2/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
5 * Retrieve the MIME of a file thanks to its extension
6 *
7 * PHP versions 4 and 5
8 *
9 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 *
14 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 *
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,Boston,MA 02111-1307 USA
22 *
23 * @category   File Formats
24 * @package    File_Archive
25 * @author     Vincent Lascaux <vincentlascaux@php.net>
26 * @copyright  1997-2005 The PHP Group
27 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html  LGPL
28 * @version    CVS: $Id: MimeList.php,v 1.7 2005/02/23 20:11:42 vincentlascaux Exp $
29 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/File_Archive
30 */
33 * Returns the MIME of the filename, deducted from its extension
34 * If the extension is unknown, returns "application/octet-stream"
35 */
36function File_Archive_Reader_GetMime($filename)
38    $pos = strrpos($filename, '.');
39    $extension = "";
40    if ($pos !== false) {
41        $extension = strtolower(substr($filename, $pos+1));
42    }
44    switch($extension) {
45    case '3dmf':
46        return 'x-world/x-3dmf';
47    case 'a':
48        return 'application/octet-stream';
49    case 'aab':
50        return 'application/x-authorware-bin';
51    case 'aam':
52        return 'application/x-authorware-map';
53    case 'aas':
54        return 'application/x-authorware-seg';
55    case 'abc':
56        return 'text/vnd.abc';
57    case 'acgi':
58        return 'text/html';
59    case 'afl':
60        return 'video/animaflex';
61    case 'ai':
62        return 'application/postscript';
63    case 'aif':
64        return 'audio/aiff';
65    case 'aifc':
66        return 'audio/aiff';
67    case 'aiff':
68        return 'audio/aiff';
69    case 'aim':
70        return 'application/x-aim';
71    case 'aip':
72        return 'text/x-audiosoft-intra';
73    case 'ani':
74        return 'application/x-navi-animation';
75    case 'aos':
76        return 'application/x-nokia-9000-communicator-add-on-software';
77    case 'aps':
78        return 'application/mime';
79    case 'arc':
80        return 'application/octet-stream';
81    case 'arj':
82        return 'application/arj';
83    case 'art':
84        return 'image/x-jg';
85    case 'asf':
86        return 'video/x-ms-asf';
87    case 'asm':
88        return 'text/x-asm';
89    case 'asp':
90        return 'text/asp';
91    case 'asx':
92        return 'application/x-mplayer2';
93    case 'au':
94        return 'audio/basic';
95    case 'avi':
96        return 'application/x-troff-msvideo';
97    case 'avs':
98        return 'video/avs-video';
99    case 'bcpio':
100        return 'application/x-bcpio';
101    case 'bin':
102        return 'application/x-binary';
103    case 'bm':
104        return 'image/bmp';
105    case 'bmp':
106        return 'image/bmp';
107    case 'boo':
108        return 'application/book';
109    case 'book':
110        return 'application/book';
111    case 'boz':
112        return 'application/x-bzip2';
113    case 'bsh':
114        return 'application/x-bsh';
115    case 'bz':
116        return 'application/x-bzip';
117    case 'bz2':
118        return 'application/x-bzip2';
119    case 'c':
120        return 'text/plain';
121    case 'c++':
122        return 'text/plain';
123    case 'cat':
124        return 'application/vnd.ms-pki.seccat';
125    case 'cc':
126        return 'text/plain';
127    case 'ccad':
128        return 'application/clariscad';
129    case 'cco':
130        return 'application/x-cocoa';
131    case 'cdf':
132        return 'application/cdf';
133    case 'cer':
134        return 'application/pkix-cert';
135    case 'cha':
136        return 'application/x-chat';
137    case 'chat':
138        return 'application/x-chat';
139    case 'class':
140        return 'application/java';
141    case 'com':
142        return 'application/octet-stream';
143    case 'conf':
144        return 'text/plain';
145    case 'cpio':
146        return 'application/x-cpio';
147    case 'cpp':
148        return 'text/x-c';
149    case 'cpt':
150        return 'application/mac-compactpro';
151    case 'crl':
152        return 'application/pkcs-crl';
153    case 'csh':
154        return 'application/x-csh';
155    case 'css':
