Lines Matching refs:if
2 if (ckgedit_dwedit_reject) {
19 if (results.match(regex)) return true;
22 if (results.match(regex)) return true;
25 if (results.match(regex)) return true;
28 if (results.match(regex)) return true;
40 if (rows[i][col].rowspan > 0) {
48 if (!ini) break;
77 if (!num_spans) return false;
88 if (tmp.length) {
97 if (!useComplexTables) return;
99 if (!reorder_span_rows(rows)) break;;
109 if (align == 'center' || align == 'right') {
114 if (align == 'center' || align == 'left') {
118 if (rows[i][col].colspan) {
132 if (id != 'bakup') draft_delete();
341 if (c1_inx == -1 || c2_inx == -1) return;
342 if (c1.length + c2_inx == c2_inx) {
354 if (!interwiki_label.match(/oIWIKIo.*?cIWIKIc/)) {
365 /** if table debugging code:
368 if (markup[tag]) {
369 if (format_chars[tag] && this.in_link) {
373 if (format_chars[tag] && (this.in_font || this.in_header)) {
379 } else if (tag == 'acronym') {
382 if (format_chars[tag] && this.in_endnotes) {
383 if (tag == 'sup') return;
385 if (tag == 'ol' || tag == 'ul') {
386 if(this.in_table) {
394 if (this.list_level == 1) this.list_started = false;
395 if (this.list_started) this.prev_li.push(markup['li']);
399 } else if (!this.list_level) {
406 if (tag == 'img') {
418 if (tag == 'a') {
443 if (tag == 'p') {
445 if (this.in_table) {
452 if (tag == 'table') {
461 } else if (tag == 'tr') {
468 } else if (tag == 'td' || tag == 'th') {
479 … if (this.td_rowspan && this.rowspan_col == this.td_no && this.td_no != this.last_column) {
494 if (format_chars[tag]) this.format_tag = true;
499 // if(!confirm(tag + ' ' + attrs[i].name + '="' + attrs[i].escaped + '"')) exit;
500 if (tag == 'td' || tag == 'th') {
501 if (attrs[i].name == 'colspan') {
504 if (attrs[i].name == 'class') {
505 if ((matches = attrs[i].value.match(/(left|center|right)/))) {
509 if (attrs[i].name == 'rowspan') {
513 if (attrs[i].escaped == 'u' && tag == 'em') {
519 if (tag == 'div') {
520 if (attrs[i].name == 'class' && attrs[i].value == 'footnotes') {
526 if (tag == 'dl' && attrs[i].name == 'class' && attrs[i].value == 'file') {
531 if (tag == 'span' && attrs[i].name == 'class') {
532 if (attrs[i].value == 'np_break') return;
535 if (tag == 'span' && attrs[i].name == 'class') {
536 if (attrs[i].value == 'curid') {
540 if (attrs[i].value == 'multi_p_open') {
545 if (attrs[i].value == 'multi_p_close') {
549 if (attrs[i].value.match(geshi_classes)) {
557 if (tag == 'span' && !ckgedit_xcl_styles) {
558 if (attrs[i].name == 'style') {
559 if (!this.in_font) results += "__STYLE__";
563 if (matches) {
569 if (matches) {
574 if (matches) {
579 if (matches) {
581 if (matches[0].match(/background/)) {
587 …if (!bgcolor_found) { //catch MS Word which uses background:color-name instead of background-color…
589 if (matches && matches[0].match(/background/)) {
597 if (tag == 'td' || tag == 'th') {
598 if (tag == 'td') {
602 if (attrs[i].name == 'align') {
605 } else if (attrs[i].name == 'class') {
607 if (matches) {
610 } else if (attrs[i].name == 'colspan') {
613 } else if (attrs[i].name == 'rowspan') {
621 if (tag == 'a') {
623 … // if(!confirm(attrs[i].name + '="' + attrs[i].escaped + '"')) exit;
624 if (attrs[i].name == 'title') {
626 if (interwiki_class) {
629 } else if (attrs[i].name == 'class') {
630 if (attrs[i].value.match(/fn_top/)) {
632 } else if (attrs[i].value.match(/fn_bot/)) {
634 } else if (attrs[i].value.match(/mf_(png|gif|jpg|jpeg)/i)) {
