1# Bootstrap3 DokuWiki Template ChangeLog
3## [v2024-02-06]
5This release increase the compatibility with the latest DokuWiki and PHP releases.
7### Changes
8    * #589: Missing Wikipedia logo in interwiki links to Russian language
9    * #584, #604: Improved compatibility with new Translation Plugin
10    * #582: Theme changing doesn't work in Firefox/Gecko
11    * #573: Typeahead blocks global search if match is found
12    * #596, #597: Warnings after upgrade to 2023-04-04a "Jack Jackrum"
13    * #605: detail.php plural of "information"
16## [v2022-07-27]
18This release increase the compatibility with Hogfather and the upcoming Igor release and fix some regression.
22### Notable changes
23    * Created new class for manage DokuWiki events
24    * Display tag plugin only on "show" action
25    * Updated Material icons
26    * #552: Added initial support for new Form Events
27    * #545: Fix "Cannot declare class dokuwiki\Menu\Item\AbstractItem"
28    * #556: Fixed .svg could not be recognized as an icon file
29    * #530: Added tabbox plugin support
30    * #551: Fixed regression with tagalerts plugin
33## [v2021-03-11]
35This release increase the compatibility with Hogfather and fix some regression. Added support for Microsoft Teams and BS3 styles in jQueryUI.
37Dropped support for PHP < 5.4 and removed very old legacy stuff.
41### Added
42  * Added support for Microsoft Teams share
43  * Added BS3 styles in jQueryUI components
45### Changed
46  * #520: Revert .wikilink2 class in list context (@takuy)
48### Removed
49  * Dropped support for PHP < 5.4
50  * Removed deprecated `useLegacyNavbar` option
51  * #517: Removed `!important` in navbar height to prevent issue with `userall.css` style (@nurzu)
53### Fixed
54  * Fixed regression for Cookie Law for Hogfather release
55  * Fixed regression in AnchorJS and Sidebar
56  * #480: Fixed Google Search Errors: BreadcrumbList + ListItem (@willmcknight)
57  * #492: Fix "set_time_limit" warning with safe mode:ON (@DrakMrak)
58  * #499: Changed CSS load order for Bootstrap and DokuWiki styles when using `themeByNamespace` option (@Digitalin)
59  * #525: Fixed Configuration Settings TOC for Undefined Settings (@Skyridr)
60  * #529: Fixed tags extend beyond page limits (@tmo26)
63## [v2020-08-28]
65This release increase the compatibility with Hogfather and fix regressions, old bugs and a security vulnerability with Iconify (thanks to @issmirnov). Optimized all JS "hack" scripts, dropped support for very old DokuWiki releases and added support for upcoming [Icons](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:icons) plugin release with Iconify.
69### Added
70  * Added support for upcoming release of Icons plugin with Iconify
71  * Added ``confirm`` dialog for revert action
73### Changed
74  * Updated all translations from Transifex
75  * Refactoring all JS scripts
76  * Changed column size of matching pagenames in search results
77  * #499: Changed CSS load order for Bootstrap and DokuWiki styles when using `themeByNamespace` option (@Digitalin)
79### Fixed
80  * Fixed very old bug for media manager
81  * #500: Fixed regression in the preview image size in detail page (@IanGoo)
82  * #501: Search matching pagenames overlapping (#rogerjames1994)
83  * #503: Fixed edit toolbar icons regression for Hogfather release (@FloMiLe)
84  * #506: Fixed XSS vulnerability in Iconify API (thanks to @issmirnov for reporting this security issue)z
87## [v2020-07-29]
89This release introduce a support for Hogfather DokuWiki release and the support for Bitnami DokuWiki image (Docker), LinuxServer.io DokuWiki image (Docker), Debian/Ubuntu and Arch Linux. Changed the JS and CSS loading for increase the performance.
93### Added
94  * Added support for Hogfather release
95  * Added  ``css.php`` dispatcher for Bootstrap themes
96  * Added support for Bitnami DokuWiki image (Docker), LinuxServer.io DokuWiki image (Docker), Debian/Ubuntu and Arch Linux
97      * #463: Missing Header icons on Bitnami's DokuWiki Docker image (thanks to @PixiBixi)
98      * #470: Added LinuxServer.io Docker image support for Iconify and CSS.php (thanks to @Ryonez)
99  * Added ``doku_inc.php`` support for specify the corrected ``DOKU_INC`` path (added in ``css.php`` and ``iconify.php``)
101### Changed
102  * Moved CSS and JS asset into standard DokuWiki CSS/JS dispatcher (``/lib/exe/{js,css}.php``) for better plugin compatibility
103  * Updated Iconify to v1.0.6
104  * Enabled semantic metadata (schema.org)
106### Removed
107  * Removed ``semantic`` option (now is always enabled)
108  * Removed ``.wikilink2`` class in navbar & list and in SimpleNavi plugin
110### Fixed
111  * #461 PR: "pagefooter" duplicate where "pageheader" intended (thanks to @cgalo5758)
112  * #464: Section Edit jumping bug (thanks to @lizat and @kaapyth0n)
113  * #465: Added "itemref" meta (thanks to @sioc-de-narf)
114  * #466: Regression with Callout syntax and SVG icon (thanks to @geraldraaf)
115  * #467: Section-editing mouse flickering, when trying to click on "edit" button (thanks to @virk)
116  * #469: No TOC in Navbar (thanks to @Ohkami)
117  * #476: Fixed missing footer hook with particular configurations (thanks to @darren-henderson)
118  * #481: Navbar Items Improperly Formatted on Hogfather (thanks to @TheZachh and @phy25)
121## [v2020-04-04]
123After log development cycle a new release of Bootstrap Template is issued with Iconify support, new Detail page and Footer layout, stability and new plugins support (**Struct**, **Bureaucracy** and other popular DokuWiki plugins). Now Bootswatch Wrapper ``callout`` syntax follow the original Bootswatch contextual colors.
