Lines Matching refs:bond

638 #   string, point, axis-angle/plane/quaternion, atom bitset, bond bitset, 
847 # yes yes bondcount covalent bond count
891 … valence the valence of an atom (sum of bonds, where double bond counts as 2 and triple bond count…
1140 # new feature: CML "isotope" and CML "partial12" bond order.
1724 # bug fix: display of aromaticSingle bond for NEW bond results in dotted bond.
2065 # new feature: mol file bond type 8 as partial
2070 # bug fix: connect aromatic auto; select connected([bond type],...)
3345 # bug fix: 11.3.58 can't set bond diameters
3806 # bug fix: math operations with bond bitsets; % and + operating on arrays
4058 # new feature: valence -- sum of bond orders
4098 # new feature: adds H/Br/Cl/I/C logic to aromatic bond assignments
4099 # new feature: adds Oxygen/Sulfur logic to aromatic bond assignments
4100 # new feature: adds Nitrogen logic to aromatic bond assignments
4109 # new feature: aromaticSingle and aromaticDouble bond order options
4114 # new feature: MOL reader recognizes bond types 4,5,6,7
4118 # new feature: fully generalized bond order "partial n.m"
4121 # 00001 first line of bond dotted
4122 # 00010 second line of bond dotted
4123 # 00011 first and second line of bond dotted, etc.
4125 # new feature: connect may use numeric bond orders, including "partial n.m"
4883 # bug fix for hydrogen bond calculation with incomplete nucleic acid definitions.
5149 # there is only one bond initially, and after applying symmetry
5220 # GhemicalMMReader -- was incorrectly assigning aromatic to bond type 4 via fall-through of switch
5447 # x = {*}.bonds.length.max #the longest bond length
5642 # An additional bond type is now avaiable: "UNSPECIFIED".
5812 # %ORDER the bond order
5813 # %TYPE the bond type
5814 # %LENGTH the bond length