* $instructions * */ $pageAttributes = $data[self::PAGE_ATTRIBUTES]; $pageInstructions = $data[self::PAGE_INSTRUCTIONS]; if ($pageInstructions === null && $pageAttributes !== null) { return; } if (!FileSystems::exists($page->getPathObject())) { LogUtility::error("The given leaf page ($page) does not exist and was not added to the page-explorer tree", self::CANONICAL); return; } if ($page->isHidden()) { return; } $listItemEnterTag = TagAttributes::createEmpty() ->setLogicalTag(self::CANONICAL . "-tree-$type") ->toHtmlEnterTag("li"); $listItemContent = ""; if ($pageInstructions !== null) { try { $listItemContent = MarkupRenderUtility::renderInstructionsToXhtml($pageInstructions, $page->getMetadataForRendering()); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::error("Error while rendering the leaf. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL); return; } } else { try { $listItemContent = LinkMarkup::createFromPageIdOrPath($page->getWikiId()) ->toAttributes() ->toHtmlEnterTag("a"); $listItemContent .= "{$page->getNameOrDefault()}"; } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { LogUtility::error("Error while rendering the default tree page. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", self::CANONICAL); } } /** @noinspection PhpUnnecessaryCurlyVarSyntaxInspection */ $html .= "{$listItemEnterTag}{$listItemContent}"; } /** * @param WikiPath $namespacePath * @return string the last part with a uppercase letter and where underscore became a space */ public static function toNamespaceName(WikiPath $namespacePath): string { try { return ucfirst(trim(str_replace("_", " ", $namespacePath->getLastNameWithoutExtension()))); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // root return ""; } } /** * A class prefix added in elements * @param string $type * @return string */ public static function getClassPrefix(string $type): string { return self::CANONICAL . "-$type"; } public static function handleExit(Doku_Handler $handler) { $callStack = CallStack::createFromHandler($handler); /** * Capture the instructions for * {@link syntax_plugin_combo_pageexplorerpage} * {@link syntax_plugin_combo_pageexplorernamespace} * {@link syntax_plugin_combo_pageexplorernamehome} */ $openingTag = $callStack->moveToPreviousCorrespondingOpeningCall(); /** * @var Call[] $namespaceInstructions * @var array $namespaceAttributes */ $namespaceInstructions = null; $namespaceAttributes = null; /** * @var Call[] $templatePageInstructions * @var array $pageAttributes */ $templatePageInstructions = null; $pageAttributes = null; /** * @var Call[] $templateHomeInstructions * @var array $homeAttributes */ $templateHomeInstructions = null; $homeAttributes = null; /** * The instructions for the parent item in a page explorer list * if any * @var Call[] $parentInstructions * @var array $parentAttributes */ $parentInstructions = null; $parentAttributes = null; /** * @var Call[] $actualInstructionsStack */ $actualInstructionsStack = []; while ($callStack->next()) { $actualCall = $callStack->getActualCall(); $tagName = $actualCall->getTagName(); switch ($actualCall->getState()) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER: switch ($tagName) { case self::PAGE_LOGICAL_TAG: $pageAttributes = $actualCall->getAttributes(); continue 3; case self::NAMESPACE_LOGICAL_TAG: $namespaceAttributes = $actualCall->getAttributes(); continue 3; case self::LOGICAL_INDEX_TAG: $homeAttributes = $actualCall->getAttributes(); continue 3; case self::PARENT_TAG: $parentAttributes = $actualCall->getAttributes(); continue 3; default: $actualInstructionsStack[] = $actualCall->toCallArray(); continue 3; } case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT: switch ($tagName) { case self::PAGE_LOGICAL_TAG: $templatePageInstructions = $actualInstructionsStack; $actualInstructionsStack = []; continue 3; case self::NAMESPACE_LOGICAL_TAG: $namespaceInstructions = $actualInstructionsStack; $actualInstructionsStack = []; continue 3; case self::LOGICAL_INDEX_TAG: $templateHomeInstructions = $actualInstructionsStack; $actualInstructionsStack = []; continue 3; case PageExplorerTag::PARENT_TAG: $parentInstructions = $actualInstructionsStack; $actualInstructionsStack = []; continue 3; default: $actualInstructionsStack[] = $actualCall->toCallArray(); continue 3; } default: $actualInstructionsStack[] = $actualCall->toCallArray(); break; } } /** * Remove all callstack from the opening tag */ $callStack->deleteAllCallsAfter($openingTag); /** * The container/block should have at minimum an enter tag * to be able to set the {@link action_plugin_combo_sideslotpostprocessing} auto collapsible * parameter */ $openingTag->setPluginData(PageExplorerTag::NAMESPACE_INSTRUCTIONS, $namespaceInstructions); $openingTag->setPluginData(PageExplorerTag::NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTES, $namespaceAttributes); $openingTag->setPluginData(PageExplorerTag::PAGE_INSTRUCTIONS, $templatePageInstructions); $openingTag->setPluginData(PageExplorerTag::PAGE_ATTRIBUTES, $pageAttributes); $openingTag->setPluginData(PageExplorerTag::INDEX_INSTRUCTIONS, $templateHomeInstructions); $openingTag->setPluginData(PageExplorerTag::INDEX_ATTRIBUTES, $homeAttributes); $openingTag->setPluginData(PageExplorerTag::PARENT_INSTRUCTIONS, $parentInstructions); $openingTag->setPluginData(PageExplorerTag::PARENT_ATTRIBUTES, $parentAttributes); } public static function renderEnterTag(TagAttributes $pageExplorerTagAttributes, array $data) { $returnedXhtml = ""; /** * Id (id is mandatory for toggle) */ $id = $pageExplorerTagAttributes->getValue(TagAttributes::ID_KEY); if ($id === null) { $id = IdManager::getOrCreate()->generateNewHtmlIdForComponent(PageExplorerTag::CANONICAL); $pageExplorerTagAttributes->setComponentAttributeValue(TagAttributes::ID_KEY, $id); } $executionContext = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv(); try { /** * {@link MarkupCacheDependencies::PAGE_PRIMARY_META_DEPENDENCY} * The cache output is composed of primary metadata * (If it changes, the content change) * * {@link MarkupCacheDependencies::PAGE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCY} * The content depend on the file system tree * (if a file is added or deleted, the content will change) */ $executionContext ->getExecutingMarkupHandler() ->getOutputCacheDependencies() ->addDependency(MarkupCacheDependencies::PAGE_PRIMARY_META_DEPENDENCY) ->addDependency(MarkupCacheDependencies::PAGE_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCY); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // no fetcher markup running // ie markup } /** * Context */ $requestedContextPath = $executionContext->getContextPath(); /** * NameSpacePath determination */ $pageExplorerType = $pageExplorerTagAttributes->getType(); $namespaceAttribute = $pageExplorerTagAttributes->getValueAndRemove(PageExplorerTag::ATTR_NAMESPACE); if ($namespaceAttribute !== null) { WikiPath::addNamespaceEndSeparatorIfNotPresent($namespaceAttribute); $namespacePath = WikiPath::createMarkupPathFromPath($namespaceAttribute); } else { try { $namespacePath = $requestedContextPath->getParent(); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { $namespacePath = WikiPath::createRootNamespacePathOnMarkupDrive(); } try { $executionContext ->getExecutingMarkupHandler() ->getOutputCacheDependencies() ->addDependency(MarkupCacheDependencies::REQUESTED_NAMESPACE_DEPENDENCY); } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // ok } } /** * Class Prefix */ $componentClassPrefix = PageExplorerTag::getClassPrefix($pageExplorerType); /** * Rendering */ switch ($pageExplorerType) { default: case PageExplorerTag::LIST_TYPE: /** * Class */ $classContainer = "list-group"; $classItem = "list-group-item"; /** * Css */ $executionContext ->getSnippetSystem() ->attachCssInternalStyleSheet($componentClassPrefix); /** * Create the enter content list tag */ $returnedXhtml .