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this.in_font = true; this.using_fonts = true; matches = attrs[i].value.match(/font-family:\s*([\w\-\s,]+);?/); if (matches) { this.font_family = matches[1]; } //matches = attrs[i].value.match(/font-size:\s*(\d+(\w+|%));?/); matches = attrs[i].value.match(/font-size:\s*(.*)/); if (matches) { matches[1] = matches[1].replace(/;/, ""); this.font_size = matches[1]; } matches = attrs[i].value.match(/font-weight:\s*(\w+);?/); if (matches) { this.font_weight = matches[1]; } matches = attrs[i].value.match(/.*?color:\s*(.*)/); var bgcolor_found = false; if (matches) { matches[1] = matches[1].replace(/;/, ""); if (matches[0].match(/background/)) { this.font_bgcolor = matches[1]; } else { this.font_color = matches[1]; } } if (!bgcolor_found) { //catch MS Word which uses background:color-name instead of background-color:color-name matches = attrs[i].value.match(/background:\s*(\w+)/); if (matches && matches[0].match(/background/)) { this.font_bgcolor = matches[1]; } } } } if (tag == 'td' || tag == 'th') { if (tag == 'td') { results = results.replace(/\^$/, '|'); 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this.attr = elems[1]; } else { // nice urls matches[1] = matches[1].replace(/^\//, ""); this.attr = matches[1]; } if (typeof config_animal !== 'undefined') { var regex = new RegExp(config_animal + '\/file\/(.*)'); matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(regex); if (matches && matches[1]) this.attr = matches[1]; if (this.attr) this.attr = this.attr.replace(/\//g, ':'); } local_image = false; this.attr = decodeURIComponent ? decodeURIComponent(this.attr) : unescape(this.attr); if (!this.attr.match(/^:/)) { this.attr = ':' + this.attr; } this.external_mime = true; } else { local_image = false; matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/doku.php\?id=(.*)/); if (matches && save_url) { var rx = DOKU_BASE + 'doku.php'; if (!attrs[i].escaped.match(rx)) { this.link_class == 'urlextern'; this.attr = save_url; matches = null; } } if (!matches) { matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/doku.php\/(.*)/); } /* previously saved internal link with query string requires initial ? to be recognized by DW. In Anteater and later */ if (matches) { if (!matches[1].match(/\?/) && matches[1].match(/&/)) { qs_set = true; matches[1] = matches[1].replace(/&/, '?') } } if (matches && matches[1]) { if (!matches[1].match(/^:/)) { this.attr = ':' + matches[1]; } else { this.attr = matches[1]; } if (this.attr.match(/\.\w+$/)) { // external mime's first access if (type && type == 'other_mime') { this.external_mime = true; } else { for (var n = i + 1; n < attrs.length; n++) { if (attrs[n].value.match(/other_mime/)) this.external_mime = true; break; } } } } else { matches = attrs[i].value.match(/\\\\/); // Windows share if (matches) { this.attr = attrs[i].escaped; local_image = false; } } } if (this.link_class == 'media') { if (attrs[i].value.match(/http:/)) { local_image = false; } } if (!this.attr && this.link_title) { if (matches = this.link_class.match(/media(.*)/)) { this.link_title = decodeURIComponent(safe_convert(this.link_title)); this.attr = this.link_title; var m = matches[1].split(/_/); if (m && m[1]) { media_type = m[1]; 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this.link_title = false; } /* These two conditions catch user_rewrite not caught above */ if (this.link_class.match(/wikilink/) && this.link_title) { this.external_mime = false; if (!this.attr) { this.attr = this.link_title; } if (!this.attr.match(/^:/)) { this.attr = ':' + this.attr; } if (this.attr.match(/\?.