3 * Language file for config
4 *
5 * @author   Giuseppe Di Terlizzi <giuseppe.diterlizzi@gmail.com>
6 * @license  GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
7 */
9$lang['bootstrapTheme']               = 'Bootstrap theme';
10$lang['bootstrapTheme_o_bootswatch']  = 'Bootswatch.com theme';
11$lang['bootstrapTheme_o_custom']      = 'Customized Bootstrap theme';
12$lang['bootstrapTheme_o_default']     = 'Vanilla Bootstrap theme';
13$lang['bootstrapTheme_o_optional']    = 'Optional Bootstrap theme';
14$lang['bootswatchTheme']              = 'Select a theme from Bootswatch.com';
15$lang['browserTitle']                 = 'DokuWiki browser title (default is <code>@TITLE@ [@WIKI@]</code>, where <code>@TITLE@</code> placeholder replace the current page title and <code>@WIKI@</code> replace the DokuWiki name) - see <a class="interwiki iw_doku" href="#config___title">title</a> config';
16$lang['browserTitleCharSepNS']        = 'Character separator for every namespaces on browser title';
17$lang['browserTitleOrderNS']          = 'Set the order of namespaces';
18$lang['browserTitleShowNS']           = 'Display the previous page name of current page on the browser title';
19$lang['collapsibleSections']          = 'Collapse 2nd section level (useful in mobile/tablet devices)';
20$lang['cookieLawBannerPage']          = 'Cookie Law banner page name';
21$lang['cookieLawPolicyPage']          = 'Cookie Law policy page name';
22$lang['customTheme']                  = 'Insert URL of custom theme';
23$lang['discussionPage']               = 'Discussion page name (default is <code>discussion:@ID@</code>, where <code>@ID@</code> placeholder replace the current page name), empty field disable the link';
24$lang['domParserMaxPageSize']         = 'Set the max size of the page content for DOM Parser. The optimal and default value is <code>600000</code> (600KB)';
25$lang['fixedTopNavbar']               = 'Fix navbar to top';
26$lang['fluidContainer']               = 'Enable the fluid container (full-width of page)';
27$lang['fluidContainerBtn']            = 'Display a button in navbar to expand container';
28$lang['googleAnalyticsAnonymizeIP']   = 'Anonymize the IP address of visitors';
29$lang['googleAnalyticsNoTrackAdmin']  = 'Disable tracking for the Admin users';
30$lang['googleAnalyticsNoTrackPages']  = 'Disable tracking for specified pages (insert a regex)';
31$lang['googleAnalyticsNoTrackUsers']  = 'Disable tracking for all logged users';
32$lang['googleAnalyticsTrackActions']  = 'Track DokuWiki actions (edit, search, etc)';
33$lang['googleAnalyticsTrackID']       = 'Tracking ID';
34$lang['gravatarURL']                  = 'Set Gravatar URL <br/> <strong>NOTE:</strong> <br/> - <code>http://www.gravatar.com/avatar</code> (http) <br/> - <code>https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar</code> (https) <br/> - <code>https://www.gravatar.com/avatar</code> (alternative https)';
35$lang['hideInThemeSwitcher']          = 'Hide themes in theme switcher';
36$lang['hideLoginLink']                = 'Hide the login button in navbar. This option is useful in "read-only" DokuWiki installations (eg. blog, personal website)';
37$lang['homePageURL']                  = 'Use custom URL for home-page links';
38$lang['individualTools']              = 'Split the Tools in individual menu in navbar';
39$lang['inverseNavbar']                = 'Inverse navbar';
40$lang['landingPages']                 = 'Landing page name (insert a regex)';
41$lang['leftSidebarGrid']              = 'Left sidebar grid classes <code>col-{xs,sm,md,lg}-x</code> (see <a href="http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid" target="_blank">Bootstrap Grids</a> documentation)';
