Lines Matching refs:lang

10 $lang['not_classified_errors']        = 'Several unknown errors occured';
11 $lang['system_errors'] = 'The farm managment system encountered several problems';
12 $lang['system_nohandler_failure'] = 'The required action "%s" has no handler';
13 $lang['system_badtoken_failure'] = 'Bad security token';
14 $lang['postparametermissing_failure'] = 'Missing POST parameter';
15 $lang['emptyfield_failure'] = 'You must fill the "%s" field';
16 $lang['invalidfield_failure'] = 'You must correctly fill the "%s" field';
20 $lang['menu'] = 'Wiki farm management';
23 $lang['file_info'] = '{size}, last modified on {date}';
26 $lang['visitanimal'] = 'Visit this animal';
27 $lang['manageanimal'] = 'Manage this animal';
30 $lang['btn_save'] = 'Save';
31 $lang['btn_create'] = 'Create';
32 $lang['btn_delete'] = 'Delete';
33 $lang['btn_confirm'] = 'Confirm';
34 $lang['btn_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
35 $lang['btn_next'] = 'Next';
38 $lang['timedeltaunits'] = array(
47 $lang['size_unit'] = 'b';
52 $lang['install_title'] = 'Farm setup';
53 $lang['install_info'] = 'Be very carefull when choosing the folowing paths and…
54 $lang['install_field_name_farmwebroot'] = 'Farm Web root(ended with /)';
55 $lang['install_field_desc_farmwebroot'] = 'The farm\'s Web root, eg the URL to access the place …
56 $lang['install_field_name_farmfsroot'] = 'Farm DocumentRoot (ended with /)';
57 $lang['install_field_desc_farmfsroot'] = 'The farm\'s root in the filesystem, eg the path to ac…
58 $lang['install_field_name_farmer'] = 'Farmer\'s directory (ended with /)';
59 $lang['install_field_desc_farmer'] = 'The directory where the farmer\'s files are located (…
60 $lang['install_field_name_barn'] = 'Barn\'s directory (ended with /)';
61 $lang['install_field_desc_barn'] = 'The directory where the animals\' directories and fil…
62 $lang['install_errors'] = 'Errors encountered during setup';
63 $lang['install_stepupdate_failure'] = 'Failed to update install step';
64 $lang['install_configcopy_failure'] = 'Config file is impossible';
65 $lang['install_nocreatorfile_failure'] = 'Farm structure creator script not found';
66 $lang['install_cannotsavecreator_failure'] = 'Failde to save farm structure creator script';
67 $lang['install_success'] = '<span style="font-size:2em;">Farm setup is a success …
72 $lang['structure_title'] = 'Farm structure creation';
73 $lang['structure_cannotcreatefarmerdir_failure'] = 'Cannot create farmer directory';
74 $lang['structure_farmerdircreated'] = 'Farmer directory successfully created';
75 $lang['structure_cannotcreatebarndir_failure'] = 'Cannot create barn directory';
76 $lang['structure_barndircreated'] = 'Barn directory created';
77 $lang['structure_cannotmovedw_failure'] = 'Cannot move DokuWiki files to farmer dir…
78 $lang['structure_dwmoved'] = 'DokuWiki files successfully moved to far…
79 $lang['structure_rewritefileupdated'] = 'DokuWiki rewrite file updated';
80 $lang['structure_couldnotupdaterewritefile'] = 'Cannot update DokuWiki rewrite file';
81 $lang['structure_couldnotloadrewritefile'] = 'Cannot load DokuWiki rewrite file';
82 $lang['structure_couldnotcopypreloadfile'] = 'Cannot copy preload script';
83 $lang['structure_preloadfilecopied'] = 'Preload script successfully copied';
84 $lang['structure_animaltplcopied'] = 'Animal default template copied';
85 $lang['structure_couldnotcreateanimaltpldirectory'] = 'Cannot create animal default template di…
86 $lang['structure_couldnotcopyanimaltpl'] = 'Cannot copy animal default template';
87 $lang['structure_animaltplmetafilecreated'] = 'Animal default template meta file succes…
88 $lang['structure_couldnotcreateanimaltplmetafile'] = 'Cannot create animal default template me…