*?=/)) { var elems = this.attr.split(/\?/); elems[0] = elems[0].replace(/\//g, ':'); this.attr = elems[0] + '?' + elems[1]; } else { this.attr = this.attr.replace(/\//g, ':'); } /* catch query strings attached to internal links for .htacess nice urls */ if (!qs_set && attrs[i].name == 'href') { if (!this.attr.match(/\?.*?=/) && !attrs[i].value.match(/doku.php/)) { var qs = attrs[i].value.match(/(\?.*)$/); if (qs && qs[1]) this.attr += qs[1]; } } } else if (this.link_class.match(/mediafile/) && this.link_title && !this.attr) { this.attr = this.link_title; this.external_mime = true; if (!this.attr.match(/^:/)) { this.attr = ':' + this.attr; } } else if (this.link_class.match(/interwiki/)) { interwiki_class = this.link_class; } if (this.link_class == 'urlextern' && !this.mfile && save_url) { this.attr = save_url; this.external_mime = false; // prevents external links to images from being converted to image links } if (this.in_endnotes) { if (this.link_title) { this.bottom_url = this.link_title; //save for bottom urls } else if (this.attr) { this.bottom_url = this.attr; } } this.link_title = ""; this.link_class = ""; // break; } } if (interwiki_class && interwiki_title) { this.is_iwiki(interwiki_class, interwiki_title); interwiki_class = ""; interwiki_title = ""; } if (tag == 'sup') { if (attrs[i].name == 'class') { matches = attrs[i].value.split(/\s+/); if (matches[0] == 'dwfcknote') { this.attr = matches[0]; tag = 'blank'; if (oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.oinsertHtmlCodeObj.notes[matches[1]]) { dwfck_note = '((' + oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.oinsertHtmlCodeObj.notes[matches[1]] + '))'; } break; } } } if (tag == 'pre') { if (attrs[i].name == 'class') { var elems = attrs[i].escaped.split(/\s+/); if (elems.length > 1) { this.attr = attrs[i].value; this.code_type = elems[0]; } else { this.attr = attrs[i].escaped; this.code_type = this.attr; } if (this.downloadable_code) { this.attr = this.attr.replace(/\s*code\s*/, ""); this.code_type = 'file'; } HTMLParser_PRE = true; if (this.in_table) tag = 'pre_td'; break; } } else if (tag == 'img') { if (attrs[i].name == 'alt') { alt = attrs[i].value; } if (attrs[i].name == 'type') { this.image_link_type = attrs[i].value; } if (attrs[i].name == 'src') { // alert(attrs[i].name + ' = ' + attrs[i].value + ', fnencode=' + oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.dwiki_fnencode); var src = ""; // fetched by fetch.php if (matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/fetch\.php.*?(media=.*)/)) { var elems = matches[1].split('='); src = elems[1]; if (matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/(media.*)/)) { var elems = matches[1].split('='); var uri = elems[1]; src = decodeURIComponent ? decodeURIComponent(uri) : unescape(uri); } if (!src.match(/https?:/) && !src.match(/^:/)) src = ':' + src; } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/https?:\/\//)) { src = attrs[i].escaped; src = src.replace(/\?.*?$/, ""); } // url rewrite 1 else if (matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/\/_media\/(.*)/)) { var elems = matches[1].split(/\?/); src = elems[0]; src = src.replace(/\//g, ':'); if (!src.match(/^:/)) src = ':' + src; } // url rewrite 2 else if (matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/\/lib\/exe\/fetch.php\/(.*)/)) { var elems = matches[1].split(/\?