1/* DOKUWIKI:include  packages/exceljs/exceljs.js */
2/* DOKUWIKI:include  packages/xlsx/xlsx.mjs */
3/* DOKUWIKI:include  packages/xlsx/cpexcel.full.mjs */
4/* DOKUWIKI:include  packages/jszip/jszip.js */
5/* DOKUWIKI:include  packages/xmltojson/xmltojson.js */
8    cptable,
9    utils
12function xlsx2dwButtonOnClick() {
13    let input = document.createElement('input');
14    input.type = 'file';
15    input.accept = ".xls,.xlsx,.ods";
16    input.onchange = (e) => parseTableFile(e);
17    input.click();
20function parseTableFile(e) {
21    var file = e.target.files?.[0];
22    if(!file)
23        throw "File is undefined or unselected.";
24    let fileName = file.name;
26    let reader = new FileReader();
27    reader.onload = async function(e) {
28        let formattedTable;
29        switch(fileName.slice(fileName.lastIndexOf(".")+1).toLowerCase()) {
30            case "xlsx":
31                formattedTable = await getFormattedTableFromXLSX(e.target.result);
32                break;
33            case "xls":
34                formattedTable = await getFormattedTableFromXLS(e.target.result);
35                break;
36            case "ods":
37                formattedTable = await getFormattedTableFromODS(e.target.result);
38                break;
39            default:
40                throw "Wrong file format.";
41        }
42        let text = getTextFromFormattedTable(formattedTable);
43        insertTextToDokuWiki(text);
44    };
45    reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);
48function formattedTablePostroutine(table) {
49    let maxCellsPerRow = Math.max(...table.map(row => row.length));
50    table.forEach(row => {
51        while(row.length < maxCellsPerRow)
52            row.push({isEmpty: true});
53    });
54    table.forEach(row => {
55        row.forEach((cell, index) => {
56            row[index] = {
57                value: cell?.value ?? "",
58                isEmpty: cell?.isEmpty ?? false,
59                isMerged: cell?.isMerged ?? false,
60                isMergedFirstColumn: cell?.isMergedFirstColumn ?? false,
62                isBold: cell?.isBold ?? false,
63                isItalic: cell?.isItalic ?? false,
64                isUnderline: cell?.isUnderline ?? false,
65                isStrike: cell?.isStrike ?? false,
66                alignmentHorizontal: cell?.alignmentHorizontal ?? "left",
68                colorFont: (cell?.colorFont && cell.colorFont.length === 7) ? cell.colorFont : "#000000",
69                colorBackground: (cell?.colorBackground && cell.colorBackground.length === 7) ? cell.colorBackground : "#FFFFFF"
70            };
71        });
72    });
75// From ODS to XLSX using the xlsx library
76async function getFormattedTableFromODS(file) {
77    // 1. Present the ODS file as a ZIP archive and get the content.xml file from it.    let zip = new JSZip();
78    await zip.loadAsync(file);
79    let tableStringXML = await zip.files["content.xml"].async('text');
81    // 2. Convert XML string to JSON object.
82    let tableJSON = JSON.parse(xmlToJson(tableStringXML));
84    console.log(tableJSON);
86    // 3. Get cell styles with the required fields as a map object.
87    let styleMap = new Map(tableJSON["office:document-content"]["office:automatic-styles"]["style:style"].map(style => [style["-style:name"], {
88        isBold: (style["style:text-properties"]?.["-fo:font-weight"] === "bold"),
89        isItalic: (style["style:text-properties"]?.["-fo:font-style"] === "italic"),
90        isUnderline: (style["style:text-properties"]?.["-style:text-underline-style"] === "solid"),
91        isStrike: (style["style:text-properties"]?.["-style:text-line-through-style"] === "solid"),
92        alignmentHorizontal: (style["style:paragraph-properties"]?.["-fo:text-align"] === "start") ? "left"
93            : (style["style:paragraph-properties"]?.["-fo:text-align"] === "end") ? "right"
94            : style["style:paragraph-properties"]?.["-fo:text-align"] ?? "left",
95        colorFont: style["style:text-properties"]?.["-fo:color"] ?? "#000000",
96        colorBackground: style["style:table-cell-properties"]?.["-fo:background-color"] ?? "#FFFFFF",
97    }]));
99    // 4. Get the cell data from the JSON object as a two-dimensional array.
