name escapes ? wildcard. Still no * in names,
1110 # -- note, this involves an additional required function in interface JmolStatusListener
1118 # bug fix: minimization does not interrupt or stop in applet
1121 # bug fix: load file:/// (file:/// with file in root path) causes unrecoverable exception
1122 # bug fix: signed applet JmolAppletSigned0.jar does not include minimizer in internal jar index
1127 # bug fix: autoBond option in Preference menu was not writing to properties file in $HOME/.jmol
1139 # bug fix: Spartan SMOL file reader failure (coded & instead of && in if statement!)
1150 # bug fix -- Spartan reader adding " in front of atom label
1151 # new feature: frame ALIGN {atoms} -- aligns frames around designated atoms in each frame
1156 # in general, one needs to use
1168 # new feature: Spartan reader now reads all models in an energy profile
1170 # new feature: MO command operates on all models in current frame set:
1185 …LoadOrientation (default: FALSE) automatically sets "reset" orientation to that in file, if present
1187 # code: generalized setTransform() in JmolAdapter readers CSF and SpartanSmol (.spardir)
1214 # bug fix: measure n1 n2 n3 n4 with just numbers selecting atoms in frame 1 rather than current fr…
1218 … subtle code error on lines and cylinders rasterization not completing line end pixel in most cases
1221 # code: polygonColixes[] to define polygon colors rather than vertex-based colors (as in OBJ file)
1223 # debugging: setTestflag2() turns on vertex labeling in isosurfaces
1242 # bug fix: picked atoms automatically selected -- bug in 11.7.24
1245 # bug fix: Jmol in other applications not initialized the same way can cause null pointer exception…
1251 # new feature: isosurface VOLUME reports the volume of an isosurface and stores the number in varia…
1253 # new feature: isosurface AREA reports the area of an isosurface and stores the number in variable …
1255 # bug fix: Spartan reader reads MOs improperly when only a partials set of MOs is included in the f…
1302 # bug fix: Menu File|Open does not honor "start in" directory
1346 # can be overridden in a script by user defining the function "exitJmol"
1402 # bug fix: set debugscript and set loglevel do not act in script immediately
1410 # code: documentation for callbacks in Viewer; refactoring of StatusManager
1429 # note: To get translation in message callbacks, use jmolSetTranslation(true)
1455 # code: refactoring of method names in FileManager and Viewer
1468 # new feature: out-of-memory "Java heap error" trapping in scripts and image creation
1474 # bug fix: applet compilation error not sent in termination message
1485 # bug fix: stereo not in state
1488 # bug fix: translucency of mapped isosurfaces not saved in state
1490 # bug fix: negative number in range involving ^ fails: select 10^P -17^P
1509 # bug fix: goto with a # comment in the script prior to the target line fails
1510 # bug fix: two //xxx comments in a row breaks script
1525 # bug fix: UFF.txt not included in build
1551 # bug fix: message @{xxxx} in function not picking up function context variables
1554 # bug fix: Some browsers do NOT strip \n from <param> tags, necessitating changes in loadInLine()
1560 # bug fix: initializeBspf(); missing in setTrajectory()
1577 # bug fix: "valence" not "valency" in data property_valence
1602 # bug fix: connect auto not registered in state
1607 # code: better algorithm for atom types in Mol2Reader
1660 # bug fix: XML readers broken in 11.7.1
1684 # creates a set of files movie0001.jpg, movie0002.jpg, etc. for frames in atomExpression
1699 # first,last,step same as in VMD -- 0 for very first trajectory, last -1 meaning "all"
1722 # -- this change represents a difference in behavior between the unsigned applet and other code (s…
1723 # bug fix: sulfur/sulphur always spelt as in IUPAC Red Book
1724 # bug fix: display of aromaticSingle bond for NEW bond results in dotted bond.
1735 # bug fix: cartoons ending in helix or strand draw single dot for final amino acid
1740 # bug fix: draw scale not saved in state for arc or xy arrow
1754 # bug fix: save image button/menu interface broken in 11.6.RC15
1769 # code: thread control for Java Swing in applet context
1801 # translation: add GT.escapeHTML and stricter checking for special characters in file names
1813 # bug fix: findbugs corrections in minimize.forcefield, modelset.AtomCollection, shapespecial.DrawR…
1816 # translation: added GT._ calls for HTML templates and JS in WebExport
1824 # translation: menu items in console
1847 # bug fix: print $planeA - capital letters in a draw name disallow finding it.