/); src = elems[0]; if (!src.match(/^:/)) src = ':' + src; } else { // first insertion from media mananger matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/^.*?\/userfiles\/image\/(.*)/); if (!matches && typeof config_animal !== 'undefined') { var regex = new RegExp(config_animal + '\/image\/(.*)$'); matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(regex); } if (!matches) { // windows style var regex = doku_base + 'data/media/'; regex = regex.replace(/([\/\\])/g, "\\$1"); regex = '^.*?' + regex + '(.*)'; regex = new RegExp(regex); matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(regex); } if (matches && matches[1]) { src = matches[1].replace(/\//g, ':'); src = ':' + src; } else { src = decodeURIComponent ? decodeURIComponent(attrs[i].escaped) : unescape(attrs[i].escaped); if (*?;base64/) > -1) { from_clipboard = true; } } } if (src && src.match(/lib\/images\/smileys/)) { // src = 'http://' + + src; this.is_smiley = true; } this.attr = src; if (this.attr && this.attr.match && this.attr.match(/%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/)) { this.attr = decodeURIComponent(safe_convert(this.attr)); this.attr = decodeURIComponent(safe_convert(this.attr)); } } // src end else if (attrs[i].name == 'width' && !style) { width = attrs[i].value; } else if (attrs[i].name == 'height' && !style) { height = attrs[i].value; } else if (attrs[i].name == 'style') { var match = attrs[i].escaped.match(/width:\s*(\d+)/); if (match) { width = match[1]; var match = attrs[i].escaped.match(/height:\s*(\d+)/); if (match) height = match[1]; } } else if (attrs[i].name == 'align' || attrs[i].name == 'class') { if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/(center|middle)/)) { img_align = 'center'; } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/right/)) { img_align = 'right'; } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/left/)) { img_align = 'left'; } else { img_align = ''; } } } // End img } // End Attributes Loop if (this.is_smiley) { if (alt) { results += alt + ' '; alt = ""; } this.is_smiley = false; return; } if (this.link_only) tag = 'img'; if (tag == 'br') { if (this.in_multi_plugin) { results += "\n"; return; } if (!this.code_type) { HTMLParser_LBR = true; } else if (this.code_type) { results += "\n"; return; } if (this.in_table) { results += HTMLParserParaInsert; return; } if (this.list_started) { results += '_LIST_EOFL_'; /* enables newlines in lists: abc \\def */ } else { results += '\\\\ '; return; } } else if (tag.match(/^h(\d+|r)/)) { var str_len = results.length; if (tag.match(/h(\d+)/)) { this.in_header = true; } if (str_len) { if (results.charCodeAt(str_len - 1) == 32) { results = results.replace(/\x20+$/, ""); } } } else if (this.last_col_pipes) { if (format_chars[tag]) results += markup[tag]; tag = 'blank'; } else if (dwfck_note) { results += dwfck_note; return; } if (tag == 'b' || tag == 'i' && this.list_level) { if (results.match(/(\/\/|\*)(\x20)+/)) { results = results.replace(/(\/\/|\*)(\x20+)\-/, "$1\n" + "$2-"); } } if(this.in_table && tag == 'li') { // alert(tag); } if (tag == 'li' && this.list_level) { if (this.list_level == 1 & !this.list_started) { results += "\n"; this.list_started = true; } results = results.replace(/[\x20]+$/, ""); for (var s = 0; s < this.list_level; s++) { // this handles format characters at the ends of list lines if (results.match(/_FORMAT_SPACE_\s*$/)) { results = results.replace(/_FORMAT_SPACE_\s*$/, "\n"); } if (this.list_level > 1) { results += ' '; } } if (this.prev_list_level > 0 && markup['li'] == markup['ol']) { this.prev_list_level = -1; } } if (tag == 'a' && this.list_level) { HTMLLinkInList = true; } if (tag == 'a' && local_image) { this.xcl_markup = true; return; } else if (tag == 'a' && (this.export_code || this.code_snippet)) { return; } else if (tag == 'a' && this.footnote) { tag = 'fn_start'; } else if (tag == 'a' && bottom_note) { HTMLParserTopNotes.push(; } else if (tag == 'a' && this.external_mime) { if (this.in_endnotes) { this.link_class = 'media'; return; } if (media_class && media_class == 'mediafile') { results += markup['img']; results += this.attr + '|'; this.is_mediafile = true; } return; } else if (this.in_font) { if (tag == 'a') { results = results.replace(/__STYLE__/, '[[' + this.attr + '|'); this.in_font = false; } return; /* */ } if (this.in_endnotes && tag == 'a') return; if (this.code_type && tag == 'span') tag = 'blank'; if (this.mfile && !this.attr) { this.attr = this.mfile; } results += markup[tag]; // Set tag if (tag == 'td' || tag == 'th' || (this.last_col_pipes && this.td_align == 'center')) { if (this.is_rowspan) { results += markup['row_span'] + ' | '; this.is_rowspan = false; } if (this.td_align == 'center' || this.td_align == 'right') { results += ' '; } } else if (tag == 'a' && this.attr) { this.attr = this.attr.replace(/%7c/, '%257c'); results += this.attr + '|'; } else if (tag == 'img') { var link_type = this.image_link_type; this.image_link_type = ""; if (this.link_only) link_type = 'link_only'; if (!link_type || from_clipboard) { link_type = 'nolink'; } else if (link_type == 'detail') { link_type = ""; } if (link_type == 'link_only') { img_size = '?linkonly'; } else if (link_type) { img_size += link_type + '&'; } if (width && height) { img_size += width + 'x' + height; } else if (width) { img_size += width; } else if (!link_type) { img_size = ""; } if (img_align && img_align != 'left') { results += ' '; } this.attr += img_size; if (img_align == 'center' || img_align == 'left') { this.attr += ' '; } if (alt) { results += this.attr + '|' + alt + '}}'; } else results += this.attr + '}}'; this.attr = 'src'; } else if (tag == 'pre' || tag == 'pre_td') { if (this.downloadable_file) this.attr += ' ' + this.downloadable_file; if (!this.attr) this.attr = 'code'; results += this.attr + '>'; this.downloadable_file = ""; this.downloadable_code = false; } } // if markup tag }, end: function(tag) { if (format_chars[tag] && (this.in_font || this.in_header)) { results += " "; if (tag == 'sup' || tag == 'sub' || tag == 'del' || tag == 'strike' || tag == 's') { var t = 'temp_c' + tag; } else var t = 'temp_' + tag; results += markup[t]; results += " "; return; } if (this.in_endnotes && tag == 'a') return; if (this.in_link && format_chars[current_tag] && this.link_formats.length) { return; } else if (tag == 'a' && !this.link_formats.length) this.in_link = false; if (this.link_only) { this.link_only = false; return; } if (!markup[tag]) return; if (tag == 'sup' && this.attr == 'dwfcknote') { return; } if (this.is_smiley) { this.is_smiley = false; if (tag != 'li') return; } if (tag == 'span' && this.in_font && !ckgedit_xcl_styles) { tag = 'font'; // var font_str = '"; var inherits = font_str.match(/(inherit)/g); if (inherits && inherits.length < 3) HTMLParserFontInfix = true; var font_start = results.lastIndexOf('__STYLE__'); results = results.splice(font_start, 9, font_str); results = results.replace(/_FORMAT_SPACE_, delete link markup if (this.backup('\[\[', '\{')) return; } if (this.end_nested) { this.end_nested = false; return; // prevent newline from being inserted between end of nested list and return to previous nested level } if ((tag == 'ol' || tag == 'ul') && !this.in_table) { this.list_level--; if (!this.list_level) this.format_in_list = false; if (this.prev_li.length) { markup['li'] = this.prev_li.pop(); this.end_nested = true; return; } tag = "\n\n"; } else if (tag == 'a' && this.external_mime) { this.external_mime = false; if (this.is_mediafile) { tag = '}} '; } else return; } else if (tag == 'pre') { tag = markup_end[tag]; if (this.code_type) { tag += this.code_type + ">"; } else { var codeinx = results.lastIndexOf('code'); var fileinx = results.lastIndexOf('file'); if (fileinx > codeinx) { this.code_type = 'file'; } else this.code_type = 'code'; tag += this.code_type + ">"; } this.code_type = false; } else if (markup_end[tag]) { tag = markup_end[tag]; } else if (this.attr == 'u' && tag == 'em') { tag = 'u'; } else if (tag == 'acronym') {} else { tag = markup[tag]; } if (current_tag == 'tr') { if (this.last_col_pipes) { tag = "\n"; this.last_col_pipes = ""; } if (this.td_rowspan && this.rowspan_col == this.td_no + 1) { this.is_rowspan = false; this.last_column = this.td_no; this.td_rowspan--; tag = '|' + markup['row_span'] + "|\n"; } } else if (current_tag == 'td' || current_tag == 'th') { this.last_col_pipes = ""; this.in_td = false; } else if (current_tag.match(/h\d+/)) { this.in_header = false; } if (markup['li']) { if (results.match(/\n$/) && !this.list_level) { tag = ""; } } if (this.in_endnotes && current_tag == 'sup') { return } results += tag; if (format_chars[current_tag]) { if (this.list_level) { this.format_in_list = true; HTMLFormatInList = true; } results += markup['format_space']; HTMLParser_FORMAT_SPACE = markup['format_space']; } this.last_tag = current_tag; if (this.td_colspan && !useComplexTables) { if (this.td_align == 'center') results += ' '; var _colspan = "|"; if (current_tag == 'th') _colspan = '^'; var colspan = _colspan; for (var i = 1; i < this.td_colspan; i++) { colspan += _colspan; } this.last_col_pipes = colspan; results += colspan; this.td_colspan = false; } else if (this.td_align == 'center') { results += ' '; this.td_align = ''; } if (current_tag == 'a' && this.link_formats.length) { var end_str = results.substring(this.link_pos); var start_str = results.substring(0, this.link_pos); var start_format = ""; var end_format = ""; for (var i = 0; i < this.link_formats.length; i++) { var fmt = markup[this.link_formats[i]]; var endfmt = markup_end[this.link_formats[i]] ? markup_end[this.link_formats[i]] : fmt; start_format += markup[this.link_formats[i]]; end_format = endfmt + end_format; } start_str += start_format; end_str += end_format; results = start_str + end_str; this.link_formats = new Array(); this.in_link = false; } else if (current_tag == 'a') { this.link_formats = new Array(); this.in_link = false; } }, chars: function(text) { text = text.replace(/\t/g, " "); if (this.code_type == 'code') { text = text.replace(/(\n?