636 } else if (attrs[i].value.match(/interwiki/)) {
644 } else if (attrs[i].name == 'id') {
646 } else if (attrs[i].name == 'type') {
648 } else if (attrs[i].name == 'href' && !this.code_type) {
650 if (http) save_url = attrs[i].escaped;
651 if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/\/lib\/exe\/detail.php/)) {
653 } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/exe\/fetch.php/)) {
657 … if (this.link_class && this.link_class.match(/media/) && !this.link_title) {
659 if (link_find) this.link_title = link_find[1];
664 if (media_type) media_type = media_type[1];
666 if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/^https*:/)) {
670 if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/^ftp:/)) {
673 } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/do=export_code/)) {
675 } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/^nntp:/)) {
678 } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/^mailto:/)) {
681 } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/m-files/)) {
685 } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/^file:/)) { //samba share
693 … else if (http && !media_type && (matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/fetch\.php(.*)/))) {
694 if (matches[1].match(/media=/)) {
702 if (typeof config_animal !== 'undefined') {
705 if (matches && matches[1]) this.attr = matches[1];
706 if (this.attr) this.attr = this.attr.replace(/\//g, ':');
711 if (!this.attr.match(/^:/)) {
719 if (matches && save_url) {
721 if (!attrs[i].escaped.match(rx)) {
727 if (!matches) {
732 if (matches) {
733 if (!matches[1].match(/\?/) && matches[1].match(/&/)) {
738 if (matches && matches[1]) {
739 if (!matches[1].match(/^:/)) {
745 … if (this.attr.match(/\.\w+$/)) { // external mime's first access
746 if (type && type == 'other_mime') {
750 if (attrs[n].value.match(/other_mime/))
760 if (matches) {
767 if (this.link_class == 'media') {
768 if (attrs[i].value.match(/http:/)) {
773 if (!this.attr && this.link_title) {
775 if (matches = this.link_class.match(/media(.*)/)) {
779 if (m && m[1]) {
781 } else if (m) {
784 if (!this.attr.match(/^:/) && !this.attr.match(/^https?\:/)) {
792 …if (this.attr.match && this.attr.match(/%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/) && (matches = this.attr.match(/userfiles…
794 if (!matches[1].match(/^:/)) {
801 } else if (this.attr && this.attr.match(/%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/)) {
807 … if (this.link_title && this.link_title.match(/Snippet/)) this.code_snippet = true;
810 if (attrs[i].value.match(/^#/) && this.link_class.match(/wikilink/)) {
816 if (this.link_class.match(/wikilink/) && this.link_title) {
818 if (!this.attr) {
821 if (!this.attr.match(/^:/)) {
824 if (this.attr.match(/\?.*?=/)) {
833 if (!qs_set && attrs[i].name == 'href') {
834 … if (!this.attr.match(/\?.*?=/) && !attrs[i].value.match(/doku.php/)) {
836 if (qs && qs[1]) this.attr += qs[1];
840 … } else if (this.link_class.match(/mediafile/) && this.link_title && !this.attr) {
844 if (!this.attr.match(/^:/)) {
847 } else if (this.link_class.match(/interwiki/)) {
851 if (this.link_class == 'urlextern' && !this.mfile && save_url) {
855 if (this.in_endnotes) {
856 if (this.link_title) {
858 } else if (this.attr) {
868 if (interwiki_class && interwiki_title) {
874 if (tag == 'sup') {
875 if (attrs[i].name == 'class') {
877 if (matches[0] == 'dwfcknote') {
880 … if (oDokuWiki_FCKEditorInstance.oinsertHtmlCodeObj.notes[matches[1]]) {