127### Added
128  * Added SVG class to embed SVG icons into HTML
129  * Added events dispatch table
130  * Re-Added after 4 years the `<bdi>` tag for better compatibility with RLT languages
131  * Now the callout element of Bootstrap Wrapper Plugin follow the original Bootswatch contextual colors
132  * Added `PageIconsMenu` menu DokuWiki menu system and migrated all "page icons" items
133  * Added support for `watchcycle`, `davcal`, `move` and `monthcal` plugins
134  * Added build version in `template.info.txt`. You can see the build version in Administration and *do=check* pages
135  * Added support for PlantUML plugin (thanks to @giper45)
136  * Improved integration with **Struct** and **Bureaucracy** plugins
137  * #428: Added Iconify support for increase the rendering performance and reduce the page size and download bandwidth
138  * #442: Added FontAwesome Plugin for Iconify
139  * #296: Added support for Move plugin in tree-based move manager (@Digitalin)
141### Changed
142  * #445: Support large logo (*width > 32px*) in navbar and footer (thanks to @trinh)
143  * Removed parsing of some elements (using `simple_html_dom`) for increase the performance
144  * Used DokuWiki events for modify the appearance of the page
145  * Used DokuWiki hooks for customize login and profile page (register, edit and delete)
146  * Upgraded `simple_html_dom` to v1.9
147  * Removed margin in mobile tamplate with `fluidContainer` enabled
148  * Changed WhatsApp API URL (`https://wa.me`)
149  * Changed the "footer" style
150  * Changed the layout of "detail" page
151  * Disable default TOC when use `tocLayout=navbar`
153### Fixed
154  * Fixed "PHP Notice" for `MAX_FILE_SIZE`
155  * Fixed Bootswatch Theme selection behavior
156  * Fixed navbar "Edit button" behavior
157  * Fixed issue with Plugins and userstyle.css (added `div.dokuwiki` tag and class in `main.php` and `detail.php`)
158  * #389: Fixex Translation plugin issue when use `translation»dropdown` option (@tmo26 and @dominiquesamson)
159  * #421: Fixed "showIndividualTool" issue (thanks to @AmritasyaPutra)
160  * #422: Fixed graphic incompatibility for Folded plugin (thanks to @virk)
161  * #423: Fixed PHP warnings for Page Tools (thanks to @fschmittlein)
162  * #424: Fixed Pagelist tables are missing some formatting (thanks to @Hitch42)
163  * #427: Fixed only the first page is printed out (thanks to @Juergen-aus-Koeln)
164  * #430: Fixed PHP Fatal and Warnings for "farm" environment (thanks to @cultcom)
165  * #440: Inconsistency between header and footer logo (thanks to @leemillerau)
166  * #444: Fix PHP invalid foreach in Menu Tools
167  * #449: Fixed TOC Navbar icon (thanks to @borgendorf)
168  * #460 PR: Bootswatch fonts / CSS file fixes (thanks to @takuy)
171## [v2019-05-22]
173After a long development cycle a new release of Bootstrap3 template is issued. This release use the [new DokuWiki menu system](https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:menus) introduced in *Greebo* release (included the compatibility classes for older DokuWiki releases). Switched all FontAwesome icons to Material Design Icon (added WebFont and SVG icons) and added option for enable the Material Design Icons for DokuWiki toolbar. Re-designed detail page for display EXIF and other useful photo metadata. Added new hook (`:usermenu`) for add a custom menu in User Menu. Upgraded Bootstrap and Bootswatch to v3.4.1 to prevent XSS vulnerability and `simple_html_dom` to v1.8.1 to increase the performance. This release now use a `Template` class for increase the performance during the rendering of page (1.2~1.5 second faster than the previous release).
177### Added
178  * Added support for [new menu system](https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:menus) for all DokuWiki menu and action items
179  * Added new option (`notifyExtentionsUpdate`) for display available update of DokuWiki plugins on user menu
180  * Added Material Design Icons assets (webfont and SVG)
181  * Added `useAlternativeToolbarIcons` option for enable Material Design Icons support on DokuWiki toolbar
182  * #349: Added integration of `tagalerts` plugin (thanks to @per-hed)
183  * #359: Lookup thumbnail photo from ActiveDirectory for Avatar support (thanks to @swordfischer). This integration require `authad` plugin and `$conf['plugin']['authad']['additional']` config with `thumbnailphoto` value.