1865 # --in addition, allows retrieval of information from another applet
1870 # gets the number of models loaded in applet jmolAppletB.
1900 # bug fix: more language localization in webexport
1909 # bug fix: language localization in webexport
1918 # bug fix: createImage(), not getImage() in order to allow dynamic file change
1944 # bug fix: minor error in pointgroup; dimension tied to radius
1961 # new feature: in Java 1.6.0_10, right-click activates the console, and the
1981 # -- sets the depth in percent (0% far back, 100% front) for the placement of the image
1982 # -- note that images can be placed in 3D, just as for text.
1996 # bug fix: in draw pointGroup -- height of cylinder was too small
2036 # bug fix: was reading server path for local path from history in Webexport
2037 # bug fix: $ptx[2] notation broken in 11.5.49
2046 # bug fix: extra values in measure reporting, and wrong format
2068 # bug fix: DEFINE can cause compiling error, e.g. "[2MO]" in 1tmo
2072 # bug fix : sheetsmoothing not consistent among structures in multi-chain systems
2083 # bug fix: Removed stray semicolons from header script comments in webexport templates. They
2091 # are measured in a clockwise manner, starting with the projected position
2092 # of {ptref} in a plane perpendicular to the axis. This is similar (but opposite)
2100 # draws phi and psi angles in the form of draw ARROW ARC
2108 # bug fix: set picking on broken in 11.5.39
2112 # will persist and can be saved in the state (11.5.38 did not allow this)
2125 # bug fix: drawhover not in state
2130 # bug fix: 11.5.39 could break isosurface/pmesh save/write state in certain cases.
2131 # bug fix: Popin.png in WebExport replaced, was too large, causing dialog box to default to too big…
2133 # bug fix: quaternion r derivative2 nonfunctional in 11.5.45
2154 # the reported theta (q %-2) is in the range [0, 180]
2157 # axis to dot with the quaternion normal in order to switch the
2182 # bug fix: hover will find atom in hidden frame.
2183 # bug fix: ellipsoid translucency not saved in state.
2195 # bug fix: math calculation .xyz, .color averages broken in 11.5.42
2196 # bug fix: select @x broken in 11.5.43
2299 # giving a measure proportional to the difference in local helical axis angle
2301 # -- a work in progress. See
2313 # bug fix: connect "_1" was inadvertently dropped in 11.5.26.
2327 # quaternion absolute difference # in the molecular frame
2328 # quaternion relative difference # in the (local) frame of first quaternion:
2394 # new feature: xyz reader reads partial charge in 5th field
2423 # bug fix: H1 and H3 in DNA are NOT backbone
2442 # new feature: frank appears RED in signed applet, and popup about menu identifies the applet as si…
2444 # new feature: /*SPLIT*/ in a command string allows it to be processed by
2462 # in that environment, the JAVASCRIPT command must run on the browser's
2470 # the phrase /*SPLIT*/ in upper case, exactly like that, it will be split and then run
2481 # bug fix: model-based drawing in multiple-model mode using an
2525 # new feature: draw with mixed types processes them in order
2577 # code: better garbage collection in relation to JmolAdapter class
2578 # bug fix: load FILTER not saved in state
2622 # bug fix: added connections do not save properly in state
2644 # in REMARK 350, and APPLY SYMMETRY applies the symmetry as described in those REMARKS
2658 # bug fix: Vector4f in Sphere3D causes applet failure, as it includes
2674 # bug fix: set ellipsoidAxisDiameter [int] sets the diameter in milliAngstroms
2678 # code: ellipsoid equation/axes conversion in Sphere3D;
2681 # code: 2-fold improvement in rendering ellipsoids by not using getNormix()
2682 # code: 4-fold improvement in rendering ellipsoids by using Miguel's no-mesh idea
2683 # code: 2-fold improvement in rendering ellipsoids by using 40x40x40 shade cache
2684 # code: overall 20-fold improvement in rendering over mesh/normix;
2693 # bug fix: measurement labels for angles do not appear in slab mode (goes WAY back before 10.0)
2694 # bug fix: U_iso_or_equiv fields not read in CIF
2697 # bug fix: state for draw arrow in multimodel context delivers wrong coordinates
