rev 15-Sep_29-12_59 6 June Upgraded from FCKeditor 2.4.1 to 2.6.6. 2.6.6 includes the scayt spellchecker, which is an in-editor spellchecker. 2.6.6 is the final FCKeditor before the change-over to CKeditor. The upgrade required bringing the ie and gecko javascript files into sync, in particular so that the image and link dialogs open to a larger size. This upgrade will now be designated fckgLite 07. 7 June Added configuration options for turning SCAYT on and off, setting it as auto, and for selecting SCAYT language . Hide language selection button for SpellerPages spell checker when SCAYT is in effect. 9 June Converted Arabic language file for fckg editing window from BOM to non-BOM (Corrupted image display). Enabled overflow and scrolling in SCAYT dialog. 10 June Increased sizes of link and image dialog windows in gecko. Adjusted font sizes in link.html 11 June Corrected url in Anteater safe encodig message (meta.php) 5 July 2012 Fix to FCKEditor fck_link.js for IE9, where FCKeditor's Selection.SelectNode() fails to insert link at cursor position if text not previously selected. This only comes into play if fckgLite is prevent from auto-switching IE to IE8 compatibility while in editing mode. 7 July 2012 Fix to FCKeditor fck_image.js for IE9, where FCK.InsertElement failed to insert image at cursor. (See fck_link 5 July 2012). 9 July Removed some unnecessary files from distribution and comproessed old Changs files to zip. Confined IE image and link fixes to IE9 since FCKeditor will not load in IE10. Users of IE10 where templates force Standards Mode will have to manually switch to compatibilty mode. In other cases, fckgLite auto-switches to IE8 compatibility, 23 August Fixed for smileys in lists where CR was lost if smiley was in li 24 August fckeditor/dwsmileys.php: set alternate path for ajax access to smiley.conf in debian and ubuntu 25 August Set IE compatiblity mode to IE=EmulateIE8 in file browser when browserMode > 8 (used writeln in file: fckxml.js). This was needed by IE 10. 28 August Implemented option to rewrite FCKeditor smiley URLs when pages are moved to new server. Regex at top of edit.php:_preprocess. The URLs are reset on a page by page basis when loaded and saved. The option should be turned off except when needed. 16 September 2012 Added experimental handling of tables, attempting to solve problems in rendering complex tables that have multiple col and row spans. This uses a new configuration option which will turn on the experimenmtal algorithm for all pages, or it can be turned on, on a per-page basis, either by use of a checkbox or by adding a syntax plugin style switch to the top of the page: ~~COMPLEX_TABLES~~. Since ~~COMPLEX_TABLES~~ is implemented as a syntax plugin, it will come into effect only after the page has been saved; before the save, the user should check off the complex tables checkbox. The logorithm is not perfect, but it is considerably superior to the standard table-handling parser. 17 September 2012 Minor edit to edit.php 19 September Created loop in insert_table() that goes through all rows checking for rowspans. Rowspan property of rows array is set to 0 for all rows where rowspans have been processed, causing them to be ignored on subsequent passes of loop. Minor edit to edit.php editor form syntax 9 October 2012 Fixed bug where table markup inside code blocks dropped empty cells (edit.php::_preprocess) 20 Nov Added session_id check to config.php: in some system setting session which has already been set throws an error. Added $mssg="" to FileUpload() in commands.php for SendUploadResults(), without which some systems freeze. Both of the above occurred on Windows with PHP 5.3 25 Improved mime-type handling in config.php and fckconfig.js 28 Nov Fixed font tool plugin to work with stricter define checking of current browsers. 29 Nov Fixed regex which removed precent-escaped backslashes in plugin syntax so that backslashes are removed only around non-alpha characters, preserving sequences such as \r\n. 30 Nov Added two short-cut keys for numbered list: ctrl-+ and ctrl+{. Both do the same thing. 8 Dec In edit.php: insert this.is_smiley = false after alt (text form of smiley) is added to results; prevents corruption of text formats and insertion of javascript 'undefined' when alt is not found on next time through start() Dec 21 2012 Updated css for new template Dec 22 Updated fck_editorarea.css.new_template for code blocks 23 December Replaced default fck_editorarea.css with original that was accidentally exchanged for the new Created an IE CSS hack for geshi snippets in IE8+ and HTML5 26 December Fix for nested lists in webkit browsers 2013 January 4 Fix for urls in DW footnotes, which were lost on re-saves. Still-to-be-done: handling of media files in DW footnotes Jan 4 fix to DW footnote handling to prevent url from being transferred to subsequent fotnote text after update to previous notes's url using link tool. Jan 5 Upgraded DW footnotes to handle links to media files 10 Jan Added tooltip for Scayt Jan 14 Removed "new by reference" assignment in fckg/syntax/dwplugin.php (line 191) Jan 17 Made an exception for svg-edit svg images in php/connectors/php/util.php (l. 150), which rejected (function: DetectHtml) them because they contained a tag. Jan 23 Upgraded Geshi plugin (input from Kamil Demecki). Jan 28 This version of the ctables distribution combines with and replaces the unbuntu-debian distribution. Jan 31 In preprocessor, edit.php ca. 235ff: Create tagged <code>. . .