156        return 'text/css';
157    case 'cxx':
158        return 'text/plain';
159    case 'dcr':
160        return 'application/x-director';
161    case 'deepv':
162        return 'application/x-deepv';
163    case 'def':
164        return 'text/plain';
165    case 'der':
166        return 'application/x-x509-ca-cert';
167    case 'dif':
168        return 'video/x-dv';
169    case 'dir':
170        return 'application/x-director';
171    case 'dl':
172        return 'video/dl';
173    case 'doc':
174        return 'application/msword';
175    case 'dot':
176        return 'application/msword';
177    case 'dp':
178        return 'application/commonground';
179    case 'drw':
180        return 'application/drafting';
181    case 'dump':
182        return 'application/octet-stream';
183    case 'dv':
184        return 'video/x-dv';
185    case 'dvi':
186        return 'application/x-dvi';
187    case 'dwf':
188        return 'drawing/x-dwf (old)';
189    case 'dwg':
190        return 'application/acad';
191    case 'dxf':
192        return 'application/dxf';
193    case 'dxr':
194        return 'application/x-director';
195    case 'el':
196        return 'text/x-script.elisp';
197    case 'elc':
198        return 'application/x-bytecode.elisp (compiled elisp)';
199    case 'env':
200        return 'application/x-envoy';
201    case 'eps':
202        return 'application/postscript';
203    case 'es':
204        return 'application/x-esrehber';
205    case 'etx':
206        return 'text/x-setext';
207    case 'evy':
208        return 'application/envoy';
209    case 'exe':
210        return 'application/octet-stream';
211    case 'f':
212        return 'text/plain';
213    case 'f77':
214        return 'text/x-fortran';
215    case 'f90':
216        return 'text/plain';
217    case 'fdf':
218        return 'application/vnd.fdf';
219    case 'fif':
220        return 'application/fractals';
221    case 'fli':
222        return 'video/fli';
223    case 'flo':
224        return 'image/florian';
225    case 'flx':
226        return 'text/vnd.fmi.flexstor';
227    case 'fmf':
228        return 'video/x-atomic3d-feature';
229    case 'for':
230        return 'text/plain';
231    case 'fpx':
232        return 'image/vnd.fpx';
233    case 'frl':
234        return 'application/freeloader';
235    case 'funk':
236        return 'audio/make';
237    case 'g':
238        return 'text/plain';
239    case 'g3':
240        return 'image/g3fax';
241    case 'gif':
242        return 'image/gif';
243    case 'gl':
244        return 'video/gl';
245    case 'gsd':
246        return 'audio/x-gsm';
247    case 'gsm':
248        return 'audio/x-gsm';
249    case 'gsp':
250        return 'application/x-gsp';
251    case 'gss':
252        return 'application/x-gss';
253    case 'gtar':
254        return 'application/x-gtar';
255    case 'gz':
256        return 'application/x-compressed';
257    case 'gzip':
258        return 'application/x-gzip';
259    case 'h':
260        return 'text/plain';
261    case 'hdf':
262        return 'application/x-hdf';
263    case 'help':
264        return 'application/x-helpfile';
265    case 'hgl':
266        return 'application/vnd.hp-hpgl';
267    case 'hh':
268        return 'text/plain';
269    case 'hlb':
270        return 'text/x-script';
271    case 'hlp':
272        return 'application/hlp';
273    case 'hpg':
274        return 'application/vnd.hp-hpgl';
275    case 'hpgl':
276        return 'application/vnd.hp-hpgl';
277    case 'hqx':
278        return 'application/binhex';
279    case 'hta':
280        return 'application/hta';
281    case 'htc':
282        return 'text/x-component';
283    case 'htm':
284        return 'text/html';
285    case 'html':
286        return 'text/html';
287    case 'htmls':
288        return 'text/html';
289    case 'htt':
290        return 'text/webviewhtml';
291    case 'htx':
292        return 'text/html';
293    case 'ice':
294        return 'x-conference/x-cooltalk';
295    case 'ico':
296        return 'image/x-icon';
297    case 'idc':
298        return 'text/plain';
299    case 'ief':
300        return 'image/ief';
301    case 'iefs':
302        return 'image/ief';
303    case 'iges':
304        return 'application/iges';
305    case 'igs':
306        return 'application/iges';
307    case 'ima':