2737 # bug fix: labels can change size in returning from antialiasdisplay=true to antialiasdisplay=false
2739 # note that for now PDB file reading of ANISOU requires using {x y z} in load
2754 # bug fix: "show data types" putting comma in wrong location
2768 # bug fix: draw adds extra circle in 11.5.25
2772 # bug fix: hover appears when a load script leaves an atom very close to (0,0) in the window
2792 # draw circle {*} fill # a solid plane in the shape of a circle
2815 # new feature: isosurface DOWNSAMPLE n # down-factors the number of points in a CUBE file by a fact…
2834 # code: "notify" methods in JmolStatusListener consolidated
2843 # bug fix: UFF.prm not properly recognizing sp2 N in N-oxides
2911 # bug fix: zap {atom expression} for not including all atoms in a model in the selection
2931 # NEEDS THOROUGH TESTING, particularly in regard to saving/restoring the state
2958 # bug fix: .max/.min not allowed in context: "select resno=@{{visible}.resno.max}"
2961 # new feature: MODEL/ENDMDL records in write PDB (still no TER records)
2972 # new feature: MODEL/ENDMDL records in write PDB (still no TER records)
3041 # bug fix: functions, save/restore state were disabled by bug in 1.5.8
3050 # new feature: State save of property_xxx now in easily readable Jmol Data Format
3059 # bug fix: DATA command assigning property to last atom in structure fails
3102 # bug fix: labels not scaling properly when in script with file load
3103 # bug fix: labels not appearing in contrast when given same color as background
3104 # bug fix: fixes applet memory leak in relation to consoles
3144 # // and the following sends commands to an applet in the registry:
3171 # new feature: "getProperty FILECONTENTS ." in the context of
3175 # bug fix: unclosed InputStream readers in zip file accessing
3180 # bug fix: unclosed readers in Pmesh, FileManager, Jvxl
3197 # * note that there is NO redundant extra vertex in this format
3207 # code: inefficiencies in Quaternion code
3214 # and, in the case of set traceAlpha TRUE (the default), helixes
3216 # bug fix: tainted occupancy not saved in state
3228 # code: adapter/smarter/ cleaned up in relation to XML and DOM options
3241 # monster script in run directory tests scripts now uses
3260 # bug fix: isosurface MEP mapped to plane not exactly reproduced in JVXL
3268 # -- all functionality in new.htm, new2.htm, and new0.htm tested --
3276 # bug fix: selectionHalo status and color not in state
3285 # bug fix: background color off when not white and ends in "FF"
3287 # bug fix: multiframe draw with labels different for each frame not properly saved in state
3296 # bug fix: calculate hbonds broken in 11.3.58 (missing model field in BioPolymer)
3297 # bug fix: Jmol not putting structures in for all models in a PDB file
3306 # bug fix: multifile cartoons improperly rendering in all frames
3307 # bug fix: dipoleScale not saved in state
3308 # bug fix: quaternions broken in 11.3.58
3312 # bug fix: select 1.5 in trajectory context should switch to that set of coordinates
3316 # bug fix: memory leak in applet due to mouse/hoverwatcher listeners
3324 # bug fix: more work on trajectories in a multimodel context
3329 # in which case "select 1.3", if file 1 is a trajectory, not only
3332 # This makes "select" in a trajectory context similar to "display"
3339 # bug fix: load append not saved in state properly
3353 # bug fix: spin on missing in final state function.
3358 # code: debug comments in AppletRegistry
3360 # new feature: trajectory command no longer necessary -- deprecated (was in 11.2)
3379 # bug fix: isosurface map of properties lost in 11.3.54
3439 # bug fix: HallInfo --- Hall term miscalculation OUCH! -- mistken commenting out of code in 11.1.28…
3467 # bug fix: load =xxxx broken in 11.3.50
3471 # code: minor refactoring in org/jmol/util
3472 # code: minor refactoring in org/jmol/jvxl
3473 # code: minor refactoring in org/jmol/adapter
3480 # bug fix: WebExport not properly accessing files in more complicated situations (pmesh, isosurface…
3483 # bug fix: return command not allowed in simple context
3485 # bug fix: debug comment in TransformManager
3486 # bug fix: hideNotSelected not in state.
