1// Color Pallete
3@function getColor($key, $state: false, $list: $ui-coloring) {
4  @each $color in $list {
5    @if $key == nth($color, 1) and $state == default {
6        @return nth($color, 2);
7    }
8    @else if $key == nth($color, 1) and $state == hover {
9        @return nth($color, 3);
10    }
11    @else if $key == nth($color, 1) {
12        @return nth($color, 1);
13    }
14  }
15  @return false;
18@mixin palette($shade, $palette-text-color:false) {
19  @if $shade == getColor($shade) {
20    @if $palette-text-color != false  {
21      color: $palette-text-color;
22    }
23    @else {
24      color: lighten(getColor($shade, default), 80%);
25    }
26    background: getColor($shade, default);
27    border: 1px solid getColor($shade, default);
28    &:hover {
29      background: getColor($shade, hover);
30      border: 1px solid darken(getColor($shade, hover), 3%);
31    }
32    &:active {
33      background: darken(getColor($shade, default), 10%);
34      border: 1px solid darken(getColor($shade, default), 10%);
35    }
37    @if $shade == default {
38      @if $palette-text-color != false  {
39        color: $palette-text-color;
40      }
41      @else {
42        color: darken(getColor($shade, default), 61.5%);
43      }
44      border: 1px solid getColor($shade, default);
45      &:hover {
46        border: 1px solid darken(getColor($shade, hover), 5%);
47      }
48    }
49    @if $shade == warning {
50      @if $palette-text-color != false  {
51        color: $palette-text-color;
52      }
53      @else {
54        color: darken(getColor($shade, hover), 40%);
55      }
56    }
57  }
58  @else {
59    @if $palette-text-color != false {
60      color: $palette-text-color;
61    }
62    @else {
63      color: lighten($shade, 80%);
64    }
65    background: $shade;
66    border: 1px solid $shade;
67    &:hover {
68      background: lighten($shade, 30%);
69      border: 1px solid lighten($shade, 27%);
70    }
71    &:active {
72      background: darken($shade, 10%);
73      border: 1px solid darken($shade, 10%);
74    }
75  }