|\s+)\\/gm, "$1CBL__Bksl"); } if (text.match(/~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~/)) { text = text.replace(/~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~\n*/, "~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~\n\n"); } if (text.match(/~~CLOSE_HTML_BLOCK~~/)) { text = text.replace(/~~CLOSE_HTML_BLOCK~~\n*/gm, "\n\n\n~~CLOSE_HTML_BLOCK~~\n\n"); } /*interwiki frasl refactoring*/ if (this.interwiki) { // text = text.replace(String.frasl,"\/"); } if (this.interwiki && results.match(/>\w+\s*\|$/)) { this.interwiki = false; if (this.attr) { results += text; } else { results = results.replace(/>\w+\s*\|$/, '>' + text); } return; } if (this.in_multi_plugin) { text = text.replace('< ', '<'); } text = text.replace(/'/g, "'"); //replace single quote entities with single quotes text = text.replace(/^(>)+/, function(match, quotes) { return (match.replace(/(>)/g, "\__QUOTE__")); }); text = text.replace(/¬ags/g, '¬ags'); //replace ¬ entity in include notags param //adjust spacing on multi-formatted strings results = results.replace(/([\/\*_])_FORMAT_SPACE_([\/\*_]{2})_FORMAT_SPACE_$/, "$1$2@@_SP_@@"); if (text.match(/^&\w+;/)) { results = results.replace(/_FORMAT_SPACE_\s*$/, ""); // remove unwanted space after character entity } if (this.link_only) { if (text) { replacement = '|' + text + '}} '; results = results.replace(/\}\}\s*$/, replacement); } return; } if (!this.code_type) { if (!this.last_col_pipes) { text = text.replace(/\x20{6,}/, " "); text = text.replace(/^( )+\s*$/, '_FCKG_BLANK_TD_'); text = text.replace(/( )+/, ' '); } if (this.format_tag) { if (!this.list_started || this.in_table) text = text.replace(/^\s+/, '@@_SP_@@'); } else if (this.last_tag == 'a') { text = text.replace(/^\s{2,}/, " "); } else if (!this.using_fonts) text = text.replace(/^\s+/, ''); if (text.match(/nowiki>/)) { HTMLParser_NOWIKI = true; } if (this.format_in_list || (HTMLParserFont && this.list_started)) { text = text.replace(/^[\n\s]+$/g, ''); if (text.match(/\n{2,}\s{1,}/)) { text = text.replace(/\n{2,}/, "\n"); } } if (this.in_td && !text) { // text = "_FCKG_BLANK_TD_"; this.in_td = false; } } else { text = text.replace(/<\s/g, '<'); text = text.replace(/\s>/g, '>'); var geshi = text.match(/^\s*geshi:\s+(.*)$/m); if (geshi) { results = results.replace(/<(code|file)>\s*$/, '<' + "$1" + ' ' + geshi[1] + '>'); text = text.replace(geshi[0], ""); } } if (this.attr && this.attr == 'dwfcknote') { if (text.match(/fckgL\d+/)) { return; } if (text.match(/^[\-,:;!_]/)) { results += text; } else { results += ' ' + text; } return; } if (this.downloadable_code && (this.export_code || this.code_snippet)) { this.downloadable_file = text; return; } /* remove space between link end markup and following punctuation */ if (this.last_tag == 'a' && text.match(/^[\.,;\:\!]/)) { results = results.replace(/\s$/, ""); } if (this.in_header) { text = text.replace(/---/g, '—'); text = text.replace(/--/g, '–'); } if (this.list_started) { results = results.replace(/_LIST_EOFL_\s*L_BR_K\s*$/, '_LIST_EOFL_'); } if (!this.code_type) { // keep special character literals outside of code block // don't touch samba share or Windows path backslashes if (!results.match(/\[\[\\\\.*?\|$/) && !text.match(/\w:(\\(\w?))+/)) { if (!text.match(/\\\\[\w\.\-\_]+\\[\w\.\-\_]+/)) { text = text.replace(/([\\])/g, '%%$1%%'); } text = text.replace(/([\*])/g, '_CKG_ASTERISK_'); } } if (this.in_endnotes && HTMLParserTopNotes.length) { if (text.match(/\w/) && !text.match(/^\s*\d\)\s*$/)) { text = text.replace(/\)\s*$/, "_FN_PAREN_C_"); var index = HTMLParserTopNotes.length - 1; if (this.bottom_url) { if (this.link_class && this.link_class == 'media') { text = '{{' + this.bottom_url + '|' + text + '}}'; } else text = '[[' + this.bottom_url + '|' + text + ']]'; } if (HTMLParserBottomNotes[HTMLParserTopNotes[index]]) { text = text.replace('(', 'L_PARgr'); text = text.replace(')', 'R_PARgr'); HTMLParserBottomNotes[HTMLParserTopNotes[index]] += ' ' + text; } else { text = text.replace('(', 'L_PARgr'); text = text.replace(')', 'R_PARgr'); HTMLParserBottomNotes[HTMLParserTopNotes[index]] = text; } } this.bottom_url = false; return; } if (text && text.length) { results += text; } // remove space between formatted character entity and following character string results = results.replace(/(&\w+;)\s*([\*\/_]{2})_FORMAT_SPACE_(\w+)/, "$1$2$3"); if (this.list_level && this.list_level > 1) { results = results.replace(/(\[\[.