3492 # bug fix: set perspectiveDepth off broken in 11.3.48
3494 # bug fix: scaleAngstromsPerInch not in state
3515 # these selections override any manifest that might be in a ZIP file.
3573 # new feature: JmolManifest in a zip file directs which files to load and in what order
3604 # coding efficiencies in atom iterators
3629 # bug fix: Jmol math getProperty() doesn't pass parameter in some cases
3632 # bug fix: adjustable boundbox in multimodel context not specific to model of selected atoms
3642 # bug fix: setColix not clearing shading in certain cases
3674 # code: set instead of = in measures and labels state
3700 # also reported in show isosurface
3720 # bug fix: Strings too long in state can cause Eclipse "infinite loop" bug
3766 # can be used in place of
3773 # new feature: shadows can be activated again via noShadows parameter in .pov file
3791 # bug fix: overly long titles now again substringed in the popup menu.
3793 # bug fix: memory leak in merge -- models[i].modelSet causes modelSet to not finalize.
3799 # new feature: **** Jmol Embedded Script **** recognized in /* ... */ comments and /** ... **/ supe…
3800 # if found, ONLY this text is processed and all other text in the file is ignored.
3811 # new feature: Jmol math allows direct string replacement in select atom expressions:
3822 # (was introduced in 11.3.29, but not fully articulated)
3841 # -- Ramachandran saved in state
3849 # code: privatized Token to avoid null value problem in Eval.statementAsString()
3858 # new feature: point3f in array():
3870 # bug fix: RPN processor too limited in nesting level
3876 # bug fix: slabbed atoms are now capped in povray output.
3878 # there is a priority in Jmol, but not yet clear to me which. The current priority
3879 # in povray is based on the signed distance from the slab to the atom center.
3898 # bug fix: antialias fix for text color same as background and in front of translucent surface appe…
3926 # new feature: helixes as barrels in cartoons or rockets using
3931 # bug fix: error in state for connect DELETE
3984 # adds support for "xx'" atom designations in PDB and variable names
3986 # bug fix: insertion codes stored incorrectly in 11.3.32
4010 # buttons which open the info in the standard Jmol Help Dialog.
4019 # bug fix: vibration disabled in 11.3.31
4036 # bug fix: backbone not in state
4043 # All the atoms, bonds, and models are now in ModelSet.
4048 # bug fix: semi missing in show orientation message, second part (zyz text)
4129 # in general, functions are global -- common to all applets.
4149 # bug fix for decimals not represented properly in error messages
4155 # new feature: _1 parameter for "first atom" in second expression of connect:
4162 # bug fix for() as first command in script or line
4166 # which actually will not work in ScriptWindow. We need the direct execution in
4175 # bug fix for WebPageMaker not stripping \ in load file names
4182 # bug fix for show state for draw in multi-model environment
4187 # allows finding atoms within a specified distance of other atoms in OTHER models:
4234 # print "in while: i="+i
4259 # bug fix: isosurface of MOs not properly displaying color in saved state
4316 # bug fix for arrows way too fat (introduced in 11.3.19) :(
4330 # critical bug fix for 11.3.17 in regard to serialization of arrays
4448 # built-in include: byElement_Jmol, byElement_Rasmol,
4469 # Residue indexes in order correspond to the groupID of an atom:
4506 # These deliver the current menu (as translated) in jmol.mnu format
4533 # new feature: {r,g,b} can be used in place of [r,g,b] for indicating color,
4570 # color associated with a given value in the current
4649 # new feature: show frame # based on models in the current frame set, displays information about fr…
4661 …" {mmm nnn 1|0} range x.x where x.x is a maximum distance away from closest atom in the base cell
4667 # The synchronize (sync) command allows two or more applets to be synchronized in
4696 # # or in a different FRAME
4730 # bug fix: dots not available in multimodel mode
4731 # bug fix: multiple isosurface cavities incorrect in a multimodel environment
4747 # bug fix: multiple isosurface cavities in a multimodel environment
4748 # bug fix: missing set picking ident in popup window
4766 …late surface, calculate hbonds, configuration, dynamic variable definition in multimodel environme…
4768 # NEW FEATURES from the 2007 Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science and Education:
4786 # bug fix: minus-sign "fix" in 11.3.1 broke all {x -y z} notation
4800 # bug fix: image offsets in creating JPG image if model has been moved by CTRL-ALT-LEFT drag
4807 # bug fix for 3D text echo staying in window
4810 # bug fix for multiple draw objects in show state
4815 # draw object vertex using $objName[vertexId] as in
4874 # bug fix for select BONDS ({...}) not preserved in state
4920 # adds language switching for Open / Save dialog boxes and full menuing system in Jmol application
4930 # bug fix for anim playrev in loop mode causing animation to stall
4938 # bug fix for mo data misreading in smol files
4942 # bug fix in frame range 1.0 when file 1 has only one model.