42$lang['libravatarURL']                = 'Set Libravatar (or compatible API) URL <br/> <strong>NOTE:</strong> <br/> - <code>https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar</code> (https) <br/> - <code>http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar</code> (http)';
43$lang['navbarLabels']                 = 'Show/Hide individual label';
44$lang['notifyExtensionsUpdate']       = 'Notify extensions update (for Admin users)';
45$lang['office365URL']                 = 'Set Microsoft Office 365 (or EWS) URL <br/> <strong>NOTE:</strong> This service requires login, so this use case is most useful in a corporate installation, where all users have access to Office 365.';
46$lang['pageIcons']                    = 'Select the icons to display';
47$lang['pageInfo']                     = 'Display/Hide page info elements';
48$lang['pageInfoDateFormat']           = 'Date format';
49$lang['pageInfoDateFormat_o_dformat'] = 'DokuWiki format';
50$lang['pageInfoDateFormat_o_human']   = 'Human readable';
51$lang['pageOnPanel']                  = 'Enable the panel around the page';
52$lang['rightSidebar']                 = 'The Right Sidebar page name, empty field disables the right sidebar.<br/>The Right Sidebar is displayed only when the default DokuWiki <a class="interwiki iw_doku" href="#config___sidebar">sidebar</a> is enabled and is on the <code>left</code> position (see the <a class="interwiki iw_doku" href="#config___tpl____bootstrap3____sidebarPosition">sidebarPosition</a> configuration). If do you want only the DokuWiki sidebar on right position, set the <a class="interwiki iw_doku" href="#config___tpl____bootstrap3____sidebarPosition">sidebarPosition</a> configuration with <code>right</code> value';
53$lang['rightSidebarGrid']             = 'Right sidebar grid classes <code>col-{xs,sm,md,lg}-x</code> (see <a href="http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid" target="_blank">Bootstrap Grids</a> documentation)';
54$lang['schemaOrgType']                = 'Schema.org type (<code>Article</code>, <code>NewsArticle</code>, <code>TechArticle</code>, <code>BlogPosting</code>, <code>Recipe</code>)';
55$lang['semantic']                     = 'Enable semantic data';
56$lang['showAddNewPage']               = 'Enable the Add New Page plugin in navbar  (require <em>Add New Page Plugin</em>)';
57$lang['showAddNewPage_o_always']      = 'Always';
58$lang['showAddNewPage_o_logged']      = 'When logged in';
59$lang['showAddNewPage_o_never']       = 'Never';
60$lang['showAdminMenu']                = 'Display Administration menu';
61$lang['showBadges']                   = 'Show badge buttons (DokuWiki, Donate, etc)';
62$lang['showCookieLawBanner']          = 'Display the Cookie Law banner on footer';
63$lang['showDiscussion']               = 'Display discussion link in tools menu';
64$lang['showEditBtn']                  = 'Display edit button in navbar';
65$lang['showEditBtn_o_always']         = 'Always';
66$lang['showEditBtn_o_logged']         = 'When logged in';
67$lang['showEditBtn_o_never']          = 'Never';
68$lang['showHomePageLink']             = 'Display Home-Page link in navbar';
69$lang['showIndividualTool']           = 'Enable/Disable individual tool in navbar';
70$lang['showLandingPage']              = 'Enable the landing page (without a sidebar and the panel around the page)';
71$lang['showLoginOnFooter']            = 'Display a "little" login link on footer. This option is useful when <code>hideLoginLink</code> is on';
72$lang['showNavbar']                   = 'Display navbar hook';
73$lang['showNavbar_o_always']          = 'Always';
74$lang['showNavbar_o_logged']          = 'When logged in';
75$lang['showPageIcons']                = 'Display useful icons (print, share link, send mail, etc.) on page';
76$lang['showPageId']                   = 'Display the DokuWiki page name (pageId) on top';
77$lang['showPageInfo']                 = 'Show page info (e.g., date, author)';