888 if (tag == 'pre') {
889 if (attrs[i].name == 'class') {
892 if (elems.length > 1) {
899 if (this.downloadable_code) {
904 if (this.in_table) tag = 'pre_td';
908 } else if (tag == 'img') {
909 if (attrs[i].name == 'alt') {
912 if (attrs[i].name == 'type') {
916 if (attrs[i].name == 'src') {
921 if (matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/fetch\.php.*?(media=.*)/)) {
924 if (matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/(media.*)/)) {
929 if (!src.match(/https?:/) && !src.match(/^:/)) src = ':' + src;
930 } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/https?:\/\//)) {
935 else if (matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/\/_media\/(.*)/)) {
939 if (!src.match(/^:/)) src = ':' + src;
942 … else if (matches = attrs[i].escaped.match(/\/lib\/exe\/fetch.php\/(.*)/)) {
945 if (!src.match(/^:/)) src = ':' + src;
949 if (!matches && typeof config_animal !== 'undefined') {
953 if (!matches) { // windows style
960 if (matches && matches[1]) {
965 if (*?;base64/) > -1) {
971 if (src && src.match(/lib\/images\/smileys/)) {
976 … if (this.attr && this.attr.match && this.attr.match(/%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/)) {
984 else if (attrs[i].name == 'width' && !style) {
987 } else if (attrs[i].name == 'height' && !style) {
989 } else if (attrs[i].name == 'style') {
991 if (match) {
994 if (match) height = match[1];
996 } else if (attrs[i].name == 'align' || attrs[i].name == 'class') {
997 if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/(center|middle)/)) {
999 } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/right/)) {
1001 } else if (attrs[i].escaped.match(/left/)) {
1010 if (this.is_smiley) {
1011 if (alt) {
1018 if (this.link_only) tag = 'img';
1019 if (tag == 'br') {
1020 if (this.in_multi_plugin) {
1025 if (!this.code_type) {
1027 } else if (this.code_type) {
1032 if (this.in_table) {
1036 if (this.list_started) {
1042 } else if (tag.match(/^h(\d+|r)/)) {
1044 if (tag.match(/h(\d+)/)) {
1047 if (str_len) {
1048 if (results.charCodeAt(str_len - 1) == 32) {
1052 } else if (this.last_col_pipes) {
1053 if (format_chars[tag]) results += markup[tag];
1055 } else if (dwfck_note) {
1060 if (tag == 'b' || tag == 'i' && this.list_level) {
1061 if (results.match(/(\/\/|\*)(\x20)+/)) {
1065 if(this.in_table && tag == 'li') {
1068 if (tag == 'li' && this.list_level) {
1069 if (this.list_level == 1 & !this.list_started) {
1077 if (results.match(/_FORMAT_SPACE_\s*$/)) {
1080 if (this.list_level > 1) {
1085 if (this.prev_list_level > 0 && markup['li'] == markup['ol']) {
1089 if (tag == 'a' && this.list_level) {
1092 if (tag == 'a' && local_image) {
1095 } else if (tag == 'a' && (this.export_code || this.code_snippet)) {
1097 } else if (tag == 'a' && this.footnote) {
1099 } else if (tag == 'a' && bottom_note) {
1101 } else if (tag == 'a' && this.external_mime) {
1102 if (this.in_endnotes) {
1107 if (media_class && media_class == 'mediafile') {
1114 } else if (this.in_font) {
1115 if (tag == 'a') {
1123 if (this.in_endnotes && tag == 'a') return;
1124 if (this.code_type && tag == 'span') tag = 'blank';
1125 if (this.mfile && !this.attr) {
1130 … if (tag == 'td' || tag == 'th' || (this.last_col_pipes && this.td_align == 'center')) {
1131 if (this.is_rowspan) {
1135 if (this.td_align == 'center' || this.td_align == 'right') {
1139 } else if (tag == 'a' && this.attr) {