4949 # bug fix for label alignments sometimes not being saved properly in the state
4951 # in terms of whether animation is on or not in the 7th parameter being 1 or 0:
4959 # fixes bugs in draw and unicode label state definitions
4970 # bug fixes for isosurface in multi-file environment
4972 # bug fix and additional work in relation to translations
5029 # adds capability to read data from selected fields (white-space delimited columns) in a file
5032 # propertyDataField = 2 # data are in field 2 (second from the left)
5033 # propertyAtomNumberField = 1 # data must match atomNo in field 1 and will be in
5142 # to atoms, as in "load xxx.cif {1 1 1}", to also apply symmetry
5143 # to the bonds indicated in the file. The flag is useful when
5146 # for whole molecules. The flag should NOT be used in cases where
5148 # were not present in the original set, as for quartz.cif, where
5155 # better isosurface plane rendering, especially in regard to meshes
5156 # bug fix in isosurface contour -n going WAY back to before 10.9.60
5257 # 1) dots/geosurface not being saved properly in state
5258 # 2) animation parameters not being saved properly in state
5266 # in 11.1.0 - 11.1.25 because of a missing number in the definition line :(
5294 # a molecule in terms of color.
5359 # allows comparison of user-defined atom properties in SELECT:
5396 # write -- modified to allow unquoted filename in
5414 # settings in a normal sort of way:
5426 # essential classes included in the Jar file; others never included
5427 # or possibly in accompanying jar files, such as, perhaps, JmolPopupMenu.jar,
5445 # as in:
5458 # NOTE: _set removed in 11.3.41:
5502 # Boolean expressions are a bit different in that the operators
5504 # operands are atom expressions, in which case these operate directly on the
5505 # atom sets and return a new atom set, just like in SELECT.
5509 # {oxygen} and {molecule=1} ==> all oxygen atoms in the first molecule
5513 # x is now the center point of all oxygen atoms in the first molecule
5517 # true + 2.0 ==> 3.0 ("TRUE" evaluates to 1.0 in math operations)
5536 # NOTE: "set x" removed in 11.3.40:
5537 # NOTE: _set removed in 11.3.41:
5577 # string format, which can be used in numerous commands.
5605 # Note that when more than one atom is involved in a set,
5629 # The string data in the file are loaded into the string.
5643 # This shows up in the MOL2 reader and may be selected for and modified using, for example:
5692 # in IF, SET, and %{} expressions
5699 # Use {} in IF, SET and %{} for designating atom expressions.
5700 # We are still using () for "embedded expressions" in all other commands.
5717 # In SET, IF, and %{ } in MESSAGE and ECHO you can now specify a subset of the
5724 # This also works in standard select expressions, but using () instead:
5735 # Points in IF, SET, and %{} can be designated using the standard {x y z}
5738 # simplest way to do it. (Comma means "or" in atom expressions.) In all other
5808 # Numbers are currently in Angstroms. Keys are
5860 # this all definitely needs some work and discussion in terms of user interface via mouse
5886 # fix for "draw off" not recorded in save state
5893 # adds @variableName in any command