78$lang['showPageTools']                = 'Enable the DokuWiki-style Page Tools';
79$lang['showPageTools_o_always']       = 'Always';
80$lang['showPageTools_o_logged']       = 'When logged in';
81$lang['showPageTools_o_never']        = 'Never';
82$lang['showSearchForm']               = 'Display Search form in navbar';
83$lang['showSearchForm_o_always']      = 'Always';
84$lang['showSearchForm_o_logged']      = 'When logged in';
85$lang['showSearchForm_o_never']       = 'Never';
86$lang['showSemanticPopup']            = 'Display a popup with an extract of the page when the user hover on wikilink (require <em>Semantic Plugin</em>)';
87$lang['showThemeSwitcher']            = 'Show Bootswatch.com theme switcher in navbar';
88$lang['showTools']                    = 'Display Tools in navbar';
89$lang['showTools_o_always']           = 'Always';
90$lang['showTools_o_logged']           = 'When logged in';
91$lang['showTools_o_never']            = 'Never';
92$lang['showTranslation']              = 'Display translation toolbar (require <em>Translation Plugin</em>)';
93$lang['showUserHomeLink']             = 'Display User Home-Page link in navbar';
94$lang['showWikiInfo']                 = 'Display DokuWiki <a class="interwiki iw_doku" href="#config___title">name</a>, logo and <a class="interwiki iw_doku" href="#config___tagline">tagline</a> on footer';
95$lang['sidebarOnNavbar']              = 'Display the sidebar contents inside the navbar (useful on mobile/tablet devices)';
96$lang['sidebarPosition']              = 'DokuWiki Sidebar position (<code>left</code> or <code>right</code>)';
97$lang['sidebarShowPageTitle']         = 'Display Sidebar page title';
98$lang['socialShareProviders']         = 'Select the social share links to display';
99$lang['tableFullWidth']               = 'Enable 100% full table width (Bootstrap default)';
100$lang['tableStyle']                   = 'Table style';
101$lang['tagsOnTop']                    = 'Move all Tags on top of the page, beside the page-id (require <em>Tag Plugin</em>)';
102$lang['themeByNamespace']             = 'Use a namespaced theme';
103$lang['tocAffix']                     = 'Affix the TOC during page scrolling';
104$lang['tocCollapseOnScroll']          = 'Collapse TOC during page scrolling';
105$lang['tocCollapseSubSections']       = 'Collapse all sub-sections in TOC to save space';
106$lang['tocCollapsed']                 = 'Collapse TOC on every pages';
107$lang['tocPosition']                  = 'TOC position';
108$lang['tocLayout']                    = 'TOC layout';
109$lang['useACL']                       = 'Use ACL for sidebars (left and right) and for all DokuWiki hooks (eg. <code>:footer</code>, <code>:navbar</code>, etc.) <br/> <strong>NOTE:</strong> Available since "Elenor of Tsort" DokuWiki release';
110$lang['useAlternativeToolbarIcons']   = 'Use alternative Material Design Icons for DokuWiki toolbar';
111$lang['useAnchorJS']                  = 'Use AnchorJS';
112$lang['useAvatar']                    = 'Load the avatar image from Gravatar, Libravatar, Microsoft Office365 or local DokuWiki <code>:user</code> namespace';
113$lang['useAvatar_o_gravatar']         = 'Gravatar';
114$lang['useAvatar_o_libravatar']       = 'Libravatar';
115$lang['useAvatar_o_local']            = 'DokuWiki :user namespace';
116$lang['useAvatar_o_off']              = 'Off';
117$lang['useAvatar_o_office365']        = 'Office365 (or EWS)';
118$lang['useAvatar_o_activedirectory']  = 'Active Directory';
119$lang['useGoogleAnalytics']           = 'Enable Google Analytics';
120$lang['useLegacyNavbar']              = 'Use legacy and deprecated <code>navbar.html</code> hook (consider in the future to use the <code>:navbar</code> hook)';
121$lang['disableSearchSuggest']         = 'Disable the search suggest';