3 * English language file for config
4 *
5 */
7$lang['discussionPage']   = 'Discussion page (leave empty to disable discussions)';
8$lang['userPage']         = 'User page (leave empty to disable user pages)';
9$lang['hideTools']        = 'Hide tools when not logged in?';
10$lang['sidebar_cols']     = 'Width of sidebar, 1 to 12, based off of a 12 column grid system.';
11$lang['sidebar_pos']      = 'Which side of the screen should the sidebar appear on?';
12$lang['full_width']       = 'Use a fluid (100%) width layout, rather than fixing the width in steps.';
13$lang['google_analytics'] = 'Insert your google analytics tracking ID here. (leave empty to disable)';
14$lang['header_img']       = 'If set, this url is used as a brand logo in the navbar. If not set, the theme will look for a `brand.png` or `brand.jpg` in the root of your dokuwiki install. If the image is still not found, none will be used.';
15$lang['header_padding']   = 'If a header image is found, this will be used as top/bottom padding. Integer value.';
16$lang['header_height']    = 'If a header image is found, this will be used as the height. Integer value.';
17$lang['header_title']     = 'If a header image is found, display the wiki title as well.';