1142 } else if (tag == 'img') {
1145 if (this.link_only) link_type = 'link_only';
1146 if (!link_type || from_clipboard) {
1148 } else if (link_type == 'detail') {
1152 if (link_type == 'link_only') {
1154 } else if (link_type) {
1157 if (width && height) {
1159 } else if (width) {
1161 } else if (!link_type) {
1164 if (img_align && img_align != 'left') {
1168 if (img_align == 'center' || img_align == 'left') {
1171 if (alt) {
1175 } else if (tag == 'pre' || tag == 'pre_td') {
1176 if (this.downloadable_file) this.attr += ' ' + this.downloadable_file;
1177 if (!this.attr) this.attr = 'code';
1183 } // if markup tag
1188 if (format_chars[tag] && (this.in_font || this.in_header)) {
1190 if (tag == 'sup' || tag == 'sub' || tag == 'del' || tag == 'strike' || tag == 's') {
1197 if (this.in_endnotes && tag == 'a') return;
1198 if (this.in_link && format_chars[current_tag] && this.link_formats.length) {
1200 } else if (tag == 'a' && !this.link_formats.length) this.in_link = false;
1202 if (this.link_only) {
1207 if (!markup[tag]) return;
1209 if (tag == 'sup' && this.attr == 'dwfcknote') {
1212 if (this.is_smiley) {
1214 if (tag != 'li') return;
1216 if (tag == 'span' && this.in_font && !ckgedit_xcl_styles) {
1221 if (inherits && inherits.length < 3) HTMLParserFontInfix = true;
1233 if (tag == 'span' && this.curid) {
1237 if (tag == 'dl' && this.downloadable_code) {
1241 if (useComplexTables && (tag == 'td' || tag == 'th')) {
1246 if (tag == 'a' && (this.export_code || this.code_snippet)) {
1252 if (this.code_type && tag == 'span') tag = 'blank';
1254 if (this.footnote) {
1257 } else if (tag == 'a' && this.xcl_markup) {
1260 } else if (tag == 'table') {
1262 if (useComplexTables) {
1268 if (tag == 'p' && this.in_table) {
1272 if (this.geshi) {
1277 if (tag == 'code' && !this.list_started) { // empty code markup corrupts results
1278 if (results.match(/''\s*$/m)) {
1283 } else if (tag == 'a' && this.attr == 'src') {
1284 // if local image without link content, as in <a . . .></a>, delete link markup
1285 if (this.backup('\[\[', '\{')) return;
1288 if (this.end_nested) {
1293 if ((tag == 'ol' || tag == 'ul') && !this.in_table) {
1295 if (!this.list_level) this.format_in_list = false;
1296 if (this.prev_li.length) {
1302 } else if (tag == 'a' && this.external_mime) {
1304 if (this.is_mediafile) {
1308 } else if (tag == 'pre') {
1310 if (this.code_type) {
1315 if (fileinx > codeinx) {
1322 } else if (markup_end[tag]) {
1324 } else if (this.attr == 'u' && tag == 'em') {
1326 } else if (tag == 'acronym') {} else {
1330 if (current_tag == 'tr') {
1331 if (this.last_col_pipes) {
1336 if (this.td_rowspan && this.rowspan_col == this.td_no + 1) {
1342 } else if (current_tag == 'td' || current_tag == 'th') {
1345 } else if (current_tag.match(/h\d+/)) {
1350 if (markup['li']) {
1351 if (results.match(/\n$/) && !this.list_level) {
1358 if (this.in_endnotes && current_tag == 'sup') {
1363 if (format_chars[current_tag]) {
1364 if (this.list_level) {
1373 if (this.td_colspan && !useComplexTables) {
1374 if (this.td_align == 'center') results += ' ';
1376 if (current_tag == 'th')
1385 } else if (this.td_align == 'center') {
1390 if (current_tag == 'a' && this.link_formats.length) {
1407 } else if (current_tag == 'a') {
1416 if (this.code_type == 'code') {
1419 if (text.match(/~~START_HTML_BLOCK~~/)) {
1422 if (text.match(/~~CLOSE_HTML_BLOCK~~/)) {
1427 if (this.interwiki) {
1430 if (this.interwiki && results.match(/>\w+\s*\|$/)) {