*?\]\])([ ]+[\*\-].*)$/, " $1\n$2"); } try { // in case regex throws error on dynamic regex creation var regex = new RegExp('([\*\/\_]{2,})_FORMAT_SPACE_([\*\/\_]{2,})(' + RegExp.escape(text) + ')$'); if (results.match(regex)) { // remove left-over space inside multiple format sequences results = results.replace(regex, "$1$2$3"); } } catch (ex) {} if (!HTMLParserOpenAngleBracket) { if (text.match(/</)) { HTMLParserOpenAngleBracket = true; } } }, comment: function(text) { // results += ""; }, dbg: function(text, heading) { if (text.replace) { text = text.replace(/^\s+/g, ""); text = text.replace(/^\n$/g, ""); text = text.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">"); if (!text) return; } if (heading) { heading = '' + heading + "\n"; } HTMLParser_DEBUG += heading + text + "\n__________\n"; } }); /* we allow escaping of troublesome characters in plugins by enclosing them withinback slashes, as in \*\ the escapes are removed here together with any DW percent escapes */ results = results.replace(/(\[\[\\\\)(.*?)\]\]/gm, function(match, brackets, block) { block = block.replace(/\\/g, "_SMB_"); return brackets + block + ']]'; }); results = results.replace(/%%\\%%/g, '_ESC_BKSLASH_'); results = results.replace(/%*\\%*([^\w\\]{1})%*\\%*/g, "$1"); results = results.replace(/_SMB_/g, "\\"); results = results.replace(/(\s*={2,}).*?CKGE_TMP_(\w+)(.*?).*?CKGE_TMP_c?\2.*?\1/gm, function(m, tag) { //remove formats from headers m = m.replace(/CKGE_TMP_\w+/gm, ""); var v = jQuery("#formatdel").val(); if (!v) { jQuery('#dw__editform').append(''); } return m; }); results = results.replace(/\s?(CKGE_TMP_\w+)\s?/gm, function(m, tag) { if ($FORMAT_SUBST[tag]) return $FORMAT_SUBST[tag]; return m; }); results = results.replace(/(\s*={2,})(.*?)(\[\[|\{\{)(.*?)(\]\]|\}\})(.*?)\1/gm, function(m, h_markup, whatever, bracket_1, inner, bracket_2, end_str) { end_str = end_str.replace(/\[\[(.*?)\|(.*?)\]\]/g, "$2"); end_str = end_str.replace(/\{\{(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/g, "$2"); m = h_markup + " " + whatever + " " + inner.replace(/.*?\|(.*?)/, "$1") + " " + end_str + " " + h_markup; var v = jQuery("#formatdel").val(); if (!v) { jQuery('#dw__editform').append(''); } return m; }); if (id == 'test') { if (!HTMLParser_test_result(results)) return; } results = results.replace(/\{ \{ rss>Feed:/mg, '{{rss>http://'); results = results.replace(/\{ \{ rss>sFeed:/mg, '{{rss>https://') results = results.replace(/~ ~ (NOCACHE|NOTOC)~ ~/mg, '~~' + "$1" + '~~'); if (HTML_InterWiki) { var ReplaceLinkMatch = function(tag, link) { tag_1 = tag.replace(/oIWIKIo(.*)cIWIKIc/, "$1"); if (tag_1 == link) return true; link = link.replace(/\s/, '%20'); return (link == tag_1); }; results = results.replace(/\[\[(\w+\.?\w{0,12})>(.*?)\|(.*?)