89 $lang['structure_convert_to_animals'] = 'Directories were found under barn, do yo…
90 $lang['structure_couldnotremovestructurecreatorscript'] = 'Cannot remove installation script';
91 $lang['structure_success'] = 'Farm structure successfully created,<br …
98 $lang['animal_info_more'] = 'More info';
99 $lang['animal_info_less'] = 'Less info';
102 $lang['animal_info_status'] = 'Status';
103 $lang['animal_info_setstatus_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to change this animal\'s status ?';
104 $lang['animal_status_open'] = 'open';
105 $lang['animal_status_maintenance'] = 'maintenance';
106 $lang['animal_status_closed'] = 'closed';
107 $lang['animal_status_abuse'] = 'abuse';
108 $lang['animal_status_errors'] = 'Errors encountered during animal status update';
109 $lang['animal_status_update_success'] = 'Animal settings updated';
110 $lang['animal_status_update_failure'] = 'Failed to update the status to "%s"';
112 $lang['animal_info_lockstate'] = 'Locked';
113 $lang['animal_info_setlockstate_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to change this animal\'s lock st…
114 $lang['animal_lockstate_none'] = 'nothing';
115 $lang['animal_lockstate_edits'] = 'edits';
116 $lang['animal_lockstate_edits_message'] = 'This wiki is locked for editing, you cannot modify pag…
117 $lang['animal_lockstate_admin'] = 'edits + admin';
118 $lang['animal_lockstate_admin_message'] = 'This wiki is locked for editing and admin operations, …
119 $lang['animal_lockstate_all'] = 'edits + admin + login';
120 $lang['animal_lockstate_all_message'] = 'This wiki is locked, you cannot modify pages, access a…
122 $lang['animal_toobig_message'] = 'This wiki\'s disk usage is too high, you must delete s…
123 $lang['animal_farmtoobig_message'] = 'The wiki farm\'s disk usage is too high, you must dele…
126 $lang['animal_info_size'] = 'Disk usage';
127 $lang['animal_info_creation'] = 'Creation';
128 $lang['animal_info_creationfmt'] = '{delta} ago on {date}';
129 $lang['animal_info_pagescount'] = 'Pages count';
130 $lang['animal_info_pagesbiggest'] = 'Biggest page';
131 $lang['animal_info_pagessmallest'] = 'Smallest page';
132 $lang['animal_info_pagesaverage'] = 'Average page size';
133 $lang['animal_info_pagestotal'] = 'Size of all pages';
134 $lang['animal_info_pagesoldest'] = 'Oldest edited page';
135 $lang['animal_info_pageslatest'] = 'Latest edited page';
136 $lang['animal_info_pageschangedescriptor'] = '{link}, by {user} on {date} ({delta} ago)';
137 $lang['animal_info_mediascount'] = 'Medias count';
138 $lang['animal_info_mediasbiggest'] = 'Biggest media';
139 $lang['animal_info_mediassmallest'] = 'Smallest media';
140 $lang['animal_info_mediasaverage'] = 'Average media size';
141 $lang['animal_info_mediastotal'] = 'Size of all media';
142 $lang['animal_info_cachesize'] = 'Size of cached elements';
143 $lang['animal_info_indexsize'] = 'Size of indexes';
148 $lang['overview_title'] = 'Farm overview';
149 $lang['overview_sort'] = 'Sort by ';
150 $lang['overview_diskusage'] = 'Disk usage';
151 $lang['overview_animalsamount'] = 'Number of animals';
152 $lang['overview_sort_size_asc'] = 'disk usage asc';
153 $lang['overview_sort_size_desc'] = 'disk usage desc';
154 $lang['overview_sort_name_asc'] = 'name asc';
155 $lang['overview_sort_name_desc'] = 'name desc';
160 $lang['animal_change_warning'] = 'CAUTION : Remember that any changes done here will immedia…
161 $lang['animal_errors'] = 'Errors encountered while performing required operations';
162 $lang['animal_noid_failure'] = 'AnimalID parameter not found';
163 $lang['animal_unknownanimal_failure'] = 'Unknown animal "%s"';
166 $lang['animal_title'] = 'Animal "%s" managment';
169 $lang['animal_infos'] = 'Animal infos';
172 $lang['animal_config'] = 'Animal configuration';