308        return 'application/x-ima';
309    case 'imap':
310        return 'application/x-httpd-imap';
311    case 'inf':
312        return 'application/inf';
313    case 'ins':
314        return 'application/x-internett-signup';
315    case 'ip':
316        return 'application/x-ip2';
317    case 'isu':
318        return 'video/x-isvideo';
319    case 'it':
320        return 'audio/it';
321    case 'iv':
322        return 'application/x-inventor';
323    case 'ivr':
324        return 'i-world/i-vrml';
325    case 'ivy':
326        return 'application/x-livescreen';
327    case 'jam':
328        return 'audio/x-jam';
329    case 'jav':
330        return 'text/plain';
331    case 'java':
332        return 'text/plain';
333    case 'jcm':
334        return 'application/x-java-commerce';
335    case 'jfif':
336        return 'image/jpeg';
337    case 'jfif-tbnl':
338        return 'image/jpeg';
339    case 'jpe':
340        return 'image/jpeg';
341    case 'jpeg':
342        return 'image/jpeg';
343    case 'jpg':
344        return 'image/jpeg';
345    case 'jps':
346        return 'image/x-jps';
347    case 'js':
348        return 'application/x-javascript';
349    case 'jut':
350        return 'image/jutvision';
351    case 'kar':
352        return 'audio/midi';
353    case 'ksh':
354        return 'application/x-ksh';
355    case 'la':
356        return 'audio/nspaudio';
357    case 'lam':
358        return 'audio/x-liveaudio';
359    case 'latex':
360        return 'application/x-latex';
361    case 'lha':
362        return 'application/lha';
363    case 'lhx':
364        return 'application/octet-stream';
365    case 'list':
366        return 'text/plain';
367    case 'lma':
368        return 'audio/nspaudio';
369    case 'log':
370        return 'text/plain';
371    case 'lsp':
372        return 'application/x-lisp';
373    case 'lst':
374        return 'text/plain';
375    case 'lsx':
376        return 'text/x-la-asf';
377    case 'ltx':
378        return 'application/x-latex';
379    case 'lzh':
380        return 'application/octet-stream';
381    case 'lzx':
382        return 'application/lzx';
383    case 'm':
384        return 'text/plain';
385    case 'm1v':
386        return 'video/mpeg';
387    case 'm2a':
388        return 'audio/mpeg';
389    case 'm2v':
390        return 'video/mpeg';
391    case 'm3u':
392        return 'audio/x-mpequrl';
393    case 'man':
394        return 'application/x-troff-man';
395    case 'map':
396        return 'application/x-navimap';
397    case 'mar':
398        return 'text/plain';
399    case 'mbd':
400        return 'application/mbedlet';
401    case 'mc$':
402        return 'application/x-magic-cap-package-1.0';
403    case 'mcd':
404        return 'application/mcad';
405    case 'mcf':
406        return 'image/vasa';
407    case 'mcp':
408        return 'application/netmc';
409    case 'me':
410        return 'application/x-troff-me';
411    case 'mht':
412        return 'message/rfc822';
413    case 'mhtml':
414        return 'message/rfc822';
415    case 'mid':
416        return 'application/x-midi';
417    case 'midi':
418        return 'audio/midi';
419    case 'mif':
420        return 'application/x-frame';
421    case 'mime':
422        return 'message/rfc822';
423    case 'mjf':
424        return 'audio/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mjuicemediafile';
425    case 'mjpg':
426        return 'video/x-motion-jpeg';
427    case 'mm':
428        return 'application/base64';
429    case 'mme':
430        return 'application/base64';
431    case 'mod':
432        return 'audio/mod';
433    case 'moov':
434        return 'video/quicktime';
435    case 'mov':
436        return 'video/quicktime';
437    case 'movie':
438        return 'video/x-sgi-movie';
439    case 'mp2':
440        return 'video/mpeg';
441    case 'mp3':
442        return 'video/mpeg';
443    case 'mpa':
444        return 'audio/mpeg';
445    case 'mpc':
446        return 'application/x-project';
447    case 'mpe':
448        return 'video/mpeg';
449    case 'mpeg':
450        return 'video/mpeg';
451    case 'mpg':
452        return 'video/mpeg';
453    case 'mpga':
454        return 'audio/mpeg';
455    case 'mpp':
456        return 'application/vnd.ms-project';
457    case 'mpt':
458        return 'application/x-project';