\]\]/gm, function(match, id, iw_replace, link_text) { if (iw_replace == 'oIWIKIocIWIKIc') iw_replace = link_text; if ((iw_replace == 'oIWIKIo' + link_text.replace(/\s/, '%20') + 'cIWIKIc') || (iw_replace == link_text) || ReplaceLinkMatch(iw_replace, link_text)) { link_text = ""; } else { link_text = "|" + link_text; } return ('[[' + id + '>' + iw_replace + link_text + ']]'); }); } results = results.replace(/>.*?oIWIKIo(.*?)cIWIKIc/mg, '>' + "$1"); if (HTMLParser_FORMAT_SPACE) { if (HTMLParser_COLSPAN) { results = results.replace(/\s*([\|\^]+)((\W\W_FORMAT_SPACE_)+)/gm, function(match, pipes, format) { format = format.replace(/_FORMAT_SPACE_/g, ""); return (format + pipes); }); } results = results.replace(/"/g, '"'); var regex = new RegExp(HTMLParser_FORMAT_SPACE + '([\\-]{2,})', "g"); results = results.replace(regex, " $1"); results = results.replace(/\]\](\*\*|\/\/|\'\'|__|<\/del>)_FORMAT_SPACE_/, "]]$1@@_SP_@@"); var regex = new RegExp("(&|\\W|\\w|\\d)(\\*\\*|\\/\\/|\\'\\'|__|<\/del>)+" + HTMLParser_FORMAT_SPACE + '(\\w|\\d)', "g"); results = results.replace(regex, "$1$2$3"); var regex = new RegExp(HTMLParser_FORMAT_SPACE + '@@_SP_@@', "g"); results = results.replace(regex, ' '); //spacing around entities with double format characters results = results.replace(/([\*\/_]{2})@@_SP_@@(&\w+;)/g, "$1 $2"); results = results.replace(/\n@@_SP_@@\n/g, ''); results = results.replace(/@@_SP_@@\n/g, ''); results = results.replace(/@@_SP_@@/g, ' '); var regex = new RegExp(HTMLParser_FORMAT_SPACE + '([^\\)\\]\\}\\{\\-\\.,;:\\!\?"\x94\x92\u201D\u2019' + "'" + '])', "g"); results = results.replace(regex, " $1"); regex = new RegExp(HTMLParser_FORMAT_SPACE, "g"); results = results.replace(regex, ''); if (HTMLFormatInList) { /* removes extra newlines from lists */ results = results.replace(/^(\s+[\-\*_]\s*)([\*\/_\']{2})(.*?)(\2)([^\n]*)\n+/gm, function(match, list_type, format, text, list_type_close, rest) { return (list_type + format + text + list_type_close + rest + "\n"); }); } } /* Fixes for links in lists*/ if (HTMLLinkInList) { /*fix for links in lists at ends of lines, which cause loss of line-feeds results = results.replace(/(\]\]|\}\})(\s+)(\*|-)/mg, function(match,link,spaces,type) { spaces = spaces.replace(/\n/,""); return (link + "\n" + spaces+type); }); /*fix for links in lists before ends of lines, which cause extra line-feeds */ results = results.replace(/(\*|-).*?(\[\[|\{\{).*?(\]\]|\}\})([\s\w\/\-\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7F,;\>\<\&]+)\n\n/mg, function(all, type, b, c, tail) { all = all.replace(/[\n]$/, ""); 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var pattern = new RegExp('(\)*[\(]+' + matches[1] + '[\)]+(<\/sup>)*'); HTMLParserBottomNotes[i] = HTMLParserBottomNotes[i].replace(/(\d+)_FN_PAREN_C_/, ""); results = results.replace(pattern, '((' + HTMLParserBottomNotes[i].replace(/_FN_PAREN_C_/g, ") ") + '))'); } results = results.replace(/<\/sup>/g, ""); results = results.replace(/((\(\(\d+\)\)\)?<\/sup>))/mg, function(fn) { if (!fn.match(/p>\(\(\d+/)) { return ""; } return fn; }); } results = results.replace(/(={3,}.*?)(\{\{.*?\}\})(.*?={3,})/g, "$1$3\n\n$2"); // remove any empty footnote markup left after section re-edits results = results.replace(/()*\s*\[\[\s*\]\]\s*(<\/sup>)*\n*/g, ""); // remove piled up sups with ((notes)) results = results.replace(/\s*\(\(\d+\)\)\s*<\/sup>/mg, ""); if (HTMLParser_MULTI_LINE_PLUGIN) { results = results.replace(/<\s+/g, '<'); results = results.replace(/<\s+/g, '<'); } if (HTMLParser_NOWIKI) { /* any characters escaped by DW %%%% are replaced by NOWIKI_ is restored in save.php */ var nowiki_escapes = '%'; 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