184  * #364: Added link and media syntax for page and media id (thanks to @onkobu for idea)
185  * #411: Added Bootstrap v4 utilities
186  * #412: Added `:usermenu` hook for add new items in user menu using a standard DokuWiki page
187  * Added support of `tplinc` plugin (https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:tplinc)
188  * Added support of Material Design icons on DokuWiki edit page
190### Changed
191  * Use SVG icons for all DokuWiki tools menu (User, Site and Page)
192  * Improved Detail Page
193  * Upgraded Bootstrap3 Typeahead
194  * #402: Upgraded Bootstrap and Bootwarch to v3.4.1 to prevent XSS vulnerability (thanks to @gizmo21)
195  * #410 PR: Upgrade `simple_html_dom` to v1.8.1 (thanks to @GergoLadi for PR)
196  * #418 PR: Remove `X-UA-Compatible` in meta HTTP tag, is already set via PHP header function (thanks to @AmritasyaPutra)
198### Removed
199  * Removed "Purge cache" button in Page Tools
200  * Removed "Page Tools" animation
201  * Drop support for older DokuWiki release prior of PHP < 5.3.x
202  * Removed `pageToolsAnimation`, `showPurgePageCache` and `pageToolsAnimation` options
203  * Removed Google+ support on "Share on..." menu
205### Fixed
206  * #348: Removed `.page-header` class for Bootstrap Wrapper panel component in sidebar (thanks to @per-hed)
207  * #347: Re-added "bootstrap3:tabs" event for plugins that use DokuWiki tab styling (eg tabbox plugin) (special thanks to @martk70)
208  * #350, #352: Suppress warning for open_basedir
209  * #351: Removed TOC wrapper for NOTOC (thanks to @dralli72 and @trailjeep)
210  * #354: Added workaround for ToDo Plugin for checked elements (thanks to @nurzu)
211  * #356: Fixed keyboard access for new searchbar (@nurzu)
212  * #368, #391: Fixed readability issue on Extension Manager for Dark themes (cyborg, darkly, slate, superhero and solar) (special thanks to @Miro-Collas for suggested patch)
213  * #371 PR: Fixed incompatibility with SimpleNavi Plugin and Greebo DokuWiki release (thanks to @CornHead764)
214  * #375: Fixed Search matching pagenames overlap (thanks to @MKCPC)
215  * #388: Render all DokuWiki hooks (pageheader, pagefooter, topheader and header) with Bootstrap's styles (thanks to @dranjor and @mP-wiki for idea)
216  * #394, #395 PR: Send correct search URL, and keep current page (thanks to @schplurtz)
217  * #397, #400, #404, #405: Fixed Regex syntax for PHP Simple HTML DOM (thanks to @Kyushin for patch and other issue reporters)
218  * #402: Upgraded Bootstrap and Bootwarch to v3.4.1 to prevent XSS vulnerability (thanks to @gizmo21)
219  * #403: Fixed Characters picker z-index (thanks to schplurtz for patch on DokuWiki forum and @hokkaidoperson for reporting the issue)
220  * #415: Fixed footer sticky bug (thanks to @lifehome)
223## [v2018-02-16]
225After a long development cycle a new release of Bootstrap3 template is issued. This release introduce a DOM Engine (in pure PHP) can speedup a rendering of the page (estimated in 0.3 ~ 0.8 seconds per page) on client-side, by removing most of JS Hack code. Improved the Avatar support with Gravatar, Libravatar, Office365 and local DokuWiki `:user` namespace media. Added new DokuWiki hooks (`:header` and `:topheader`), configuration options and new fresh layout for search bar, footer, user menu and admin page.
229### Added
230  * Improved Avatar support with Gravatar, Libravatar, Office365 or local DokuWiki `:user` namespace media (thanks to @iosonopersia for the idea on #337 PR)
231  * Added TOC Navbar
232  * Added new DokuWiki hooks `:header` and `:topheader`
233  * Added Persian localization support (thanks to Shevin Shiasi)
234  * Added Indonesian localization support (thanks to Arif Budiman)
235  * Added Simple DOM HTML Parser to increase client-side performance during rendering of template
236  * Added default Bootstrap theme in Theme Switcher menu
237  * Added `showPurgePageCache` option for display in Page Tools a link to `?purge=true` useful to purge current page
238  * Added `domParserMaxPageSize` option to set the Max page size for DOM Parser
239  * Added `showWikiInfo` option for display Wiki title, logo and tagline on footer
240  * Added "permalink" (dokuwiki URL + page + revision ID) in Page Icons section
241  * Added icons for Discussion, Translation and Advanced plugins
242  * Added `active` class on link menu for current Admin page
243  * Added Typeahead support for quick search using `qsearch` DokuWiki AJAX service and fixed action items functions
244  * #295: Added solar theme from Bootswatch (thanks to @alaricljs) and updated all theme fonts
245  * #286: Added "homePageURL" config option to add custom Home-Page link (thanks to @rgleason)
246  * #238, #297: Added initial support of Styling Plugin and `style.ini` placeholders
247  * #300: Re-Added `social.html` sample hook (thanks to @igittigitt)
248  * #315: Added visibility of Admin menu for Manager users (thank to @FosseWay)
249  * Added new bugs to fix later!
