1 <?php 2 3 define('DOKU_INC', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../../../../'); 4 require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/init.php'); 5 session_write_close(); 6 7 class xcom_save { 8 private $helper; 9 private $get_media_file = 'wiki.getAttachment'; 10 private $mediaArray; 11 private $get_page = 'wiki.getPage'; 12 private $save_media_file = 'wiki.putAttachment'; 13 private $save_page = 'wiki.putPage'; 14 private $remoteClient; 15 private $localClient; 16 private $page; 17 private $data_buffer; 18 private $user; 19 20 function __construct($local_auth,$remote_auth,$page) { 21 $err = ""; 22 $this->helper = plugin_load('helper', 'xcom'); 23 24 $this->page = $page; 25 26 if(!$this->page) { 27 $this->msg('nopage'); 28 exit; 29 } 30 $secs = 25; 31 while(!($this->localClient = $this->ini_clients($local_auth,true))) { 32 if((time() - $time_start ) > $secs ) { 33 break; 34 } 35 usleep(50); 36 } 37 if(!$this->localClient) { 38 $err .= $this->msg('nolocal',1); 39 } 40 $time_start = time(); 41 while(!($this->remoteClient = $this->ini_clients($remote_auth))) { 42 if((time() - $time_start ) > $secs ) { 43 break; 44 } 45 usleep(50); 46 } 47 if(!$this->remoteClient) { 48 $err .= $this->msg('noremote',1); 49 } 50 if($err) { 51 $err .= $this->msg('chkauth',1); 52 echo "$err\n"; 53 exit; 54 } 55 56 $this->msg('success'); 57 58 /*possible to query and save a single media id instead of a page id */ 59 if($this->is_media_id($page)) { 60 $this->getMediaFile($page); 61 $this->logoff(); 62 exit; 63 } 64 65 } 66 67 function msg($which, $ret=false, $nl="\n") { 68 if($ret) return $this->helper->getLang($which) . $nl; 69 echo $this->helper->getLang($which) . $nl; 70 } 71 72 function ini_clients($credentials,$local=false) { 73 if(is_string($credentials)) { 74 $credentials = json_decode($credentials); 75 if($credentials instanceof stdClass) { 76 if($local) $this->user = $credentials->user; 77 return $this->xcom_connect($credentials->url,$credentials->user,$credentials->pwd ,0); 78 } 79 } 80 if(is_array($credentials)) { 81 if($local) $this->user = $credentials['user']; 82 return $this->xcom_connect($credentials['url'],$credentials['user'],$credentials['pwd'] ,0); 83 } 84 return false; 85 } 86 function is_media_id($id) { 87 if(preg_match('/\.(\w{3,4})$/',$id,$matches)) { 88 echo "$id ". $this->msg('ismedia',1," " . $matches[1] . "\n"); 89 90 91 return true; 92 } 93 return false; 94 95 } 96 function processMediaArray() { 97 if(!$this->mediaArray) $this->getMedia(); 98 if(!is_array($this->mediaArray)) { 99 $this->msg('nomedia',0, " $this->page.\n"); 100 return; 101 } 102 $this->msg('reqmedia'); 103 foreach($this->mediaArray as $mfile) { 104 $this->getMediaFile($mfile); 105 } 106 } 107 108 function getMediaFile($mfile) { 109 $this->data_buffer = ""; 110 $this->xcom_get_data( 'wiki.getAttachment',$this->remoteClient,true, array($mfile)); 111 if($this->data_buffer) { 112 if(is_array($this->data_buffer)) { 113 echo print_r($this->data_buffer,true); 114 } 115 else { 116 echo "$mfile " . $this->msg('fsize',true,"") . " " . strlen($this->data_buffer) ."\n"; 117 $this->saveMediaFile($mfile); 118 } 119 } 120 echo "\n"; 121 } 122 123 124 function getPage() { 125 $auth = $this->xcom_get_data( 'wiki.aclCheck',$this->localClient,false,array($this->page)); 126 127 if($auth < 4) { 128 $this->msg('noperm',false," $this->page\n"); 129 $this->logoff(); 130 exit; 131 } 132 echo $this->page . "\n"; 133 $this->data_buffer = ""; 134 $this->xcom_get_data( 'wiki.getPage',$this->remoteClient,true, array($this->page)); 135 if(is_array($this->data_buffer)) { 136 echo print_r($this->data_buffer,true); 137 exit; 138 } 139 usleep(100); 140 $this->savePage(); 141 } 142 function savePage() { 143 $resp = $this->xcom_get_data( 'wiki.putPage',$this->localClient,false, array($this->page,$this->data_buffer,array('sum'=>'imported'))); 144 145 if(!