Lines Matching refs:text

41                     var _text = rows[i][col].text;
46 text: _text
66 text: " ::: "
113 results += rows[i][col].text;
475 text: ""
1242 this.current_cell.text = results.substring(this.cell_start);
1243 this.current_cell.text = this.current_cell.text.replace(/:::/gm, "");
1244 this.current_cell.text = this.current_cell.text.replace(/^[\s\|\^]+/, "");
1414 chars: function(text) {
1415 text = text.replace(/\t/g, " ");
1417 text = text.replace(/(\n?|\s+)\\/gm, "$1CBL__Bksl");
1419 if (text.match(/~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~/)) {
1420 text = text.replace(/~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~\n*/, "~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~\n<code>\n");
1422 if (text.match(/~~CLOSE_HTML_BLOCK~~/)) {
1423text = text.replace(/~~CLOSE_HTML_BLOCK~~\n*/gm, "\n</code>\n\n~~CLOSE_HTML_BLOCK~~\n\n");
1428 // text = text.replace(String.frasl,"\/");
1433 results += text;
1435 results = results.replace(/>\w+\s*\|$/, '>' + text);
1440 text = text.replace('&lt; ', '&lt;');
1442 text = text.replace(/&#39;/g, "'"); //replace single quote entities with single quotes
1443 text = text.replace(/^(&gt;)+/, function(match, quotes) {
1446text = text.replace(/&not;ags/g, '&notags'); //replace &not entity in include notags param
1449 if (text.match(/^&\w+;/)) {
1454 if (text) {
1455 replacement = '|' + text + '}} ';
1462 text = text.replace(/\x20{6,}/, " ");
1463 text = text.replace(/^(&nbsp;)+\s*$/, '_FCKG_BLANK_TD_');
1464 text = text.replace(/(&nbsp;)+/, ' ');
1468 … if (!this.list_started || this.in_table) text = text.replace(/^\s+/, '@@_SP_@@');
1470 text = text.replace(/^\s{2,}/, " ");
1471 } else if (!this.using_fonts) text = text.replace(/^\s+/, '');
1473 if (text.match(/nowiki&gt;/)) {
1478 text = text.replace(/^[\n\s]+$/g, '');
1479 if (text.match(/\n{2,}\s{1,}/)) {
1480 text = text.replace(/\n{2,}/, "\n");
1484 if (this.in_td && !text) {
1485 // text = "_FCKG_BLANK_TD_";
1489 text = text.replace(/&lt;\s/g, '<');
1490 text = text.replace(/\s&gt;/g, '>');
1491 var geshi = text.match(/^\s*geshi:\s+(.*)$/m);
1494 text = text.replace(geshi[0], "");
1501 if (text.match(/fckgL\d+/)) {
1504 if (text.match(/^[\-,:;!_]/)) {
1505 results += text;
1507 results += ' ' + text;
1515 this.downloadable_file = text;
1520 if (this.last_tag == 'a' && text.match(/^[\.,;\:\!]/)) {
1525 text = text.replace(/---/g, '&mdash;');
1526 text = text.replace(/--/g, '&ndash;');
1533 if (!results.match(/\[\[\\\\.*?\|$/) && !text.match(/\w:(\\(\w?))+/)) {
1534 if (!text.match(/\\\\[\w\.\-\_]+\\[\w\.\-\_]+/)) {
1535 text = text.replace(/([\\])/g, '%%$1%%');
1537 text = text.replace(/([\*])/g, '_CKG_ASTERISK_');
1543 if (text.match(/\w/) && !text.match(/^\s*\d\)\s*$/)) {
1544 text = text.replace(/\)\s*$/, "_FN_PAREN_C_");
1548 text = '{{' + this.bottom_url + '|' + text + '}}';
1549 } else text = '[[' + this.bottom_url + '|' + text + ']]';
1552 text = text.replace('(', 'L_PARgr');
1553 text = text.replace(')', 'R_PARgr');
1554 HTMLParserBottomNotes[HTMLParserTopNotes[index]] += ' ' + text;
1556 text = text.replace('(', 'L_PARgr');
1557 text = text.replace(')', 'R_PARgr');
1558 HTMLParserBottomNotes[HTMLParserTopNotes[index]] = text;
1566 if (text && text.length) {
1567 results += text;
1577 …var regex = new RegExp('([\*\/\_]{2,})_FORMAT_SPACE_([\*\/\_]{2,})(' + RegExp.escape(text) + ')$');
1585 if (text.match(/&lt;/)) {
1591 comment: function(text) {
1592 // results += "<!--" + text + "-->";
1595 dbg: function(text, heading) {
1596 if (text.replace) {
1597 text = text.replace(/^\s+/g, "");
1598 text = text.replace(/^\n$/g, "");
1599 text = text.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
1600 if (!text) return;
1605 HTMLParser_DEBUG += heading + text + "\n__________\n";
1712 function(match, list_type, format, text, list_type_close, rest) {
1713 return (list_type + format + text + list_type_close + rest + "\n");
1757 … // fix for colspans which have had text formatting which cause extra empty cells to be created
1850 for (var i in HTMLParserBottomNotes) { // re-insert DW's bottom notes at text level