251### Changed
252  * New Search Bar layout
253  * Improved User Menu with new fresh layout
254  * New Admin Page layout
255  * Updated all translations from Transifex platform
257### Fixed
258  * Fix duplicate `</a>` in plugin_move intergration
259  * #274: Fixed Semantic Plugin integration (thanks to @kiritype)
260  * #288: Fixed Database2 plugin conflict with Bootstrap's label class (thanks to @justemu)
261  * #294: Fixed footnote behavior after Frusteric Manners update (thanks to @sanctus17)
262  * #265, #309: Fix color in Diff view (thanks to @vidschofelix for PR and for all "bug hunters")
263  * #302: Fixed issue for large dropdown menu (Admin and User) in fixed navbar (thanks to @mguitvlugt)
264  * #281, #282, #299: Fixed Semantic popup behavior
265  * #287: Fixed printing abbreviations (thanks to @Juergen-aus-Koeln)
266  * #325: Fixed accesskey issue (thanks to @dedeibel)
267  * #342: Fixed Purplenumbers renderer plugin issue (thanks to @molefunk)
268  * #343: Fixed unexpected behavior with fluid container button and navbar-right (thanks to @ggieling)
270### Removed
271  * Removed `.map` file from bootstrap assets (thanks to Andrew Gent)
272  * Removed `split()` deprecated PHP function (thanks to Andrew Gent for the fix)
273  * Dropped support for legacy `_tpl` functions
274  * Removed old JS code
277## [v2016-12-12]
279In this release new TOC and Page Tools layout, improved speed page loading, stability for third party plugins and UX and updated all assets (Bootstrap, Font-Awesome). Introduced new configurations and special data attribute for customize the template or single page or NS.
281### Added
282  * #63, #64: Added Edit Button (``showEditBtn``: never) in Navbar (special thanks to @huksley for PR and @NoriSilverrage, @HavocKKS for idea)
283  * #110: Added ``sidebarOnNavbar`` (default:off) option for display the sidebar contents inside the navbar (special thanks to @chtiland for the idea)
284  * #150: Added option to disable Page Tools animation (pageToolsAnimation: on) (thanks to @Juergen-aus-Koeln and @hvarga)
285  * #186: Added "Add New Page" plugin support into navbar (thanks to @blacklord049 for idea)
286  * #214: Added "Simplenavi" Plugin support (thanks to @Braintelligence and @Valiantiam)
287  * #228: Added all Google Fonts used in Bootswatch Theme to recude load delay in intranet DokuWiki installations (thanks to @rafamerino for idea)
288  * #228: Added Gravatar caching via DokuWiki external image fetch (see ``fetchsize`` DokuWiki config)
289  * #229: Revert sidebar grid configurations
290  * #230: Added Template by Namespace feature and new option to enable/disable this feature (thanks to @Digitalin for idea)
291  * #231: Added ``tocCollapsed`` (default:0) option to automatic collapse the TOC on every pages (thanks to @tysoncecka)
292  * #242: Added Dir plugin support (thanks to @huksley for the patch)
293  * Added Portuguese (Brazil) and Norwegian language and updated more localization strings (thanks for all translators)
294  * Added HTML5 Data Attributes to identify and styling current page/namespace via JS and CSS
295  * Added Telegram integration
296  * Added configuration (``sidebarShowPageTitle``: on) to display the page title of sidebar on mobile layout
297  * Added DokuWiki Semantic webservice integration. Now is possible display a popup with a brief text of DokuWiki page when the user over on DokuWiki link
298  * Added Print, Send e-Mail and Share on localization strings
300### Changed
301  * Changed position of Page Tools
302  * Revert layout of TOC
303  * Updated Font-Awesome to v4.7
304  * Moved Help page (``:help`` hook) into a modal popup
305  * Changed verical alignment of rowspan table headers
307### Fixed
308  * #115: Fixed inlinetoc plugin visibility (thanks to @baxq)
309  * #225: Fixed Cookie Banner Law visibility (thanks to @legend2360)
310  * #226: Fixed conflict with Bootstrap Wrapper Pane Plugin (thanks to @legend2360)
311  * #248: Fixed unhexpected behavior for TOC when the user click on anchor link (special thanks to @algorys, @Digitalin and @polyzen)
312  * #249: Revert TOC to the original behavior (no Bootstrap grid) + enhancements
313  * #250: Fixed "headers already send" issue when change theme (thanks to @bobdeh)
314  * #253: Fixed Feed URL NS (thanks to @Juergen-aus-Koeln)
315  * #260: Fixed Fluid container behavior (thanks to @Hakker)
316  * #261: Fixed TOC elements visibility for Struct Plugin (thanks to @Digitalin)
317  * #264: Added missing icon for "Edit draft" (thanks to @polyzen)
318  * #272: Fidex TOC word break for JCK languages (thanks to @lattekun)
319  * Corrected link style on footer
322## [v2016-07-05]
324In this release improved stability and performance during rendering of the page. Fixed more issues, added new features and plugin support and updated the assets (Bootswatch, FontAwesome and AnchorJS). Added Bootstrap Documentation style for TOC (Table of Contents).
