Lines Matching refs:in
4 Upgraded from FCKeditor 2.4.1 to 2.6.6. 2.6.6 includes the scayt spellchecker, which is an in-edit…
6 javascript files into sync, in particular so that the image and link dialogs open to a larger size.
11 Hide language selection button for SpellerPages spell checker when SCAYT is in effect.
15 Enabled overflow and scrolling in SCAYT dialog.
18 Increased sizes of link and image dialog windows in gecko. Adjusted font sizes in link.html
21 Corrected url in Anteater safe encodig message (meta.php)
26 auto-switching IE to IE8 compatibility while in editing mode.
35 Confined IE image and link fixes to IE9 since FCKeditor will not load in IE10. Users of IE10
40 Fixed for smileys in lists where CR was lost if smiley was in li
43 fckeditor/dwsmileys.php: set alternate path for ajax access to smiley.conf in debian and ubuntu
46 Set IE compatiblity mode to IE=EmulateIE8 in file browser when browserMode > 8 (used writeln in fil…
55 Added experimental handling of tables, attempting to solve problems in rendering complex tables tha…
66 Created loop in insert_table() that goes through all rows checking for rowspans. Rowspan property o…
75 Added session_id check to config.php: in some system setting session which has already been set th…
77 Added $mssg="" to FileUpload() in commands.php for SendUploadResults(), without which some systems …
81 Improved mime-type handling in config.php and fckconfig.js
87 Fixed regex which removed precent-escaped backslashes in plugin syntax so that backslashes are
108 Created an IE CSS hack for geshi snippets in IE8+ and HTML5
111 Fix for nested lists in webkit browsers
114 Fix for urls in DW footnotes, which were lost on re-saves.
115 Still-to-be-done: handling of media files in DW footnotes
128 Removed "new by reference" assignment in fckg/syntax/dwplugin.php (line 191)
131 Made an exception for svg-edit svg images in php/connectors/php/util.php (l. 150), which
142 up by indentation. This insures that the code blocks are correctly processed in the fckgLite parse…
145 convert html tag markup < and > to entities in indented code blocks
149 replace '>' in interwiki markup in lists, removed in above.
151 Removed new by reference warning in edit.php on line 2552
157 Check for files and/or directories in userfiles that have not been converted into
162 fix for missing XPATH functions in fckxml.js
176 Fixed broken internal media links in Weatherwax, which now appends file size to titl attr,
188 Fixed URL display line in image dialog: now displays file name as saved, instead of encoded format.
190 29 March double urlencode image names for filebrowser thumbnails, which otherwise do not display in…
222 Added escapes to Plugin pattern regexes in edit.php, e.g. for '('
233 --occurred only in fackgLite/dailies versions--
245 Updates to language strings in link dialog
248 Fixed error in edit.php that caused external links on initial creation to be converted to internal …
249 created in internal-external order.
264 Prevent Alt from accessing CTRL short-cuts when Alt Gr key is hit( in helper.php)
267 New language strings for Signature plugin and "what's this" in editing window
282 Removed trailing comma from en.js (FCKLang) which failed in earlier versions of IE; fixed
283 missing span tag in geshi plugin.
287 Fixed some label tags in edit.php
290 Updates to language strings in fckeditor
297 replace utf8 chars in plugin regexes with entities (edit.php)
303 Fixed corrupted tables with vertical spans in across from empty cells (on initial table creation)
309 Remove ~~COMPLEX_TABLES~~ macro in save.php and disable macro checkbox if complex set in config man…
312 Fixed bug in handling of rss feed syntax that inserted initial italic markup following feed markup.
332 Fixed bug in extension recognition in image copy/paste (save.php)
357 Handle entities in URLs; requires URL to be entered using the link tool.
373 Fixed failure to open file browser in external savedir