= $pageExplorerTagAttributes ->addClassName($classContainer) ->removeAttributeIfPresent(TagAttributes::WIKI_ID) ->setLogicalTag(PageExplorerTag::CANONICAL) ->toHtmlEnterTag("ul"); /** * Home */ $indexInstructions = $data[PageExplorerTag::INDEX_INSTRUCTIONS]; $indexAttributes = $data[PageExplorerTag::INDEX_ATTRIBUTES]; $currentIndexPage = MarkupPath::createPageFromPathObject($namespacePath); if (!($indexInstructions === null && $indexAttributes !== null)) { if (FileSystems::exists($currentIndexPage)) { $indexTagAttributes = TagAttributes::createFromCallStackArray($indexAttributes); /** * Enter home tag */ $indexPageType = "index"; $returnedXhtml .= $indexTagAttributes ->addClassName($classItem) ->setLogicalTag(PageExplorerTag::CANONICAL . "-{$pageExplorerType}-{$indexPageType}") ->toHtmlEnterTag("li"); /** * Content */ if ($indexInstructions !== null) { try { $returnedXhtml .= MarkupRenderUtility::renderInstructionsToXhtml($indexInstructions, $currentIndexPage->getMetadataForRendering()); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { $returnedXhtml .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the home. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } else { try { $returnedXhtml .= LinkMarkup::createFromPageIdOrPath($currentIndexPage->getWikiId()) ->toAttributes() ->toHtmlEnterTag("a"); $returnedXhtml .= "{$currentIndexPage->getNameOrDefault()}"; } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { $returnedXhtml .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the default home. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } /** * End home tag */ $returnedXhtml .= ""; } } /** * Parent ? */ $parentInstructions = $data[PageExplorerTag::PARENT_INSTRUCTIONS]; $parentAttributes = $data[PageExplorerTag::PARENT_ATTRIBUTES]; if (!($parentInstructions === null && $indexAttributes !== null)) { try { $parentPage = $currentIndexPage->getParent(); if ($parentPage->exists()) { $parentTagAttributes = TagAttributes::createFromCallStackArray($parentAttributes); /** * Enter parent tag */ $pageType = "parent"; $returnedXhtml .= $parentTagAttributes ->addClassName($classItem) ->setLogicalTag(PageExplorerTag::CANONICAL . "-{$pageExplorerType}-{$pageType}") ->toHtmlEnterTag("li"); /** * Content */ if ($parentInstructions !== null) { try { $returnedXhtml .= MarkupRenderUtility::renderInstructionsToXhtml($parentInstructions, $parentPage->getMetadataForRendering()); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { $returnedXhtml .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the parent instructions. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } else { try { $parentWikiId = $parentPage->getPathObject()->getWikiId(); $returnedXhtml .= LinkMarkup::createFromPageIdOrPath($parentWikiId) ->toAttributes() ->toHtmlEnterTag("a"); $returnedXhtml .= Icon::createFromComboResource(PageExplorerTag::LEVEL_UP_ICON) ->toHtml(); $returnedXhtml .= " {$parentPage->getNameOrDefault()}"; } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { $returnedXhtml .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the default parent. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } /** * End parent tag */ $returnedXhtml .