100    // To do this, iterate and remake from a non-uniform array
101    // (infinite nesting through the "#item" field is possible) into a two-dimensional one.
102    let table = [];
103    let recursiveCellExportODS = function(row, exportParsedRow) {
104        // a) Check the series for correctness - this is a regular series of non-zero length,
105        // and no indicator at the end of the rows, showing the style at "infinity"
106        // (usually row count over 10^6).
107        if((Number(row["-table:number-rows-repeated"]) || 1) > 10**6)
108            return;
109        row = [].concat(...[row["table:covered-table-cell"], row["table:table-cell"]].map(row => {
110            if(row === undefined)
111                return [];
112            if(!Array.isArray(row))
113                return [row];
114            return row;
115        }));
116        if(row.length === 0)
117            return;
118        // b) For each cell in the array.
119        row.forEach(cell => {
120            if(cell["#item"] !== undefined) {
121                // c) "#item" can be any depth, so
122                // recursively call the function on this object.
123                recursiveCellExportODS(cell["#item"], exportParsedRow);
124            } else if(
125                // d) If it's a regular cell, not an indicator at the end of the array (see point a).
126                ((cell["-self-closing"] !== undefined) || (cell["-office:value-type"] !== undefined)) &&
127                ((Number(cell["-table:number-columns-repeated"]) || 1) < 10**3)
128            ) {
129                exportParsedRow.push(cell);
130            }
131        });
132    };
133    tableJSON["office:document-content"]["office:body"]["office:spreadsheet"]["table:table"]["table:table-row"].forEach((row => {
134        let parsedRow = [];
135        recursiveCellExportODS(row, parsedRow);
136        table.push(parsedRow);
137    }));
138    // 5. Remove extreme empty lines.
139    while((table.length > 0) && (table[table.length-1].length === 0))
140        table.pop();
142    // 6. Allocate the necessary data for Dokuwiki.
143    let formattedTable = [];
144    table.forEach((row, rowIndex) => {
145        // Существует ли уже такой ряд? Если нет, то внести в массив рядов.
146        // Поскольку номера рядов не уменьшаются, то считаю допустимым
147        // использовать push НОВОГО пустого массива.
148        if(formattedTable[rowIndex] === undefined)
149            formattedTable.push(new Array(0));
150        row.forEach((cell, columnIndex) => {
151            if(formattedTable[rowIndex]?.[columnIndex] !== undefined) {
152                // a) A cell has already been written at this position as a result of additions.
153                // (see implementation below in "c").
154                return;
155            }
156            let mergedColumns = Number(cell["-table:number-columns-spanned"]) || 1;
157            let mergedRows = Number(cell["-table:number-rows-spanned"]) || 1;
158            if((mergedColumns === 1) && (mergedRows === 1)) {
159                // b) Single cell.
160                formattedTable[rowIndex][columnIndex] = {
161                    ...{
162                        value: cell["text:p"] ?? "",
163                        isEmpty: !cell["text:p"],
164                        isMerged: false,
165                        isMergedFirstColumn: false
166                    },
167                    ...(styleMap.get(cell["-table:style-name"]) ?? {})
168                };
169            } else {
170                // c) The remaining option is a merged cell.
171                // It is necessary to write the merged cells according to the corresponding indices
172                // to the right and bottom of the main cell.
