Lines Matching refs:draw

13 # bug fix: frame *;draw {atomno=1} {atomno=5} not working properly
67 # bug fix: draw: when only some models are visible, does not properly assign models to drawn object
68 # code: draw: dmesh.modelFlags not properly implemented (reset in setModelVisibility)
186 # bug fix: (potential) draw symop could have incorrect glide
232 # new feature: draw ID xxx SYMOP [n or "-x,y,z"] [optional {atom or position}]
305 # bug fix: zap x.y when have measures to draw objects causes exception
319 # bug fix: set picking spin for draw objects broken in 11.8.RC1
325 # -- includes draw, ellipsoids, dots, isosurface, cartoons, stars, halos,
349 # bug fix: draw OFF in state script is not selective
386 # new feature: draw HELIX AXIS or quaternion HELIX AXIS, also for DNA/RNA
405 # bug fix: draw picking in multimodel context causes null pointer exception
410 # new feature: draw ARC {center} {plane}
411 # new feature: draw ARC {center} {axisPoint}
412 # new feature: draw CIRCLE {center} {plane}
413 # new feature: draw CIRCLE {center} {axisPoint}
414 # new feature: draw SCALE works with CIRCLE
415 # bug fix: draw ARC was using radius, not diameter, for scale
416 # bug fix: draw RAMACHANDRAN angle arrow radii too small
418 # bug fix: quaternion difference draw not quite correct on axis position
419 # bug fix: 11.7.43 broke restoration of state having multimodel draw
440 # "draw" -- draw command for the local helix vector
1096 # bug fix: draw/isosurface *name*
1189 # bug fix: draw arrow/vector slightly overshoots end point
1196 # new feature: draw ID xxx FRAME {center} {quaternion}
1222 # new feature: isosurface points can be retrieved using $id[n] where n=0,1,2,3... similar to $draw[…
1290 # bug fix: set picking draw can lose focus during drag operation
1615 # bug fix: draw point translucent only draws ring
1682 # new feature: draw LINE {...} {...} {...} {...} draws line segments
1713 # -- creates DRAW sequence to draw quaternion q as three arrows red(x), green(y), blue(z)
1735 # bug fix: cartoons ending in helix or strand draw single dot for final amino acid
1740 # bug fix: draw scale not saved in state for arc or xy arrow
1812 # bug fix: draw pointgroup when principalPlane == null
1826 # bug fix: draw pointgroup C2 2 not distinguished from draw pointgroup C2 1
1838 # bug fix -- draw pointgroup, write pointgroup draw
1846 # bug fix: show pointgroup draw null pointer exception
1847 # bug fix: print $planeA - capital letters in a draw name disallow finding it.
1887 # new feature: draw ramachandran includes planes connecting atoms.
1891 # new feature: generally for objects (draw,pmesh,isosurface,etc.) use DISPLAY/HIDE rather than ON/O…
1946 # new feature: draw pointGroup [type] [index] SCALE [x]
1973 # new feature: write pointgroup draw delivers draw commands
1974 # new feature: better draw pointgroup
1995 # new feature: wildcard at beginning for draw/pmesh/isosurface/etc. *xxx on/off/delete allowed
1996 # bug fix: in draw pointGroup -- height of cylinder was too small
2004 # new feature: draw pointGroup
2055 # new feature: dipole/draw/ellipsoid/isosurface/pmesh/mo/lcaocartoon ID keyword optional
2059 # new feature: draw {point} PLANE [plane def, including xy, yz, x, etc.]
