Lines Matching refs:by

45 # bug fix: symop in biomolecule context not recsognized by label "%[symmetry]"
47 # bug fix: older format %{...} not recognized by script compiler
92 # bug fix: occasional null pointer error during ZAP due to continued rendering by
165 # (broken by 11.8.4 9/5/2009) -- Thank you, Sarah Mattler, WUSTL!
176 # bug fix: getProperty("menu") does not work until a menu has been called up by user
260 # new feature: select structureID="xxx" selects structures by alphanumeric id such as "S1" or "H3"
294 # new feature: set picking Label now allows label offset by holding SHIFT down while dragging atom
369 # new feature: array1.add("sep", array2) adds a new column of values separated by sep, for example:
389 # bug fix: arrays passed to functions by reference do not update if size is increased
390 # new feature: by passing an array to a function, you can make that variable
403 # bug fix: quaternion difference off by one group
446 # new feature: VRML exporter displays ribbons and cartoons by automatically setting
523 # bug fix: dipoles cannot be colored by name
545 # new feature: function parameter arrays passed by reference, so, for example:
631 # --Commands separated by semicolons or line breaks
839 # yes yes yes atomID special atom IDs for PDB atoms assigned by Jmol
862 …T, U, +U||] <br /><br />Additional unique numbers are assigned arbitrarily by Jmol and cannot be u…
1142 # load "xxx.gamess" filter "!EIGEN" # to only load NBOs; by default ALL MOs are loaded.
1197 # draws x,y,z coordinates for the frame defined by the specified quaternion at the specified cente…
1212 # code: JmolCallbackListener implemented, extended by JmolStatusListener
1346 # can be overridden in a script by user defining the function "exitJmol"
1445 # readers: MOLDEN reader update contributed by Albert DeFusco - adefusco
1446 # readers: GAMESS reader update contributed by Albert DeFusco - adefusco
1629 # bug fix: color translucent 1 blue 1-8 integer settings off by one
1777 # bug fix: H-M spacegroup designations specifying nonstandard Hall symbols by default
1802 # used by web export.
1861 # or a quoted set of applet names separated by commas.
2089 # draws a circular arc or arrow around an axis defined by {pt1} and {pt2}
2184 # bug fix: local assignment var x = array() followed by x[n] = ... does not work
2444 # new feature: /*SPLIT*/ in a command string allows it to be processed by
2465 # detect the presence of the word "javascript" followed by a space (exactly that case)
2611 # FILTER "BIOMOLECULE 1" by default now reads the symmetry;
2681 # code: 2-fold improvement in rendering ellipsoids by not using getNormix()
2682 # code: 4-fold improvement in rendering ellipsoids by using Miguel's no-mesh idea
2683 # code: 2-fold improvement in rendering ellipsoids by using 40x40x40 shade cache
2757 # allows setting isosurface Z values using a block of data (ni rows by nj columns)
2815 # new feature: isosurface DOWNSAMPLE n # down-factors the number of points in a CUBE file by a fact…
3041 # bug fix: functions, save/restore state were disabled by bug in 1.5.8
3115 # intercepts the sync message and can pass it on (by returning it),
3116 # consume it (by returning an empty string ""), or modify it as desired.
3136 # bug fix: default label offsets mangled by default Front/Group
3261 # bug fix: isosurface COLOR RANGE by itself does nothing -- changed to use full range
3284 # bug fix: quaternion command by itself not switching to most recent quaternion
3580 # 3) files must be on separate lines or separated by vertical bar | marks; no whitespace around na…
3783 # bug fix: select by itself not working; oy. Since at least 11.0
3866 # remark: matte finish replaced by adaptable translucent finish (see below)
3944 # set antialiasDisplay T/F (false by default)
3945 # set antialiasImages T/F (true by default)
3966 # POV-Ray .pov files created by Jmol can be loaded as scripts
4454 # simply by preficing a name with "byElement" or "byResidue":
4596 # delivers "colorscheme = " followed by a string of color values.
4659 # bug fix for isosurface mapping of planes by MEP (see 11.3.2)
4672 # Applets are identified by appletId (jmolApplet0, for instance)
4800 # bug fix: image offsets in creating JPG image if model has been moved by CTRL-ALT-LEFT drag
5034 # the field specified by propertyDataField
5215 # fixes bugs found by FindBugs:
5496 # {carbon}.xyz + 1 ==> {carbon} center point offset by {1 1 1}