325This release is compatible with DokuWiki "Elenor of Tsort" release with ACL support for sidebars and DokuWiki hooks.
329### Added
330  * #119, #223: Added ACL support for Sidebars (left and right) and for all DokuWiki hooks (eg. :navbar, :footer, etc) via "useACL" option (default: off). This feature is available since "Elenor of Tsort"
331  * #162: Added new option ("tocCollapseOnScroll" - default is "on") to enable/disable automatic collapse of the TOC during the scroll of the page (thanks to @tysoncecka)
332  * #193: Added localization variables for Admin TOC and sections in Configuration Manager
333  * #208: Added missing function in DokuWiki "Hrun" release (thanks to @gropefruit)
334  * #217: Added Linkback support (thanks to @downhamdave)
335  * #219: Added Overlay plugin support (thanks to @lattekun)
336  * #220: Added scroll animation and new UI for mobile for Footnote (thanks to @lattekun)
337  * #239: Added Table Width plugin support (thanks to @Lethert and @lukderp)
338  * Added missing "create" action icon
339  * Added new option ("navbarLabels") to display/hide labels on navbar
340  * Added ARIA support for all dropdown menu
341  * Added missing notify/alert style
342  * Added fallback "dokuwiki" class in <header/> and <main/> elements for 3th party plugins
343  * Added Korean language (thanks to @araname)
344  * Added more bugs to fix later
346### Changed
347  * Layout: Changed default Bootstrap layout and "page-id" font-size
348  * Configuration Manager: Moved Bootstrap section builder from JS to PHP to increase the performance during rendering of the page
349  * TOC: Switched to Bootstrap Documentation style
350  * Engine: Increased the performance of template engine
351  * Engine: Added some Bootstrap elements/classes (alerts, table, images, page-heading) via PHP engine instead of JS engine
352  * Layout: Moved DokuWiki logo inline style to "template.less"
353  * Layout: Added Bootstrap style to Difference page and optimized layout for Revisions and Recents pages
354  * Asset: Reorganized Bootstrap & Bootswatch asset directory
355  * Asset: Removed non-minified Bootstrap, Bootswatch and FontAwesome assets to save space
356  * Asset: Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.3
357  * Asset: Updated Bootswatch Themes to v3.3.6+2
358  * Localization: Updated translations from Transifex platform
359  * General: Reorganized and cleaned the code
361### Fixed
362  * #190: Fixed height of "Upload Extension" input form in "Extension Manager" (thanks to @blacklord049)
363  * #191: Fixed visibility of config options on darker Bootswatch Themes (thanks to @oscon)
364  * #198: Fixed Navbar container size (thanks to @aliasedv2)
365  * #200: Fixed Admin Menu Collapses too fast issue (thanks to @issmirnov)
366  * #201: Fixed Page Tools issue (thanks to @Digitalin)
367  * #218: Fixed overlap on IE and Opera (thanks to @Soeldner)
368  * Fixed visibility of 3th level of TOC
369  * Fixed a Right Sidebar bahavior. Now the Right Sidebar is indipendent from Left Sidebar
370  * Changed selector to fix fluid container functionality
371  * Fixed logo padding without tagline
373### Removed
374  * Removed old and unused functions
375  * Removed unused left and right sidebar grid options to increase the performance
376  * Removed IE8 support
379## [v2016-04-13]
381In this release improved the stability, speed and the user experience with new layout for **Detail page** and new icons for **Admin pages** and **3th party plugins** and new options. Added support for **Loadskin** plugin. Updated **FontAwesome** and **AnchorJS** to latest release.