2086 # new feature: draw ARC {pt1} {pt2} {ptref} {theta0, nDegrees, fractionalOffset}
2087 # new feature: draw ARROW ARC {pt1} {pt2} {ptref} {theta0, nDegrees, fractionalOffset}
2095 # nDegrees is the number of degrees of arc to draw
2099 # new feature: draw RAMACHANDRAN
2100 # draws phi and psi angles in the form of draw ARROW ARC
2101 # new feature: write RAMACHANDRAN draw
2163 # new feature: draw {point} {plane}
2164 # new feature: draw vector {point} {plane}
2165 # new feature: draw arrow {point} {plane}
2193 # bug fix: set picking spin did not enable draw spin/picking
2336 # new feature: quaternion [w|x|y|z|a|r] [difference][2] [draw]
2337 # new feature: draw quaternion [w|x|y|z|a|r] [difference][2]
2338 # new feature: write quaternion [w|x|y|z|a|r] [difference][2] [draw]
2339 …and with that: write("quaternion" [,"w"|"x"|"y"|"z"|"a"|"r"][,"difference"|"difference2"][,"draw"])
2344 # new feature: select whatever; quaternion draw
2406 # (with corrected 40_dev draw scale)
2425 # new feature: draw Vector [x y] or [x y %] {x' y' z'}
2426 # new feature: draw [x y] or [x y %] can be incorporated into lines, curves, arrows
2483 # load;pts = {C5}.split();print pts;draw @{{1 0 0})} "X"
2515 # bug fix: scaling of draw object for multimodel environment can cause null pointer exception
2518 # bug fix: draw ARROW {atom center} {xyz} draws arrow the wrong way
2519 # bug fix: draw CIRCLE for multiple models
2523 # new feature: draw CIRCLE [FILL | MESH NOFILL] more intuitive open/filling syntax
2524 # new feature: draw VECTOR {atom center} {dx dy dz}
2525 # new feature: draw with mixed types processes them in order
2527 # new feature: draw .... ">xxx" first character of title ">" forces title to
2541 # new feature: [draw|pmesh|isosurface] xxx* [on|off|delete]
2697 # bug fix: state for draw arrow in multimodel context delivers wrong coordinates
2750 # bug fix: draw OFFSET not working properly
2751 # bug fix: PovRAY output of draw objects -- cylinder end caps not considered
2752 # bug fix: draw width 0.05 {...} {...} -- line does not properly render
2768 # bug fix: draw adds extra circle in 11.5.25
2773 # bug fix: draw width -1 or draw mesh nofill with very short cylinders creates odd jumpy effect
2774 # bug fix: draw CIRCLE for multiple model sets
2777 # new feature: draw CYLINDER
2785 # new feature: draw CIRCLE
2789 # draw circle {molecule=1} mesh nofill # around specified atoms
2790 # draw diameter 2.0 circle {atomno=3} mesh nofill # 2.0 angstroms; scales
2791 # draw diameter 100 circle {_O}[1] mesh nofill # 100 pixels (doesn't scale)
2792 # draw circle {*} fill # a solid plane in the shape of a circle
3270 # bug fix: draw/isosurface/etc. on/off/delete should operate on all objects
3287 # bug fix: multiframe draw with labels different for each frame not properly saved in state
3313 # bug fix: draw not colored
3341 # bug fix: draw ... nofill mesh properties not processed
3342 # bug fix: draw DIAMETER N not properly functioning for curves or arrows
3343 # new feature: draw DIAMETER X.Y allows setting diameter of points, lines, curves, and arrows to An…
3676 # bug fix: POVRAY and other buttons aren't enabled when there are no atoms but instead draw objects…
3709 # three {x y z} points, draw point references, or atom expressions
3757 # then reports picking of draw objects as a JavaScript array:
3758 # [ "draw","[drawID]",[modelIndex],[vertexIndex],[x],[y],[z] ]
3856 # draw @{{1 0 0})} # a set of points, one per model
3860 # bug fix: draw @{x - {1 0 0}}
3861 # bug fix: antialias with set picking draw
3862 # bug fix: draw object text not selective for frame
3863 # new feature: draw object title line number corresponds to model number for multi-model draw objec…
3975 # bug fix: Using isosurface within 1.0 @pt1 where pt1 is a draw point save state cannot be restored…
4004 # _PovrayExporter adds draw, halos, stars, dipoles, vectors, polyhedra,
4182 # bug fix for show state for draw in multi-model environment
4289 # var x = script("draw line"+ id + " {atomno=" + a + "} {atomno=" + b + "}")
4729 # bug fix: inappropriate draw pick spinning for single point
4808 # bug fix for draw text+translucency
4809 # bug fix for draw text not hovering for points
4810 # bug fix for multiple draw objects in show state
4815 # draw object vertex using $objName[vertexId] as in
4816 # draw p perp plane (atomno=1) (atomno=2)
4818 # draw pt1 $p[1]
4884 # bug fix for "set picking draw" crashing Jmol
4959 # fixes bugs in draw and unicode label state definitions
5014 # bug fixes -- draw state, menu not updating, language submenu
5227 # draw list
5541 # draw @x
5542 # draw @y
5543 # draw line1 @x @y
5712 # draw line1 (atomno=2) (atomno=3)
5886 # fix for "draw off" not recorded in save state