173 $lang['animal_config_editable'] = 'Editable configuration';
174 $lang['animal_config_protected'] = 'Protected configuration';
175 $lang['animal_config_errors'] = 'Errors encountered while updating animal configuration';
176 $lang['animal_config_unknownsource'] = 'Unknown configuration source "%s"';
177 $lang['animal_config_nodataprovided'] = 'No configuration data found';
178 $lang['animal_config_save_failure'] = 'Could not save configuration';
179 $lang['animal_config_save_success'] = 'Animal config successfully saved';
182 $lang['animal_users'] = 'Animal registered users';
183 $lang['animal_users_warning'] = 'WARNING : This is an experimental feature, you shouldn\…
184 $lang['animal_users_login'] = 'Login';
185 $lang['animal_users_pass'] = 'Password';
186 $lang['animal_users_name'] = 'Name';
187 $lang['animal_users_mail'] = 'EMail';
188 $lang['animal_users_grps'] = 'Groups';
189 $lang['animal_users_sortname'] = 'Sort by name';
190 $lang['animal_users_onlygrp'] = 'List only users from this group';
191 $lang['animal_users_onlygrpactive'] = 'Only users in the folowing group are visible';
192 $lang['animal_users_add'] = 'Add a user to this animal';
193 $lang['animal_users_deleteuser'] = 'Delete this user (if allowed by animal\'s authenticatio…
194 $lang['animal_users_reallydeleteuser'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete user "%s" ?'; // !!! Ja…
195 $lang['animal_users_errors'] = 'Errors encountered while performing required operations…
196 $lang['animal_users_add_success'] = 'User successfully created';
197 $lang['animal_users_delete_success'] = 'User successfully deleted';
198 $lang['animal_users_add_create_failure'] = 'The user couldn\'t be created (login already in use, au…
199 $lang['animal_users_delete_failure'] = 'The user couldn\'t be deleted (did not exist or the aut…
202 $lang['animal_editfile'] = 'Edit a file';
203 $lang['animal_editfile_fs'] = 'Animal "%s" files';
204 $lang['animal_editfile_file'] = 'Content of file "%s"';
205 $lang['animal_editfile_create'] = 'Create file';
206 $lang['animal_editfile_saveempty'] = 'I want to save this file with no content';
207 $lang['animal_editfile_delete'] = 'I want to PERMANENTLY delete this file';
208 $lang['animal_editfile_errors'] = 'Errors encountered while editing animal file';
209 $lang['animal_editfile_delete_success'] = 'File successfully removed';
210 $lang['animal_editfile_delete_failure'] = 'Failed to remove file';
211 $lang['animal_editfile_save_success'] = 'File successfully saved';
212 $lang['animal_editfile_save_failure'] = 'Failed to save the file';
215 $lang['animal_delete'] = 'Delete animal';
216 $lang['animal_delete_success'] = 'Animal successfully deleted';
217 $lang['animal_delete_eventhandlercancel_failure'] = 'Deletion rejected by custom event handler';
218 $lang['animal_delete_failure'] = 'Failed to delete animal "%s"';
219 $lang['animal_delete_tpl_failure'] = 'You cannot delete the default animal template';
220 $lang['animal_delete_sure'] = 'Are you sure you want to DEFINITLY delete this…
221 $lang['animal_delete_errors'] = 'There was some errors while deleting animal';
226 $lang['animal_new_title'] = 'Add new animal';
227 $lang['animal_new_name'] = 'Name (allowed : a-z 0-9 _ . -)';
228 $lang['animal_new_template'] = 'Animal template (animal copied to create new one)…
229 $lang['animal_new_host'] = 'Animal host for virtual mode';
230 $lang['animal_new_errors'] = 'Errors encountered while creating new animal';
231 $lang['animal_new_eventhandlercancel_failure'] = 'Creation rejected by custom event handler';
232 $lang['animal_new_farmfull_failure'] = 'Farm is full (too much animals)';
233 $lang['animal_new_farmtoobig_failure'] = 'Farm is too big (allowed disk usage exceeded)';
234 $lang['animal_new_noname_failure'] = 'No animal name provided';