</code> blocks from code blocks marked up by indentation. This insures that the code blocks are correctly processed in the fckgLite parser. Feb 2 convert html tag markup < and > to entities in indented code blocks (In edit.php:_preprocess()) Feb 13 replace '>' in interwiki markup in lists, removed in above. Removed new by reference warning in edit.php on line 2552 Feb 14 Upgraded handling of interwiki links 6 March Check for files and/or directories in userfiles that have not been converted into links to data/media or have been converted to directories (Weatherwas). If found delete them so that the links can be created. 8 March fix for missing XPATH functions in fckxml.js 12 March Added Dokuwiki-style signature item to context menu. Handle multiple footnotes with identical texts. 13 March Added ftp option to link dialog Put some controls into ftp liink creation. 16 March Added missing smiley_hack metadata entry 18 March Fixed broken internal media links in Weatherwax, which now appends file size to titl attr, from which fckgL takes the urls. 19 March Update to entities file. 22 March Automated insertion of ~~COMPLEX_TABLES~~ macro when complex tables checkbox is set to true, if not already inserted. 28 March Fixed IE 10 JS incompatiblity Fixed URL display line in image dialog: now displays file name as saved, instead of encoded format. 29 March double urlencode image names for filebrowser thumbnails, which otherwise do not display in Windows. 30 March Restored aspell Language button (when Scayt is turned off). 9 April Removed compatibility support for pre-jquery functions. 10 April Removed missed jquery compatibility script. 12 April In edit.php fix for images with detail urls using .htaccess nice urls 29 April Fixed regex for recognizing indented code blocks. Fixed handlng of footnotes containing parentheses. 3 May Synced switch/edit.php with master/edit.php Added support for ~~NOTOC~~ macro 15 May Added PHP's file upload errors to filebrowser. 30 May Accept image copy and paste with https urls. 15 June Removed duplicate ~~CMPLEX_TABLES~~ macros 11 July Added escapes to Plugin pattern regexes in edit.php, e.g. for '(' 19 Jul Dutch language files for settings.php and action/lang 25 Jul Corrects bug which deletes final monospace markup from list items 28 Jul Fixed corrupted links to media from userfiles and bad file mode set for edit.php --occurred only in fackgLite/dailies versions-- 6 Aug Added language variable to image dialog's align list for "remove alignment" 13 Aug Preserve plain text samba share syntax 15 Aug Dutch language updates for fckeditor and fonts/lang/nl.js 22 Aug Updates to language strings in link dialog 23 Aug Fixed error in edit.php that caused external links on initial creation to be converted to internal if links were created in internal-external order. 24 Aug Supplied missing fckeditor language strings and JS FCKLang references. 25 Aug cleaned up fckeditor unused plugins and replaced nested list plugins with FCKeditor's indent and outdent. 27 Aug Interwiki links: preserve lost forward slashes and query strings 28 Aug Added language strings and FCKLang refs for file browser 31 Aug Prevent Alt from accessing CTRL short-cuts when Alt Gr key is hit( in helper.php) 5 Sep New language strings for Signature plugin and "what's this" in editing window 6 Sep New lang string-- 'complex_tables'-- for editing window 12 Sep Corrected fckconfig.js to use editor/lang/<iso.js> files for geshi and keyboard plugins. Updated language strings for Geshi plugin. Updated language strings and code for Scayt Dutch language updates. 13 Sep Removed trailing comma from en.js (FCKLang) which failed in earlier versions of IE; fixed missing span tag in geshi plugin. 14 Sep Updates to languagestrings and code Fixed some label tags in edit.php 15 Sep Updates to language strings in fckeditor Final Dutch lang update 24 Oct Removed Aug 13 fix for handling plain text samaba shares; it corrupts some plugin markup. 6 Nov replace utf8 chars in plugin regexes with entities (edit.php) 12 Nov Fixed boken snippet (side-effect from 18 March Weatherwax internal media fix) 9 Dec Fixed corrupted tables with vertical spans in across from empty cells (on initial table creation) 10 Dec Removed unintentional _FCKG_BLANK_TD_markers 15 Dec Remove ~~COMPLEX_TABLES~~ macro in save.php and disable macro checkbox if complex set in config manager -------- 2014 -------- Fixed bug in handling of rss feed syntax that inserted initial italic markup following feed markup. Fixed parsing and output of Dokuwiki quote syntax 7 Jan 2014 Rewrote Non Parsed Block handling (edit.php pre-processor). 23 Jan Removed query string from copied/pasted images; interfered with parsing of url. Affects mainly thumbnails with sizes. 27 Jan Added support for copying images into editor from clipboard; only images convertible by PHP are considered valid. 28 Jan Improvements to image copy notifications Add GD lib check for above 29 Jan Fixed bug in extension recognition in image copy/paste (save.php) Feb 2 Image copied from clipboard saved to namespace of page being edited Feb 6 Support for placement of copy/paste images using Image Properties, without having to save and re-load. Link type reverts to 'nolink' which can be changed after save and re-load 8 Feb Option to give Dokuwiki editor priority on startup 18 Feb Move plugins list from settings to new admin panel 19 Feb Added new language files to fckg/lang/ 1 Apr Added winstyle option 12 April Support for alternate savedir where dokuwiki root is domain 17 Apr Handle entities in URLs; requires URL to be entered using the link tool. 14 May Updated from fckgLite to fckg 19 May Changed DOKU_URL to DOKU_BASE to access script-cmpr.js; requested to accommdate fckg behind an Apache reverse proxy. 3 June Warning if userfiles nor writable. By-pass link creation if winstyle is true. 15 September Updated entities for DW entities with left-hand angle brackets. 15 Dec Fixed failure to open file browser in external savedir 9 September 2015 Tested for compatibility with Detritus