173                for(let i = 0; i < mergedRows; i++) {
174                    if(formattedTable[rowIndex+i] === undefined)
175                        formattedTable.push(new Array(0));
176                    for(let j = 0; j < mergedColumns; j++) {
177                        formattedTable[rowIndex+i][columnIndex+j] = {
178                            ...{
179                                value: (i+j === 0) ? (cell["text:p"] ?? "") : "",
180                                isEmpty: (i+j === 0) ? !cell["text:p"] : true,
181                                isMerged: true,
182                                isMergedFirstColumn: (j === 0)
183                            },
184                            ...(styleMap.get(cell["-table:style-name"]) ?? {})
185                        };
186                    }
187                }
188            }
189        });
190    });
191    formattedTablePostroutine(formattedTable);
192    return formattedTable;
195// From XLS to XLSX using the xlsx library
196async function getFormattedTableFromXLS(file) {
197    /**
198      There should be a function here
199      turns XLS into a formatted table
200      with styles. For now, there will be a challenge already
201      existing function for XLSX after conversion
202      to this format, with the loss of styles.
203     */
204    let xlsxWorkbook = XLSX.read(file);
205    let xlsxRawTable = XLSX.write(xlsxWorkbook, {type: 'binary', bookType: 'xlsx'});
206    return await getFormattedTableFromXLSX(xlsxRawTable);
209// Works with the ExcelJS library
210async function getFormattedTableFromXLSX(file) {
211    // 1. Open the XLSX table.
212    let workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook();
213    await workbook.xlsx.load(file);
214    let worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0];
215    let formattedTable = [];
217    // 1.1. Save from the table today about colors.
218    // This is needed for cases where the color was selected
219    // from the suggested color themes.
220    let themesXML = workbook._themes?.theme1 ?? "";
221    let themesJSON = JSON.parse(xmlToJson(themesXML));
222    let colorsJSON = Object.values(themesJSON
223        ?.["a:theme"]
224        ?.["a:themeElements"]
225        ?.["a:clrScheme"] ?? {})
226        .map((item) => {
227            let color = item["a:srgbClr"]?.["-val"]
228                ?? item["a:sysClr"]?.["-lastClr"]
229                ?? undefined;
230            if(!!color)
231                color = "#" + color;
232            return color;
233        }).slice(1);
235    // 1.2. A function to define a color.
236    // It's easier to declare and describe it here,
237    // so as not to write a lot in paragraphs 2a, 2b.
238    function getColorXLSX(cell, type) {
239        switch(type) {
240            case "font":
241                let fontStyle = cell.style.font?.color;
242                if(fontStyle?.argb)
243                    return "#" + (cell.style.font.color.argb.slice(2) || "000000");
244                if(fontStyle?.theme !== undefined) {
245                    if(fontStyle.theme === 0)
246                        return "#000000";
247                    return colorsJSON[fontStyle.theme];
248                }
249                return undefined;
250            default:
251            case "background":
252                let fgStyle = cell.style.fill?.fgColor;
253                if(fgStyle?.argb)
254                    return "#" + (cell.style.fill?.fgColor?.argb?.slice(2) || "FFFFFF");
255                if(fgStyle?.theme !== undefined) {
256                    if(fgStyle.theme === 0)
257                        return "#FFFFFF";
258                    return colorsJSON[fgStyle.theme];
259                }
260                return undefined;
261        }
262    }
264    // 2. Walk through all the cells in the table and extract the necessary data for Dokuwiki.