235 $lang['animal_new_badname_failure'] = 'The new animal name is badly formated';
236 $lang['animal_new_namealreadyinuse_failure'] = 'This animal ("%s") already exists';
237 $lang['animal_new_templatenotfound_failure'] = 'Animal template "%s" not found';
238 $lang['animal_new_templatecopy_failure'] = 'Failed to copy the animal template directory';
239 $lang['animal_new_metacreate_failure'] = 'Failed to create animal metadata file';
240 $lang['animal_new_createdespite_failure'] = 'Failed to create animal despite everything went w…
241 $lang['animal_new_setconfig_failure'] = 'Failed to update animal configuration';
242 $lang['animal_new_saveconfig_failure'] = 'Failed to save animal configuration';
243 $lang['animal_new_virtualhostexists_failure'] = 'Virtualhost already in use';
244 $lang['animal_new_savevirtualhost_failure'] = 'Failed to save virtualhost configuration';
245 $lang['animal_new_create_success'] = 'Animal creation was successful';
250 $lang['config_title'] = 'Farm configuration';
251 $lang['config_info'] = 'Be very carefull when changing the following farm …
252 $lang['config_field_name_userewrite'] = 'Use rewrite';
253 $lang['config_field_desc_userewrite'] = 'Check this if you want to use nice URLs to access …
254 $lang['config_field_name_farmrewrite'] = 'Use rewrite inside barn';
255 $lang['config_field_desc_farmrewrite'] = 'Check this if you want to hide the barn directory …
256 $lang['config_field_name_virtual'] = 'Virtualhosting mode';
257 $lang['config_field_desc_virtual'] = 'Check this if your farm works on a virtualhost bas…
258 $lang['config_field_name_farmerhost'] = 'Farmer host';
259 $lang['config_field_desc_farmerhost'] = 'Used to identify the farmer host in virtualhosting…
260 $lang['config_field_name_animaltemplate'] = 'The name of the default animal template';
261 $lang['config_field_desc_animaltemplate'] = 'The name of the animal that will be used as defaul…
262 $lang['config_field_name_enablesoap'] = 'Enable SOAP server';
263 $lang['config_field_desc_enablesoap'] = 'Check this if you want to allow trusted remote app…
264 $lang['config_field_name_farmmaxsize'] = 'Farm maximum size in bytes';
265 $lang['config_field_desc_farmmaxsize'] = '(EXPERIMENTAL) If the farm reach this size the ani…
266 $lang['config_field_name_animalmaxsize'] = 'Animal maximum size in bytes';
267 $lang['config_field_desc_animalmaxsize'] = '(EXPERIMENTAL) If an animal reach this size its co…
268 $lang['config_field_name_farmmaxanimals'] = 'Maximal number of animals';
269 $lang['config_field_desc_farmmaxanimals'] = '(EXPERIMENTAL) If this animal amount is reached th…
270 $lang['config_loadfarmrewritefile_failure'] = 'Failed to load the farm rewrite file';
271 $lang['config_createfarmrewritefile_failure'] = 'Failed to create the farm rewrite file';
272 $lang['config_deletefarmrewritefile_failure'] = 'Failed to delete the farm rewrite file';
273 $lang['config_loadrewritefile_failure'] = 'Failed to load the barm rewrite file';
274 $lang['config_createrewritefile_failure'] = 'Failed to create the barm rewrite file';
275 $lang['config_deleterewritefile_failure'] = 'Failed to delete the barm rewrite file';
276 $lang['config_copytrustedappsfile_failure'] = 'Failed to create the farm trusted apps file';
277 $lang['config_copyvirtualhostfile_failure'] = 'Failed to create the farm virtualhost file';
278 $lang['config_createwsdl_failure'] = 'Failed to create the farm wsdl file';
279 $lang['config_deletewsdl_failure'] = 'Failed to delete the farm wsdl file';
280 $lang['config_errors'] = 'There was some errors while updating farm configur…
281 $lang['config_save_failure'] = 'The new configuration could not be saved due to fi…
286 $lang['soapconfig_title'] = 'SOAP server configuration';
