2 * Sidr
3 * https://github.com/artberri/sidr
4 *
5 * Copyright (c) 2013 Alberto Varela
6 * Licensed under the MIT license.
7 */
9;(function( $ ){
11  var sidrMoving = false,
12      sidrOpened = false;
14  // Private methods
15  var privateMethods = {
16    // Check for valids urls
17    // From : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5717093/check-if-a-javascript-string-is-an-url
18    isUrl: function (str) {
19      var pattern = new RegExp('^(https?:\\/\\/)?'+ // protocol
20        '((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|'+ // domain name
21        '((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))'+ // OR ip (v4) address
22        '(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%_.~+]*)*'+ // port and path
23        '(\\?[;&a-z\\d%_.~+=-]*)?'+ // query string
24        '(\\#[-a-z\\d_]*)?$','i'); // fragment locator
25      if(!pattern.test(str)) {
26        return false;
27      } else {
28        return true;
29      }
30    },
31    // Loads the content into the menu bar
32    loadContent: function($menu, content) {
33      $menu.html(content);
34    },
35    // Add sidr prefixes
36    addPrefix: function($element) {
37      var elementId = $element.attr('id'),
38          elementClass = $element.attr('class');
40      if(typeof elementId === 'string' && '' !== elementId) {
41        $element.attr('id', elementId.replace(/([A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)/g, 'sidr-id-$1'));
42      }
43      if(typeof elementClass === 'string' && '' !== elementClass && 'sidr-inner' !== elementClass) {
44        $element.attr('class', elementClass.replace(/([A-Za-z0-9_.\-]+)/g, 'sidr-class-$1'));
45      }
46      $element.removeAttr('style');
47    },
48    execute: function(action, name, callback) {
49      // Check arguments
50      if(typeof name === 'function') {
51        callback = name;
52        name = 'sidr';
53      }
54      else if(!name) {
55        name = 'sidr';
56      }
58      // Declaring
59      var $menu = $('#' + name),
60          $body = $($menu.data('body')),
61          $html = $('html'),
62          menuWidth = $menu.outerWidth(true),
63          speed = $menu.data('speed'),
64          side = $menu.data('side'),
65          displace = $menu.data('displace'),
66          onOpen = $menu.data('onOpen'),
67          onClose = $menu.data('onClose'),
68          bodyAnimation,
69          menuAnimation,
70          scrollTop,
71          bodyClass = (name === 'sidr' ? 'sidr-open' : 'sidr-open ' + name + '-open');
73      // Open Sidr
74      if('open' === action || ('toggle' === action && !$menu.is(':visible'))) {
75        // Check if we can open it
76        if( $menu.is(':visible') || sidrMoving ) {
77          return;
78        }
80        // If another menu opened close first
81        if(sidrOpened !== false) {
82          methods.close(sidrOpened, function() {
83            methods.open(name);
84          });
86          return;
87        }
89        // Lock sidr
90        sidrMoving = true;
92        // Left or right?
93        if(side === 'left') {
94          bodyAnimation = {left: menuWidth + 'px'};
95          menuAnimation = {left: '0px'};
96        }
97        else {
98          bodyAnimation = {right: menuWidth + 'px'};
99          menuAnimation = {right: '0px'};
100        }
102        // Prepare page if container is body
103        if($body.is('body')){
104          scrollTop = $html.scrollTop();
105          $html.css('overflow-x', 'hidden').scrollTop(scrollTop);
106        }
108        // Open menu
109        if(displace){
110          $body.addClass('sidr-animating').css({
111            width: $body.width(),
112            position: 'absolute'
113          }).animate(bodyAnimation, speed, function() {
114            $(this).addClass(bodyClass);
115          });
116        }
117        else {
118          setTimeout(function() {
119            $(this).addClass(bodyClass);
120          }, speed);
121        }
122        $menu.css('display', 'block').animate(menuAnimation, speed, function() {
123          sidrMoving = false;
124          sidrOpened = name;
125          // Callback
126          if(typeof callback === 'function') {
127            callback(name);
128          }
129          $body.removeClass('sidr-animating');
130        });
132        // onOpen callback
133        onOpen();
134      }
135      // Close Sidr
136      else {
137        // Check if we can close it
138        if( !$menu.is(':visible') || sidrMoving ) {
139          return;
140        }
142        // Lock sidr
143        sidrMoving = true;
145        // Right or left menu?