459    case 'mpv':
460        return 'application/x-project';
461    case 'mpx':
462        return 'application/x-project';
463    case 'mrc':
464        return 'application/marc';
465    case 'ms':
466        return 'application/x-troff-ms';
467    case 'mv':
468        return 'video/x-sgi-movie';
469    case 'my':
470        return 'audio/make';
471    case 'mzz':
472        return 'application/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mzz';
473    case 'nap':
474        return 'image/naplps';
475    case 'naplps':
476        return 'image/naplps';
477    case 'nc':
478        return 'application/x-netcdf';
479    case 'ncm':
480        return 'application/vnd.nokia.configuration-message';
481    case 'nif':
482        return 'image/x-niff';
483    case 'niff':
484        return 'image/x-niff';
485    case 'nix':
486        return 'application/x-mix-transfer';
487    case 'nsc':
488        return 'application/x-conference';
489    case 'nvd':
490        return 'application/x-navidoc';
491    case 'o':
492        return 'application/octet-stream';
493    case 'oda':
494        return 'application/oda';
495    case 'omc':
496        return 'application/x-omc';
497    case 'omcd':
498        return 'application/x-omcdatamaker';
499    case 'omcr':
500        return 'application/x-omcregerator';
501    case 'p':
502        return 'text/x-pascal';
503    case 'p10':
504        return 'application/pkcs10';
505    case 'p12':
506        return 'application/pkcs-12';
507    case 'p7a':
508        return 'application/x-pkcs7-signature';
509    case 'p7c':
510        return 'application/pkcs7-mime';
511    case 'p7m':
512        return 'application/pkcs7-mime';
513    case 'p7r':
514        return 'application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp';
515    case 'p7s':
516        return 'application/pkcs7-signature';
517    case 'part':
518        return 'application/pro_eng';
519    case 'pas':
520        return 'text/pascal';
521    case 'pbm':
522        return 'image/x-portable-bitmap';
523    case 'pcl':
524        return 'application/vnd.hp-pcl';
525    case 'pct':
526        return 'image/x-pict';
527    case 'pcx':
528        return 'image/x-pcx';
529    case 'pdb':
530        return 'chemical/x-pdb';
531    case 'pdf':
532        return 'application/pdf';
533    case 'pfunk':
534        return 'audio/make';
535    case 'pgm':
536        return 'image/x-portable-graymap';
537    case 'pic':
538        return 'image/pict';
539    case 'pict':
540        return 'image/pict';
541    case 'pkg':
542        return 'application/x-newton-compatible-pkg';
543    case 'pko':
544        return 'application/vnd.ms-pki.pko';
545    case 'pl':
546        return 'text/plain';
547    case 'plx':
548        return 'application/x-pixclscript';
549    case 'pm':
550        return 'image/x-xpixmap';
551    case 'pm4':
552        return 'application/x-pagemaker';
553    case 'pm5':
554        return 'application/x-pagemaker';
555    case 'png':
556        return 'image/png';
557    case 'pnm':
558        return 'application/x-portable-anymap';
559    case 'pot':
560        return 'application/mspowerpoint';
561    case 'pov':
562        return 'model/x-pov';
563    case 'ppa':
564        return 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint';
565    case 'ppm':
566        return 'image/x-portable-pixmap';
567    case 'pps':
568        return 'application/mspowerpoint';
569    case 'ppt':
570        return 'application/mspowerpoint';
571    case 'ppz':
572        return 'application/mspowerpoint';
573    case 'pre':
574        return 'application/x-freelance';
575    case 'prt':
576        return 'application/pro_eng';
577    case 'ps':
578        return 'application/postscript';
579    case 'psd':
580        return 'application/octet-stream';
581    case 'pvu':
582        return 'paleovu/x-pv';
583    case 'pwz':
584        return 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint';
585    case 'py':
586        return 'text/x-script.phyton';
587    case 'pyc':
588        return 'applicaiton/x-bytecode.python';
589    case 'qcp':
590        return 'audio/vnd.qcelp';
591    case 'qd3':
592        return 'x-world/x-3dmf';
593    case 'qd3d':
594        return 'x-world/x-3dmf';
595    case 'qif':