383### Added
384  * #164: Introduced new PHP function to wrap a DokuWiki content to replace/add or adjust code/tags/classes on server-side
385  * #168: Added missing button style in Media Manager (thanks to @nkukard)
386  * #170: Added missing Google Analytics code in ``detail.php`` (thanks to @AlekSet)
387  * #175: Added **Loadskin plugin** support
388  * Added Bootstrap table style to User Import Failure table
389  * Added automatic collapse of 2nd section levels in mobile devices and clean code
390  * Added ``tocAffix`` (default: 1) option to disable/enable the affix of TOC
391  * Added ``collapsibleSections`` (default:0) option to enable/disable 2nd section levels collapse
392  * Added ``showSearchButton`` (default:0) option to enable/disable search button in navbar. Turn off to save space in navbar
393  * Added ``forcewrapper=true`` in TOC to add initial ``<ul>`` tag
395### Changed
396  * #161: Removed RSS Feed icon color (thanks to @AlekSet and @polyzen)
397  * #171: Improvements in detail.php (thanks to @AlekSet for the idea)
398  * #172: Changed color of toolbar in Bootswatch Cosmo theme (thanks to @drguildo)
399  * #175: Use the ``tpl_basedir()`` function instead of deprecated ``DOKU_TPL`` constant (thanks to @umbomas)
400  * #177: Changed alignment and layout of form elements for mobile devices (thanks to @blacklord049 on #177)
401  * New layout for ``detail.php``
402  * Updated AnchorJS to v3.1.0
403  * Updated FontAwesome to v4.6.0
404  * Updated all translations from Transifex platform
405  * Splitted plugins hacks (CSS and JS) in different files
406  * Changed textarea ``font-family`` in edit mode
407  * Using ``wl()`` function to build the Theme Switcher URL
408  * Improvements in TOC, Admin Pages (new icons) and JS and Template engine
409  * Using CSS instead of ``<i>`` tag to add icons in page, to reduce page size
410  * Adding ``.mark`` class via PHP instead of JS
411  * Moved ``<header>`` out of main ``<div>``
413### Deprecated
414  * Using ``.visible-*-block`` classes instead of deprecated ``.visible-*`` classes to detect media/device size
416### Removed
417  * Removed old commented code
419### Fixed
420  * #26: Fixed regression image alignment after moving Bootstrap CSS before the custom CSS (thanks to @duenni)
421  * #154: Fixed multiple count syntax in same page (thanks to @duenni)
422  * #156: Fixed IE11 issue for User and Admin menu (thanks to @blacklord049)
423  * #161: Added missing Feed URL (thanks to @AlekSet)
424  * #163: Added new regex pattern to fix a ``.page-header`` with ``H1-H2`` tags in sidebar (thanks to @blacklord049)
425  * #166: Fixed TOC behavior with the same #ID in the article and sidebar (thanks to HanFox)
426  * #174: Fixed Pagetools are behind the scrollbar on IE11 (thanks to @blacklord049)
427  * #188: Fixed Media Manager popup issue on IE11 (thanks to @help53)
428  * Fixed unexpected behavior for ``fluidContainer`` button and TOC
429  * Fixed ScrollSpy behavior
430  * Fixed unhexpected behavior in TOC for SQLite and Advanced plugin
433## [v2016-02-29]
435In this release improved the user experience with new icons for print, share the link (via mail and social network -- eg Google+, Fb, Twitter, WhatsApp) and new little-hook to an help page. Enjoy SEO user, with the OOTB integration with Google Analytics. Fixed some issues, reorganized and added new configurations.
437### New features
438  * #141: Added option to change visibility of navbar hook (thanks to @jERCle)
439  * Added icons (on top of page) to Print, Send url via e-mail, Share to social network (g+, FB, Linkedin, Whatsapp, etc) and the link to Help page (``:help``) of current NS
440  * New Page Info layout and configurations
441  * Added Google Analytics integration
443### Translations
444  * Updated translation files (thanks to all translators on Transifex platform)
446### Assets
447  * Updated FontAwesome to v4.5.0
449### Plugins
450  * #149: Fixed warning message of the translation plugin (thanks to @Juergen-aus-Koeln)
451  * #152: Fixed Mobile View borked when using many tags (thanks to @duenni and @hvarga)
452  * #154: Tables generated with tag and csv plugin don't use Bootstrap style (thanks to @duenni)
453  * Removed unnecessary code for new version of DataTables plugin
454  * Fixed sidebar title headings to prevent issue with Bootstrap Wrapper plugin (thanks to @AlekSet via giterlizzi/dokuwiki-plugin-bootswrapper#24 issue)
456### Layout
457  * #139: Added styling to ordered list (``<ol/>``), same as DokuWiki default template (thanks to @Valiantiam for the idea)
458  * #145: Fixed lost styles in media details (thanks to @AlekSet)
459  * #154: Fixed tables generated with Tag and CSV plugin don't use Bootstrap style (thanks to @duenni and @blacklord049
460  * #157: Printing out with a lot of space (thanks to @Juergen-aus-Koeln and @Soeldner)
461  * #160: Fixed theme loading in detail.php (thanks to @asmith3006 for PR)
462  * Optimization to HTML5 layout
463  * Added tooltip to ``<abbr/>`` element
464  * Added ``<footer>`` element to ``tpl_footer.php``
465  * Reorganized the position of template configurations in Configuration Manager
466  * Optimization in action/tools menu
467  * Added little margin on top for the first ``.page-header`` element in page
468  * Display username in small device
469  * Fixed a regression for TOC position in affix mode (thank to @polyzen)
470  * Improvements in TOC (thanks to @polyzen)
471  * Improvements in JS and Template engine
474## [v2016-01-25]
476### Template
477  * #78: Fixed the behavior when the user scroll up and the TOC remain closed
478  * #100, #105, #123: Fix for page tools visibility on mobile and fluid-container
479  * #116: Deprecated ``navbar.html`` hook and added the ``useLegacyNavbar`` option (thanks to @per-hed)
480  * #127: Escaped the REMOTE_USER and fullname of DokuWiki user to prevent an XSS vulnerability (thanks to @splitbrain)
481  * #129: Added initial support to display the previous title of every namespace of current page on the browser title (thanks to Alekk and @polyzen)
482  * #129: Added new section in Configuration manager for "Browser Title"
483  * Fixed pagename in "bradcrumbs" and "you-are-here" (thanks to Jason Harris)
484  * Added new option to enable/disable the collapse of all sub-sections in TOC (thanks to Jason Harris and the other people)
485  * Improved the DokuWiki ``:footer`` hook and added ``.container-fluid`` class when the template is in "fluid" mode. Now the ":footer" have the same style of navbar
486  * Updated and rewritten ``plugin.less``
487  * Optimization to TOC, sidebars and JS engine to increase the page speed and UX
488  * Added ``.page-header`` class for all H[1-6] tags in (left and right) sidebar
489  * Changed ``:pageheader`` & ``:pagefooter`` visibility (thanks to @Digitalin)
490  * Improvements in media manager
491  * General optimization of PHP code to increase the page speed
492  * New layout for Page Tools
493  * ... and more!