146        if(side === 'left') {
147          bodyAnimation = {left: 0};
148          menuAnimation = {left: '-' + menuWidth + 'px'};
149        }
150        else {
151          bodyAnimation = {right: 0};
152          menuAnimation = {right: '-' + menuWidth + 'px'};
153        }
155        // Close menu
156        if($body.is('body')){
157          scrollTop = $html.scrollTop();
158          $html.removeAttr('style').scrollTop(scrollTop);
159        }
160        $body.addClass('sidr-animating').animate(bodyAnimation, speed).removeClass(bodyClass);
161        $menu.animate(menuAnimation, speed, function() {
162          $menu.removeAttr('style').hide();
163          $body.removeAttr('style');
164          $('html').removeAttr('style');
165          sidrMoving = false;
166          sidrOpened = false;
167          // Callback
168          if(typeof callback === 'function') {
169            callback(name);
170          }
171          $body.removeClass('sidr-animating');
172        });
174        // onClose callback
175        onClose();
176      }
177    }
178  };
180  // Sidr public methods
181  var methods = {
182    open: function(name, callback) {
183      privateMethods.execute('open', name, callback);
184    },
185    close: function(name, callback) {
186      privateMethods.execute('close', name, callback);
187    },
188    toggle: function(name, callback) {
189      privateMethods.execute('toggle', name, callback);
190    },
191    // I made a typo, so I mantain this method to keep backward compatibilty with 1.1.1v and previous
192    toogle: function(name, callback) {
193      privateMethods.execute('toggle', name, callback);
194    }
195  };
197  $.sidr = function( method ) {
199    if ( methods[method] ) {
200      return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
201    }
202    else if ( typeof method === 'function' || typeof method === 'string' || ! method ) {
203      return methods.toggle.apply( this, arguments );
204    }
205    else {
206      $.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.sidr' );
207    }
209  };
211  $.fn.sidr = function( options ) {
213    var settings = $.extend( {
214      name          : 'sidr',         // Name for the 'sidr'
215      speed         : 200,            // Accepts standard jQuery effects speeds (i.e. fast, normal or milliseconds)
216      side          : 'left',         // Accepts 'left' or 'right'
217      source        : null,           // Override the source of the content.
218      renaming      : true,           // The ids and classes will be prepended with a prefix when loading existent content
219      body          : 'body',         // Page container selector,
220      displace: true, // Displace the body content or not
221      onOpen        : function() {},  // Callback when sidr opened
222      onClose       : function() {}   // Callback when sidr closed
223    }, options);
225    var name = settings.name,
226        $sideMenu = $('#' + name);
228    // If the side menu do not exist create it
229    if( $sideMenu.length === 0 ) {
230      $sideMenu = $('<div />')
231        .attr('id', name)
232        .appendTo($('body'));
233    }
235    // Adding styles and options
236    $sideMenu
237      .addClass('sidr')
238      .addClass(settings.side)
239      .data({
240        speed          : settings.speed,
241        side           : settings.side,
242        body           : settings.body,
243        displace      : settings.displace,
244        onOpen         : settings.onOpen,
245        onClose        : settings.onClose
246      });
248    // The menu content
249    if(typeof settings.source === 'function') {
250      var newContent = settings.source(name);
251      privateMethods.loadContent($sideMenu, newContent);
252    }
253    else if(typeof settings.source === 'string' && privateMethods.isUrl(settings.source)) {
254      $.get(settings.source, function(data) {
255        privateMethods.loadContent($sideMenu, data);
256      });
257    }
258    else if(typeof settings.source === 'string') {
259      var htmlContent = '',
260          selectors = settings.source.split(',');
262      $.each(selectors, function(index, element) {
263        htmlContent += '<div class="sidr-inner">' + $(element).html() + '</div>';
264      });
266      // Renaming ids and classes
267      if(settings.renaming) {
268        var $htmlContent = $('<div />').html(htmlContent);
269        $htmlContent.find('*').each(function(index, element) {
270          var $element = $(element);
271          privateMethods.addPrefix($element);
272        });
273        htmlContent = $htmlContent.html();
274      }
275      privateMethods.loadContent($sideMenu, htmlContent);
276    }
277    else if(settings.source !== null) {
278      $.error('Invalid Sidr Source');
279    }
281    return this.each(function(){
282      var $this = $(this),
283          data = $this.data('sidr');
285      // If the plugin hasn't been initialized yet
286      if ( ! data ) {
288        $this.data('sidr', name);
289        if('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
290          $this.bind('touchstart', function(e) {
291            var theEvent = e.originalEvent.touches[0];
292            this.touched = e.timeStamp;
293          });
294          $this.bind('touchend', function(e) {
295            var delta = Math.abs(e.timeStamp - this.touched);
296            if(delta < 200) {
297              e.preventDefault();
298              methods.toggle(name);
299            }
300          });
301        }
302        else {
303          $this.click(function(e) {
304            e.preventDefault();
305            methods.toggle(name);
306          });
307        }
308      }
309    });
310  };
312})( jQuery );
314/* Initiating Sidr */
315jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
316  $('#m1-menu-ltrig').sidr({
317      name: 'm1-menu-left',
318      side: 'left', // By default
319      onClose: function(){$("#dokuwiki__header").css( "left", "0" );},
320      onOpen: function(){$("#dokuwiki__header").css( "left", "260px" );}
321    });
322    $('#m1-menu-rtrig').sidr({
323      name: 'm1-menu-right',
324      side: 'right',
325       onClose: function(){$("#dokuwiki__header").css( "left", "0" );},
326       onOpen: function(){$("#dokuwiki__header").css( "left", "-260px");}
327    });
329/*Setting up search box to hide/appear on click */
330    $("#m1-search").hide();
331    $("#m1-menu-strig").click(function(){
332    	$("#m1-search").slideToggle();
333    	});