3 * DokuWiki Tilus Template
4 * Based on the starter template
5 *
6 * @link     http://dokuwiki.org/template:tilus
7 * @author   desbest <afaninthehouse@gmail.com>
8 * @license  GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
9 */
11if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); /* must be run from within DokuWiki */
12@require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/tpl_functions.php'); /* include hook for template functions */
13header('X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge,chrome=1');
15$showTools = !tpl_getConf('hideTools') || ( tpl_getConf('hideTools') && !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) );
16$showSidebar = page_findnearest($conf['sidebar']) && ($ACT=='show');
17?><!DOCTYPE html>
18<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<?php echo $conf['lang'] ?>"
19  lang="<?php echo $conf['lang'] ?>" dir="<?php echo $lang['direction'] ?>" class="no-js">
21    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
22    <title><?php tpl_pagetitle() ?> [<?php echo strip_tags($conf['title']) ?>]</title>
23    <script>(function(H){H.className=H.className.replace(/\bno-js\b/,'js')})(document.documentElement)</script>
24    <?php tpl_metaheaders() ?>
25    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
26    <?php echo tpl_favicon(array('favicon', 'mobile')) ?>
27    <?php tpl_includeFile('meta.html') ?>
28    <script defer type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo tpl_basedir();?>/mobileinputsize.js"></script>
31<body class="site <?php echo tpl_classes(); ?> <?php echo ($showSidebar) ? 'hasSidebar' : ''; ?>">
33        <div class="topbar"></div>
34    <div class="topbar2"></div>
35    <?php tpl_includeFile('header.html') ?>
36    <div class="header"><div class="container">
37         <h1><?php tpl_link(wl(),$conf['title'],'accesskey="h" title="[H]"') ?></h1>
38                <?php /* how to insert logo instead (if no CSS image replacement technique is used):
39                upload your logo into the data/media folder (root of the media manager) and replace 'logo.png' accordingly:
40                tpl_link(wl(),'<img src="'.ml('logo.png').'" alt="'.$conf['title'].'" />','id="dokuwiki__top" accesskey="h" title="[H]"') */ ?>
41        <?php if ($conf['tagline']): ?>
42            <p class="claim"><?php echo $conf['tagline'] ?></p>
43        <?php endif ?>
45        <ul class="a11y skip">
46            <li><a href="#dokuwiki__content"><?php echo $lang['skip_to_content'] ?></a></li>
47        </ul>
48    </div></div>
50    <div class="menubar">
51        <div class="container">
52            <div id="navcontainer">
53            <ul id="navlist">
54           <!-- SITE TOOLS -->
55                <h3 class="a11y"><?php echo $lang['site_tools'] ?></h3>
57                    <?php tpl_toolsevent('sitetools', array(
58                        'recent'    => tpl_action('recent', 1, 'li', 1),
59                        'media'     => tpl_action('media', 1, 'li', 1),
60                        'index'     => tpl_action('index', 1, 'li', 1),
61                    )); ?>
62            </ul>
63            </div>
64        </div>
65    </div>
67    <div class="container">
68        <div class="row mt18">
70            <!-- The checkbox input & label partner -->
71            <input type="checkbox" class="hide" id="menutoggle">
72            <label class="menutoggle" for="menutoggle"><span class="showsidebartext">Show sidebar</span><span class="hidesidebartext">Hide sidebar</span></label>
75            <div class="column sidebar w25pc" style="min-height: 300px;">
78                <div class="contentheader">&nbsp;</div>
79                <div class="contentsubheader">Search</div>
80                <div class="contenthere padhere blockygradient">
81                    <?php tpl_searchform() ?>
82                </div>
83                <?php if ($showSidebar): ?>
84                <div class="contentheader">&nbsp;</div>
85                <div id="writtensidebar" class="contenthere blockygradient">
87                      <!-- ********** ASIDE ********** -->
89                    <?php tpl_includeFile('sidebarheader.html') ?>
90                    <?php tpl_include_page($conf['sidebar'], 1, 1) /* includes the nearest sidebar page */ ?>
91                    <?php tpl_includeFile('sidebarfooter.html') ?>
92                    <div class="clearer"></div>
93                </div>
94                <?php endif; ?>
95               <!-- PAGE ACTIONS -->
96                <?php if ($showTools): ?>
97                    <div class="contentheader">Page Tools</div>
98                    <div class="contentsubheader"></div>
101                    <div class="contenthere padhere blockygradient">
102                <h3 class="a11y"><?php echo $lang['page_tools'] ?></h3>
103                <div class="ddblueblockmenu">
104                <ul>
105                    <?php tpl_toolsevent('pagetools', array(
106                        'edit'      => tpl_action('edit', 1, 'li', 1),
107                        'discussion'=> _tpl_action('discussion', 1, 'li', 1),
108                        'revisions' => tpl_action('revisions', 1, 'li', 1),
109                        'backlink'  => tpl_action('backlink', 1, 'li', 1),
110                        'subscribe' => tpl_action('subscribe', 1, 'li', 1),