495### Assets
496  * Updated Bootswatch to v3.3.6+1
497  * Updated Bootstrap to v3.3.6
499### Translation
500  * Updated all translations from Transifex platform
503## [v2015-11-23]
505### Template
506  * #112: white button on navbar with particular Bootswatch themes (thanks to @chtiland)
507  * #114: Fixed picker not expanded in edit page (thanks to @Yuriy46)
508  * #125: Fixed body font-size small being applied to all Bootswatch templates (thanks to @tysoncecka)
510### Engine
511  * Moved external JS (AnchorJS and Bootstrap) in DokuWiki JS dispatcher (aka /lib/exe/js.php) to reduce the number of HTTP requests
512  * Moved all template configuration from TPL_CONFIG to DokuWiki JSINFO JavaScript object
514### Configuration
515  * #124, #118, #109 (and more...): Added a new config ('showHomePageLink' - default: 0) to enable/disable the Home-Page link in navbar
517### Plugins
518  * #107: Added initial support for plugin:userhomepage
519  * #115: Added InlineTOC support (thanks to @coastgnu)
520  * #117: Added "Recipe" option for "schemaOrgType" config (thanks to @coastgnu
521  * #113: Added AnchorJS support
522  * #116, #121: Fixed issues for DAVCal (thanks to @antiphasis and @kernam)
523  * Removed hacks for jOrgChart, Rack and Diagram plugins
525### Translation
526  * Added "de" translation from Transifex (thanks to @Soeldner)
527  * Updated all translation from Transifex platform
530## [v2015-10-27]
532In this release improved the user experience with new icons for Configuration Manager and Page Tools (for third-party plugins). Reduced the page loading and execution of JS hacks by moving the icons from JS to CSS. Now Configuration Manager, Login and Register pages have a responsive layout for small and tablet devices. Fixed some issue and added new configurations.
534  * Moved all icons from JS to CSS to increase the performance during the execution of the page
535  * Added more icons in Configuration Manager
536  * Added responsive layout for Configuration Manager
537  * Added some "font" icons for third-party plugin in Page Tools
538  * Fixed "Undefined Settings" config visibility in Configuration Manager
539  * Updated translations from Transifex platform (thanks for ALL translators)
540  * Added "Callouts" classes for future enhancements
541  * Fixed User profile dropdown menu links style (issue #83)
542  * Added "tagsOnTop" configuration (default:on) for move (or not) all tags on top of the page (thanks to @chtiland on issue #95)
543  * Added "showPageId" configuration (default:on) for display/hide the pageId on top of the page (thanks to @armanabraham on #99 issue)
544  * Fixed namespace scroll in media manager pop-up (thanks to @chtiland on #97 issue)
545  * Fixed #86 and #98 issue for Data plugin (thanks to @virk  and @miocat)
546  * Fixed #101 issue for missing tooltip in Rename button from plugin:move (thanks to @polyzen)
547  * Fixed issue for Bootstrap Wrapper Plugin (giterlizzi/dokuwiki-plugin-bootswrapper#16). Thanks to @Shadoward
548  * Fixed text above forms on login and register pages off to the right (thanks to @polyzen on #106 issue)
551## [v2015-10-08]
553  * Added new DokuWiki hooks:
554    * ``:navbar`` and ``:dropdownpage`` for the NavBar (see #91 and #88)
555    * ``:pageheader`` and ``:pagefooter`` for the wiki article and ``:footer`` of the page
557      These hooks permits to create differents and personalized "navbar" (with sub-menu), "drop-down page" (eg. for an index menu or a brief descriptions), header/footer for wiki article (eg. for navitagion menu or back/forward link) and footer per namespaces (like the sidebar behavior).
