1! function(a) {
2    "use strict";
4    function b() {
5        var a, b = document.createElement("fakeelement"),
6            c = {
7                transition: "transitionend",
8                OTransition: "oTransitionEnd",
9                MozTransition: "transitionend",
10                WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd"
11            }
13        ;
14        for (a in c)
15            if (void 0 !== b.style[a]) return c[a]
16    }
18    function c(b) {
19        var c = 0,
20            d = 0;
21        if (!b) var b = a.event;
22        return b.pageX || b.pageY ? (c = b.pageX, d = b.pageY) : (b.clientX || b.clientY) && (c = b.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft, d = b.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop), {
23            x: c,
24            y: d
25        }
26    }
28    function d(b) {
29        var c = b.getBoundingClientRect(),
30            d = document.body,
31            e = document.documentElement,
32            f = a.pageYOffset || e.scrollTop || d.scrollTop,
33            g = a.pageXOffset || e.scrollLeft || d.scrollLeft,
34            h = e.clientTop || d.clientTop || 0,
35            i = e.clientLeft || d.clientLeft || 0,
36            j = c.top + f - h,
37            k = c.left + g - i;
38        return {
39            x: Math.round(k),
40            y: Math.round(j)
41        }
42    }
44    class e {
45        constructor() {
46            this.body = document.body, this.dokuwiki__site = document.querySelector("#dokuwiki__site"), this.toggle = document.querySelector("#mm-menu-toggle"), this.menu = document.querySelector("#mm-menu"), this.menuItems = this.menu.querySelectorAll("li"), this.menuItemLinks = this.menu.querySelectorAll("a"), this.menuPosition = "off", this.mask = document.createElement("div"), this.mask.className = "mm-menu-mask", document.body.appendChild(this.mask), this._init();
47        }
48        _init() {
49            this._initToggleEvents(), this._initItemTransitions(), this._initTouchEffect(), this._initMaskEvents();
50        }
51        _initToggleEvents() {
52            var a = this;
53            this.toggle.addEventListener("click", function() {
54                "off" == a.menuPosition ? a._toggleMenuOn() : a._toggleMenuOff();
55            });
56        }
57        _toggleMenuOn() {
58            var a = this;
59            this.body.classList.add("mm-menu-open"), this.dokuwiki__site.classList.add("mm-menu-open"), this.toggle.classList.add("active"), this.menu.classList.add("active");
60            for (var b = 0; b < a.menuItems.length; b++) {
61                var c = a.menuItems[b];
62                ! function(a) {
63                    a.classList.add("in-view");
64                }(c);
65            }
66            this.mask.classList.add("active"), this.menuPosition = "on";
67        }
68        _toggleMenuOff() {
69            var a = this;
70            this.body.classList.remove("mm-menu-open"), this.dokuwiki__site.classList.remove("mm-menu-open"), this.toggle.classList.remove("active"), this.menu.classList.remove("active");
71            for (var b = 0; b < a.menuItems.length; b++) {
72                var c = a.menuItems[b];
73                ! function(a) {
74                    a.classList.remove("in-view");
75                }(c);
76            }
77            this.mask.classList.remove("active"), this.menuPosition = "off";
78        }
79        _initItemTransitions() {
80            for (var a = this.menuItems.length, b = 0; a > b; b++) {
81                var c = b + 1,
82                    d = this.menuItems[b];
83                this._itemTransitionHandler(d, c);
84            }
85        }
86        _itemTransitionHandler(a, b) {
87            a.classList.add("item-" + b);
88        }
89        _initTouchEffect() {
90            for (var a = this.menuItemLinks.length, b = 0; a > b; b++) {
91                var c = this.menuItemLinks[b];
92                this._touchEffectHandler(c);
93            }
94        }
95        _touchEffectHandler(a) {
96            /*  var b = a.offsetWidth,
97                  e = a.offsetHeight,
98                  g = 2 * Math.max(b, e),
99                  h = document.createElement("span");
100              h.className = "mm-menu__link--touch-effect", h.style.width = g + "px", h.style.height = g + "px", a.insertBefore(h, a.firstChild), a.addEventListener("click", function(a) {
101                  var b = c(a).x - d(this).x,
102                      e = c(a).y - d(this).y;
103                  h.style.top = e + "px", h.style.left = b + "px", h.style.marginTop = -(g / 2) + "px", h.style.marginLeft = -(g / 2) + "px", h.classList.add("animating");
104              }), h.addEventListener(f, function() {
105                  this.classList.remove("animating");
106              }); */
107        }
108        _initMaskEvents() {
109            var a = this;
110            this.mask.addEventListener("click", function(b) {
111                b.preventDefault(), "on" == a.menuPosition ? a._toggleMenuOff() : !1;
112            });
113        }
114    }
115    var f = b();
116    a.Menu = e
121var menu = new Menu;
124 *
125 * Auto - Hide top menu
126 *
127 */
128var prevScrollpos = window.pageYOffset;
129window.onscroll = function() {
130    var currentScrollPos = window.pageYOffset;
131    if ((prevScrollpos > currentScrollPos) || (window.pageYOffset <= 0)) {
132        document.getElementById("dokuwiki__header").style.top = "0";
133    } else {
134        document.getElementById("dokuwiki__header").style.top = "-50px";
135    }
136    prevScrollpos = currentScrollPos;
141 *  We handle several device classes based on browser width.
142 *
143 *  - desktop:   > __tablet_width__ (as set in style.ini)
144 *  - mobile:
145 *    - tablet   <= __tablet_width__
146 *    - phone    <= __phone_width__
147 */
149var device_class = ''; // not yet known
150var device_classes = 'desktop mobile tablet phone';
152function tpl_dokuwiki_mobile() {
154    // the z-index in mobile.css is (mis-)used purely for detecting the screen mode here
155    var screen_mode = jQuery('#screen__mode').css('z-index') + '';
157    // determine our device pattern
158    // TODO: consider moving into dokuwiki core
159    switch (screen_mode) {
160        case '1':
161            if (device_class.match(/tablet/)) return;
162            device_class = 'mobile tablet';
163            break;
164        case '2':
165            if (device_class.match(/phone/)) return;
166            device_class = 'mobile phone';
167            break;
168        default:
169            if (device_class == 'desktop') return;
170            device_class = 'desktop';
171    }
173    jQuery('html').removeClass(device_classes).addClass(device_class);
175    // handle some layout changes based on change in device
176    var $handle = jQuery('#dokuwiki__aside h3.toggle');
177    var $toc = jQuery('#dw__toc h3');
179    if (device_class == 'desktop') {
180        // reset for desktop mode
181        if ($handle.length) {
182            $handle[0].setState(1);
183            $handle.hide();
184        }
185        if ($toc.length) {
186            $toc[0].setState(1);
187        }
188    }
189    if (device_class.match(/mobile/)) {
190        // toc and sidebar hiding
191        if ($handle.length) {
192            $handle.show();
193            $handle[0].setState(-1);
194        }
195        if ($toc.length) {
196            $toc[0].setState(-1);
197        }
198    }
201jQuery(function() {
202    var resizeTimer;
203    dw_page.makeToggle('#dokuwiki__aside h3.toggle', '#dokuwiki__aside div.content');
205    tpl_dokuwiki_mobile();
206    jQuery(window).on('resize',
207        function() {
208            if (resizeTimer) clearTimeout(resizeTimer);
209            resizeTimer = setTimeout(tpl_dokuwiki_mobile, 200);
210        }
211    );
215    // blur when clicked
216    jQuery('#dokuwiki__pagetools div.tools>ul>li>a').on('click', function() {
217        this.blur();
218    });