1432 if (this.attr) {
1439 if (this.in_multi_plugin) {
1449 if (text.match(/^&\w+;/)) {
1453 if (this.link_only) {
1454 if (text) {
1460 if (!this.code_type) {
1461 if (!this.last_col_pipes) {
1467 if (this.format_tag) {
1468 … if (!this.list_started || this.in_table) text = text.replace(/^\s+/, '@@_SP_@@');
1469 } else if (this.last_tag == 'a') {
1471 } else if (!this.using_fonts) text = text.replace(/^\s+/, '');
1473 if (text.match(/nowiki>/)) {
1477 if (this.format_in_list || (HTMLParserFont && this.list_started)) {
1479 if (text.match(/\n{2,}\s{1,}/)) {
1484 if (this.in_td && !text) {
1492 if (geshi) {
1500 if (this.attr && this.attr == 'dwfcknote') {
1501 if (text.match(/fckgL\d+/)) {
1504 if (text.match(/^[\-,:;!_]/)) {
1514 if (this.downloadable_code && (this.export_code || this.code_snippet)) {
1520 if (this.last_tag == 'a' && text.match(/^[\.,;\:\!]/)) {
1524 if (this.in_header) {
1528 if (this.list_started) {
1531 if (!this.code_type) { // keep special character literals outside of code block
1533 if (!results.match(/\[\[\\\\.*?\|$/) && !text.match(/\w:(\\(\w?))+/)) {
1534 if (!text.match(/\\\\[\w\.\-\_]+\\[\w\.\-\_]+/)) {
1541 if (this.in_endnotes && HTMLParserTopNotes.length) {
1543 if (text.match(/\w/) && !text.match(/^\s*\d\)\s*$/)) {
1546 if (this.bottom_url) {
1547 if (this.link_class && this.link_class == 'media') {
1551 if (HTMLParserBottomNotes[HTMLParserTopNotes[index]]) {
1566 if (text && text.length) {
1572 if (this.list_level && this.list_level > 1) {
1578 if (results.match(regex)) {
1584 if (!HTMLParserOpenAngleBracket) {
1585 if (text.match(/</)) {
1596 if (text.replace) {
1600 if (!text) return;
1602 if (heading) {
1629 if (!v) {
1635 if ($FORMAT_SUBST[tag]) return $FORMAT_SUBST[tag];
1644 if (!v) {
1650 if (id == 'test') {
1651 if (!HTMLParser_test_result(results)) return;
1657 if (HTML_InterWiki) {
1660 if (tag_1 == link) return true;
1665 if (iw_replace == 'oIWIKIocIWIKIc') iw_replace = link_text;
1667 …if ((iw_replace == 'oIWIKIo' + link_text.replace(/\s/, '%20') + 'cIWIKIc') || (iw_replace == link_…
1679 if (HTMLParser_FORMAT_SPACE) {
1680 if (HTMLParser_COLSPAN) {
1709 if (HTMLFormatInList) {
1719 if (HTMLLinkInList) {
1736 if (HTMLParser_LBR) {
1742 if (HTMLParser_PRE) {
1744 if (HTMLParser_Geshi) {
1752 if (HTMLParser_TABLE) {
1764 if (HTMLParserOpenAngleBracket) {
1768 if (HTMLParserFont) // HTMLParserFont start
1773 if (v == 1) {
1789 if (v == 1)
1794 if (val == null) {
1795 if (ckgedit_to_dwedit) {
1800 if (val) return val;
1806 if (HTMLParserFontInfix) {
1810 if (fontConflict()) {
1811 if (confirm(LANG.plugins.ckgedit.font_conflict)) return;
1813 if (!v) {
1829 if (!v) {
1839 if (!v) {
1847 if (HTMLParserTopNotes.length) {
1858 if (!fn.match(/p>\(\(\d+/)) {
1873 if (HTMLParser_MULTI_LINE_PLUGIN) {
1878 if (HTMLParser_NOWIKI) {
1898 if (useComplexTables) {
1899 if (results.indexOf('~~COMPLEX_TABLES~~') == -1) {
1903 if (!useComplexTables) {
1909 if (id == 'test') {
1910 if (HTMLParser_test_result(results)) {
1919 if (id == 'bakup') {
1922 if (id) {
1932 if (e.which == 13) {
1943 if (edit__summary) {
1962 if (getCookie('ckgFbOpt') == 'dokuwiki') {
1989 if (this.form.template && this.form.template.value == 'tpl') return;
1990 if (window.dwfckTextChanged) return;
1994 if (this.form.template && this.form.template.value == 'tpl') window.dwfckTextChanged = true;
1995 if (!window.dwfckTextChanged && !JSINFO['cg_rev']) {