558  * Switched to LESS to maintain the code clean and modular. In the future i have the plan to integrate the template with Styling plugin
559  * Added new choices for the ``tableStyle`` option (*bordered* and *hover*)
560  * Updated Bootswatch themes to the latest release (v3.3.5+4)
561  * Fixed mediafile icon in sidebar
562  * Fixed the list overlaps image (thanks to @Iwasntthere on issue #55)
563  * Removed unused files (LESS and SASS support) from FontAwesome directory
564  * Removed empty tool from Tools Menu
565  * Improvements in Administration Menu layout
566  * Added translations for Administration Menu
567  * Switched the Gravatar url from HTTP to HTTPS to increase the security (thanks to @MWsatwareAG on #93 and PR #94)
568  * Removed the width of logo to maintain aspect ratio (thanks to @mdik on PR #92)
569  * Re-implemented some DokuWiki functions to increase the client-side performance during the rendering the page (eg. for breadcrumbs and you-are-here)
570  * New PHP functions
571  * Initial support for *override* the some parts of template (now is disabled)
572  * Updated translations from Tansifex platform (thanks for ALL translators)
573  * Improvements in Cookie Law. Now the Policy button is displayed only when the DokuWiki page exists
574  * ... and more
576## Older releases
578  * [v2015-09-18](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-09-14...v2015-09-18)
579  * [v2015-09-14](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-09-13...v2015-09-14)
580  * [v2015-09-13](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-09-12...v2015-09-13)
581  * [v2015-09-12](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-09-07...v2015-09-12)
582  * [v2015-09-07](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-09-06...v2015-09-07)
583  * [v2015-09-06](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-09-04...v2015-09-06)
584  * [v2015-09-04](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-08-30...v2015-09-04)
585  * [v2015-08-30](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-08-27...v2015-08-30)
586  * [v2015-08-27](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-08-22...v2015-08-27)
587  * [v2015-08-22](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-08-20...v2015-08-22)
588  * [v2015-08-20](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-08-19...v2015-08-20)
589  * [v2015-08-19](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-08-12...v2015-08-19)
590  * [v2015-08-12](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-08-10...v2015-08-12)
591  * [v2015-08-10](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-08-03...v2015-08-10)
592  * [v2015-08-03](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-08-02...v2015-08-03)
593  * [v2015-08-02](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-08-01...v2015-08-02)
594  * [v2015-08-01](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-31...v2015-08-01)
595  * [v2015-07-31](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-30...v2015-07-31)
596  * [v2015-07-30](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-28...v2015-07-30)
597  * [v2015-07-28](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-22...v2015-07-28)
598  * [v2015-07-22](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-19...v2015-07-22)
599  * [v2015-07-19](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-17...v2015-07-19)
600  * [v2015-07-17](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-16...v2015-07-17)
601  * [v2015-07-16](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-15...v2015-07-16)
602  * [v2015-07-15](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-13...v2015-07-15)
603  * [v2015-07-13](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-08...v2015-07-13)
604  * [v2015-07-08](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-07-06...v2015-07-08)
605  * [v2015-07-06](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-06-17...v2015-07-06)
606  * [v2015-06-17](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-06-11...v2015-06-17)
607  * [v2015-06-11](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-06-05...v2015-06-11)
608  * [v2015-06-05](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-05-14...v2015-06-05)
609  * [v2015-05-14](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-05-13...v2015-05-14)
610  * [v2015-05-13](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-05-12...v2015-05-13)
611  * [v2015-05-12](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-05-08...v2015-05-12)
612  * [v2015-05-08](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-05-06...v2015-05-08)
613  * [v2015-05-06](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-04-27...v2015-05-06)
614  * [v2015-04-27](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-04-22...v2015-04-27)
615  * [v2015-04-22](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-04-20...v2015-04-22)
616  * [v2015-04-20](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-04-10...v2015-04-20)
617  * [v2015-04-10](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-04-09...v2015-04-10)
618  * [v2015-04-09](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-04-08...v2015-04-09)
619  * [v2015-04-08](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-04-07...v2015-04-08)
620  * [v2015-04-07](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-04-02...v2015-04-07)
621  * [v2015-04-02](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-04-01...v2015-04-02)
622  * [v2015-04-01](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-03-24...v2015-04-01)
623  * [v2015-03-24](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-03-22...v2015-03-24)
624  * [v2015-03-22](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-03-19...v2015-03-22)
625  * [v2015-03-19](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-03-18...v2015-03-19)
626  * [v2015-03-18](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-03-18...v2015-03-18)
629[Develop]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/master...develop
630[v2024-02-06]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2022-07-27...v2024-02-06
631[v2022-07-27]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2021-03-11...v2022-07-27
632[v2021-03-11]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2020-08-28...v2021-03-11
633[v2020-08-28]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2020-07-29...v2020-08-28
634[v2020-07-29]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2020-04-04...v2020-07-29
635[v2020-04-04]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2019-05-22...v2020-04-04
636[v2019-05-22]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2018-02-16...v2019-05-22
637[v2018-02-16]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2016-12-12...v2018-02-16
638[v2016-12-12]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2016-05-07...v2016-12-12
639[v2016-07-05]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2016-04-13...v2016-05-07
640[v2016-04-13]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2016-02-29...v2016-04-13
641[v2016-02-29]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2016-01-25...v2016-02-29
642[v2016-01-25]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-11-23...v2016-01-25
643[v2015-11-23]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-10-27...v2015-11-23
644[v2015-10-27]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-10-08...v2015-10-27
645[v2015-10-08]: https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-template-bootstrap3/compare/v2015-09-18...v2015-10-08