265    worksheet.eachRow(function(row, rowNumber) {
266        // Fill the table with empty rows
267        while(formattedTable.length < rowNumber-1)
268            formattedTable.push([]);
269        let formattedRow = [];
270        row._cells.forEach(function(cell, colNumber) {
271            // Fill the line with empty cells
272            while(formattedRow.length < colNumber)
273                formattedRow.push({isEmpty: true});
274            // Consider the cell
275            let formattedCell = {};
276            if(!cell.isMerged) {
277                // a) If it's a regular cell with data
278                formattedCell = {
279                    value: cell.value ?? "",
280                    isEmpty: !cell.value?.length,
281                    isMerged: false,
282                    isMergedFirstColumn: false,
284                    isBold: cell.style.font?.bold || false,
285                    isItalic: cell.style.font?.italic || false,
286                    isUnderline: cell.style.font?.underline || false,
287                    isStrike: cell.style.font?.strike || false,
288                    alignmentHorizontal: cell.style?.alignment?.horizontal || "left",
290                    colorFont: getColorXLSX(cell, "font"),
291                    colorBackground: getColorXLSX(cell, "background")
292                };
293            } else if((cell?._mergeCount ?? 0) > 0) {
294                // b) If _mergeCount > 0, then this is the main cell
295                formattedCell = {
296                    value: cell.value ?? "",
297                    isEmpty: false,     // To distinguish main from attached on main column
298                    isMerged: true,
299                    isMergedFirstColumn: true,
301                    isBold: cell.style.font?.bold || false,
302                    isItalic: cell.style.font?.italic || false,
303                    isUnderline: cell.style.font?.underline || false,
304                    isStrike: cell.style.font?.strike || false,
305                    alignmentHorizontal: cell.style?.alignment?.horizontal || "left",
307                    colorFont: getColorXLSX(cell, "font"),
308                    colorBackground: getColorXLSX(cell, "background")
309                };
310            } else if(formattedTable[rowNumber-2]?.[colNumber]?.isMergedFirstColumn) {
311                // c) If the cell is in the main column
312                formattedCell = {
313                    isEmpty: true,
314                    isMerged: true,
315                    isMergedFirstColumn: true,
316                };
317            } else {
318                // d) The last option - the cell is not in the main column
319                formattedCell = {
320                    isEmpty: true,
321                    isMerged: true,
322                    isMergedFirstColumn: false,
323                };
324            }
325            formattedRow.push(formattedCell);
326        });
327        formattedTable.push(formattedRow);
328    });
329    formattedTablePostroutine(formattedTable);
330    return formattedTable;
333function setStyle(cell) {
334    let styledCell = cell.value;
336    if (cell.isBold) styledCell = `**${styledCell}**`;
337    if (cell.isItalic) styledCell = `\/\/${styledCell}\/\/`;
338    if (cell.isUnderline) styledCell = `__${styledCell}__`;
339    if (cell.isStrike) styledCell = `<del>${styledCell}</del>`;
341    if (cell.isMerged) {
342        if (cell.isMergedFirstColumn) {
343            if (!cell.isEmpty) return '  ' + styledCell + '  ';
344            else return ':::';
345        } else {
346            return '';
347        }
348    }
350    if (!cell.value && !cell.isMerged) {
351        return ' ';
352    }
354    switch(cell.alignmentHorizontal) {
355        case "left":
356            styledCell = styledCell + '  ';
357            break;
358        case "center":
359            styledCell = '  ' + styledCell + '  ';
360            break;
361        case "right":
362            styledCell = '  ' + styledCell;
363            break;
364    }
365    return styledCell;
368// Output styles.
369function getTextFromFormattedTable(formattedTable) {
370    return formattedTable
371        .map(formattedRow => {
372            return "|" +
373            formattedRow
374                .map((cell) => setStyle(cell))
375                .join("|") +
376            "|";
377        }).join("\n");
380function insertTextToDokuWiki(text) {
381    let textArea = jQuery('#wiki__text');
382    let cursorPosition = textArea[0].selectionStart || 0;
383    let sourceText = textArea.val();
384    textArea.val(
385        sourceText.slice(0, cursorPosition) +
386        text +
387        sourceText.slice(cursorPosition)
388    );
389    return;
392jQuery(document).ready(() => {
393    jQuery('#xlsx2dw_btn').click(() => {
394        xlsx2dwButtonOnClick();
395    });