Lines Matching refs:command

65 # bug fix: FILTER "biomolecule ..." option broken in LOAD command. 
88 # bug fix: console command recall (up arrow) does not always return full command line
269 # new feature: Jmol embedded in applications can use WRITE command to create all types of images an…
317 # bug fix: compiler error when integer typed instead of command
342 # bug fix: color isosurface red translucent prior to isosurface command causes null pointer excepti…
399 # bug fix: spacegroup "-- [--]" displayed when load command option SPACEGROUP is used
431 # bug fix: command-line jmol scripts not exiting jmol upon an error condition
440 # "draw" -- draw command for the local helix vector
557 # new feature: set or x = command no longer restricted to single lines.
562 # new feature: -p Jmol application command line option --printOnly silent operation with only prin…
873 # yes yes property_xx a property created using the DATA command
875 # yes yes I yes radius currently displayed radius -- in SELECT command comparisons ("select radius…
1013 # --all features of the load command, but only loads the vibrational information
1170 # new feature: MO command operates on all models in current frame set:
1345 # new feature: new command "exitJmol" does just that -- application only;
1372 # command sequence, for example:
1497 # new feature: isosurface PMESH; pmesh command deprecated
1500 # all pmesh command does is guarantee that if the pmesh data is standard pmesh ASCII data,
1501 # then it will be read correctly. Binary pmesh files may be read with isosurface command.
1553 # bug fix: CD command not working for writing
1639 # code: LOAD command ignores all nonrecognized pre-filename keywords
1647 # new feature: (Application) command line option -j --jmolscript "script commands"
1671 # new feature: cd command sets defaultDirectory
1742 # bug fix: Jmol state command "calculate surfaceDistance WITHIN ({...})" not passing compiler
1893 # new feature: support for application transparent background -- "-b" command switch (testing only)
1901 # new feature: applet message regarding help and command entry
2314 # bug fix: state script fails to save data for atoms created using the quaternion command
2396 # new feature: "load" of Jmol state scripts works same as "script" command
2407 # new feature: new command:
2444 # new feature: /*SPLIT*/ in a command string allows it to be processed by
2452 # new feature: --threaded option for command processor uses
2461 # CANNOT be combined with the JAVASCRIPT command. This is because
2462 # in that environment, the JAVASCRIPT command must run on the browser's
2463 # JavaScript thread, and the load command -- if crossing server boundaries --
2553 # and ellipsoid size setting (Note -- ellipsoid command
2624 # application only: command undo disabled automatically if saving takes more than one second
2738 # ELLIPSOID command -- with symmetry and crude footballs, including PDB files
2740 # command, but you can use {1 1 0} to load ANISOU without applying symmetry
2748 # bug fix: data CLEAR command nonfunctional
2852 # new feature: minimize command -- mostly untested
3042 # bug fix: command "test()" where test() is a user-defined function causes array-out-of-bounds error
3057 # bug fix: ISOSURFACE LIST command requires current isosurface
3059 # bug fix: DATA command assigning property to last atom in structure fails
3087 # bug fix: menu select element missing SELECT command
3088 # bug fix: for delayed font scaling animation using the font command and antialias display
3284 # bug fix: quaternion command by itself not switching to most recent quaternion
3340 # code: trajectory command (never documented) removed
3360 # new feature: trajectory command no longer necessary -- deprecated (was in 11.2)
3483 # bug fix: return command not allowed in simple context
3584 # IGNORE_MANIFEST --- (on the load command line) indicates that the internal ZIP file manifest…
3639 # bug fix: new boundbox command with small numbers of atoms
4136 # critical bug fix for color command not coloring objects properly
4148 # bug fix for bondOrder command not properly treating 4.0 or 0.5
4162 # bug fix for() as first command in script or line
4424 # new feature: print command prints a variable expression
4539 # new feature: expanded color command for properties
4554 # new feature: fully remappable isosurface using COLOR command:
4665 # synchronize .|>|*|appletId[syncId] ON|OFF|SLAVE|command
4667 # The synchronize (sync) command allows two or more applets to be synchronized in
4669 # In addition, the sync command allows ANY command to be sent to one or more
4688 # command command to send
4772 # new command: ramachandran
4774 # new command: quaternion [w x y z] [derivative]
4921 # adds "structure" command -- structure [helix|sheet|turn|none] (atom expression)
4922 # adds "save/restore structure" command
5167 # adds TRAJECTORY n command -- like FRAME or MODEL, but never more
5194 # a = script("some script command")
5234 # and title (usually the command that was given that created this isosurface)
5408 # The "SET" command is no longer necessary. Anything that could have
5561 # DATA() function and variable option for DATA command
5893 # adds @variableName in any command
5897 # adds file command