= ""; } } catch (ExceptionNotFound $e) { // no parent page } } /** * Children (Namespaces/Pages) */ $namespaceEnterTag = TagAttributes::createFromCallStackArray($data[PageExplorerTag::NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTES]) ->addClassName($classItem) ->setLogicalTag(PageExplorerTag::CANONICAL . "-{$pageExplorerType}-namespace") ->toHtmlEnterTag("li"); $pageEnterTag = TagAttributes::createFromCallStackArray($data[PageExplorerTag::PAGE_ATTRIBUTES]) ->addClassName($classItem) ->setLogicalTag(PageExplorerTag::CANONICAL . "-{$pageExplorerType}-page") ->toHtmlEnterTag("li"); $pageInstructions = $data[PageExplorerTag::PAGE_INSTRUCTIONS]; $pageAttributes = $data[PageExplorerTag::PAGE_ATTRIBUTES]; $namespaceInstructions = $data[PageExplorerTag::NAMESPACE_INSTRUCTIONS]; $namespaceAttributes = $data[PageExplorerTag::NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTES]; $pageNum = 0; foreach (FileSystems::getChildrenContainer($namespacePath) as $subNamespacePath) { // Namespace if (!($namespaceInstructions === null && $namespaceAttributes !== null)) { try { $subNamespacePage = MarkupPath::getIndexPageFromNamespace($subNamespacePath->toAbsoluteId()); } catch (ExceptionBadSyntax $e) { LogUtility::msg("Bad syntax for the namespace $namespacePath. Error: {$e->getMessage()}", LogUtility::LVL_MSG_ERROR, PageExplorerTag::CANONICAL); return false; } if ($subNamespacePage->isHidden()) { continue; } if ($subNamespacePage->exists()) { /** * SubNamespace Enter tag */ $returnedXhtml .= $namespaceEnterTag; /** * SubNamespace Content */ if ($namespaceInstructions !== null) { try { $returnedXhtml .= MarkupRenderUtility::renderInstructionsToXhtml($namespaceInstructions, $subNamespacePage->getMetadataForRendering()); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { $returnedXhtml .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the sub-namespace. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } else { try { $returnedXhtml .= LinkMarkup::createFromPageIdOrPath($subNamespacePage->getWikiId()) ->toAttributes() ->toHtmlEnterTag("a"); $returnedXhtml .= Icon::createFromComboResource(PageExplorerTag::FOLDER_ICON) ->toHtml(); $returnedXhtml .= " {$subNamespacePage->getNameOrDefault()}"; } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { $returnedXhtml .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the default namespace. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } /** * SubNamespace Exit tag */ $returnedXhtml .= ""; } } } $childrenLeaf = FileSystems::getChildrenLeaf($namespacePath); foreach ($childrenLeaf as $childPagePath) { $childPage = MarkupPath::createPageFromPathObject($childPagePath); if ($childPage->isHidden()) { continue; } if (!($pageInstructions === null && $pageAttributes !== null)) { $pageNum++; if ($currentIndexPage !== null && $childPagePath->getWikiId() !== $currentIndexPage->getWikiId() && FileSystems::exists($childPagePath) ) { /** * Page Enter tag */ $returnedXhtml .= $pageEnterTag; /** * Page Content */ if ($pageInstructions !== null) { try { $returnedXhtml .= MarkupRenderUtility::renderInstructionsToXhtmlFromPage($pageInstructions, $childPage); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { $returnedXhtml .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the page. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } else { try { $returnedXhtml .= LinkMarkup::createFromPageIdOrPath($childPagePath->getWikiId()) ->toAttributes() ->toHtmlEnterTag("a"); $returnedXhtml .= "{$childPage->getNameOrDefault()}"; } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { $returnedXhtml .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the default page. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } /** * Page Exit tag */ $returnedXhtml .= ""; } } } /** * End container tag */ $returnedXhtml .