Lines Matching refs:default

121 # bug fix: set toggleLabel inappropriately resets label to default setting
402 # bug fix: quaternionFrame default now "p"
570 # default change: load trajectory "" COORD {first,last,stride} "mdcrd::myfile.trj" defaul…
880 … based), "P" (carbonyl-carbon based), or "N" (amide-nitrogen based). The default is alpha-carbon b…
1004 # new feature: loadAtomDataTolerance, with default 0.01 Angstroms
1142 # load "xxx.gamess" filter "!EIGEN" # to only load NBOs; by default ALL MOs are loaded.
1183 # bug fix: signed applet does not use CD to set dialog default directory
1185 # new feature: set autoLoadOrientation (default: FALSE) automatically sets "reset" orientation to t…
1186 # new feature: restore orientation DEFAULT -- resets orientation to file's default orientation or s…
1235 # new feature: default rendering for isosurfaces involving the
1362 # of a specific quality (-1 indicates default)
1363 # 0 to 100 for JPG (-1 = default of 75)
1364 # 0-9 for PNG (-1 = default of 2)
1565 # if hbondsAngleMinimum is set > 0 (default 90 ?), then that angle is checked
1569 # maximum distance for X---Y. (default 3.25 ?)
1627 # bug fix: missing default background for toggled labels
1672 # cd # reports current directory and sets default directory to that
1676 # cd "" # resets the default directory
1700 # default {0 0 1} so that just one trajectory is loaded from each file
1777 # bug fix: H-M spacegroup designations specifying nonstandard Hall symbols by default
1955 # new feature: set pointGroupDistanceTolerance (default 0.2 angstroms)
1956 # new feature: set pointGroupLinearTolerance (default 8 degrees)
2131 # bug fix: Popin.png in WebExport replaced, was too large, causing dialog box to default to too big…
2456 # which overrides the default behavior and disallows reading of files from
2536 # new feature: set pdbSequential (default FALSE) for custom PDB files
2611 # FILTER "BIOMOLECULE 1" by default now reads the symmetry;
2661 # default change: ellipsoids ball only, no axes
2663 # default change: ellipsoids ball only, no axes
2673 # default change: ellipsoids are so fast now, can use default "set ellipsoidBall true"
2998 # radii -- except default zoom.
3049 # overrides default propertyAtomNumberField (i) and propertyDataField (j)
3136 # bug fix: default label offsets mangled by default Front/Group
3177 # new feature: allows zip files to be designated as default directoriesusing
3214 # and, in the case of set traceAlpha TRUE (the default), helixes
3248 # bug fix: load "files" not properly loading zip files or files involving default directory
3455 # bug fix: default connections include proper PDB CONECT records
3620 # new feature: set isosurfacePropertySmoothing # default TRUE
3668 # If the atom set is not given, those properties default to {visible}
3683 # default ON/OFF is to NOT change current setting
3786 # bug fix: isosurfaces not taking their default name properly
3944 # set antialiasDisplay T/F (false by default)
3945 # set antialiasImages T/F (true by default)
4191 # select within(5.0,model=2.1) # default is FALSE
4323 # bug fix: write PNG default was 0 compression. -q flag was OK for setting 0-9
4351 # color schemes makes those colors the default colors for these schemes.
4531 # adjustment: setting JPG default quality to 75, not 100
4685 # ON sync as driver (default)
4710 # bug fix: isosurface "xxxx.cube" -- not assigning proper default colors
4806 # perspectiveModel 11 default
5137 # adds applySymmetryToBonds (default: FALSE)
5217 # labels: default z setting for labels (set labelFront, set labelGroup, set labelAtom)
5223 # enhances default axis rendering for axes unitcell
5248 # The default isosurface color no longer changes shade among 5 possible shades.
5326 # translucent 5 0.5 128 4/8 translucency (default)
5576 # CHANGE: default string value for a bitset is now the ({n:m})