111                        'revert'    => tpl_action('revert', 1, 'li', 1),
112                        'top'       => tpl_action('top', 1, 'li', 1),
113                    )); ?>
114                </ul>
115                </div></div>
116                <?php endif; ?>
119                 <!-- USER TOOLS -->
120                <?php if ($conf['useacl'] && $showTools): ?>
121                      <div class="contentheader">User Tools</div>
122                    <div class="contentsubheader"></div>
125                    <div class="contenthere padhere blockygradient">
126                <h3 class="a11y"><?php echo $lang['page_tools'] ?></h3>
127                <div class="ddblueblockmenu">
128                <ul>
129                        <h3 class="a11y"><?php echo $lang['user_tools'] ?></h3>
130                            <?php
131                                if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
132                                    echo '<li class="user">';
133                                    tpl_userinfo(); /* 'Logged in as ...' */
134                                    echo '</li>';
135                                }
136                            ?>
137                            <?php /* the optional second parameter of tpl_action() switches between a link and a button,
138                                     e.g. a button inside a <li> would be: tpl_action('edit', 0, 'li') */
139                            ?>
140                            <?php tpl_toolsevent('usertools', array(
141                                'admin'     => tpl_action('admin', 1, 'li', 1),
142                                'userpage'  => _tpl_action('userpage', 1, 'li', 1),
143                                'profile'   => tpl_action('profile', 1, 'li', 1),
144                                'register'  => tpl_action('register', 1, 'li', 1),
145                                'login'     => tpl_action('login', 1, 'li', 1),
146                            )); ?>
147                        </ul>
148                </div></div>
149                <?php endif; ?>
150            </div>
151            <div class="column w75pc" style="min-height: 300px;">
153                <!-- <div class="contentheader"></div> -->
154                <!-- <div class="contentsubheader">Photoshop Tutorials</div> -->
155                <?php html_msgarea() /* occasional error and info messages on top of the page */ ?>
156                <!-- <div class="contenthere">
157                 <div class="listingback">
158                        <div class="row flex">
159                            <div class="column w80px">
160                                <img src="images/darktheme/stencilback.jpg" />
161                            </div>
162                            <div class="column sparewidth nofloatonmobile">
163                                <a href="#"><strong>How to create a glossy web menu</strong></a>
164                                <p class="smaller">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi porttitor lacus vel eros luctus hendrerit. </p>
165                                <p class="smaller2">greycobra.com
166                                &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
167                                56 views
168                            </p>
169                            </div>
170                            <div class="column w200pxruby">
171                                <p class="smaller2"><a href="#">Rate 1/5</a></p>
172                                <p class="smaller2"><a href="#">Bookmark</a></p>
173                                <p class="smaller2"><a href="#">Report</a></p>
174                            </div>
175                        </div>
176                    </div>
177                    <div class="listingback">
178                        <div class="row flex">
179                            <div class="column w80px">
180                                <img src="images/darktheme/stencilback.jpg" />
181                            </div>
182                            <div class="column sparewidth nofloatonmobile">
183                                <a href="#"><strong>How to create a glossy web menu</strong></a>
184                                <p class="smaller">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi porttitor lacus vel eros luctus hendrerit. </p>
185                                <p class="smaller2">greycobra.com
186                                &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
187                                56 views
188                            </p>
189                            </div>
190                            <div class="column w200pxruby">
191                                <p class="smaller2"><a href="#">Rate 1/5</a></p>
192                                <p class="smaller2"><a href="#">Bookmark</a></p>
193                                <p class="smaller2"><a href="#">Report</a></p>
194                            </div>
195                        </div>
196                    </div>
197                    <div class="listingback">
198                        <div class="row flex">
199                            <div class="column w80px">
200                                <img src="images/darktheme/stencilback.jpg" />
201                            </div>