= ""; return $returnedXhtml; case PageExplorerTag::TYPE_TREE: /** * Printing the tree * * data-wiki-id, needed for the * javascript that open the tree * to the actual page */ $namespaceId = $namespacePath->getWikiId(); if (!blank($namespaceId)) { $pageExplorerTagAttributes->addOutputAttributeValue("data-" . TagAttributes::WIKI_ID, $namespaceId); } else { $pageExplorerTagAttributes->addBooleanOutputAttributeValue("data-" . TagAttributes::WIKI_ID); } $snippetId = PageExplorerTag::CANONICAL . "-" . $pageExplorerType; /** * Open the tree until the current page * and make it active */ PluginUtility::getSnippetManager()->attachJavascriptFromComponentId($snippetId); /** * Styling */ PluginUtility::getSnippetManager()->attachCssInternalStyleSheet($snippetId); $returnedXhtml .= $pageExplorerTagAttributes->toHtmlEnterTag("nav") . DOKU_LF; $returnedXhtml .= ""; $returnedXhtml .= ""; return $returnedXhtml; } } /** * Process the * @param string $html - the callstack * @param PathTreeNode $pathTreeNode * @param array $data - the data array from the handler * @throws ExceptionBadSyntax */ public static function treeProcessTree(string &$html, PathTreeNode $pathTreeNode, array $data) { /** * Home Page first * @var MarkupPath $homePage */ $homePage = null; /** * @var TreeNode[] $containerTreeNodes */ $containerTreeNodes = []; /** * @var MarkupPath[] $nonHomePages */ $nonHomePages = []; /** * Scanning the tree node to * categorize the children as home, page or namespace (container) * @var PathTreeNode[] $children */ $children = $pathTreeNode->getChildren(); foreach ($children as $child) { /** * Namespace */ if ($child->hasChildren()) { $containerTreeNodes[] = $child; } else { /** * Page */ $page = MarkupPath::createPageFromPathObject($child->getPath()); if ($page->isIndexPage()) { $homePage = $page; } else { $nonHomePages[] = $page; } } } /** * First the home page */ if ($homePage !== null) { PageExplorerTag::treeProcessLeaf($html, $homePage, $data, PageExplorerTag::HOME_TYPE); } /** * The subdirectories */ $namespaceInstructions = $data[PageExplorerTag::NAMESPACE_INSTRUCTIONS]; foreach ($containerTreeNodes as $containerTreeNode) { /** * @var WikiPath $containerPath */ $containerPath = $containerTreeNode->getPath(); /** * Entering: Creating in instructions form * the same as in markup form * *
  • * *
    * ... */ $html .= "
  • "; /** * Keep the id unique on the page in order to be able to collapse * the good HTML node */ $namespaceId = ExecutionContext::getActualOrCreateFromEnv()->getIdManager()->generateNewHtmlIdForComponent("page-explorer-{$containerPath->getWikiId()}"); $id = StyleAttribute::addComboStrapSuffix($namespaceId); $html .= TagAttributes::createEmpty() ->addOutputAttributeValue("data-bs-target", "#$id") ->addOutputAttributeValue("data-" . TagAttributes::WIKI_ID, $containerPath->getWikiId()) ->addOutputAttributeValue("data-bs-toggle", "collapse") ->addOutputAttributeValue("aria-expanded", "false") ->addClassName("btn") ->addClassName("align-items-center") ->addClassName("rounded") ->toHtmlEnterTag("button"); // Button label $subHomePage = MarkupPath::getIndexPageFromNamespace($containerPath->toAbsoluteId()); if ($subHomePage->exists()) { if ($namespaceInstructions !== null) { try { $html .= MarkupRenderUtility::renderInstructionsToXhtml($namespaceInstructions, $subHomePage->getMetadataForRendering()); } catch (ExceptionCompile $e) { $html .= LogUtility::wrapInRedForHtml("Error while rendering the child directory. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } else { $html .= $subHomePage->getNameOrDefault(); } } else { $namespaceName = PageExplorerTag::toNamespaceName($containerPath); $html .= $namespaceName; } // End button $html .= ""; /** * Sub and Recursion */ $html .= TagAttributes::createEmpty() ->addClassName("collapse") ->addOutputAttributeValue(TagAttributes::ID_KEY, "$id") ->toHtmlEnterTag("div"); $html .= ""; $html .= ""; /** * Closing: Creating in instructions form * the same as in markup form * * * */ $html .= "
  • "; } /** * Then the other pages */ foreach ($nonHomePages as $page) { PageExplorerTag::treeProcessLeaf($html, $page, $data, PageExplorerTag::PAGE_TYPE); } } }