287 $lang['soapconfig_info'] = 'Hereafter are the SOAP server trus…
288 $lang['soapconfig_wsdlurl'] = 'You can find the farm wsdl file <a…
289 $lang['soapconfig_comment'] = 'Comment';
290 $lang['soapconfig_newapp'] = 'Add a new remote application';
291 $lang['soapconfig_editapp'] = 'Edit remote application config';
292 $lang['soapconfig_advancededit'] = 'Advanced edit (text mode)';
293 $lang['soapconfig_field_name_name'] = 'Application name';
294 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_name'] = 'The name the external service uses…
295 $lang['soapconfig_field_name_passwordhash'] = 'Application password hash';
296 $lang['soapconfig_field_name_passwordhash_change'] = 'If you enter a raw password here i…
297 $lang['soapconfig_field_name_passwordhash_change_nohashfunc'] = 'No compatible hashing function fou…
298 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_passwordhash'] = 'The md5 hash of the password the e…
299 $lang['soapconfig_field_name_allowedservices'] = 'Allowed services';
300 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_allowedservices'] = 'The list of the services this remo…
301 $lang['soapconfig_field_name_allowedservice_allowed'] = 'allowed';
302 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_allowedservice_test'] = 'Returns calling arguments to check…
303 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_allowedservice_animalExists'] = 'Returns information about the anim…
304 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_allowedservice_animalsList'] = 'Returns the list of animals in the…
305 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_allowedservice_animalCreate'] = 'Creates an animal from "name" argu…
306 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_allowedservice_animalStatus'] = 'Changes the "name" animal status (…
307 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_allowedservice_animalLockState'] = 'Changes the "name" animal lock sta…
308 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_allowedservice_animalDelete'] = 'Deletes an animal from "name" argu…
309 $lang['soapconfig_field_name_allowedservice_imposedargs'] = 'List of imposed arguments';
310 $lang['soapconfig_field_desc_allowedservice_imposedargs'] = 'Imposed arguments are in the form …
311 $lang['soapconfig_appdelete_sure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete co…
312 $lang['soapconfig_errors'] = 'There was some errors while updati…
313 $lang['soapconfig_save_success'] = 'Trusted remote applications file s…
314 $lang['soapconfig_save_failure'] = 'The new configuration could not be…
315 $lang['soapconfig_corruptedfile_failure'] = 'The new configuration could not be…
320 $lang['virtualhostconfig_title'] = 'Virtualhost configuration';
321 $lang['virtualhostconfig_info'] = 'Hereafter is the list of virtualhost-animal mappings.';
322 $lang['virtualhost_config_for'] = 'Add virtualhost for';
323 $lang['virtualhost_config_value'] = 'Enter host';
324 $lang['virtualhostconfig_errors'] = 'There was some errors while updating virtualhost configu…
325 $lang['virtualhostconfig_save_failure'] = 'The new configuration could not be saved due to file acc…
330 $lang['message_unknown_title'] = 'Unknown Wiki';
331 $lang['message_unknown_desc'] = 'The "%s" wiki could not be found, please check its URL.';
333 $lang['message_maintenance_title'] = 'Maintenance downtime';
334 $lang['message_maintenance_desc'] = 'The "%s" wiki is under maintenance and cannot be viewed for t…
336 $lang['message_closed_title'] = 'Wiki closed';
337 $lang['message_closed_desc'] = 'The "%s" wiki has been closed and cannot be viewed.';
339 $lang['message_abuse_title'] = 'Wiki closed due to abuse';
340 $lang['message_abuse_desc'] = 'The "%s" wiki has been closed because of an abuse of the serv…