596        return 'image/x-quicktime';
597    case 'qt':
598        return 'video/quicktime';
599    case 'qtc':
600        return 'video/x-qtc';
601    case 'qti':
602        return 'image/x-quicktime';
603    case 'qtif':
604        return 'image/x-quicktime';
605    case 'ra':
606        return 'audio/x-pn-realaudio';
607    case 'ram':
608        return 'audio/x-pn-realaudio';
609    case 'ras':
610        return 'application/x-cmu-raster';
611    case 'rast':
612        return 'image/cmu-raster';
613    case 'rexx':
614        return 'text/x-script.rexx';
615    case 'rf':
616        return 'image/vnd.rn-realflash';
617    case 'rgb':
618        return 'image/x-rgb';
619    case 'rm':
620        return 'application/vnd.rn-realmedia';
621    case 'rmi':
622        return 'audio/mid';
623    case 'rmm':
624        return 'audio/x-pn-realaudio';
625    case 'rmp':
626        return 'audio/x-pn-realaudio';
627    case 'rng':
628        return 'application/ringing-tones';
629    case 'rnx':
630        return 'application/vnd.rn-realplayer';
631    case 'roff':
632        return 'application/x-troff';
633    case 'rp':
634        return 'image/vnd.rn-realpix';
635    case 'rpm':
636        return 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin';
637    case 'rt':
638        return 'text/richtext';
639    case 'rtf':
640        return 'application/rtf';
641    case 'rtx':
642        return 'text/richtext';
643    case 'rv':
644        return 'video/vnd.rn-realvideo';
645    case 's':
646        return 'text/x-asm';
647    case 's3m':
648        return 'audio/s3m';
649    case 'saveme':
650        return 'application/octet-stream';
651    case 'sbk':
652        return 'application/x-tbook';
653    case 'scm':
654        return 'application/x-lotusscreencam';
655    case 'sdml':
656        return 'text/plain';
657    case 'sdp':
658        return 'application/sdp';
659    case 'sdr':
660        return 'application/sounder';
661    case 'sea':
662        return 'application/sea';
663    case 'set':
664        return 'application/set';
665    case 'sgm':
666        return 'text/sgml';
667    case 'sgml':
668        return 'text/sgml';
669    case 'sh':
670        return 'application/x-bsh';
671    case 'shar':
672        return 'application/x-bsh';
673    case 'shtml':
674        return 'text/html';
675    case 'sid':
676        return 'audio/x-psid';
677    case 'sit':
678        return 'application/x-sit';
679    case 'skd':
680        return 'application/x-koan';
681    case 'skm':
682        return 'application/x-koan';
683    case 'skp':
684        return 'application/x-koan';
685    case 'skt':
686        return 'application/x-koan';
687    case 'sl':
688        return 'application/x-seelogo';
689    case 'smi':
690        return 'application/smil';
691    case 'smil':
692        return 'application/smil';
693    case 'snd':
694        return 'audio/basic';
695    case 'sol':
696        return 'application/solids';
697    case 'spc':
698        return 'application/x-pkcs7-certificates';
699    case 'spl':
700        return 'application/futuresplash';
701    case 'spr':
702        return 'application/x-sprite';
703    case 'sprite':
704        return 'application/x-sprite';
705    case 'src':
706        return 'application/x-wais-source';
707    case 'ssi':
708        return 'text/x-server-parsed-html';
709    case 'ssm':
710        return 'application/streamingmedia';
711    case 'sst':
712        return 'application/vnd.ms-pki.certstore';
713    case 'step':
714        return 'application/step';
715    case 'stl':
716        return 'application/sla';
717    case 'stp':
718        return 'application/step';
719    case 'sv4cpio':
720        return 'application/x-sv4cpio';
721    case 'sv4crc':
722        return 'application/x-sv4crc';
723    case 'svf':
724        return 'image/vnd.dwg';
725    case 'svr':
726        return 'application/x-world';
727    case 'swf':
728        return 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
729    case 't':
730        return 'application/x-troff';
731    case 'talk':
732        return 'text/x-speech';
733    case 'tar':
734        return 'application/x-tar';
735    case 'tbk':
736        return 'application/toolbook';
737    case 'tcl':
738        return 'application/x-tcl';
739    case 'tcsh':