$resp) { 146 $this->msg('noimport',false," $this->page\n"); 147 $this->logoff(); 148 exit; 149 } 150 $this->msg('imported',false," $this->page\n"); 151 152 } 153 154 function getMedia() { 155 $this->mediaArray=$this->xcom_get_data( 'plugin.xcom.getMedia',$this->remoteClient); 156 } 157 158 private function xcom_get_data($task,$client,$use_buffer=false, $params="") { 159 160 if(!$params) { 161 if($params === false) { 162 $params = array($task); 163 } 164 else $params = array($task,$this->page); 165 } 166 else { 167 array_unshift($params,$task); 168 } 169 170 $secs = 5; 171 $time_start = time(); 172 while(!($resp = call_user_func_array(array($client,"query"),$params))){ 173 if($resp) echo "resp=$resp\n"; 174 if((time() - $time_start ) > $secs ) { 175 break; 176 } 177 usleep(50); 178 } 179 180 if($use_buffer) { 181 $this->data_buffer = $client->getResponse(); 182 return; 183 } 184 185 return $client->getResponse(); 186 } 187 188 function saveMediaFile($id) { 189 $auth = $this->xcom_get_data( 'wiki.aclCheck',$this->localClient,false,array($id)); 190 191 if($auth < 8) { 192 $this->msg('uploadperm',false," $id\n"); 193 return; 194 } 195 196 global $conf; 197 $ftmp = $conf['tmpdir'] . '/' . md5($id.clientIP()); 198 // save temporary file 199 @unlink($ftmp); 200 io_saveFile($ftmp, $this->data_buffer); 201 $this->media_save($ftmp,$id,$auth); 202 } 203 204 function media_save($file_name,$id,$auth=255) { 205 $file = array('name'=>$file_name); 206 $ow = false; 207 $move='rename'; 208 209 $res = media_save($file, $id, $ow, $auth, $move) ; 210 if(is_array($res)) { 211 print_r($res); 212 } 213 else $this->msg('msave',false," $id\n"); 214 } 215 216 function xcom_connect($url,$user,$pwd, $debug=false) { 217 $url = rtrim($url,'/') . '/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php'; 218 $client = new IXR_Client($url); 219 $client->debug = $debug; // enable for debugging 220 221 $resp = $client->query('dokuwiki.login',$user,$pwd); 222 $ok = $client->getResponse(); 223 224 if($ok) return $client; 225 return false; 226 } 227 function logoff() { 228 229 $this->msg('logoff'); 230 $resp =$this->xcom_get_data( 'dokuwiki.getVersion',$this->localClient,false,false); 231 $this->msg('localdw', false," $resp\n"); 232 preg_match('/(\d+)-\d+-\d+/',$resp,$matches); 233 if($matches[1] >= 2014) { 234 $this->msg('logoff',false, " $resp\n"); 235 $this->xcom_get_data( 'dokuwiki.logoff',$this->localClient,false,false); 236 } 237 else $this->msg('nologoff'); 238 239 $resp =$this->xcom_get_data( 'dokuwiki.getVersion',$this->remoteClient,false,false); 240 $this->msg('remotedw', false," $resp\n"); 241 preg_match('/(\d+)-\d+-\d+/',$resp,$matches); 242 if($matches[1] >= 2014) { 243 $this->msg('logoff',false, " $resp\n"); 244 $this->xcom_get_data( 'dokuwiki.logoff',$this->remoteClient,false,false); 245 } 246 else $this->msg('nologoff'); 247 } 248 } 249 global $INPUT; 250 251 $xcom=new xcom_save($INPUT->post->str('local'),$INPUT->post->str('remote'),$INPUT->post->str('id')); 252 $xcom->getPage(); 253 $xcom->getMedia() ; 254 $xcom->processMediaArray(); 255 $xcom->logoff(); 256 echo "\n"; 257 flush(); 258