202                            <div class="column sparewidth nofloatonmobile">
203                                <a href="#"><strong>How to create a glossy web menu</strong></a>
204                                <p class="smaller">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi porttitor lacus vel eros luctus hendrerit. </p>
205                                <p class="smaller2">greycobra.com
206                                &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
207                                56 views
208                            </p>
209                            </div>
210                            <div class="column w200pxruby">
211                                <p class="smaller2"><a href="#">Rate 1/5</a></p>
212                                <p class="smaller2"><a href="#">Bookmark</a></p>
213                                <p class="smaller2"><a href="#">Report</a></p>
214                            </div>
215                        </div>
216                    </div>
217                </div> -->
218                <div class="contentheader">&nbsp;</div>
219                <div class="contentsubheader">
220                    <!-- BREADCRUMBS -->
221                    <?php if($conf['breadcrumbs']){ ?>
222                        <div class="breadcrumbs"><?php tpl_breadcrumbs() ?></div>
223                    <?php } ?>
224                    <?php if($conf['youarehere']){ ?>
225                        <div class="breadcrumbs"><?php tpl_youarehere() ?></div>
226                    <?php } ?>
227                </div>
228                <div class="contenthere padhere blockygradient">
230                <!-- ********** CONTENT ********** -->
231                <div id="dokuwiki__content">
232                    <?php tpl_flush() /* flush the output buffer */ ?>
233                    <?php tpl_includeFile('pageheader.html') ?>
235                    <div class="page">
236                        <!-- wikipage start -->
237                        <?php tpl_content() /* the main content */ ?>
238                        <!-- wikipage stop -->
239                        <div class="clearer"></div>
240                    </div>
242                    <?php tpl_flush() ?>
243                    <?php tpl_includeFile('pagefooter.html') ?>
244                </div><!-- /content -->
246                </div>
247            </div>
248        </div> <!-- end row -->
249        <div class="row mt32">
250            <div class="contentheader">Footer</div>
251            <div class="contentsubheader"><!-- Footer --></div>
252            <div class="contenthere blockygradient">
253                <div class="footercontent">
254                    <!-- <div class="block first">
255                    <h2>Pages</h2>
256                    <ul class="footermenu">
257                    <li class="page_item"><a href="">About</a></li>
258                    <li class="page_item"><a href="">Feedback</a></li>
259                    </ul>
260                    </div>
262                    <div class="block">
263                    <h2>Recently</h2>
264                    <ul class="footermenu">
265                    <li><a href=""><span class="date">January 2020</span> Item One </a></li>
266                    <li><a href=""><span class="date">February 2020</span> Item Two </a></li>
267                    <li><a href=""><span class="date">March 2020</span> Item Three </a></li>
268                    <li><a href=""><span class="date">April 2020</span> Item Four</a></li>
270                    </ul>
271                    </div>
273                    <div class="block">
274                    <h2>Categories</h2>
275                    <ul class="footermenu">
276                    <li class="cat-item"><a href="">Bulletin</a></li>
277                    <li class="cat-item"><a href="">Collaboration</a></li>
278                    <li class="cat-item"><a href="">Comprehension</a></li>
279                    <li class="cat-item"><a href="">Data</a></li>
280                    </ul>
281                    </div> -->
282                <div class="clear"></div>
283                <!-- </div->
284                </div> -->
285                <div class="doc"><?php tpl_pageinfo() /* 'Last modified' etc */ ?></div>
286                <?php tpl_license('button') /* content license, parameters: img=*badge|button|0, imgonly=*0|1, return=*0|1 */ ?>
288                <p><a href="http://desbest.com" target="_blank">Tilus theme by desbest</a></p>
289                </div>
290                <?php tpl_includeFile('footer.html') ?>
291            </div>
292        </div>
293    </div>
294    <div class="no"><?php tpl_indexerWebBug() /* provide DokuWiki housekeeping, required in all templates */ ?></div>
297    <?php /* with these Conditional Comments you can better address IE issues in CSS files,
298             precede CSS rules by #IE8 for IE8 (div closes at the bottom) */ ?>
299    <!--[if lte IE 8 ]><div id="IE8"><![endif]-->
301    <?php /* the "dokuwiki__top" id is needed somewhere at the top, because that's where the "back to top" button/link links to */ ?>
302    <?php /* tpl_classes() provides useful CSS classes; if you choose not to use it, the 'dokuwiki' class at least
303             should always be in one of the surrounding elements (e.g. plugins and templates depend on it) */ ?>