740        return 'text/x-script.tcsh';
741    case 'tex':
742        return 'application/x-tex';
743    case 'texi':
744        return 'application/x-texinfo';
745    case 'texinfo':
746        return 'application/x-texinfo';
747    case 'text':
748        return 'text/plain';
749    case 'tgz':
750        return 'application/x-compressed';
751    case 'tif':
752        return 'image/tiff';
753    case 'tiff':
754        return 'image/tiff';
755    case 'tr':
756        return 'application/x-troff';
757    case 'tsi':
758        return 'audio/tsp-audio';
759    case 'tsp':
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762        return 'text/tab-separated-values';
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768        return 'text/x-uil';
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772        return 'text/uri-list';
773    case 'unv':
774        return 'application/i-deas';
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777    case 'uris':
778        return 'text/uri-list';
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782        return 'application/octet-stream';
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798        return 'video/vivo';
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806        return 'video/vosaic';
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842        return 'application/x-123';
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846        return 'text/vnd.wap.wml';
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851    case 'wmlsc':
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856        return 'application/wordperfect';
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858        return 'application/wordperfect6.0';
859    case 'wp6':
860        return 'application/wordperfect';
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862        return 'application/x-wpwin';
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864        return 'application/x-lotus';
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866        return 'application/mswrite';
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868        return 'model/vrml';
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870        return 'model/vrml';
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872        return 'text/scriplet';
873    case 'wsrc':
874        return 'application/x-wais-source';
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876        return 'application/x-wintalk';
877    case 'xbm':
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880        return 'video/x-amt-demorun';
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885    case 'xl':
886        return 'application/excel';
887    case 'xla':
888        return 'application/excel';
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890        return 'application/excel';
891    case 'xlc':
892        return 'application/excel';
893    case 'xld':
894        return 'application/excel';
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896        return 'application/excel';
897    case 'xll':
898        return 'application/excel';
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900        return 'application/excel';
901    case 'xls':
902        return 'application/excel';
903    case 'xlt':
904        return 'application/excel';
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906        return 'application/excel';
907    case 'xlw':
908        return 'application/excel';
909    case 'xm':
910        return 'audio/xm';
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912        return 'application/xml';
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914        return 'xgl/movie';
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920        return 'image/png';
921    case 'xsr':
922        return 'video/x-amt-showrun';
923    case 'xwd':
924        return 'image/x-xwd';
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926        return 'chemical/x-pdb';
927    case 'z':
928        return 'application/x-compress';
929    case 'zip':
930        return 'application/x-compressed';
931    case 'zoo':
932        return 'application/octet-stream';
933    case 'zsh':
934        return 'text/x-script.zsh';
935    default:
936        return 'application/octet-stream';
937    }