Lines Matching refs:page

12     public const PAGE_TYPE = "page";
13 public const FOLDER_ICON = "images:page-explorer-folder";
17 public const CANONICAL = "page-explorer";
19 public const PAGE_ATTRIBUTES = "page-attributes";
23 public const PAGE_INSTRUCTIONS = "page-instructions";
37 * * or current, for the namespace of the current requested page
40 public const LEVEL_UP_ICON = "images:page-explorer-icons8-level-up";
43 public const PAGE_EXPLORER_MARKUP = "page-explorer";
84 public const PAGE_TAG = "page";
85 public const PAGE_ITEM_TAG = "page-item";
91 * @param MarkupPath $page
95 public static function treeProcessLeaf(string &$html, MarkupPath $page, array $data, string $type)
108 if (!FileSystems::exists($page->getPathObject())) {
109 LogUtility::error("The given leaf page ($page) does not exist and was not added to the page-explorer tree", self::CANONICAL);
112 if ($page->isHidden()) {
123 $listItemContent = MarkupRenderUtility::renderInstructionsToXhtml($pageInstructions, $page->getMetadataForRendering());
130 $listItemContent = LinkMarkup::createFromPageIdOrPath($page->getWikiId())
133 $listItemContent .= "{$page->getNameOrDefault()}</a>";
135 LogUtility::error("Error while rendering the default tree page. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL);
197 * The instructions for the parent item in a page explorer list
478 // no parent page
493 ->setLogicalTag(PageExplorerTag::CANONICAL . "-{$pageExplorerType}-page")
578 $returnedXhtml .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the page. Error: {$e->getMessage()}");
587 $returnedXhtml .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the default page. Error: {$e->getMessage()}");
612 * to the actual page
624 * Open the tree until the current page
676 * categorize the children as home, page or namespace (container)
693 $page = MarkupPath::createPageFromPathObject($child->getPath());
694 if ($page->isIndexPage()) {
695 $homePage = $page;
697 $nonHomePages[] = $page;
705 * First the home page
742 * Keep the id unique on the page in order to be able to collapse
745 $namespaceId = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv()->getIdManager()->generateNewHtmlIdForComponent("page-explorer-{$containerPath->getWikiId()}");
803 foreach ($nonHomePages as $page) {
804 PageExplorerTag::treeProcessLeaf($html, $page, $data, PageExplorerTag::PAGE_TYPE);